Functional Relations

Zachary Bird, PhD, BCBA-D and Caleb Davis, MS, BCBA

  • 1 hour 27 seconds
    #22 - Using Radical Behaviorism to Set and Accomplish Goals w/ Dr. Adithyan "Dithu" Rajaraman - Pt. 1

    Show Notes:

    In Part 1 of a 2 part interview with Dr. Adithyan "Dithu" Rajaraman, Zach and Caleb discuss using radical behaviorism to set and accomplish goals.

    1 learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us on Patreon at

    References: Baum, W. M. (2017). Understanding behaviorism: Behavior, culture, and evolution. John Wiley & Sons.

    Catania, A. C. (1975). The myth of self-reinforcement. Behaviorism, 3(2), 192-199.

    Peterson, S. M., Aljadeff-Abergel, E., Eldridge, R. R., VanderWeele, N. J., & Acker, N. S. (2021). Conceptualizing self-determination from a behavioral perspective: The role of choice, self-control, and self-management. Journal of Behavioral Education, 30, 299-318.

    Skinner, B. F. (1984). Selection by consequences. Behavioral and brain sciences, 7(4), 477-481.

    1 September 2024, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    #21 - Using SPACE to Treat Childhood Anxiety w/ Dr. Shauna Lynne

    Show Notes:

    In this episode, Zach and Caleb discuss treating childhood anxiety through a parent training program called “SPACE” with Dr. Shauna Lynne.

    1 learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us on Patreon at


    Things to check out from the episode:

    SPACE website - 

    Dr. Shauna’s practice -

    Our new website - 


    Lebowitz, E. R., & Majdick, J. M. (2020). SPACE, Parent-Based Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Anxiety: Clinical Case Illustration. Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 34(2).

    Lebowitz, E. R., Marin, C., Martino, A., Shimshoni, Y., & Silverman, W. K. (2020). Parent-based treatment as efficacious as cognitive-behavioral therapy for childhood anxiety: A randomized noninferiority study of supportive parenting for anxious childhood emotions. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(3), 362-372.

    Lebowitz, E. R., Omer, H., Hermes, H., & Scahill, L. (2014). Parent training for childhood anxiety disorders: The SPACE program. Cognitive and behavioral practice, 21(4), 456-469.

    Rozenblat, S., Shimshoni, Y., Lebowitz, E. R., Perez, M., & Koller, J. (2023). A pilot trial of SPACE (Supportive parenting for anxious childhood emotions) in autism. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-15.

    Storch, E. A., Guzick, A. G., Ayton, D. M., Palo, A. D., Kook, M., Candelari, A. E., ... & Goodman, W. K. (2024). Randomized trial comparing standard versus light intensity parent training for anxious youth. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 173, 104451.

    1 August 2024, 7:00 am
  • 2 minutes 6 seconds
    New Episode August 1st!

    On August 1st, 2024, Functional Relations Podcast returns!

    Zach and Caleb will be back with all new guests and a new website for immediately downloadable CE certificates too!

    23 July 2024, 1:58 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    S3E5 - The Supervisor Experience: Using ABA to Support Trainees w/ Dr. Diana Parry-Cruwys and Dr. Jackie MacDonald

    In the fifth episode of Season 3, Zach and Caleb discuss updated fieldwork requirements and recent research on systems for promoting successful fieldwork experiences with Dr. Diana Parry-Cruwys and Dr. Jackie MacDonald. Season 3 of the Functional Relations podcast is titled “The Experience”. Each episode will alternate between the supervisor experience and the trainee experience. 

    1 supervision learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us on Patreon at

    Things to check out from the episode:

    BCBA Fieldwork Requirements:

    Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts:


    Parry-Cruwys, D., Atkinson, R., & MacDonald, J. (2021). Teaching Graduate Students to Identify and Adhere to Practicum Requirements. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-10.

    Parry-Cruwys, D., & MacDonald, J. (2021). Using Gamification to Promote Accurate Data Entry of Practicum Experience Hours in Graduate Students. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14, 1-10.

    28 January 2022, 8:00 am
  • 39 minutes 57 seconds
    S3E4 - The Student Experience: Understanding Selectionism

    In the fourth episode of Season 3, Zach and Caleb have a discussion to help students understand the concept of selectionism. Season 3 of the Functional Relations podcast is titled “The Experience”. Each episode will alternate between the supervisor experience and the student experience. 

    No CEs are available for this episode.

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us at


    Catania, A. C. (2013). Learning (5th ed.). Cornwall on Hudson, NY: Sloan Publishing.

    Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

    Pierce, W. D., & Cheney, C. D. (2017). Behavior analysis and learning: A biobehavioral approach. Routledge.

    Skinner, B. F. (1984). Selection by consequences. Behavioral and brain sciences7(4), 477-481.



    27 September 2021, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    S3E3 - The Supervisor Experience: Delivering Thoughtful Feedback w/ Dr. Ellie Kazemi

    In the third episode of Season 3, Zach and Caleb discuss ways to thoughtfully deliver feedback that may inspire new performances with Dr. Ellie Kazemi. Season 3 of the Functional Relations podcast is titled “The Experience”. Each episode will alternate between the supervisor experience and the trainee experience. 

    1 supervision learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us on Patreon at

    Things to check out from the episode:

    Dr. Kazemi’s book on supervision:


    Daniels, A. C. (2000). Bringing out the best in people. McGraw-Hill Education.

    Daniels, A. C., & Bailey, J. S. (2014). Performance management: Changing behavior that drives organizational effectiveness . Atlanta, GA: Aubrey Daniels International. Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, 27.

    Kazemi, E., Rice, B., & Adzhyan, P. (2018). Fieldwork and supervision for behavior analysts: A handbook. Springer Publishing Company.

    2 August 2021, 7:00 am
  • 33 minutes 41 seconds
    S3E2 - The Student Experience: Understanding Determinism

    In the second episode of Season 3, Zach and Caleb have a discussion to help students understand the concept of determinism. Season 3 of the Functional Relations podcast is titled “The Experience”. Each episode will alternate between the supervisor experience and the student experience. 

    No CEs are available for this episode.

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us at

    Things to check out from the episode:

    The Daily BA - I Didn't Know Her Circumstances w/ Pat Friman -


    Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied behavior analysis (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

    Friman, P. C. (2021). There is no such thing as a bad boy: The Circumstances View of problem behavior. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis54(2), 636-653.

    18 June 2021, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    S3E1 - The Supervisor Experience: Becoming an Effective Supervisor w/ Dr. Tyra Sellers

    In the first episode of Season 3, Zach and Caleb discuss the process of becoming an effective supervisor with Dr. Tyra Sellers. Season 3 of the Functional Relations podcast is titled “The Experience”. Each episode will alternate between the supervisor experience and the trainee experience. 

    1 supervision learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us at

    Things to check out from the episode:

    Zach’s work email address: [email protected]

    Send him an email if you’re interested in learning more about the Behavior Consultant positions he has open at his company. 

    (Apply here: )



    Andzik, N. R., & Kranak, M. P. (2020). The softer side of supervision: Recommendations when teaching and evaluating behavior-analytic professionalism. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice.

    Britton, L. N., & Cicoria, M. J. (2019). Remote fieldwork supervision for BCBA® trainees. Academic Press.

    Conners, B. M., & Capell, S. T. (Eds.). (2020). Multiculturalism and diversity in Applied Behavior Analysis: Bridging theory and application. Routledge.

    Garza, K. L., McGee, H. M., Schenk, Y. A., & Wiskirchen, R. R. (2018). Some tools for carrying out a proposed process for supervising experience hours for aspiring Board Certified Behavior Analysts®. Behavior analysis in practice, 11(1), 62-70.

    Kazemi, E., Rice, B., & Adzhyan, P. (2018). Fieldwork and supervision for behavior analysts: A handbook. Springer Publishing Company.

    Leland, W., & Stockwell, A. (2019). A self-assessment tool for cultivating affirming practices with transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) clients, supervisees, students, and colleagues. Behavior analysis in practice, 12(4), 816-825.

    Sellers, T. P., Alai-Rosales, S., & MacDonald, R. P. (2016). Taking full responsibility: The ethics of supervision in behavior analytic practice. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(4), 299-308.

    Sellers, T. P., LeBlanc, L. A., & Valentino, A. L. (2016). Recommendations for detecting and addressing barriers to successful supervision. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(4), 309-319.

    Sellers, T. P., Valentino, A. L., Landon, T. J., & Aiello, S. (2019). Board certified behavior analysts’ supervisory practices of trainees: Survey results and recommendations. Behavior analysis in practice, 12(3), 536-546.

    Sellers, T. P., Valentino, A. L., & LeBlanc, L. A. (2016). Recommended practices for individual supervision of aspiring behavior analysts. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(4), 274-286.

    Turner, L. B., Fischer, A. J., & Luiselli, J. K. (2016). Towards a competency-based, ethical, and socially valid approach to the supervision of applied behavior analytic trainees. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 9(4), 287-298.

