The PTP Podcast lets you renew, refresh, and recharge all year long. Listen weekly as we revisit lessons from previous workshops, interview brotherhood speakers, and discuss upcoming events.
1,000s of lessons like this can be found at PTP365!
1,000s of lessons like this can be found at PTP365!Notes go here
Many members of the church of Christ use the terms “sound” and “conservative” interchangeably, but in this lesson with brother Mike Vestal challenges those assumptions. He asks the question - What would “soundness” look like to Jesus? The answer to that question should be what shapes our attitudes.
Whenever topics like this arise, I can’t help but remember what the Hebrews writer said when he wrote that the word of God is able to discern or judge between our thoughts and our intentions. We hope this lesson will benefit you and your congregation as you reach out to others.
You can find 1,000s of lessons like this can be found at PTP365!
The parable of the Good Samaritan is well known to both Christians and non-Christians, and today, we’ll talk about the question, or more importantly the questioner, that prompted Jesus to teach it.
In Luke 10, a lawyer asked Jesus two questions, “What must I do to inherit eternal life,” and, “Who is my neighbor?” While the answers to those two questions are eternally important, this talk deals more with the attitudes that the questioner, and sometimes we, struggle with.
Learn more at Polishing the Pulpit!
When we consider just how much Jesus has done for us, all we can say is, "Thank you, Lord!"
PTP 2020 will be August 12-20 in Sevierville, TN. Learn more at Polishing the Pulpit!
Learn more at Polishing the Pulpit!
Register today at Polishing the Pulpit!
Register today at Polishing the Pulpit!
Notes go hereAs you may know, the Superbowl is this weekend, the United State’s single-largest sporting event each year. Over 100 million people will tune in to watch the game, about ⅓ of our population. In a society where sports are oftentimes given more attention than religion and players discussed more often than Jesus, it can be easy for people, especially young people, to get our priorities out of balance.
In light of this, today’s podcast is going to be a little different from the others. This week’s episode is an interview with brother Norris Cole, a 2-time NBA Champion who played in the NBA for 6 seasons. During this interview, he talks about staying faithful while being a professional athlete. It was one of our highest-rated classes from PTP 2018, and we are excited to share it with you. We especially encourage parents to listen to this with their children, maybe while driving or during family Bible time.
Before we get started though, I wanted to share a little news about PTP 2019. The schedule is nearing completion and work on registration has begun. We’ll be sharing some more information in the following few weeks, but wanted to remind you today to pencil us in for August 16-22 for Polishing the Pulpit. Brother Cole (and 100s of other speakers) have already confirmed, and we would love to have you join us.
Notes go hereHey there. This week’s lesson was not presented at Polishing the Pulpit, but at the Great Smoky Mountain Marriage Retreat that we host each year.
In addition to the practical teaching, we featured this lesson today to promote this year’s upcoming retreat. It’s in about 4 weeks, and it’s held at the LeConte Center in Pigeon Forge, TN. Since it’s 6 months away from PTP, many people see it as a “mid-year mini PTP” with a focus on marriage, family, and parenting issues. We do hope you’ll join us this year. Most couples can attend the retreat for around $500, and it is a great mini-vacation that will enrich your family for years to come. You can learn more about the retreat at [] ( or send an email to [[email protected].] (mailto:[email protected])
One of the highlights of PTP each year is the Sunday morning worship service. Worshiping with over 3,000 Christians is an unique experience, and we hope that you will make plans to join us next year. Remember, PTP is August 16-22, 2019, and even if you can only come for the weekend, you’ll be glad you made the trip. You can learn more at
Today’s lesson is the Sunday morning sermon taught by Dan Winkler in 2017 where he asks the question, “Didn’t Mary have cheaper perfume?”
As we are in the middle of the gift-giving season, let’s all take a moment and reflect upon what we give back to God. Not just with our money but with our time. Do we give Him our best, or what’s left?
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