#dobetter Pod

Megan Miller & Joe Smith

A professional development initiative for behavior analysts

  • 58 minutes 24 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live Recording - Interview with Amanda "Mandy" Ralston

    In this episode Dr. Megan and Joe had the pleasure of interviewing one of the most innovative behavior analysts there is: Amanda "Mandy" Ralston. Our conversation focused on the new technology Amanda has created that is changing the landscape of how we develop treatment plans as behavior analysts. Tune in to find out more!


    AI Summary from Fathom:

    Meeting purpose

    Live recording of the "Do Better Podcast" featuring guest Amanda "Mandy" Ralston discussing her innovative AI-powered clinical decision support software for behavior analysts.

    Key Takeaways

    • Knowetic is a pioneering clinical decision support system for behavior analysts, offering standardized intake, goal development, and treatment intensity forecasting
    • The software aims to enhance clinical decision-making by providing AI-assisted record review and recommendations based on 25+ years of practitioner experience
    • Knowetic addresses the complexity of autism and co-occurring conditions, emphasizing individualized, holistic treatment planning
    • The platform will incorporate standardized assessment tools (e.g. BHI) and aims to gather data to improve treatment outcomes across the field

    Introduction to Knowetic AI

    • Knowetic is a subscription-based software platform for clinicians
    • Three main modules: care navigation, goal development, and intensity forecasting
    • Provides standardized intake process and builds behavioral profiles
    • Offers treatment recommendations based on 25+ years of clinical experience
    • Emphasizes clinician decision-making, not replacing clinical judgment

    KnowYeti AI Assistant

    • HIPAA-compliant chatbot within Knowetic
    • Quickly reads and summarizes uploaded patient documents
    • Assists with record review and treatment plan writing
    • Does not access internet or retain information between sessions

    Data Collection and Future Development

    • Standardized data collection allows for comparison across patients
    • Future plans to employ machine learning for pattern recognition and outcome prediction
    • Collaboration with Dr. Hanley to incorporate BHI (Behavioral Health Index) into the software

    Expanding ABA Beyond Autism

    • Discussion on applying behavior analysis to other fields (e.g., substance abuse, human trafficking)
    • Emphasis on research, data collection, and dissemination to expand ABA's reach
    • Networking and interdisciplinary collaboration as key to expanding influence

    Amanda Ralston's Career Journey

    • 25+ years of experience in behavior analysis
    • Transitioned from clinical practice to tech entrepreneurship
    • Extensive networking and public speaking leading to diverse opportunities

    Next Steps

    • Interested parties can sign up for a demo of Knowetic at Knowetic.ai
    • Follow Amanda Ralston on social media for updates (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook)

    26 August 2024, 6:13 pm
  • 48 minutes 34 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live: Where do you see the field in 6 Years?

    At the CARES conference hosted by United Caring Partners, Dr. Megan had the pleasure of sitting on a panel presented by the folks at ABA Inside Track and the last question of the panel was: In 6 years, what do you hope to see at this conference? In today's episode, Dr. Megan, Joe, and members of the Do Better Collective discuss how they would answer this question.

    We want to know your answer! Comment and let us know what you hope to see in 6 years in the field of ABA!

    Meeting Purpose

    Live recording of the Do Better Podcast to discuss the vision for the field of behavior analysis in 6 years

    Key Takeaways

    • AI and ethical utilization of AI in ABA service delivery is a critical area the field needs to address
    • More robust training/supervision requirements and opportunities for BCBAs, focus on developing problem-solving skills
    • Increased emphasis on family systems, human development, and avoiding pathologizing in training
    • Conference speakers should highlight more practitioner work rather than just research
    • Include more focus on adult services as clients grow older

    AI Utilization

    • Field needs guidelines on ethical, HIPAA-compliant use of AI for reducing burnout, increasing efficiency
    • Payers may utilize AI first if field does not get ahead of it
    • Opportunities for AI to support data collection, treatment planning, flagging non-individualized programming

    BCBA Training

    • Need more robust training requirements beyond just passing exam
    • Potential internship model, assigned mentors, focus on applied skills
    • Conference sessions/discounts to engage current BCBA candidates

    Human Development & Family Systems

    • Increased emphasis on human development to avoid pathologizing
    • Training on working with entire family system, not just client

    Conference Focus

    • Shift towards practitioner speakers sharing actual clinical work
    • Include local providers, not just recurring list of presenters
    • Representation of all perspectives - race, disability, gender, etc.

