Have Tap Shoes Will Travel

Have Tap Shoes Will Travel

Interesting people & stories. Hosted by Rick Ausland of Buckets and Tap Shoes.

  • 1 hour 45 minutes
    #054 👞🧳 Anthony Lo Cascio & Staci Lo Cascio drink bourbon & talk tap in St. Paul, MN on August 1st, 2022. From ASMR to Tap Dogs to Ernie's "best friend" to the Derelicts of Dialect album by 3rd Bass

    Last August, 1st of 2022 former Tap Dog, Anthony Lo Cascio and his wife who is also not only a tap dancer, but a best friend of both Ernie and Rosita on Sesame Street Live tours, Staci Lo Cascio. We met up in St. Paul, we drank some nice bourbon, and talked about so many things from ASMR to Yerba Mate, to the Holy Trinity of Tap Dancing Anthonys where he reveals who their 4th member of honor is. You can find Anthony on all social media platforms as well as at taplifecompany.com and locafoodsinc.com

    Thank you to Keane Sense of Rhythm, Cathy Wind and Ellen Keane for their support. They’re producing their National Tap Dance Day event Saturday May 27th at the Como Lakeside Pavilion in St. Paul, MN. More info at tapcompany.org

    Thank you to The Dancing Fair. If you need tap shoes, dance-related footwear, leg wear, or body wear, hit up the Matt the Shoe Guy at DancingFair.com

    Shoutout to Ricci Milan and the Rhythm Street Movement for bringing Anthony Lo Cascio to MN. RSM is presenting The Storyboard Experience again this summer July 31st - August 5th at the Cowles Center for Dance in Minneapolis, more info at rhythmstreetmovement.com 

    Shoutout to Ashley Gonzalez of the Radient Rhythm Initiative and the Swingin’ Into Summer tap festival in St. Cloud, MN June 8-11th, visit radiantrhythminitiative.com for more information and to register.

    Kaleena Miller Dance and KMD2, are doing a 4-night run of shows at the Southern Theatre in Minneapolis. May 11th and May 12th KMD2 will perform an evening of Tap Dance, with new and classic works by Leon Collins (as taught and shared by Dianne Walker and Lia Spirka), Naomi Funaki, Kaleena Miller, Bobby Hamilton and Tony van de Light, as well as KMD2 company members. southerntheater.org/shows/kmd2-in-concert

    May 13th and May 14th, Kaleena Miller Dance presents Quartet, a 60-minute, sound-focused dance work in 4 parts. Choreographed by Kaleena Miller. Music Consultation from Aby Wolf. southerntheater.org/shows/quartet

    Tap master Dianne Walker, yes aunt Dianne, is launching the Dianne Walker Foundation. Please visit her GoFundMe page and chip in to help her launch this special tap legacy foundation. She is preserving and archiving the works of her mentor Leon Collins, and that’s only the beginning. It’s going to do wonderful things for the world of tap dancing. The goal is to raise $50,000. Make your donation at GoFundMe.com/Dianne-walker

    I’m teaching a 6-week session of Monday night adult tap classes at Lundstrum Performing Arts in Minneapolis starting Monday June 12th through July 25th. Visit lundstrum.org for more information.

    On this episode we discuss everything from how Anthony and Staci eat a diet of no corn, gluten, soy, nor dairy, to Chez lounges, ASMR, the Coney Island Cyclone rollercoaster, dash cams, how it isn’t appropriate to call a “dip” a “death drop,” and shout-outs to Tony Danza and Mary Lou Henner tap dancing on the set of Taxi, rehearsals in Fridley with Stephanie Harmon, Anthony Morigerato, Anthony Russo, Jen Vermes, Michael Flatley, Daisy Duke, Chris Erk and how he scored tickets to “YES”, Time Brickey, Sam Weber, Christopher Walken, Fatboy Slim.

    At the beginning and end of this episode, is a recording from 3/15/23. Ashley Gonzalez and Anna Esposito sent me a message inviting me to a jazz jam that happens every Tuesday night at a place called Whitey’s World Famous Saloon in NE Minneapolis. Bassist Graydon Peterson hosts it and plays upright bass, Joe Strachan was on keys, and I was tap dancing on Ashley’s Omara tap board.

