Think Deeper

Focus Press

Each month in Think magazine we explore various current issues from a Christian worldview. In the Think Deeper podcast we take that month's magazine topic and take a deeper look at some of the questions and angles we didn't have the space to examine in the print edition.

  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Church Traditions: When to Keep, When to Drop

    This week we look at traditions in the church, including:

    - Why traditions are important and necessary

    - When traditionalism can become overbearing

    - Navigating generational preferences for changing vs. maintaining traditions

    - Debating traditional church practices

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    16 September 2024, 7:10 pm
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    The Art of Personal Conflict

    Personal conflict and confronting others is one of those inevitable parts of life that none of us enjoy. But how we do it makes a big difference. This week we look at how confrontation and conflict can be handled well, including:

    - How personal conflict brings us closer

    - Knowing when to speak up and when to let it go

    - The difference between confronting someone over their sin against you vs. a general sin in their life

    - How church leadership sets the tone for healthier confrontation

    and more

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    9 September 2024, 7:05 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Q&A, Pt. 2 - Cremation, "Leave and Cleave," Apostolic Succession, and more

    We pick up with part 2 of answering listener questions, including:

    - Should Christians decline cremation?
    - Does "leave and cleave" mean you shouldn't live near family when you get married?
    - Can men use Bible study material written by women?
    - Is rural life more conducive to faithfulness?
    - Is apostolic succession valid for church authority?

    and more!

    2 September 2024, 7:12 pm
  • 36 minutes 13 seconds
    Q&A: Judging, New Christians, Denominations, and more!

    We respond to questions from the Deep Thinkers! This week's edition includes questions on:

    • When and when not to judge

    • What kind of care do new Christians need to receive from the church, and who is responsible for it?

    • Why do many people who have wrong beliefs still seem to have true joy and peace?

    and more!

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    26 August 2024, 7:28 pm
  • 59 minutes 14 seconds
    Troubleshooting Weak Worship

    We continue the discussion on worship in song with comments and questions from our Focus+ members. Topics include:

    • Whether it's important to have technically proficient song leaders

    • What to do if you attend a church with weak singing

    • Why men especially need to take singing seriously

    • How churches of Christ view those who use instruments in worship

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    19 August 2024, 7:20 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Musical Worship

    This week's episode looks at the importance of music in our praise to God. Topics include:

    - How music combats Christian gnosticism
    - Why we don't use instruments
    - The proper and improper place of emotion in worship
    - Questions about praise teams, clapping, and touring chorus groups

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    12 August 2024, 7:25 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Confronting Evil: Olympics, Assassination, and more

    The world's evil has been on overdrive lately. We discuss the latest headlines with an eye toward what Christians should do in the midst of the madness. Topics include:

    - Why being "above it all" or burying our heads in the sand is not holier
    - Whether we should just "let the world be the world"
    - The crowd-pleasing impulse to blame our fellow Christians
    - The importance of developing discernment and understanding the times
    - Effective ways to stand up

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    5 August 2024, 7:32 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Top 10 Bad Bible Arguments

    This week we discuss how NOT to use the Bible when trying to discuss the Scripture with others. Topics include:

    - Right and wrong ways to use the Scripture to make a point
    - "Tone policers" and "mic droppers"
    - The place of the Old Testament in our lives today
    - How to respect someone's argument even when you strongly disagree

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    29 July 2024, 7:24 pm
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Does God Expect Married Couples to Have Kids?

    We discuss whether God expects physically able married couples to bear children, or if it's just a personal choice. Topics include:

    - Our culture's hatred of kids
    - Whether "Be fruitful and multiply" still applies today
    - The benefits of kids
    - Advice for those who want children but don't/can't have them

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    22 July 2024, 7:30 pm
  • 1 hour 11 minutes
    Therapy Culture: Harmful or Helpful?

    Our resident licensed therapist, Joe Wilkie, leads a discussion of the pros and cons of therapy. Topics include:

    - Therapy vs "Therapy Culture"

    - How therapy terms get weaponized to excuse sinful behavior

    - The right way and wrong way to think about brokenness and weakness

    - A debate over whether society would be better or worse off without therapy

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    15 July 2024, 7:23 pm
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Persecution, Revival, and the Church’s Future

    We discuss the church's statistical decline and what it could mean for the future. Topics include:

    • How the decline of Christendom in Europe gives us a glimpse of what may be headed our way

    • What will happen if and when persecution ramps up

    • Why the community church model reached so many people, and why we expect it to fail

    • Why Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy are seeing a resurgence and what we can learn from them

    With Will Harrub, Jack Wilkie, and Joe Wilkie

    8 July 2024, 7:29 pm
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