    23 July 2024, 5:33 pm
  • 58 minutes 47 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live Recording June 2024: How do you feel when you complete a task?

    In this episode of the Do Better Podcast, Dr. Megan and Joe and members of the Do Better Collective discuss how it feels to complete a task based on an IG post about the differences people experience in feeling proud of finishing something. They also explore the research on whether it is better to focus on the process or the outcomes.

    Meeting Purpose

    Live recording of the Do Better Podcast to discuss feeling a sense of accomplishment or pride when finishing tasks

    Key Takeaways

    • Some feel a sense of pride/accomplishment when completing tasks, while others feel more relief at getting it done
    • Neuroscience research shows focusing on the process rather than outcomes leads to greater happiness/wellbeing
    • Our field heavily emphasizes outcomes (e.g. meeting goals) over reinforcing the process of problem-solving creatively
    • Shifting to reinforce process over product could reduce burnout and increase motivation/effectiveness

    Differing Experiences of Accomplishment

    • Joe can feel accomplished crossing items off lists, but it's more about organization than happiness
    • Hannah uses lists for visual support but doesn't feel joy crossing items off
    • Megan used to feel immense pride completing tasks when starting Do Better, but now feels more relief
    • Jennilee doesn't feel accomplishment unless there's an element of competition

    Neuroscience on Process vs Outcome Focus

    • Research shows focusing on the process of an activity (e.g. problem-solving) leads to more happiness than focusing solely on the end outcome/product
    • Our capitalistic society heavily emphasizes and reinforces achieving outcomes/production over the process
    • This outcome focus likely contributes to burnout and reduced wellbeing in our field

    Shifting Practice to Reinforce Process

    • We could adjust how we train/supervise staff to reinforce creativity, problem-solving, and the journey rather than just meeting targets
    • For clients, we could reinforce engagement in activities rather than just correct responses
    • Doing this requires a mindset shift, but aligns with increasing focus on client happiness/quality of life

    Next Steps

    • Explore creating a workshop/training for collective members on restructuring practices (evaluations, supervision, etc.) to reinforce process over outcomes
    • Individually reflect on how to build in more process-focused reinforcement and metrics
    • Continue this philosophical discussion as it could go much deeper

    11 July 2024, 1:03 pm
  • 50 minutes 17 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live May 2024: Interview with Vanessa

    In this Episode of the Do Better Podcast, Dr. Megan interviews Vanessa Magallanez, BCBA about using ACT and Parent Coaching. Tune in to learn more!

    AI Summary from Fathom:

    Live recording of the Do Better Podcast to interview Vanessa Magallanez about incorporating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into her practice as a behavior analyst and parent coach.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Identifying and connecting with personal values is crucial for meaningful behavior change
    • ACT helps practitioners understand the inner experiences (thoughts, emotions) driving behavior
    • Focusing on the process rather than outcomes leads to more success and happiness
    • Practitioners should reflect on whether services align with clients' values

    Background and Getting into ACT

    • Vanessa started incorporating ACT 2-3 years ago to better support parents
    • Initially unsure if using ACT was within her scope, but saw positive results
    • Biggest influence was realizing focus was too much on the child, not enough on parent perspective

    Recommended ACT/Parenting Resources:

    • The ACT Made Simple book
    • Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy
    • Go Zen website with interactive ACT-aligned activities for kids

    Incorporating ACT into Practice:

    • Identifies client values and translates into actions/goals
    • Focuses on present moment awareness and non-judgmental acceptance
    • Helps parents reconnect with their identity beyond just being a parent
    • Uses conversational, natural language rather than technical ACT terms

    Goals and Branching Out:

    • Create more vocational/community opportunities aligned with client interests
    • Supervise BCBAs to expose them to diverse populations (criminal justice, mental health)
    • Build rapport, be open to different experiences

    11 July 2024, 12:55 pm
  • 26 minutes 3 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live March 2024 - Spring Cleaning

    In this episode of the Do Better Podcast, Megan and Joe discuss Spring Cleaning with Do Better Trailblazer Member: Hannah Skillman.

    AI Summary from Fathom:
    Meeting Purpose:

    Live recording of the Do Better podcast focused on spring cleaning and organizing physical and digital spaces.

