Female Entrepreneur Me 女創業家與我 | with Irene Yu

Irene Yu, ,Business Coach and founder at FEM

Female Entrepreneur&Me 是女性教育平台與社群媒體與,內容專注於網路創業及自我成長。藉由線上教練課程,幫助教練,顧問,自媒體,內容創作者擁有她們想要的網路事業及人生。 音頻內容包含中英文訪談,心態,策略等等幫助忙碌的,教練,自媒體,顧問快速學習怎麼利用內容跟網路打造理想事業! Welcome to Female Entrepreneur Me, hosted by Irene Yu, is a bilingual weekly podcast with 4 major components, interviews with experts, tips, mindset, online business strategy, and content creation. If you are a coach, consultant, service provider looking to build their audiences online and want to create digital products to sell with proven results. This show is for you. Hit subscribe now to be notified when new episodes go live.

  • 11 minutes
    84. Big announcement: What happened recently? What is our plan for future podcast episode?

    This episode will be our final episode for the foreseeable future. 

    I revealed what happened recently to me and what is my plan for the future? Why did I decide to stop renewing? 

    If you want to join our secret podcast or get updated bi-weekly, welcome to sign up: https://www.femaleentrepreneur.me/subscribe-1

    If you have anything you want to ask, you can always write to [email protected]

    Until next time then!

    13 November 2021, 9:24 pm
  • 29 minutes 1 second
    83. 專訪女力學院S姐:如何突破創業心魔,並且找到人生與工作的平衡






    IG: Wooman Power女力學院

    《Female Entrepreneur&Me》 幫助教練、顧問、自媒體、內容創作者,個人品牌,網路接案者等女創業家們, 打造理想的網路事業跟推出他們的網路服務!從心態,策略到商業面的支持跟輔導,並藉由線上教練課程,幫助女性擁有她們想要的人生跟事業。


    FEM網站https://www.femaleentrepreneur.me/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/femaleentrepreneurme/ 

    免費線上課 - 六大步驟幫助你推出網路服務或課程https://irene-femaleentrepreneur-me.ck.page/748d8a1dca 



    5 November 2021, 11:44 am
  • 36 minutes 59 seconds
    82. 專訪Kyria:Mentor和Coach有什麼差別?身為一位職涯教練應該創造的三種價值

    今天我們請到Kyria國際職場職涯教練來到女創業家與我!Kyria自 2011 年起在法國巴黎生活工作,在成為專業認證教練之前的 15 年間,橫跨金融、行銷、管理顧問的國際職涯,讓她充分了解跨國企業及國際職場「現實面挑戰」。因此她成立自己的Coaching事業陪伴國際人才突破職場瓶頸、實現理想職涯 / 個人品牌事業,更自在地與眾不同!



    FB專頁: Kyria 陪你實現國際職場職涯・個人品牌事業


    官網: https://reinventingcarriere.com/tw/

    《Female Entrepreneur&Me》 幫助教練、顧問、自媒體、內容創作者,個人品牌,網路接案者等女創業家們, 打造理想的網路事業跟推出他們的網路服務!從心態,策略到商業面的支持跟輔導,並藉由線上教練課程,幫助女性擁有她們想要的人生跟事業。


    FEM網站https://www.femaleentrepreneur.me/ Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/femaleentrepreneurme/ 免費線上課 - 六大步驟幫助你推出網路服務或課程https://irene-femaleentrepreneur-me.ck.page/748d8a1dca Youtube影音版https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3y5Zq8b7MHpMqvE3Ocw1Tg 一對一的線上教練預約https://femaleentrepreneurme.typeform.com/to/XHcnEV

    30 October 2021, 11:57 am
  • 28 minutes 56 seconds
    81. Key Habits of Highly Effective Content Creators with Marguerite Bravay

    We are featuring a fellow Berliner in this podcast episode. Marguerite Bravay is a French-Canadian content creator who settled in Berlin a couple of years ago after living in places like Australia, New York City, and Switzerland. She has been making travel-based content for years, but began her latest project, Berlin & Around, at the start of the pandemic. 

    Even though most travel-related industries were not thriving during this time, this female entrepreneur had faith in her work and decided to leave her 9 to 5, take the plunge, and become a full-time travel creator.

    Learn about content creation and building a business from an industry expert.

    Check out Marguerite Bravay's website: Berlin & Around 

    Check this episode's article here.

    We are mentioned at Berlin & Around.

    15 October 2021, 6:00 am
  • 41 minutes 31 seconds
    80. 專訪聲音行銷教練宛志蘋:聲音也能夠變現,台灣的Podcast崛起!



    • 有關志蘋的故事
    • 聲音與其他的媒介,在行銷或是傳播上最大的優勢在哪裡?
    • 音頻的變現模式適合創業者嗎?
    • Podcaster 是否也需要上課進修或是學習口語表達等等?又有哪些建議?
    • 多年的廣播經驗,傳統廣播和podcast最大的不同在哪?
    • 是什麼關鍵因素能夠在眾多廣播人中脫穎而出,成為廣播跨界到podcast領域的專家?
    • 如何找到志蘋



    《Female Entrepreneur&Me》 幫助教練、顧問、自媒體、內容創作者,個人品牌,網路接案者等女創業家們, 打造理想的網路事業跟推出他們的網路服務!從心態,策略到商業面的支持跟輔導,並藉由線上教練課程,幫助女性擁有她們想要的人生跟事業。


    1 October 2021, 10:00 am
  • 30 minutes 28 seconds
    79. How to Become an Influential Leader and Get Real Results with Catherine Cantey

    Today we have Catherine Cantey on our show. Catherine is a leadership coach who helps busy professionals obtain measurable results with their clients.

