Building Your Business with doTERRA-Empowered Success

doTERRA International LLC.

  • 34 minutes
    How Can I Build My Personal Online Space?

    dōTERRA Diamond Mandy Sommers didn't start out with an online presence. But when circumstances called for one, she rose to the occasion and is here with Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation, to share her wisdom for using your online space to build your business. Mandy and Saimoni discuss how you can build your own personal brand, find online platforms you jive with, and even point out methods you maybe haven't considered before. It's a process that requires a big vision, lots of time, and being true to yourself. If you want to learn how to reach more people than ever before with your business, don't miss this episode!

    12 September 2024, 6:00 am
  • 10 minutes 57 seconds
    Bring Your dōTERRA Family Together with Leadership Programs

    Audrey Lee, a spirited Diamond from Chicago IL has been with dōTERRA since 2012 and in this podcast, she shares her wisdom on building a strong dōTERRA family with Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation. She loves bringing people together that she can inspire, and that inspire her back! Audrey believes that there's no better way to bring your dōTERRA family together than dōTERRA leadership programs. If you're looking to qualify for the Incentive Trip, Leadership, Diamond or Silver club, this episode is your reminder to reach out to your dōTERRA family, and work toward success together!

    5 September 2024, 10:28 pm
  • 15 minutes 7 seconds
    Enroll Higher Than Ever with Diamond Club

    Join the infectious energy of dōTERRA Diamond Club veteran, Tricia Weiss in this heartfelt, jazzed up episode with Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation at dōTERRA. Tricia is on her fourth year of doing Diamond Club and she talks about why she has so much enthusiasm for the leadership program. Her belief in herself and others is contagious as she shares how to lead with genuine love and build a fast-growing business at the same time. Whether you're actively participating in Diamond Club, or thinking about qualifying next year, this episode is what you need to boost your energy and refresh your motivation.

    29 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 28 minutes 51 seconds
    Make Your Business Explode with Refer a Friend

    Ever wondered what genius came up with Refer a Friend? This amazing program allows your Wholesale Customers to share dōTERRA effortlessly, and according to Sondra Kahawai, Global Leadership Experience Director at dōTERRA, you can even use it to find potential builders who would otherwise be too intimidated to share products. Join Sondra as she sits down with Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation, to discuss the origin story of Refer a Friend, its incredible success, and ways you can use it to make your team growth explode. They even share stats that will blow your mind! Trust us, this is an episode that can't be missed.

    22 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 22 minutes 41 seconds
    Use dōTERRA Events to Empower Your Mindset

    Have you ever felt like your business is in a slump, only to realize that your mindset is the problem? Dr. Ashley Anderson shares her thoughts on the power of self-care and community with Saimoni Lesu, Vice President of creative innovation in this inspiring episode. To Dr. Anderson, events allow you to step outside your own mind and fill your cup with the wisdom and energy of others. She shares many reasons how this helps focus your mindset, and why it's so key for building a thriving business. Listen for more tips from Dr. Anderson on how to use your resources and strengths to help your business reach its full potential!

    15 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 30 minutes 49 seconds
    How to Get Out of Your Own Way

    We've all heard that at dōTERRA, everything starts with "we," but Ruth Gough, dōTERRA leader, tells us that before you can get to "we," you need to start with "me." Ruth joins Saimoni Lesu, senior director at dōTERRA, to discuss the proper mindset you need as a Wellness Advocate and the excitement that comes from putting your whole heart into your business. Ruth proves that when your goal is to change lives, first, and you take radical responsibility for your own life, you create a tidal wave of impact. Listen and find inspiration that will make you excited to get out of bed every day and make the world a better place!

    8 August 2024, 6:00 am
  • 29 minutes 25 seconds
    Never Stop Using the Business Building Guide

    Presidential Diamond Nicole Moultrie joins Siamoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation at dōTERRA to praise the Business Building Guide. Whether you're a Diamond, or a brand-new member, Nicole emphasizes that there is something in the Business Building Guide for you. She describes it as the toolbox for learning good business strategies and urges everyone to use it, train on it, and love it. The best part is the BBG is completely FREE to download! So, what are you waiting for? Listen to this inspiring episode, download the BBG, and never go another day without using it in your business.

    25 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 26 minutes 38 seconds
    Why I Build with dōTERRA

    Get back to why you love dōTERRA through this charming episode with Blue Diamond, and US Founder 2.0 Amy Fullmer. Amy tells Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation at dōTERRA, how she discovered dōTERRA during a personal quest to find a direct sales company that has integrity, incredible financial opportunity, and a goal to improve the world. Her belief in herself and others is contagious as she gives tips on how to create powerful events, build strong leaders, and have the right mindset. Listen and remember why you joined dōTERRA, then channel your enthusiasm into building a business to match your energy.

    18 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 11 minutes 49 seconds
    Special Interview with Bonnie Erbe: dōTERRA Healing Hands Rose Award Winner

    Doing good is its own reward. But on this special podcast episode, Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation at dōTERRA, joins Bonne Erbe to find out how her service driven perspective as an Impact Advocate also won her the dōTERRA Healing Hands Rose Award. Listen to her captivating story and find out how you can use the dōTERRA Match Program to make an equally incredible difference in your own community!


    11 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 21 minutes 8 seconds
    What Can Diamond Club Offer Me?

    12In this episode, dōTERRA Diamond Alena Pidgurskyy, who is originally from Russia, joins Samioni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation at dōTERRA, to share how doing Diamond Club has helped her fulfill her dream of building a community of likeminded, wellness-lovers. Alena believes that no matter what, there is always something to gain from doing Diamond Club, whether it's rank advancement, a cash reward, a spot on the incentive trip, or even just lessons learned! Listen and take notes to find out why giving Diamond Club everything you've got is the best thing you can do for your business.

    4 July 2024, 6:00 am
  • 23 minutes 53 seconds
    Leader Events: Turn Beliefs into Fruitful Actions

    Reid Hughes, doTERRA Diamond, joins Saimoni Lesu, senior director of creative innovation at doTERRA, to instill belief in leadership programs. Reid has been doing the business for over a decade and he's seen over and over again that both the products and the compensation plan work. His great example and mentorship start with belief. In this episode, he encourages you to learn and listen first, then invest in yourself and this business and develop lifelong habits. If you're searching for inspiration today, this episode is for you!

    27 June 2024, 6:00 am
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