Dhammapada Part I

Sirimangalo International

A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu. This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published each week in the Dhammapada Part II podcast. Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

  • 24 minutes 50 seconds
    Dhammapada Verses 231 - 234: Guarding the Doors

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 231
    kāyappakopaṃ rakkheyya, kāyena saṃvuto siyā.
    kāyaduccaritaṃ hitvā, kāyena sucaritaṃ care.

    Verse 232
    vacīpakopaṃ rakkheyya, vācāya saṃvuto siyā.
    vacīduccaritaṃ hitvā, vācāya sucaritaṃ care.

    Verse 233
    manopakopaṃ rakkheyya, manasā saṃvuto siyā.
    manoduccaritaṃ hitvā, manasā sucaritaṃ care.

    Verse 234
    kāyena saṃvutā dhīrā, atho vācāya saṃvutā.
    manasā saṃvutā dhīrā, te ve suparisaṃvutā.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 231
    Let a man guard himself against irritability in bodily action; let him be controlled in deed. Abandoning bodily misconduct, let him practice good conduct in deed.

    Verse 232
    Let a man guard himself against irritability in speech; let him be controlled in speech. Abandoning verbal misconduct, let him practice good conduct in speech.

    Verse 233
    Let a man guard himself against irritability in thought; let him be controlled in mind. Abandoning mental misconduct, let him practice good conduct in thought.

    Verse 234
    The wise are controlled in bodily action, controlled in speech and controlled in thought. They are truly well-controlled.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/ZWJVvsNzA8Y

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#231

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    7 July 2020, 5:19 am
  • 42 minutes 20 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 227 - 230: Blamed

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 227
    porāṇametaṃ atula, netaṃ ajjatanāmiva.
    nindanti tuṇhimāsīnaṃ, nindanti bahubhāṇinaṃ.
    mitabhāṇimpi nindanti, natthi loke anindito.

    Verse 228
    na cāhu na ca bhavissati, na cetarahi vijjati.
    ekantaṃ nindito poso, ekantaṃ vā pasaṃsito.

    Verse 229
    yaṃ ce viññū pasaṃsanti, anuvicca suve suve.
    acchiddavuttiṃ medhāviṃ, paññāsīlasamāhitaṃ.

    Verse 230
    nikkhaṃ jambonadasseva, ko taṃ ninditumarahati.
    devāpi naṃ pasaṃsanti, brahmunāpi pasaṃsito.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 227
    O Atula! Indeed, this is an ancient practice, not one only of today: they blame those who remain silent, they blame those who speak much, they blame those who speak in moderation. There is none in the world who is not blamed.

    Verse 228
    There never was, there never will be, nor is there now, a person who is wholly blamed or wholly praised.

    Verse 229
    But the man whom the wise praise, after observing him day after day, is one of flawless character, wise, and endowed with knowledge and virtue.

    Verse 230
    Who can blame such a one, as worthy as a coin of refined gold? Even the gods praise him; by Brahma, too, is he praised.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/-dULR0idhG0

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#227

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    30 June 2020, 4:10 am
  • 27 minutes 10 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 226: Ever Awake

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 226
    sadā jāgaramānānaṃ, ahorattānusikkhinaṃ.
    nibbānaṃ adhimuttānaṃ, atthaṃ gacchanti āsavā.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 226
    Those who are ever vigilant, who discipline themselves day and night, and are ever intent upon Nibbana—their defilements fade away.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/0XaIqeZVOh8

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#226

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    23 June 2020, 8:08 am
  • 28 minutes 26 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 225: Never Falling Away

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 225
    ahiṃsakā ye munayo, niccaṃ kāyena saṃvutā.
    te yanti accutaṃ ṭhānaṃ, yattha gantvā na socare.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 225
    Those sages who are inoffensive and ever restrained in body, go to the Deathless State, where, having gone, they grieve no more.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/IWGVfVN7rKA

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#225

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    16 June 2020, 2:48 am
  • 29 minutes 30 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 224: The Abode of Angels

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 224
    saccaṃ bhaṇe na kujjheyya, dajjā appampi yācito.
    etehi tīhi ṭhānehi, gacche devāna santike.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 224
    Speak the truth; yield not to anger; when asked, give even if you only have a little. By these three means can one reach the presence of the gods.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/nIbXF--edx0

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#224

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    9 June 2020, 4:33 am
  • 55 minutes 24 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 223: Conquer

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 223
    akkodhena jine kodhaṃ, asādhuṃ sādhunā jine.
    jine kadariyaṃ dānena, saccenālikavādinaṃ.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 223
    Overcome the angry by non-anger; overcome the wicked by goodness; overcome the miser by generosity; overcome the liar by truth.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/TrJkuOuha1U

