Pastor Skip shows you that Jesus wants to sit on the throne of your life as Lord.
Pastor Skip encourages you with the truth that you can be restored to God – all it takes is turning back to Him and taking one step.
Pastor Skip examines two gardens where life began.
Pastor Skip examines our role as Christians to go out into the world, to permeate the mess and bring healing.
Pastor Skip reveals that you as a believer in Christ are God’s gift to Jesus.
Okay, so which is it? Did I choose God or did God choose me? Perspective is everything! If you look at it from the divine viewpoint, you'll say God chose. If you're looking at it from a human viewpoint, you'll say we do the choosing. But why can't both be true? I suppose you can sit around, scratch your head, and try to ponder such imponderables, or you can sigh happily and say with a grateful heart, "I'm elated that He chose me!" But you should also ask yourself another question while you're at it—What am I going to do about it now?
Pastor Skip examines what disciples one request of Jesus – to teach them how to pray – reveals about the importance of prayer.
Pastor Skip reveals how the disciples hope gained a whole new dimension after the resurrection.
Pastor Skip shows you that the role of a good church that’s filled with the Holy Spirit is to point to the person of Jesus.
Pastor Skip shows you how even amid the disciples sorrow and fear Jesus continues to make promises and offer encouragement about the future.
Pastor Skip explores the joy and peace that Jesus offers those who follow Him.
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