Living With Less Podcast

Chelsey DeMatteis

The Living With Less Podcast was birthed in 2019 when The Lord placed the words “live with less” on Chelsey’s heart. As she began diving deeper in prayer about this phrase The Lord led her to John 3:30, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Every week since He has continued to challenge, change, and shape Chelsey’s heart as He reveals the things in our lives that get in the way of who He’s calling us to be. Join Chelsey each Wednesday to dig into these areas of our lives as we decrease and He increases! Chelsey runs hard after God, His truth, and making Him known. She is a wife, stay-at-home mama, podcast host here, and devotional writer for To find out more about Chelsey head to her website and come join her on Instagram @livingwithlesspodcast!

  • 14 minutes 21 seconds
    Walking Forward Faithfully

    Grab your coffee, put in your headphones, or however you listen to your podcasrs and settle in to hear Chelsey's heart about the season God has her in. You'll feel right at home hearing the way God is working through the hard and beautiful parts of life, showing Chelsey how to walk forward faithfully no matter what her circumstances may be.


    • 1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.
    • 1 John 3:18 - Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
    • Hebrews 12:1-2 - Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
    3 October 2024, 4:00 am
  • 32 minutes 29 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Casey Martin | Knowing, Seeing, and Experiecing Jesus through Life + Unimaginable Loss

    Casey Martin joins Chelsey to finish up the second Hear Her Story series with an incredible testimony of knowing, seeing, and experiencing Jesus through life and the grief that comes with unimaginable loss. I pray Casey's story encourages you to trust that a life with Christ is worth it - no matter what it is that you're walking through.

    What a gift it is to hear the testimonies of women to see how God has worked in their lives through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Revelation 12:11 is the anchor to this series, "we conquer him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies". 


    Connect with Casey:

    IG: @agazefixed


    Book: Joy of Every Longing Heart

    1 May 2024, 4:00 am
  • 23 minutes 57 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Sarah Nichols | Failing Faithfully and Longing for Home

    Sarah Nichols joins Chelsey for the Hear Her Story series! What a gift it is to hear the testimonies of women to see how God has worked in their lives through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Revelation 12:11 is the anchor to this series, "we conquer him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies". May Sarah's story encourage you to surrender what you wish was and recieve what God has for you right now. 


    Connect with Sarah:

    Instagram: @sarahnicholswrites


    Devotional: Falling for Freedom + Prayers for the Summertime Mom

    17 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 48 minutes 46 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Hanna Seymour | He is a Good God No Matter What

    Hanna Seymour joins Chelsey as the Hear Her Story series continues! What a gift it is to hear the testimonies of women to see how God has worked in their lives through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Revelation 12:11 is the anchor to this series, "we conquer him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies". May Hannah's story of experiencing God's Grace, trusting in His good things in the waiting, and finding answers among hard seasons of wrestling, spur you on to live BOLDLY for Christ.


    Connect with Hanna:


    Instagram: @hannaeseymour

    Book: The College Girl's Survival Guide

    10 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 28 minutes 52 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Rachael Adams | Trusting God in All Things

    Racahel Adams joins Chelsey to kick off the second Hear Her Story series! What a gift it is to hear the testimonies of women to see how God has worked in their lives through the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Revelation 12:11 is the anchor to this series, "we conquer him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimonies". May Rachael's story spur you on to pursue Christ and live for Him boldly. 


    Connect with Rachael:

    Instagram: @rachaeladamsauthor


    Book: A Little Goes a Long Way: 52 Days to a Significant Life

    5 April 2024, 4:00 am
  • 13 minutes 6 seconds
    Fired Up for Jesus | Fiercely Pursuing what God Has for Us

    Today Chelsey is fired up in this quick, fiery epsiode that will leave you encourgaed to pursue what God is prompting you to do! You'll be reminded that the enemy's attacks are defeated by the truth of God's Word + our obedinece to be used as a vessel for the Kingdom! 



    Devotional: SHOP HERE! 