    Do you have questions? Comments? Tap-related things you’d like me to know about? Send me a message [email protected], follow us on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and I’m even on TikTok @RickTheTapDancer.

    Visit havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    #HaveTapShoesWillTravel 👞🧳 #TapTravelers #TapDREAMS #RickTheTapDancer #tapfam #tapfamily #tapdancepodcast

    4 April 2023, 6:42 am
  • 2 hours 30 minutes
    #053 👞🧳 Time Brickey, cameos by Ted Louis Levy & Andy Ausland, Jelly's Last Jam, HAPPY 144th BIRTHDAY to Bill "Bojangles" Robinson! The world's first standing podcast. Happy National Tap Dance Day!

    Time Brickey from Chicago, IL is in Minneapolis performing in Jelly's Last Jam. He talks about his mentors including Reggio "The Hoofer" McLaughlin & Tristan Bruns, tap shoe mics, performing in blackface, and receives a call from Ted Louis Levy. Visit his site www.heyti.me

    This episode also includes shout-outs to; Erinn Liebhard, Anthony Lo Cascio, Dianne "Lady Di" Walker, Jared Grimes, Sarah Reich, DeWitt Fleming Jr., Julius Collins, Brittany Marie, Kaleena Miller, Shoe Horn, Eugene Flemming, Geoff "Tasty" LeCrone, Lia Spirka, Max Pollak, Ricci Milan, Galen Higgins, Michelle Dorrance, Nicholas Young, and many more.

    "Pale Moonlight" by Andy Ausland used with permission, and available on Spotify and Apple Music.

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    Questions? Comments? Ideas? Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes directly toward hosting our website and creating new episodes.

    Check out havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Follow us on FB, IG, and TW @HaveTapShoesWillTravel 

    Friday 5/27 MN Tap Experience & Saturday 5/28 - National Tap Dance Day, Como Pavilion, St. Paul - Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org
    6/9 - 6/12
    Swingin' Into Summer, St. Cloud, MN - radiantrhythminitiative.com
    8/1 - 8/6
    The Storyboard Experience, Minneapolis, MN - rhythmstreetmovement.com

    A big THANK YOU to:

    Dancing Fair at dancingfair.com


    M.A.D.D. Rhythms maddrhythms.com

    Buckets and Tap Shoes bucketsandtapshoes.com

    Sarah Reich sarahreich.com

    Max Pollak mxpllk.com

    Ayodele Casel ayodelecasel.com

    Dorrance Dance dorrancedance.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all." - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival

    25 May 2022, 7:24 am
  • 1 hour 55 minutes
    #052 - 3♣️ - Max Pollak, a FULL DECK, the Austrian Clavé, and what it's like being a tap dancer on the USPS Forever stamp.

    Max Pollak was in town for the Twin Cities Tap Festival and stopped by Studio 101 last October. He shared stories of his life as a tap dancer, and also insights into Cuban music history, tap floor design tips, ideas on how to record body percussion. He even sheds some light on the nuances of the very rarely talked about “Austrian Clavé.”

    “North 2nd Street” and “Xceler8" from the Bucket Drummin’ Volume 1 album by The Ausland Brothers is available on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, or even as an autographed CD.

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    Questions? Comments? Ideas? Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes directly toward hosting our website and creating new episodes.

    Check out havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Follow us on FB, IG, and TW


    A big THANK YOU to:

    Twin Cities Tap Festival, 10/20-23, 2022

    Dancing Fair at dancingfair.com

    Cathy Wind & Ellen Keane at
    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org


    M.A.D.D. Rhythms

    Buckets and Tap Shoes

    Rhythm Street Movement

    Sarah Reich

    Max Pollak

    Ayodele Casel

    Dorrance Dance

    "Go in rhythm, y'all." - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival

    29 December 2021, 12:33 am
  • 1 hour 33 minutes
    #051 - K♦️ - Sarah Reich, Tap Music Project, Zelda's treasure trove of footage, Dr. Harold "Stumpy" Cromer, Chance Taylor, PMJ, a CALL TO ACTION - Every Tuesday is Hoofers Night in every city.