    • The podcast will not have an April recording due to Megan's upcoming conferences and travel. They will resume in May.
    • Everyone struggles with organizing and deleting digital files and photos. Having too many can be a form of "digital hoarding."
    • Strategies like arranging an enjoyable environment with snacks and entertainment can help motivate organizing tasks.
    • Getting input from others on whether to keep clothing items can help with decision making during closet cleaning.
    • Considering colors that flatter you when shopping and cleaning out clothes can streamline the process.
    • Some items have sentimental value and are hard to part with. Setting them aside in a special place can help.
    • No topic is off limits for applying behavior analysis!
    • Everyone struggles with large numbers of photos and files on devices and wants to delete duplicates.
    • Hard to delete when unsure if it's backed up elsewhere already.
    • Can be a form of "digital hoarding" to keep too many files.
    • Strategies like snacks and entertainment can help motivate organizing tasks.
    • May have monetary costs for extra storage if not deleting files.
    • Getting input from others helps decide what clothing to keep or toss.
    • Considering what colors flatter you can streamline closet cleaning.
    • Some items have sentimental value and are hard to discard.
    • No topic is off limits for applying behavior analysis!
    • Challenge listeners to come up with a topic we can't tie back to ABA.
    • Share organizing tips and what worked to declutter physical and digital spaces.
    • Listeners to share topics they think can't be connected to behavior analysis.
    10 July 2024, 8:13 pm
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    VB vs RFT Reboot

    This is a reboot of our 2nd ever episode on the divide between Verbal and Relational Frame Theory. Enjoy!

    9 April 2024, 9:10 pm
  • 55 minutes 39 seconds
    Do Better Podcast Live Feb 27th, 2024 - Somatic Movement with Iveth

    In this episode, Joe and Dr. Megan interview Iveth who is a BCBA practicing as a woman's empowerment coach. Iveth explains her journey with Somatic Movement and how it can affect how we understand ourselves and our clients.

    Follow Iveth on Instagram:



    Links Shared in the Show:

    Youtube Video on Healing Trauma: https://youtu.be/FKrCe9fHsSc?si=o-njPb_t8Gwhc8jk

    Body Keeps the Score Book: https://www.amazon.com/Body-Keeps-Score-Healing-Trauma/dp/0143127748

    It Didn't Start with You Book: https://www.amazon.com/Didnt-Start-You-Inherited-Family/dp/

    YouTube Video on Somatic Therapy TedX Talk: https://youtu.be/UU7eSxcBhpM?si=54rjTfOfmJvivOjg

    Social Emotional Resources Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18UcU8OXFwyEEjRGAXvxxaxSu_cIriMJIUs4QqYegqqs/edit?usp=drive_link

    Emotional Regulation Website: www.gozen.com

    Summary of Podcast from Fathom:

    • Somatic movement focuses on internal bodily experiences rather than just external movement.
    • Ignoring body signals starts early in childhood and continues into adulthood.
    • Connecting with your own body helps you better understand client needs.
    • Emotions drive behavior, so addressing emotions prevents problem behavior.
    • There is fear around incorporating new practices into ABA, but we must be open to grow.
    • Somatic means relating to the body. Somatic movement is moving in a way where the intention is on internal bodily experiences rather than just external movement.
    • Our bodies hold wisdom for how to heal and regulate, but we are trained to ignore internal signals from a young age.
    • Somatic movement can be any movement motivated by an internal experience, even just using the bathroom when needed.
    • Iveth has been a BCBA since 2020 but experienced burnout from constant stress.
    • She took a break to travel and discovered somatic movement and nervous system regulation.
    • This was the missing piece - connecting her mind and body. She uses somatic practices daily now.
    • As a coach, Iveth identifies "can't do vs won't do" problems. If it's a "won't do" due to fear, she helps clients connect with their body to release the fear.
    • With clients with autism, she gets curious about the function of behaviors like tantrums. She explores what feelings drive the behaviors and teaches coping skills through movement.
    • Books like The Body Keeps the Score and It Didn't Start With You.
    • Connecting with your own body is the best resource.
    • Emotions drive behavior but are often ignored in ABA. We should teach body awareness and movement for regulation.
    • There is fear of incorporating new practices into ABA, but we must have cultural humility and synthesize knowledge.

    27 February 2024, 6:26 pm
  • 39 minutes 10 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live Recording Jan 23, 2024: Goals and Words for 2024

    In this episode of the Do Better Podcast, Dr. Megan and Joe discuss goals and words for 2024 with members of the Do Better Community. What's your word for 2024?

