Lost-Hope: A Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell podcast

Double P Media

Join Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) from Double P Media (@DoublePHQ) as they break down every episode of the BBC's adaption of Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell!

  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Wrap-Up Show
    Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) have #FINALLY! recorded a wrap-up podcast on the great BBC/BBC America miniseries Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell based on the novel by Susanna Clarke. We break down the minor differences between Peter Harness' script for the 1st episode and what made the television version! We read great feedback on the character of Stephen Black! We reveal the latest members of the Respectable Magicians Club! For more information on our other podcasts, visit https://www.facebook.com/doubleppodcasts?_rdr=p
    1 October 2015, 7:11 am
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
    Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: "Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell"
    We've made it to the end! Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) recap and review the final episode of BBC and BBC America's adaptation of Susanna Clarke's novel. What did you think about the mini-series? Tweet us and let us know: #LostHopePodcast Plus we give away multiple awesome prizes!
    27 July 2015, 8:51 am
  • 1 hour 57 minutes
    Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: "The Black Tower"
    Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) break down the WONDERFUL chapter 6 "The Black Tower" of BBC One and BBC America's miniseries based on the novel by Susanna Clark. Tweet with #LostHopePodcast
    20 July 2015, 6:48 am
  • 2 hours 8 seconds
    Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: "Arabella"
    Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) recap & review the 5 chapter of BBC One & BBC America's mini-series adaptation of Susanna Clarke's JONATHAN STRANGE & MR NORRELL. Plus our friend Double M, Matt Murdick from Podcast Winterfell (@WinterfellPod) breaks down the incredible score! We welcome new Respectable Magicians too!
    13 July 2015, 6:39 am
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: "All the Mirrors of the World"
    Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) are joined by Little Murray for some C.C. (Commercial Commentary) as they break down Chapter 4: "All the Mirrors of the World" of BBC One and BBC America's adaptation of Susanna Clarke's novel 'Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell'
    6 July 2015, 8:02 am
  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: "The Education of a Magician"
    Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) recap & review the latest episode of BBC One & BBC America's seven-part mini-series adaption of Susanna Clarke's novel 'Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.' Plus, there's an exclusive interview with brilliant comic book author John Reppion (@johnreppion) who's written some excellent pieces on the lore of Strange & Norrell at DailyGrail.com. http://dailygrail.com/Guest-Articles/2015/6/Strange-Norrell-IV-Magic-and-Madness In addition, we have lots of feedback including Susan (@blackeyedlily) directing people to the Library at Hurtfew hurtfew.wikispaces.com -- a great resource. BFI Channel's panel discussion youtu.be/AbJNex591VK which includes Marc Warren, aka the Man with the Thistle Down Hair. BBC's The One Show has an interview with Eddie Marsan and Bertie Carvel at youtu.be/Ujw7EW3Lkk0 Tweet at us to let us know if you're on: #TeamStrange or #TeamNorrell #TeamSegundus or #TeamHoneyfoot #TeamDrawlight or #TeamLesalles #TeamChildermass or #TeamJeremy #TeamArabella or #TeamLadyPole and finally: #TeamBubba or #TeamCatfish
    28 June 2015, 8:41 pm
  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: "How Is Lady Pole?"
    Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) break down the latest episode of the BBC & BBC One's adaptation of Susanna Clarke's novel.
    22 June 2015, 7:25 am
  • 1 hour 24 minutes
    Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell: "The Friends of English Magic"
    Join Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) as they enter Lost-Hope with a recap and review of the first episode of BBC & BBC America's 7-part mini-series based on Susanna Clarke's novel Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. We talk magic, Victoria England, and John Segundus' heist as Ocean's 1811! The miniseries' secret connection to The Office! When you download this podcast, you've made a Faustian Bargain TM! Plus listener feedback from Twitter and iTunes!
    14 June 2015, 11:06 pm
  • 46 minutes 11 seconds
    Interviews with screenwriter Peter Harness & TOR.com's Kate Nepveu
    A podcast dedicated to the BBC's adaptation of Susanna Clarke's novel: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Hosts Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) report back from a special Screen Actor's Guild screening of the first 2 episodes! Plus, we have a special interview with the screenwriter, wonderful Peter Harness (@mrpeterharness) !! And we talk to TOR.com's Kate Nepveu (@katenepveu) about her expectations for the upcoming series!
    7 June 2015, 2:33 am
  • 36 minutes 11 seconds
    PreSeason Expectations
    Join Bubba (@FittenTrim) and Catfish (@cjgman67) as they review Susanna Clarke's novel, the BBC mini-series trailer, and a scene from the first episode! Bubba loved the novel, Catfish did not. Join the debate!
    17 May 2015, 5:33 am
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