Four Doctor Who Podcasts from award winning comedian Toby Hadoke Happy Times and Places - commentaries Indefinable Magic - whimsical essays Too Much Information - hardcore episode-by-episode facts (Far) Too Much Information - even more hardcore
Here we go folks - a crashing plane, World War II, Ada Lovelace with a machine gun. Lovely Joe Ford encourages host Toby Hadoke to stop worrying and learn to love the Chibnall era ... and Toby tries very hard. How he does ansd if he succeeds... well, that is up to you :) There's certainly plenty to talk and think about though: especially when some of Joe's favourite things are your host's least favourite. Is it all gonna kick off, or will they just stop it all to sit down and talk through their problems?
At length.
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
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Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho #newdoctorwho
Hapy New Year! Seems appropriate to open the New Year with a season opener - and one first broadcast at his time of year. In Toby years this is a very modern epsiode too - even though it is now (gulp) 5 years old this week!
The lovely Joe Ford takes a sabbatical from his brilliant Hamster with a Blunt Penknife podcast to visit the place of happy times. But he's only gone and chosen a story from an era that your host (a) doesn't know that well and (b) struggles with. So this is going to be quite a task. So don your tux and change your identity, we're going into deep cover to try to extoll the virtues of Spyfall, which will hopefully be a case of "Yes, Doctor" and not "Doctor - NO!"
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho #newdoctorwho
A classic Doctor Who story which has been chosen by a key figure in the show's animantion range - Martin Geraghty. What will Martin draw inspiration from to celebrate about this moody, spooky, sometimes darkly funny story? Anyway, this is a good one - a terrific story that host Toby Hadoke has a lot of fun revisiting. And as ever the Omnibus has new opening and closing sections - probably only about 2% of the entire running time but at least it shows these aren't just cobbled together and provides something new if you listened to the episodic version.
#doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
The very idea of Happy Times and Places is to banish all the humbuggery from Doctor Who discourse, so this seems an ideal episode to chose: and the time of year does it no harm either. Jason Thompson, a veteran of other estimable Who podcasts, is a fine advocate for this Christmas Special which, you host has to admit (grudgingly), he has never really had at the top of his festive watch list. Will his visitor present him with enough glimpses into the past to influence his present and change his future feelings about this tale of redemption, or will he just say "Bah" and close my doors to all of his positivity? Well: watch, listen and learn...
And, incidentally of course, a Happy Christmas to all of you at home...
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho #newdoctorwho
Human beings are always seeing patterns in things that aren't there aren't they? And Doctor Who fans are a particularly pattern-inlcined subset of the species. We mark our lives by dates, and by Doctor Who, and so certain Doctor Who dates bear a significance just to us - it's all part of our unique relationship with the show.
This is about that, and hopefully has some jokes in it too.
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
#doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho
A story that means a great deal to the host of this podcast has its praises sung by the most musical of advocates, Jess Jurkovic, the leading expert on Dudley Simpson scores. There has to be some guesswork here, as Fury is sadly missing from the archives, but these acts of the imagination are what being a Doctor Who fan is all about aren't they. So pour yourself a bubble bath and if you see weed, well, don't forget to scream. (See weed, seaweed, geddit?).
And so it's the end of an era, but there are some greatest hits to fit in first. But will any of these greatest hits become greatest bits for your host Toby Hadoke and his special guest, Hollyoaks star Annie Wallace. Spiders! Chases! Buddhism! One thing is crystal clear, this is a story which provokes a lot of conversation, but can Toby be positive about a story he has previously found difficult to love ... will he emerge a new man by the end?
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
Happy 61st Anniversary!
There are many brilliant Doctor Who podcasts out there (do check them out) but I defy any of them to have celebrated the anniversary in this manner. An epic commentary - positive, of course - of an anniversary flavoured Doctor Who story with a lengthy, charming and insightful set of exclusive audio snippets from one of its key contributors. It's unlikely to be the story you expect and the special guest doesn't usually do interviews - so strap yourselves in and celebrate Who-day in a as unique and left field manner as possible. I can't promise it will be sensible, and yet...
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
Another episode of Doctor Who gets the deep dive treatment. This one again has no William Hartnell action whatsoever, and features a scene that would be unliklely to make it into a modern iteration of the show. Its main guest star gets the biographical treatment, as does an actor who appears at the bottom of the credits in this single instalment and never again in Doctor Who despite having several personal connections to the series. So warm yourselves up for this by rubbing your thighs and settle in front of a fire to get the cold, hard facts about The Snows of Terror...
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
Well, this has been rather rewarding: a lesser known story has proved to have all sorts of interesting elements. And there's been some Patreon feedback too, so before embarking on the final desperate venture the listeners provide some interesting insights. This final episode has it all - new characters, some interesting plot developments, and a bit of philsophy Who-style. But thanks to guest Steve Lyons (Doctor Who audio and book writer extraordonaire) there's even room for, ahem, a sting in the tale...
Oh, a rare thing - where the episode title is the cliffhanger (yes, the Second Elder is kidnapped too but that really happened last week). There's a vitally iomportant moment in this humble story, as noticed by special guest Steve Lyons. Toby however, disappears down too many actor related rabbit holes to notice because he is an idiot. Still, there's plenty to say about the story even at this late stage, which just goes to show that even the less celebrated adventures are well worth visiting every now and then.
#doctorwho #doctorwhoreaction #doctorwhocommentary #doctorwhocomedian #tobyhadoke #doctorwhofacts #positivedoctorwho #classicdoctorwho
Please support these podcasts on Patreon, where you will get advance releases, exclusive content (including a patron-only podcast - Far Too Much Information), regular AMAs and more. Tiers start from as little as £3 per month:
Or there is Ko-fi for the occasional donation with no commitments:
Follow Toby on Twitter: @tobyhadoke
And these podcasts: @HadokePodcasts
And his comedy club: @xsmalarkey for news, blog, mailing list and more.
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