The Saucer Life

Cheeso Media LLC

A Podcast of Flying Saucer History and Lore

  • 37 minutes 4 seconds
    Life in a UFO Commune

    Episode Notes

    As we continue our look at Allen Michael's One World Family Commune UFO group from the 1960s, we talk about a woman named Del Rainer, who joined the commune in 1967 at the age of 40 and wrote about her experiences decades later.

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    20 January 2025, 2:34 pm
  • 57 minutes 54 seconds
    Allen Noonan's Strange Experience

    Episode Notes

    We are beginning a multi-part journey that is going to take us to the end of the year. Contactees, UFOs, the counterculture of the 60s, communes, weird space music, a new messiah for a new age… it’s wild. We begin, in this episode, with Allen Noonan, a sign painter from California who has an enlightening experience and begins building a community around it.

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    11 November 2024, 10:00 am
  • 32 minutes 53 seconds
    The 7th & A Bit Anniversary

    Episode Notes

    It’s the 7 ( and 1/12) anniversary of The Saucer Life! For the occasion, and in response to some messages I’ve received, I’m going to be revisiting my list of top ten important UFO books from four years ago. There are some changes to the list which will doubtless generate controversy (this may be an exaggeration).  After listening, you can find the list and links to purchase (which benefit the show) here!

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    27 September 2024, 10:00 am
  • 48 minutes 51 seconds
    Art Gatti's Alien Sex Book

    Episode Notes

    Art Gatti’s 1978 book UFO Encounters of the Fourth Kind? is a tour de force of supposed alien-human sexual encounters. Going all the way back to the dawn of time, Gatti makes the case for long-term alien sexual interference with humanity. I’d like to say he does it with tact and class but that would be a lie. Listen along as we cover the book, detail some of his very 1970s turns-of-phrase, and talk about the very interesting story of Cynthia Applegate, since Gatti doesn’t spend enough time on it!

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    13 September 2024, 10:00 am
  • 52 minutes 54 seconds
    The Zine Scene- Flying Saucers, February 1969

    Episode Notes

    It's another installment in our Zine Scene series! This time, we're looking at the February, 1969 issue of Flying Saucers Magazine. This was a long-running publication from the prolific Ray Palmer, who co-founded Fate Magazine and brought us the dubious glory of the Richard Shaver hollow Earth tales.

    This issue is rife with interesting ads, a condemnation of the Allende Letters, and more!

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    4 September 2024, 10:08 am
  • 43 minutes 39 seconds
    Elmwood, Wisconsin

    Episode Notes

    In 1975 and 1976 retired police chief George Wheeler had two extraordinary UFO sightings. He was not alone in this, as witnesses came out of the woodwork and corroborated his story in remarkable detail. In this episode of the Saucer Life, we’ll look at these sightings and the UFO culture that grew up around them in this tiny Wisconsin town.

    Get information about Elmwood’s UFO Days here:

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    25 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 27 minutes
    West Virginia 2024

    Episode Notes

    It’s time for the (mostly) annual Saucer Life Saucer Road Trip and, as with 2020’s visit to the Kelly and Hopkinsville areas, Associate Producer Simpson J. Hanover III is with me to provide an everyperson perspective to the things we see and do. We hit Point Pleasant and Braxton County, retrace my path through the TNT area where I saw the Mysterious Black Cadillac in 2021, and check out new-to-us museums and attractions in the region.

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    22 July 2024, 9:00 am
  • 39 minutes 56 seconds
    The Woodrew Update Update Update

    Episode Notes

    This is a bit of a sequel to our 2020 episode about Greta Woodrew, (Why do Birdlike Aliens Suddenly Appear?)and focuses on some newly available issues of her Woodrew Update newsletter from the 1980s. From Earth Changes to prepper-behavior, to the (not so) subtle bragging on her genius children, these newsletters provided an interesting window into a woman who was one of the most atypical contactees out there.

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    25 June 2024, 9:00 am
  • 54 minutes 53 seconds
    The Alien Abduction Survival Guide

    Episode Notes

    The Alien Abduction Survival Guide by Michelle LaVigne is... not entirely what it sounds like. While there are several tips for coping with one's abduction experiences, the most interesting aspect of the book is the manner in which the author positions herself within the shared experiences of humans and their alien mentors.

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    24 May 2024, 11:00 am
  • 42 minutes 17 seconds
    The Wolverton Trail Event

    Episode Notes

    Recounting a contactee tale that took place in 1955, Oscar F. Knight's booklet "The Wolverton Trail Event" is a unique story that exudes sincerity. Regardless of the saucer content, this is fascinating account!

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    26 April 2024, 9:00 am
  • 37 minutes 30 seconds
    An Exclusive Interview with Myself

    Episode Notes

    In this episode, I asked myself some questions that I’ve always wanted the answers to. Well, at least my answers on this particular day. These answer may change in the future. What’s the deal with Roswell? Least favorite episode of my own podcast? Favorite UFO book? Believe me when I say that I wasn’t sure how I’d answer when I asked myself!

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    27 March 2024, 9:00 am
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