Sue Watches Buffy

Emily & Sue

Join Emily and Sue as they talk about Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and a bit of everything else along the way).

  • 1 hour 42 minutes
    Sue Watches Dr. Horrible

    Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog -- Image DH_2178 -- Pictured (L-R): Neil Patrick Harris as Billy and Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer -- Credit: Amy Opoka/Courtesy of Timescience Bloodclub, LLC -- © 2008 Time Science Blood Club, LLC.

    We got Sue to watch Dr. Horrible finally! This might have been less of a chore had I thought to tell her it had a super hero theme. Oops. Oh well. She enjoyed it.

    Again, I must apologize for this recording. Sue’s failed, but B thought to record it (too bad it was too late to hear her extended laugh over my dream car -it’s a Volvo Station Wagon……….NOT FUNNY AT ALL! IT’S AWESOME.) Anyway, this recording is quite tinny and I tried a few tricks and it’s only just a little better. Sorry, we are going to figure this out soon.

    18 November 2016, 7:57 pm
  • 2 hours 48 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #14 S2:Finale “Epitaph 2: Return”

    epitaph-2Em and Sue have finished Dollhouse and we dragged Matt Asendorf along on our journey and he joined us in our discussion of the finale. Dragged may not be the most appropriate word since all three of us ended up enjoying the series. We also enjoy talking to each other and we do so. A lot. Join us as we do our best to stay on topic (lie) and give our thoughts on this finale and the series as a whole.  We also pick our own doll (dumbshow) names.

    For the die hards, after the music you can listen to the extended cut where Oscar, Zulu and Bravo discuss drinks, pumpkin, Halloween costumes and yes– Single Vampire Dad (and other things).

    8 November 2016, 6:07 am
  • 1 hour 59 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #13 S2E11-12 (Getting Closer – The Hollow Men)

    dollhouse_elizaharryThis week Em and Sue found out the big revel and weren’t disappointed! We got a good amount of feedback, so we read that and we also only recorded this one ONCE! (Thanks to Sue’s recorder.) Only one more episode to go! Crazy!

    2 November 2016, 3:10 am
  • 3 hours 13 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #12 S2Eps9-10 Stop-Loss and The Attic

    the-atticAn extra long discussion because it’s been an extra long time? Or maybe it’s because we got Nutty Nuchas to join us since we had to rerecord for the second time in a row and we just can’t stop talking when you add another to the mix. Enjoy!

    Make sure you check our facebook page out for dancing cats and drunk trump…

    25 October 2016, 5:27 am
  • 1 hour 50 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #11 S2: Meet Jane Doe and A Love Supreme


    We are wrapping up Dollhouse!  Hard to believe.  Mose visited us this week, unfortunately, and we had to record this one twice.  Or we got to record this one twice…nope.  We had to.

    25 September 2016, 11:22 pm
  • 1 hour 48 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #10 S2: The Public Eye and The Left Hand

    tophersEm and Sue took a little break this last week for moving and voice-stealing colds. But we are back! This was recorded before the cold, but we are back none the less, discussing the episodes The Public Eye and The Left Hand. Did you guys know this show was pretty dang good? Oh, you did? We are figuring that out. Join us as we try to figure out what is happening in it.

    19 September 2016, 4:51 am
  • 2 hours 15 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #9 S2: Belle Chose and Belonging

    Sierra-and-Victor-600x400In this episode Sue gets to the bottom of what Belle Chose actually means (it may surprise you- it surprised Em), we discuss the worst human being on the planet, and that Victor is possibly the best and we compare Dandy from AHS to Terry. We discuss other stuff too about these eps, but those are what I can think of right now. We read your feedback too!

    6 September 2016, 4:04 am
  • 2 hours 9 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #8; S2: Vows and Instinct


    This week Em and Sue finally dive into season 2 and we are pleasantly surprised by where we find ourselves, but have A LOT of questions for the writers.  Like how does this mommy doll work and what is it’s end game?  A lot.

    1 September 2016, 12:24 am
  • 1 hour 43 minutes
    Em and Sue Read Buffy #1 (S8: Issues 1-10)


    Well, we have reached our point in the Buffy journey where we have to read.  Season 8 of the comics are new to both of us and we found our first foray into this new Buffy world…interesting.  Join us as we read and then try to sound like we understood what we just read/watched.

    *Note:  We go over the plot well enough so that if you never read these before, you should be able to at least grasp what they are all about.  I say this because if I wasn’t podcasting about them, and came ACROSS a podcast about them, I would just listen to that instead of read them.  I thought there might be other people like me. -E

    13 August 2016, 11:30 pm
  • 2 hours 3 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse S1Finale “Epitaph One”


    Listen to Em and Sue scratch their heads through the finale.

    1 August 2016, 5:40 am
  • 2 hours 35 minutes
    Em and Sue Watch Dollhouse #6 S1E11&12 “Briar Rose and Omega”

    012dd01909b08cab65f43fdd21b4efbfec65abb7e1This season is winding down, but wow- what a way to do it.  These eps have twists and turns, surprises, and fun guest stars.  Em and Sue were quite impressed, I must say.  Join us as we talk about the 2 almost final eps, but they really seem like the final eps.  Weird.

    25 July 2016, 7:46 am
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