    Sarah Reich (Performer, Choreographer, Instructor, Composer) has emerged as one of the new leaders in the art form of Tap Dance. This Los Angeles native has been sought after to perform, choreograph, and teach in over 40 countries. "I want to continue to bring tap into mass media with great respect and quality," she says, focusing on "reprogramming the minds of the general public on their perception of tap dance." (Dance Magazine 2017)

    Sarah has become one of the art form's pop culture ambassadors, thanks to her appearances in videos with Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox. Her videos with them have garnered millions of views on YouTube, all receiving rave reviews. She has toured the world with PMJ playing prestigious venues such as Radio City Music Hall, Walt Disney Concert Hall and the Sydney Opera House as well as a televised PBS special filmed in Las Vegas.

    She is also creator of the Tap Music Project teaching tap dancers musicality with a live band in class.

    "Respect The Dance" from the New Change album by Sarah Reich is used in this episode with permission from the artist.
    Available on Spotify, Apple Music, or as an autographed CD when purchased here SarahReich.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas? Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone.
    While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment.

    Contact us at havetapshoeswilltravel.com 

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    Call/text the Tap Travelers HOTLINE (612) 440-2900

    Follow us on FB, IG, and TW

    Twin Cities Tap Festival,
    October 21-24, 2021, Minneapolis, Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com

    to Matt & Carrie at dancingfair.com, Cathy Wind & Ellen Keane at Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org


    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com
    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com
    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com
    Ayodele Casel - ayodelecasel.com
    Dorrance Dance - dorrancedance.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all." - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival

    #BlackLivesMatter #tapdancepodcast #HaveTapShoesWillTravel #TapTravelers #SarahReich #RickTheTapDancer

    13 October 2021, 10:46 pm
  • 56 minutes 46 seconds
    #050 - 10♠️ - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Dianne Walker!!! 1-2-3-4 vs. 5-6-7-8, no food is "to die for," and a T.B.I. recovery progress update.

    First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the one and only Dianne Walker!!! Also a T.B.I. recovery progress update, 1-2-3-4 vs. 5-6-7-8, no food is "to die for," and so much more.

    Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify. Copy/paste and search it. 10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class! We could also mail you a CD if you'd prefer. (Send us an email!)

    As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, check it out havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas?
    Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. 

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]
    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @HaveTapShoesWillTravel

    Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland and the Stir Fry Wizards for the music!


    Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com 

    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com 

    Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com 

    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org 

    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com 

    Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com 

    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com 

    "Go in rhythm, y'all."
    Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival  

    #BlackLivesMatter #tapdancepodcast #HaveTapShoesWillTravel #TapTravelers

    10 March 2021, 4:32 am
  • 2 hours 43 minutes
    #049 - 7♥️ - Brian Karoff, 10 Foot 5 shooting an MTv pilot, tap dancing at Paisley Park, receiving $10 from Alec Baldwin on the 3rd Street Promenade, and much more!

    From growing up dancing together, to 10 Foot 5, and beyond, Brian Karoff and I talk for a long time, then at the end you get a bonus live recording of when the Stir Fry Wizards opened for Turn Back Now at the 501 in 2010.

    You’ll hear all about our days at Studio 54 in the Taylor Building on North 2nd Street in Minneapolis, tap dancing at the TWA Dome in St. Louis for 50,000 people, the time when Brian, Andy, and I brought our tap shoes to Paisley Park, tap dancing on the 3rd Street Promenade while Duke and his dad Steve drummed on buckets, and the MTv pilot 10 Foot 5 shot in Los Angeles in 2001. Stories galore as we stroll down Memory Lane.

    Also shout outs to Ricci Milan, Luke Kolling, Terrell Woods, Paul Wonsavage, Shoehorn, Ryan Lance, Tim Kasper, and many more.

    Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify. Copy/paste and search it.
    10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class! We could also mail you a CD if you'd prefer. (Send us an email!) 

    As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, and we've got HTSWT stickers and buttons just waiting to get into your hands!
    Please check it out, and let us know what you would like to see on it. havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas? Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. We also welcome your tap dance-related book recommendations and movie suggestions. While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment. 

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected] Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

    Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland and the Stir Fry Wizards for the music! 


    Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com
    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com
    Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com
    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org
    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com
    Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com
    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all." - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival

    #BlackLivesMatter #tapdancepodcast #HaveTapShoesWillTravel

    27 November 2020, 12:48 pm
  • 32 minutes 48 seconds
    #048 - 4♣️ - Improvising to the music in your head, street performing, voting, and getting up for the downstroke.
    Rick gets up for the downstroke, talks about street performing on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica in 2001, encourages you to VOTE, and explains the phenomenon of how he tap jams along with the music that is playing inside of his head. I am so thankful, grateful, and touched by your well-wishes, prayers, and generosity. It is a huge reason why I am healing so well. Thank you! If you'd like to chip in and help me out here's the link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/rick-ausland This episode features "3rd Street Promenade" and "Phillup T. Bucket" from Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify. Copy/paste and search it. 10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class! We could also mail you a CD if you'd prefer. (Send us an email!) As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, and we've got HTSWT stickers and buttons just waiting to get into your hands! Please check it out, and let us know what you would like to see on it. havetapshoeswilltravel.com Questions? Comments? Ideas? Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. We also welcome your tap dance-related book recommendations and movie suggestions. While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment.   Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected] Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @HaveTapShoesWillTravel Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland for the music! ADDITIONAL WEBSITES Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com "Go in rhythm, y'all." - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival #BlackLivesMatter #tapdancepodcast #HaveTapShoesWillTravel
    2 November 2020, 7:01 am
  • 48 minutes 12 seconds
    #047 - A♦️- Disorderly Conduct Citations for Bucket Drummin’ in Times Square, R.I.P. "Uncle Sid" Hartman, & Fall For Dance 2020 NYC.

    Rick & Andy were frisked and cited by the NYPD for bucket drummin' in Times Square without a permit, what happened? Also, check out Dormeshia at Fall for Dance 2020, sitting into a groove, amplifying tap sounds using mics or pickups, letting your feet rap an improvised verse, R.I.P. "Uncle Sid" Hartman, and Grandma Gina's wonderful Italian recipes.

    I am so thankful, grateful, and touched by your well-wishes, prayers, and generosity. It is a huge reason why I am healing so well. Thank you! If you'd like to chip in and help me out here's the link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/rick-ausland

    This episode features a track from Andy Ausland recorded around a campfire at the cabin. It also includes "Times Square" from Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify. Copy/paste and search it. 10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class! We could also mail you a CD if you'd prefer. (Send us an email!)

    As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, and we've got HTSWT stickers and buttons just waiting to get into your hands! Please check it out, and let us know what you would like to see on it. havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas?

    Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. We also welcome your tap dance-related book recommendations and movie suggestions.

    While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment.

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @HaveTapShoesWillTravel

    Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland for the music!

    Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com
    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com
    Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com
    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org
    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com
    Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com
    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all."
    - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival


    26 October 2020, 9:03 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    #046 - J♠️ - Levi & Irene Weinhagen call and Rick gives them an update. Twin Cities Tap Festival is online this week.

    Levi & Irene Weinhagen from the I Wanna Be HER When I Grow Up podcast call and check in with Rick. Rick also discuses proprioception, balance pads, the results from his recent X-ray and hearing test, and about how he recently removed multiple stitches from his left knee using a nail clipper.

    I am so thankful, grateful, and touched by your well-wishes, prayers, and generosity. It is a huge reason why I am healing so well. Thank you!
    If you'd like to chip in and help me out here's the link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/rick-ausland

    This episode features two tracks from the vault that Andy Ausland recorded.

    Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers is available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify.
    Copy/paste and search it. 10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class! We could also mail you a CD if you'd prefer.

    As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, and we've got HTSWT stickers and buttons just waiting to get into your hands!
    Please check it out, and let us know what you would like to see on it. havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas?

    Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. We also welcome your tap dance-related book recommendations and movie suggestions.

    While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels.
    Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment.

    Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @HaveTapShoesWillTravel

    Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland for the music!


    Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com
    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com
    Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com
    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org
    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com
    Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com
    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all."
    - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival


    15 October 2020, 7:02 am
  • 2 hours 53 seconds
    #045 - 8♥️ - Terrell Woods a.k.a Carnage The Executioner, vegan cheezeburger review of Trio in Minneapolis, thoughts about voting, and a discussion about Prince's "Erotic City."