    Valentino, A. L., LeBlanc, L. A., & Sellers, T. P. (2016). The benefits of group supervision and a recommended structure for implementation. Behavior analysis in practice, 9(4), 320-328.

    Wright, P. I. (2019). Cultural humility in the practice of applied behavior analysis. Behavior analysis in practice, 12(4), 805-809.

    1 June 2021, 7:00 am
  • 3 minutes 16 seconds
    Season 3: The Experience

    On June 1st 2021, Functional Relations returns with Season 3! In Season 3, Zach and Caleb will be focusing on the supervision experience. There will be two types of episodes. The first type will be for BCBAs interested in Supervision CEs. The second type will be for trainees who are looking for supplemental study content. 

    15 May 2021, 7:00 am
  • 57 minutes 58 seconds
    S2E8 - Social Interaction Preference Assessments w/ Dr. Casey Clay

    This episode Zach and Caleb discuss social interaction preference assessments with Dr. Casey Clay.

    1 learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us at

    Things to check out from the episode:

    Dr. Clay has provided us with additional materials that can help us get started with running social interaction preference assessments. Click to download:

    Zach is hiring Behavior Consultants for his company (Principled Behavior Consultants) in Roanoke, VA. To learn more about the position visit If you’re interested in joining the team email your resume to [email protected].


    Call, N. A., Shillingsburg, M. A., Bowen, C. N., Reavis, A. R., & Findley, A. J. (2013). Direct assessment of preferences for social interactions in children with autism. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 46(4), 821-826.

    Clay, C. J., Samaha, A. L., Bloom, S. E., Bogoev, B. K., & Boyle, M. A. (2013). Assessing preference for social interactions. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 362-371.

    Clay, C. J., Samaha, A. L., & Bogoev, B. K. (2018). Assessing preference for and reinforcing efficacy of components of social interaction in individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Learning and Motivation, 62, 4-14.

    Kelly, M. A., Roscoe, E. M., Hanley, G. P., & Schlichenmeyer, K. (2014). Evaluation of assessment methods for identifying social reinforcers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47(1), 113-135.

    Morris, S. L., & Vollmer, T. R. (2019). Assessing preference for types of social interaction. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 52(4), 1064-1075.

    Morris, S. L., & Vollmer, T. R. (2020). A comparison of picture and GIF‐based preference assessments for social interaction. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.

    Nuernberger, J. E., Smith, C. A., Czapar, K. N., & Klatt, K. P. (2012). Assessing preference for social interaction in children diagnosed with autism. Behavioral Interventions, 27(1), 33-44.

    Wolfe, K., Kunnavatana, S. S., & Shoemaker, A. M. (2018). An investigation of a video-based preference assessment of social interactions. Behavior modification, 42(5), 729-746.

    15 October 2020, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    S2E7 - Assessing and Treating Childhood Feeding Problems w/ Dr. Bill Ahearn

    This episode Zach and Caleb talk to Dr. Bill Ahearn about his research and clinical work assessing and treating childhood feeding problems.

    1 learning CE is available for this episode. You can purchase it at

    If you feel that our podcast is a valuable contribution to the field of ABA, please consider supporting us at

    Things to check out from the episode:

    Contact Dr. Ahearn directly with questions regarding feeding issues: [email protected]

    Zach is hiring Behavior Consultants for his company (Principled Behavior Consultants) in Roanoke, VA. To learn more about the position visit If you’re interested in joining the team email your resume to [email protected].


    Ahearn, W. H. (2001). Help! My son eats only macaroni and cheese: Dealing with feeding problems in children with autism. Making a difference: Behavioral intervention for autism, 51-73.

    Ahearn, W. H. (2003). Using simultaneous presentation to increase vegetable consumption in a mildly selective child with autism. Journal of applied behavior analysis, 36(3), 361-365.

    Ahearn, W. H., Castine, T., Nault, K., & Green, G. (2001). An assessment of food acceptance in children with autism or pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 31(5), 505-511.

    Kedesdy, J. H., & Budd, K. S. (1998). Childhood feeding disorders: Biobehavioral assessment and intervention. Paul H Brookes Publishing.

    Maurice, C. E., Green, G. E., & Foxx, R. M. (2001). Making a difference: Behavioral intervention for autism. Pro-Ed.

    Wilder, D. A., Normand, M., & Atwell, J. (2005). Noncontingent reinforcement as treatment for food refusal and associated self‐injury. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 38(4), 549-553.

    Williams, K. E., & Foxx, R. M. (2007). Treating eating problems of children with autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities: Interventions for professionals and parents. Pro-ed.

    1 September 2020, 7:00 am
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