If someone takes a substance or engages in an activity that provides temporary pleasure, but it becomes compulsive and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, he or she is said to be an addict. Addictive behavior is widespread and is one of the reasons people turn to Christ. But even those who follow Christ can tend toward addictive behavior. We were born with a sinful nature. When we’re born again and have a new nature, sometimes the battle is fiercer than ever. How can we find help?
I. We Have a Standard
II. We Face a Struggle
III. We Use a Strategy
  A. Reason
  B. Reckon
  C. Resist
  D. Replace
Talk with God: Identify a sin you’re struggling with and ask the Spirit to intercede for you “with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Romans 8:26).
Talk with others: If you’re struggling with addiction or addictive behavior, ask a pastor or trusted believer for ongoing prayer and spiritual encouragement as you go to battle with that addiction.
Talk with kids: How has God rescued us from sin?
A Turkish soldier beat a Christian prisoner until he was barely conscious. He kicked him and shouted, “What can your Christ do for you now?” The bloodied soldier responded, “He can give me strength to forgive you.” One of the hardest areas in the Christian life is forgiving people (even other Christians) who have hurt us in the past. In this passage, let’s see what help Jesus can give.
I. Forgiveness is Difficult
II. Forgiveness is Divine
III. Forgiveness is Demanded
IV. Forgiveness is Doable
  A. Start Upward
  B. Move Inward
  C. Reach Outward
Talk with God: Ask the Lord to show you where you’ve chosen to hold on to hurt, anger, or bitterness, and ask Him for the strength to choose forgiveness.
Talk with others: Ask a mentor or trusted believer to pray for you as you work through any anger or bitterness you’ve been harboring.
Talk with kids: Why did God have to punish Cain for his sin? How was God merciful, even in punishment?
Ours is not a reading culture anymore. Reading has been replaced by visual sound bites. And reading the Bible is a difficult endeavor, since it was written so long ago with cultures and practices that are now outdated. So, what are we to do? Isn’t it just easier to listen to sermons and pick up Bible truths from social media posts? It is easier, but not better. Let me give you some helpful tips.
I. It Will Transform Your Life
II. It Will Challenge Your Mind
III. It Will Delight Your Heart
IV. It Will Clarify Your Vision
V. It Will Stabilize Your Future
VI. It Will Guard Your Steps
Talk with God: Ask the Holy Spirit to give you clear understanding and “ears to hear,” (Mark 4:9), as you begin your quiet times this week.
Talk with others: Ask a friend or mentor to hold you accountable to read and study the Word consistently.
Talk with kids: How did God show mercy to Adam and Eve?
Loving other people is one of life’s most difficult challenges. Even the closest followers of Jesus had a hard time doing it. Peter found it hard to forgive more than a few times (see Matthew 18:21). James and John wanted to nuke the Samaritans (see Luke 9:52-56), and all the disciples argued about their positions in the kingdom (see Luke 22:24-30). Here are some practical ways we can love both God and our neighbor.
I. Learn to Hear Personally
II. Learn to Judge Accurately
III. Learn to See Differently
IV. Learn to Act Immediately
Talk with God: Ask the Lord for wisdom in finding practical ways to be merciful toward a challenging neighbor this week (v. 36-37).
Talk with others: Invite a neighbor or coworker to church and ask how you can support them.
Talk with kids: Which of God’s characteristics do we see in creation?
The Bible opens with the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After the first humans disobeyed and chose death, God graciously kept them away from the Tree of Life, lest they live forever in their fallen state. But now, at the end of the Bible, the Tree of Life reemerges in the garden environment of the capital city of heaven. Today, let’s consider our future home.
I. Anterior Design
II. Exterior Design
III. Interior Design
IV. Superior Design
Talk with God: Thank the Lord for His faithful love and gracious plan of redemption as we prepare to celebrate the birth of His Son.
Talk with others: Reach out to a believer who may be hurting this Christmas season and encourage them to seek comfort from the “God [who] will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (21:4).
Talk with kids: Why is Jesus’ return good news for Christians?
Leading up to Christmas, we will examine human history in the light of three trees: the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Tree of Life, and the cross of Christ. Today, we’re in the garden of Eden. Next week, we’ll be in the garden environment of the New Jerusalem. On Christmas Eve, we’ll consider the cross of Christ—where, after His betrayal in the garden of Gethsemane, He “bore our sins in His own body on the tree,” (1 Peter 2:24)—and why the Christmas tree has tried to usurp it.
I. Perfection
II. Plunge
III. Penalty
IV. Prediction
Talk with God: In the midst of this season’s busyness, be intentional to make time to “[walk] in the garden” (Genesis 3:8) with the Lord each day through prayer and the Word.
Talk with others: Ask a friend who may be hurting this season how you can lock shields with them in prayer and acts of service.
Talk with kids: What are some ways we can worship Jesus?
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