Church Sound Podcast


Discussions and topics relevant to the house of worship sound community. Mixing techniques, IEM setup, building teamwork, and more. Between the technical aspects and the human aspects -- that's where church audio techs live. Host Samantha Potter is co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s available online. Reach her via email at [email protected].

  • 35 minutes 49 seconds
    108. Fixing Distortion

    In Episode 108, James and Gary talk audio distortion, as in, where it comes from and how to fix it. The offer straightforward approaches that can mitigate most distortion issues, and they also discuss a few scenarios where distortion can actually be a good thing. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years. 

    19 December 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 38 minutes 15 seconds
    107. Wireless 101

    In Episode 107, James and Gary discuss the ins and outs of wireless/RF technology. When it comes to wireless systems, it’s important to think about your specific needs in advance, the RF environment, antenna type/placement, and more. The hosts also share helpful tricks and tips to simplify in-ear monitor set up and use. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    4 December 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 54 minutes 51 seconds
    106. Orchestral Instruments

    In Episode 106, James and Gary discuss orchestral instruments — with a wide variety of instruments comes a wide variety of different tones and challenges. Ways to incorporate them effectively into a mix include using certain microphones, spacing of sections and/or individual instruments, putting up barriers, and more. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    20 November 2024, 8:00 pm
  • 55 minutes 42 seconds
    105. Getting Optimal Results With Choirs

    In Episode 105, James and Gary discuss ways to work with and mix a choir. As with the vocals of the choir itself, it’s all about balance. What mics are being used, where are they placed, and the size of the choir are all factors to consider. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    6 November 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 50 minutes 20 seconds
    104. Leveling Up (Education)

    In Episode 104, James and Gary discuss ways to take your audio knowledge to the next level. A big part of expanding skillsets and understanding is to be a sponge: communicate and network, strive for new and better ways to do things, be open to any and all information, and more. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Episode Links:
    Mixing Audio – Roey Izhaki
    Bobby Owsinski Books

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    25 October 2024, 3:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 33 seconds
    103. Feedback

    In Episode 103, James and Gary discuss everything feedback — the audio type of feedback — including what it is, how to avoid it, and key aspects such as gain before feedback, loudspeaker and microphone placement, and more. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years. 

    9 October 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 45 minutes 35 seconds
    102. Learning A New Console

    In Episode 102, James and Gary discuss ways to learn and understand a new console. Different consoles and manufacturers have different configurations, so it’s important and helpful to learn not only the base layout but the different ways to accomplish tasks. Taking the time to learn the “ins and outs” of any console, especially a new one, helps us be better prepared for anything thrown our way. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    27 September 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 49 minutes 6 seconds
    101. Monitor Mixing

    In Episode 101, James and Gary dive into mixing monitors, including a key aspect of finding the right balance to give artists a reference so they can blend and level themselves within the band. They also talk about the differences between stage wedges and in-ear monitors (IEMs). The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    11 September 2024, 7:00 pm
  • 56 minutes 21 seconds
    100. Immersive Audio, Part 2

    In Episode 100, co-hosts James and Gary are joined by Luke Vogel for a deeper dive into immersive audio. Luke shares his past of working at houses of worship and how it led him to his current work with immersive audio at Fulcrum Immersive. Like most technological advancements, immersive audio is becoming more accessible and affordable, and may something to consider when choosing a new sound system or making upgrades to an existing one. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    Co-host James Attaway is the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    28 August 2024, 6:00 pm
  • 40 minutes 21 seconds
    99. Vision For The Mix

    In Episode 99, James and Gary take a step back and discuss how to find and implement an overall vision for a mix. Vision isn’t always about loudness, it’s more about feel: how do we want people to receive the message and how do we match the overall tone of the service? It can vary depending on the day so it’s important before touching faders to think about the type of service, song selections, worship leaders insight, and the overall environment and message being shared. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    14 August 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 47 minutes 32 seconds
    98. Gates & Triggers

    In Episode 98, James and Gary discuss gates and triggers — what they are and how to use them. They come in handy as tools that help not only control how much sound is being let in, but when. For example, if we’re using multiple microphones, we don’t always want every sound being picked up — enter gates and triggers that let us set parameters so the system knows when we don’t want sound, when we do, and how much. The Church Sound Podcast is sponsored by DiGiCo and Electro-Voice.

    Check out co-host James Attaway’s new worship audio academy at, and also visit our new Instagram page @churchsoundpodcast.

    James is also the author of the Live Mixing Field Guide, a quick-start guide to EQ, compression and effects. Find more from James on the Attaway Audio YouTube Channel and at Reach him on IG @attawayaudio or contact him via email here.

    Co-host Gary Zandstra has worked in church production as an AV systems integrator and as a manufacturer’s rep for more than 35 years.

    Co-host Samantha Potter is also co-lead instructor with Church Sound University — a training program tailored specifically for worship audio techs that’s now also available online. Reach her via LinkedIn, on IG @potteraudio, or contact her via email here email.

    31 July 2024, 1:00 pm
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