    Podcast Summary from Fathom:

    • Both Megan and Joe are focused on improving their health, routines, and productivity in 2024.
    • Having an extensive list of health/self-care goals can be overwhelming and counterproductive. It's better to focus on 1-3 key goals at a time.
    • Choosing a "word of the year" and integrating it into your life (like a password) can help focus intentions.
    • Tools like planners, journals, and apps can help build habits and routines, if used consistently.
    • Planning for obstacles and challenges in advance leads to better follow-through. The WOOP method (Wish, Outcome, Obstacles, Plan) is a helpful framework.
    • Megan went on a cruise and is now trying to establish routines and new habits, but feels overwhelmed by their extensive list of 30+ health/self-care goals. They got a planner to track habits and routines.
    • Joe is focused on productivity, planning, leadership, and being more disciplined in health habits like diet and exercise. They uses a "High Performance Planner".
    • They discussed how having too many goals creates cognitive load and makes it hard to build consistent habits. It's better to focus on 1-3 high priority goals first.
    • Joe uses "brain dumping" at night to reduce cognitive load. Megan's new planner helps their plan and track goals.
    • Nicole shared that choosing a "word of the year" helps focus intentions. Joe's word is "disciplined".
    • Writing goals down repeatedly (like in a password) keeps them top of mind. Vision boards also help visualize goals.
    • Time blocking is useful but can be hard for dynamic jobs. Planning for obstacles in advance helps overcome challenges.
    • Teaching supervisees methods like WOOP to plan for obstacles can set them up for real world success.
    • They will revisit leadership strategies for behavior analysts in a future episode.
    • Megan will confirm if their word of the year is "organized" in the next episode.
    • They will interview Callie and discuss leadership strategies in future episodes.
    • Next live podcast recording is February 27th at 12pm EST.

    27 February 2024, 3:56 pm
  • 22 minutes 14 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live - Soft Skills

    In this episode from Dec 12th, 2023, Dr. Megan and Joe discuss Soft Skills in Behavior Analysis. Let us know which resources you have found helpful for teaching Soft Skills.

    Show Notes:

    • Do Better podcast will switch to monthly live recordings instead of weekly in 2024.

    • Goal is to have all live content on the same day/time each month so people can plan for it.

    • Next recording will be a special session on motivational interviewing with Callie on 12/19.

    • Soft skills like listening and cultural humility weren't taught much in grad school but are critical.

    • Important for behavior analysts to listen to families without judgement and understand their perspectives.

    • Compassion, empathy, collaboration, and perspective taking are key soft skills.

    • There can be issues when expectations around "professional" interaction aren't neurodiversity affirming.

    • Resources mentioned:

      • Compassionate listening courses

      • Book "25 Essential Skills for Behavior Analysts"

      • Stoic philosophy (Ryan Holiday)

      • ACT training

      • Books by Aubrey Daniels and Brene Brown

      • Trainings and Books by Denny Reed

      • ChatGPT and Goblin AI tools

    12 December 2023, 6:08 pm
  • 24 minutes 29 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live - Social Media Instagram Accounts

    In this Live recording from Dec 5th, 2023, Joe and Dr. Megan discuss which Social Media Instagram Accounts influence their practices and why. Let us know if you have any accounts you would recommend!

    Podcast Show Notes:

    • Callie Plattner to join on December 19th to discuss motivational interviewing.

    • Suggestions needed for new topics to add to the podcast topic wheel.

    • Megan discussed favorite Instagram accounts that inform ABA practice:

      • Kids Create Ed - gives fun ideas for parents and kids, e.g. family clean-up time triggered by Alexa timer

      • Big Life Journal - building resilience, persistence, grit

      • Connected Parenting - gentle parenting strategies

      • Mr. Chazz - education and parenting topics

    • Joe discussed his favorite Instagram accounts:

      • Kaylin Hartrow - autistic advocate, gives advice and perspectives on autism

      • Ryan Holiday - author on stoicism, teaches focusing on controllables

      • The Tired Dad - shorts on being an intentional, present father

    12 December 2023, 5:55 pm
  • 15 minutes 51 seconds
    Do Better Pod Live - Disconnect Between Research and Practice

    In this episode, Dr. Megan and Joe briefly discuss some of the disconnects they have experienced when it comes to research and practice in behavior analysis. For a longer discussion, check out this episode from our first season on the Practice to Research Gap!

    7 November 2023, 5:29 pm
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