    Terrell Woods a.k.a Carnage The Executioner stops by and gives a review of the vegan cheezeburger from Trio in Minneapolis, thoughts about voting, a discussion about Prince's "Erotic City," and so much more.

    I am so thankful, grateful, and touched by your well-wishes, prayers, and generosity. It is a huge reason why I am healing so well. Thank you! If you'd like to chip in and help me out here's the link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/rick-ausland

    This episode features the beatbox track that Andy Ausland and Ricci Milan recorded for the opening number from 10 Foot 5's show called "Urban Tribe" in 2001. The end of the episode features the song "Times Square" from Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers.

    As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, and we've got HTSWT stickers and buttons just waiting to get into your hands! Please check it out, and let us know what you would like to see on it. havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas?

    Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. We also welcome your tap dance-related book recommendations and movie suggestions.

    While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment.  Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    We're on Tik Tok now! Follow us @RickTheTapDancer & @HaveTapShoes

    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @HaveTapShoesWillTravel

    Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland for the music!

    Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers is available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify.
    Copy/paste and search it. 10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class!


    Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com
    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com
    Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com
    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org
    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com
    Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com
    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all."
    - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival


    5 October 2020, 7:04 am
  • 44 minutes 4 seconds
    #044 - 5♣️ - Updates, storys about meeting Mr. Gregory Hines, and tap dancing with Chikako Iwahori during a Beat The Donkey show in St. Paul, MN. This and much more!

    Another update! It's been a month since my bike accident on 8/26. I'm doing the exercises, healing my brain and bones, and putting out podcasts.
    On this episode, I tell my story about when Mr. Gregory Hines observed the tap class I was teaching. I discuss how every tap dancer should have their shoes with them at all times and be ready to throw down! Also the story about the time I joined Chikako Iwahori onstage when Cyro Baptista traveled to St. Paul, MN with Beat The Donkey.

    I am thankful, grateful, and touched by your well-wishes, prayers, and generosity. It is a huge reason why I am healing so well. Thank you!
    If you'd like to chip in and help me out here's the link. https://www.gofundme.com/f/rick-ausland

    Ashley Akpaka sent me an AWESOME care package from California. Please check her site out for awesome healthy and delicious snacks!
    She showed me some love, now I'm showing her some love by sharing this link. Check it out! https://www.amway.com/en_US/myshop/ashleyakpaka

    This episode features the song "A Person" by Andy Ausland. We used this song in our shows back in the early 2000's.

    As promised, our website launched on Saturday August 14th, and we've got HTSWT stickers and buttons just waiting to get into your hands!
    Please check it out, and let us know what you would like to see on it. havetapshoeswilltravel.com

    Questions? Comments? Ideas?

    Visit Anchor.fm/HaveTapShoesWillTravel and record a quick voicemail message using your phone. We also welcome your tap dance-related book recommendations and movie suggestions.

    While you're there, please make a donation to the podcast. It's very easy to become a monthly supporter at the $1, $5, or $10 levels. Any amount is greatly appreciated and goes toward hosting our website and purchasing equipment.  Send me an email. Hit me up! [email protected]

    We're on Tik Tok now! Follow us @RickTheTapDancer & @HaveTapShoes

    Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. @HaveTapShoesWillTravel

    Thank you to Matt and the staff at Dancing Fair, Cathy Wind & Keane Sense of Rhythm, and Andy Ausland for the music!

    Bucket Drummin' Volume 1 by The Ausland Brothers is available on iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, and Spotify.
    Copy/paste and search it. 10 tracks all-percussion. Perfect for tap class!


    Dancing Fair - dancingfair.com

    Buckets and Tap Shoes - bucketsandtapshoes.com

    Twin Cities Tap Festival - twincitiestap.com

    Keane Sense of Rhythm - tapcompany.org

    Rhythm Street Movement - rhythmstreetmovement.com

    Sarah Reich - sarahreich.com

    M.A.D.D. Rhythms - maddrhythms.com

    "Go in rhythm, y'all."
    - Professor Robert L. Reed, St. Louis Tap and Heritage Festival


    28 September 2020, 1:10 am
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