    Many people believe that being a leader is only important if you hold a leadership position, but in actuality, leadership skills are incredibly important because they bring rich value to the table, and really impact the people around you. Whether you're a team of one or one hundred it is important to be driven in order to run and support a prosperous business.

    Today we have an expert in this industry to teach us more. Catherine describes how she first started her business while she was still working in Corporate America, and how she has since left and become a full-time leadership coach. She has spent the past twenty years in the banking and financial industry and has traveled around the United States helping people grow their businesses. We also chat about how her business has been impacted by COVID-19, and why LinkedIn is the place to be and a great tool to utilize if you want to expand your network.

    This is what we discussed on the show:
    - Jumping From Corporate America to the Coaching World
    - The Best Way To Define Success With Clients
    -  Utilizing LinkedIn as a Tool For Success
    -  How Business Has Changed in a COVID-19 World

    If you want to read this blog post? Head over here.

    Where to Connect With Catherine:
    Catherine Cantey

    🎁 FREE Get Your Clarity Workbook

    Irene is a Podcast host and a Business & Mindset Coach who wants to help Female Entrepreneurs build purposeful life and business.

    22 September 2021, 1:21 am
  • 25 minutes 48 seconds
    78.3 Ways to Incorporate Spirituality in Your Business with Halley Bass

    Today we are welcoming a Berlin-based marketing coach ideal for the modern ages. After many years in the corporate world she eventually left for India where she focused on personal growth and eventually received her 200 Hours of Yoga Training and a Master Certification in Intuition Medicine.

    This is what we discussed on the show:

    • Why did Halley move to Berlin? How do you like the city?
    • How did Halley realize the intuition part is also very important when it comes to building your business?
    • Did Halley mention Chakras during our initial call? Could you explain to our audience a bit more about what this is?
    • About Halley's typical five steps

    If you want to read the full story as a blog: here it is.

    Connect with Halley:

    • Find Halley on Instagram @coach_halley.
    • Join Halley’s Messaging, Marketing, and Mindfulness Facebook group by clicking here.

    Irene is a Podcast host and a Business & Mindset Coach who wants to help Female Entrepreneurs build purposeful life and business.

    3 September 2021, 8:00 am
  • 8 minutes 33 seconds
    77. 5 Mindset Shifts to Grow and Achieve Success in Your Business

    Today’s blog post was originally featured in the Berlin Female Leaders’ livestream. Throughout the livestream we discussed the best ways to show up online and provide value to your audience with ease. Listen to our newest podcast episode to hear everything I had to share, or read the highlights below.

    1. Remember your story is unique.
    2. Worry about what other people think about you less.
    3. It’s not the end of the world if nobody is answering or engaging with your message.
    4. Remember to simply share what you feel comfortable with.
    5. Don’t stress over being perfect. Nobody’s perfect!

    If you want to read this blog post? Head over here.

    Irene is a Podcast host and a Business & Mindset Coach who wants to help Female Entrepreneurs build purposeful life and business.

    27 August 2021, 9:00 am
  • 15 minutes 34 seconds
    76. 3 mindset issues business owners face and how to tackle them for good with Jocelyn

    Jocelyn Heng is an inspiring online visibility and business coach. Today we gathered together to talk about the main mindset issues early-stage business owners constantly battle and the best ways to solve these issues and permanently move forward.

    Jocelyn and I have both founded several businesses. I couldn't agree more with Jocelyn when she emphasized how important it is to keep trying and push forward. If you’re really passionate about your business and want it to succeed then you cannot quite simply because of a few small failures.

     Jocelyn is an online business coach who especially focuses on timing and self-management with her clients. She knew very early on that she wanted to have her own business. She has tried to find success with a couple of different businesses, and although some were much more successful than others, she never let her failures stop her.

    If you want to read this blog post? Head over here.

    You can find her on Instagram, @jocelyn.heng.

    Irene is a Podcast host and a Business & Mindset Coach who wants to help Female Entrepreneurs build purposeful life and business.

    20 August 2021, 9:00 am
  • 25 minutes 6 seconds
    75.Navigating the Fast-Paced Global Tech Scene with Dom Einhorn

    We recently welcomed Dom Einhorn to our podcast. Dom is a French and German serial entrepreneur. Nearly thirty years ago, he left for the U.S from France and built several start-up businesses from the ground up. Just before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided to come back to France and has spent quite a bit of time reflecting on the differences he noticed between the US and European markets.

    Throughout this episode, we also dive deep into diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Real diversity and inclusion begin with who you hire, but there is much more to the topic than that.

    Throughout this episode, we also dive deep into diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Real diversity and inclusion begin with who you hire, but there is much more to the topic than that.

    This blog post dives into some key points of our conversation, but for the full experience be sure to listen to our podcast episode.

    Here are the interview questions:

    • About Dom Einhorn's story 
    • European vs American Tech Industry
    • What are the biggest differences between the European tech scene and the American tech scene?
    • How to face failure as quickly and as cheaply as possible

    All the links are on the blog post here.

    Irene is a Podcast host and an online Business Coach who wants to help Female Entrepreneurs build purposeful life and business.

    13 August 2021, 9:00 am
  • 6 minutes 55 seconds



    • 如何釐清你的網路行銷策略?
    • 什麼是行銷漏斗?
    • 八大基本要素找出你的行銷漏斗
    • 重點總整理


    免費線上課 - 六大步驟幫助你推出網路服務或課程https://irene-femaleentrepreneur-me.ck.page/748d8a1dca

    《Female Entrepreneur&Me》 幫助教練、顧問、自媒體、內容創作者,個人品牌,網路接案者等女創業家們, 打造理想的網路事業跟推出他們的網路服務!從心態,策略到商業面的支持跟輔導,並藉由線上教練課程,幫助女性擁有她們想要的人生跟事業。


    6 August 2021, 10:00 am
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