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#223

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    2 June 2020, 6:26 am
  • 45 minutes 2 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 222: A Charioteer

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 222
    yo ve uppatitaṃ kodhaṃ, rathaṃ bhantaṃva vāraye.
    tamahaṃ sārathiṃ brūmi, rasmiggāho itaro jano.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 222
    He who checks rising anger as a charioteer checks a rolling chariot, him I call a true charioteer. Others only hold the reins.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/Sd0i55ikM_Q

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#222

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    26 May 2020, 5:46 am
  • 29 minutes 1 second
    Dhammapada Verse 221: Nothing to Get Hung About

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 221
    kodhaṃ jahe vippajaheyya mānaṃ, saṃyojanaṃ sabbamatikkameyya.
    taṃ nāmarūpasmimasajjamānaṃ, akiñcanaṃ nānupatanti dukkhā.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 221
    One should give up anger, renounce pride, and overcome all fetters. Suffering never befalls him who clings not to mind and body and is detached.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/Zyza4h1AvHc

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp221-234/en/buddharakkhita#221

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Anger

    19 May 2020, 4:55 am
  • 38 minutes 7 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 219 & 220: Receiving a Loved One

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 219
    cirappavāsiṃ purisaṃ, dūrato sotthimāgataṃ.
    ñātimittā suhajjā ca, abhinandanti āgataṃ.

    Verse 220
    tatheva katapuññampi, asmā lokā paraṃ gataṃ.
    puññāni paṭigaṇhanti, piyaṃ ñātīva āgataṃ.
    piyavaggo soḷasamo niṭṭhito.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 219
    When, after a long absence, a man safely returns from afar, his relatives, friends and well-wishers welcome him home on arrival.

    Verse 220
    As kinsmen welcome a dear one on arrival, even so his own good deeds will welcome the doer of good who has gone from this world to the next.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/i-WSuG6aXJg

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp209-220/en/buddharakkhita#219

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Affection

    12 May 2020, 4:38 am
  • 40 minutes 38 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 218: Ineffable Upstream

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 218
    chandajāto anakkhāte, manasā ca phuṭo siyā.
    kāmesu ca appaṭibaddhacitto, uddhaṃsototi vuccati.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 218
    One who is intent upon the Ineffable (Nibbana), dwells with mind inspired (by supramundane wisdom), and is no more bound by sense pleasures—such a man is called “One Bound Upstream.”

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/8c-_qQLVsz8

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp209-220/en/buddharakkhita#218

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Affection

    5 May 2020, 5:17 am
  • 53 minutes 24 seconds
    Dhammapada Verse 217: They Are Dear

    Dhammapada verse(s) in Pali:

    Verse 217
    sīladassanasampannaṃ, dhammaṭṭhaṃ saccavedinaṃ.
    attano kamma kubbānaṃ, taṃ jano kurute piyaṃ.

    English translation of verse(s):

    Verse 217
    People hold dear him who embodies virtue and insight, who is principled, has realized the truth, and who himself does what he ought to be doing.

    (Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita)

    A series on the Dhammapada, a set of 423 verse teachings given by the Buddha, including explanation of the Pali verse, a synopsis of the background story and application of the teaching to our practice by Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu.

    This Dhammapada Part I podcast includes Chapters 1-17 (Verses 1-234). Please subscribe to Dhammapada Part II for the verses in the rest of the chapters. New episodes are published in the Dhammapada Part II podcast.

    Yuttadhammo Bhikkhu is a Canadian-born Theravada Buddhist monk, ordained in 2001 under the guidance of Venerable Ajaan Tong Sirimangalo. He has taught meditation courses in the Mahasi Sayadaw tradition since 2003 and gives online teachings via YouTube, as well as Dhamma talks to both intensive meditators and by invitation to the general public.

    Original Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/NgFb0aOsPNU

    Our podcasts: https://podcast.sirimangalo.org/

    How To Meditate Booklet: https://htm.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Meditation Community and At-Home Meditation Course signup page: https://meditation.sirimangalo.org/

    Our Website: https://www.sirimangalo.org/

    Supporting This Work: https://www.sirimangalo.org/support

    Original Pali Text: https://www.digitalpalireader.online/_dprhtml/index.html?loc=k.1.x.x.x.x.x.m

    Translations from: https://suttacentral.net/dhp209-220/en/buddharakkhita#217

    Feedback Form: Click here

    Contact: [email protected]

    Keywords: Buddhism, Dhamma, Buddha, Monk, Bhikkhu, Sirimangalo, Yuttadhammo, Tipitaka, Pali, Affection

    28 April 2020, 3:36 am
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