A Weekly podcast featuring a bizarre collection of Monsters, Ghosts, Aliens, Demons, High Strangeness and more!
Near the end of the Vietnam War a battle hardened team of American Marines were sent on a covert mission into the dense jungles of the DMZ in order to ambush a communist convoy. But that moonless night these well-armed warriors weren’t destined to be the aggressors but the victims of an inexplicable army of unknown—and decidedly inhuman—enemies.
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In a move straight out of ‘80’s horror flick, a group of Texas teens broke into a decrepit old house owned by a pair of elderly eccentrics; spinster sisters who rarely showed their faces in public. But what began as a night of juvenile hijinks quickly devolved into a horrific Fortean flood that would haunt the unfortunate souls involved for the rest of their tragically short lives.
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Lurking in the murky depths of a landlocked lake in West Africas remote Dafra region, this colossal, flesh eating aquatic anomaly was worshiped as a god by locals who—unlike skeptical christian missionary—were well aware of the dangers faced by those who strayed too close to the blood-slicked rocks at the water’s edge; as just one misstep could mean instant death.
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In the depths of America’s Heartland dwells a sinister beast; a bizarre amalgam of various creatures that some might assume is a classic unidentified animal. But those who’ve come face-to-face with this ferocious fiend know better—this is no mere cryptid, but a horrific curse made flesh and the toll it extracts is nothing less than human life.
The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores:Hellorspace.com - Cryptonautmerch.com
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After 3-hellish-years of possession had cost him everything he held dear, Jean, a once wealthy and beloved family man now found himself destitute and alone; standing on a Japanese mountaintop. But, dire as his situation was, the sudden arrival of an interdimensional craft containing a trio of incredible entities—including two Biblical superstars—would not only shatter his notion of reality but introduce him to both the living damned and his remarkable (albeit horrific) destiny.
The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast
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While on a trip to the Holy Land in 1967, an affluent executive claimed to have been attacked and subjugated by a raging God-like force. This life altering experience would send this semi-possessed man spiraling into a dark void of secret missions, animate UFOs, magical powers and a confrontation with some of the most revered names in Western Religion.
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There are few things that send chills down the spine quicker than the thought of coming into contact with an undulating, amorphous mass of living tissue. Be they from the bottom of the ocean, the depths of space, the bowels of the Earth or infinitely more arcane realms; these squirming, scummy, shriek-inducing organisms have the power to terrify even the sturdiest of souls
The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores:Hellorspace.com - Cryptonautmerch.com
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HELLRAISER REMASTERED:https://www.fathomentertainment.com/events/hellraiser-remastered/
On our planet inexplicable animals come in all shapes and sizes, but—for all of their diversity—rarely do they come in the form of the leafy, chlorophyll laden plant. This week we once again dive into the algae ridden, monster infested pond wherein these elusive cryptobotanical critters dwell.
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When it comes to alleged alien encounters there is no dearth of weirdness, but one of the stranger subsets of this already freaky phenomenon are those cases that deal with an unconventional array of egg-shaped entities. The ovoid anomalies are always baffling, often bizarre and, occasionally, downright terrifying.
The Cryptonaut Podcast Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/cryptonautpodcast The Cryptonaut Podcast Merch Stores:Hellorspace.com - Cryptonautmerch.com
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The epic paranormal umbrella encompasses the full spectrum of high strangeness and this week we dive into an array of anomalous accounts sent in from our listeners, which run the gamut from demonic entities and sinister specters to interdimensional interlopers and eccentric extraterrestrials'. Buckle up for a wild ride.
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Once again we return to the not-so-sunny shores of England to induct two new crazy critters into this ancient nation’s already pervasive pantheon of the paranormal; specifically a pair of insidious invertebrates whose peculiar provenance seems to lean less toward the traditionally biological and more toward the uncannily occult…
The Highest Strangeness By Richard Freeman:https://www.amazon.com/Highest-Strangeness-Richard-Freeman/dp/1909488720/
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