In this packed episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Shinji becomes trapped inside a mysterious void-like Angel. We explore the symbolism and character development, and wonder about the mysterious nature of the EVAs. Also, Spencer has trouble in a Costco line, Kevin goes to his Good Place, and Ryan and Jeff clean up in Spencer's trivia contest.
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Spencer and Kevin sell out in this ad packed extravaganza. In the short gaps between the ads, we talk about cooking, the US healthcare system, try soda, do some analysis and read some viewer emails.
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Now That’s What I Call Happens! Volume 6! Spencer ate too much thanksgiving food and is paying "The Pilgrim's Price." So enjoy this rehash of old bits from That Happens! It’ll have you saying "Now That’s What I Call Happens!"
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Spencer is dealing with the aftermath of the election, the future of democracy and the potential economic collapse. Kevin's dealing with stuff too, like trying bone marrow and remembering the old Joe Rogan.
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Comedian and visual artist Mary Houlihan drops by to talk about the evolution of comedy in the social media era, her beauty school backup plan, the New York comedy scene, and her role in the world of painting parties. Spencer wonders if his draw to podcasting was an attempt to replace missing family connections, and Mary comes closer than anyone to figuring out Kevin's deal.
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Spencer, Kevin, Ryan, and Jeff dive deep into a revelatory episode of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Shinji visits his mother's grave with his emotionally distant father Gendo. Misato and Kaji rekindle old flames after a wedding. And in a shocking twist, Kaji discovers a horrific secret deep in Nerv's bowels. We speculate on the disturbing implications as the show's mythos takes a dark turn. Plus, astrology hijinks, black olive soda incentives, and a crazy message from Spenpai!
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In this chaotic episode, Spencer and Kevin are in the same room?! We try sour candy with an incredible amount of lore, Spencer talks movies, gives Kevin a gift, and we touch on robot taxis, Spencer's new job and petrified forests.
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"Community" and "Victorious" actor and all around great guy Darsan Solomon joins the show to talk about his acting and writing journey, improv, how to become a strike captain, and Dan Harmon's story circle.
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No One Can Know About This hosts Jeff Eckman and Ryan Kasmiskie are back again to discuss what may be Evangelion's most budget conscious episode so far. Can a show pull off a clip show only 14 episodes in, or is this a framing device for something deeper? Does the show's sense of conveying the emotional impact and loss of a sense of self hold up? Kevin does a book report on the first episode of Death Note, too.
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This week's guest is Joseph Lepore from the Rude Tales of Magic podcast who shares his story from acting to comedy to DMing and even lets slip his cookie recipe secrets. Kevin tries to help Spencer's Patreon by drinking enchilada juice. Spencer bought a pool noodle.... you won't believe what he does with it!
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This week Spencer and Kevin go deep into the world of Magic: The Gathering, dissecting the recent controversy surrounding the banning of certain cards and the subsequent fallout. They also sip on some peculiar sodas, including the elusive Oreo Coke Zero and a haunted apple Fanta, while reminiscing about the good old days of diet sodas and the unique flavors of their youth. Spencer pitches a Magic: The Gathering-themed show inspired by Yu-Gi-Oh!, and the duo tackles listener mail, offering insights on everything from Portland's charm to the intricacies of getting your foot in the door with big companies. All this, plus a nostalgic commercial break, makes for a flavor-packed episode you won't want to miss!
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