    23 January 2024, 5:00 am
  • 19 minutes 16 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Kaley Olson | The Holy Spirit, Trusting God's Heart, and Faithful Relationships

    We're headed into week five of the HEAR HER STORY series! This series was stirred up in Chelsey's heart when God continued to nudge her with Revelation 12:11, We conquer him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies." There is nothing more powerful than sharing how we've seen the work of the cross +  the redemption of Christ in our lives. Chelsey's prayer is that God will use series will stir your heart to share your story, rest in the truth that God IS writing your story, and there is VICTORY over the darkness!

    Kaley Olson takes the seat this week to share her incredible story of how God pursued her heart from a young age, how God is calling her to trust more deeply, and how important our relationships are. 


    Connect with Kaley: 

    IG - @kaleyolsn 

    4 October 2023, 4:00 am
  • 17 minutes 23 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Rachel Spiller | Faith, Failing, and God's Great Redemption

    We're headed into week 4 of the HEAR HER STORY series! This series was stirred up in Chelsey's heart when God continued to nudge her with Revelation 12:11, We conquer him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies." There is nothing more powerful than sharing how we've seen the work of the cross +  the redemption of Christ in our lives. Chelsey's prayer is that God will use series will stir your heart to share your story, rest in the truth that God IS writing your story, and there is VICTORY over the darkness!

    Rachel Spiller (my sweet neighbor) takes the seat this week to share her incredible story of how God drew her in at a young age, how she pushed Him away - yet He still pursued her heart, and how God healed her marriage!  You will be blessed, sharpened, and spurred on by her love for Jesus!


    Connect with Rachel on Instagram!

    20 September 2023, 4:00 am
  • 21 minutes 33 seconds
    Hear Her Story with Chelsea Roberson | Family Faith, Releasing Control, and Trusting God Where He Has us

    Chelsea Roberson takes the seat this week to share her incredible story of how her grandfathers faith shaped her's and her life, the way God has called her to release control, and how to trust God where He has us. You will be so encouraged by her testimony and leave knowing that what God is doing in your life is for YOUR good and HIS glory.


    Main Takeaways:

    • God is so sweet to gently correct us when we try to take control of things.
    • I knew at a very young age that Jesus was always with me.
    • We need to remember God is with us even when we're in the trenches.
    • When the Lord shows up when our lives are most messy, those are some of the most special moments.
    • Scriptures: John 10:10 // Gal 2:20 

    Connect with Chelsea:

    IG - @heychelsearoberson

    13 September 2023, 4:00 am
  • 15 minutes 35 seconds
    Hear Her Story Series: Megan Jenkins - Transformation, Redemption, and The Hope of Christ

    We're headed into week two of the HEAR HER STORY series! This series was stirred up in Chelsey's heart when God continued to nudge her with Revelation 12:11, We conquer him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies." There is nothing more powerful than sharing how we've seen the work of the cross +  the redemption of Christ in our lives. Chelsey's prayer is that God will use series will stir your heart to share your story, rest in the truth that God IS writing your story, and there is VICTORY over the darkness!

    Megan Jenkins takes the seat this week to share her incredible story of how God drew her in after coming from a family that had no relationship with Jesus, how she saw powerful redemption in her marriage, and that when we make Jesus priority over everything - we see Him everywhere!  You will be blessed, sharpened, and spurred on by her love for Jesus!


    Connect with Megan

    6 September 2023, 4:00 am
  • 18 minutes 34 seconds
    Hear Her Story Series: Hailey Everett - Healing, Redemption, + Walking in Freedom

    This week kicks off the HEAR HER STORY series! This series was stirred up in Chelsey's heart when God continued to nudge her with Revelation 12:11, We conquer him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimonies." There is nothing more powerful than how sharing how we've seen the work of the cross + the power the redemption of Christ has been in our lives. Chelsey's prayer is this series will stir you up to share your story, rest in the truth that God IS writing your story, and there is VICTORY over the darkness!


    Hailey Everett takes the seat first to share her incredible story of healing from depression + anxiety, redemption through the work of Jesus, and walking in HIS freedom that He has for ALL of us. You will be blessed and encouraged by the mark of Jesus on her life and she invites you to step into a life with Christ, too. 

    Connect with Hailey:

    • Instagram - @haileyleverett
    30 August 2023, 4:00 am
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