Every child is born with almost unlimited courage, and yet so few maintain any significant amount into and through adulthood. Joel Portmann, the host of the podcast, who coaches and mentors kids, parents and driven men, takes us on real, raw, yet fun journey of the “ultimate art” of forging loving kids with character and courage, and the journey of Kings who live in their true liberated nature and love, lead and build a legacy from that place.

  • 14 minutes 13 seconds
    Conflicting Desires | 013
    Sometimes you have to get rid of the things you don’t want to really get what you do want. In today’s episode of Kings, Kids & Courage, Joel Portmann discusses how important it is to tip the scale in your favor. A lot of times we have conflicting desires, yet the one we desire most usually wins. Follow along in this episode and learn how to pursue what you really want.
    16 November 2018, 3:59 pm
  • 10 minutes 23 seconds
    What Do You Really Want | 012
    When was the last time you asked yourself what you truly wanted? In today’s episode of Kings, Kids & Courage, Joel Portmann discusses how we are not in touch with what we really want. In the end, we all long to be happy and fulfilled. Often times we end chasing things that don't truly bring us what we want. The “why” behind what we want is paramount. Follow along in this episode and ponder what it is that you truly want.
    14 November 2018, 4:40 pm
  • 13 minutes 13 seconds
    Freedom to Speak Your Mind | 011
    When was the last time that you reflected on liberty and what that actually means? In today’s episode of Kings, Kids & Courage, Joel Portmann discusses how our country is in disarray. We all possess the freedom of speech yet we don’t utilize that and speak freely. Can we allow others to speak their minds and share their feelings even though it might rock the boat and possibly offend? Sometimes we can give up our voice just to appease the convictions of others. Let's stop lying and truly be free.
    12 November 2018, 8:00 am
  • 16 minutes 13 seconds
    The Obstacles of a King | 010
    Making the decision to operate as a king begins with you. Your host, Joel Portmann, expands on the previous episode’s topic of building the kingdom that we want by wrapping up the obstacles that inevitably get in our way. These obstacles prevent us from becoming the kings that we are meant to be. We were chosen to be king and with that comes a great responsibility to keep that kingdom established.
    25 October 2018, 11:00 am
  • 17 minutes 13 seconds
    How to Have the Kingdom that You Want | 009
    Do you have the kingdom that you want? Why not? Instead of finding the answer from others, your host of Kings, Cowards and Kids, Joel Portmann declares that the answer is within us all. It requires facing pain instead of sedation in order to grow the kingdom that we want; it’s not going to simply come to us without putting in the work. Living in your masculinity to protect and provide becomes the foundation to build your kingdom as it brings the power that you need to operate as a king.
    24 October 2018, 11:00 am
  • 18 minutes 49 seconds
    Mutated Discipline | 008
    How do you discipline your kids? There’s a basic principle that Joel Portmann covers in today’s episode that tackles the controversial topic of disciplining today’s children. And it’s messy. In fact, according to Joel, discipline today has become mutated from what is needed in society, usually coming out of an abusive or painful childhood and we’re seeing the effects of physical, emotional, mental and financial pain.
    22 October 2018, 11:00 am
  • 15 minutes 40 seconds
    The Arrogance of Building a Wall | 007
    Arrogance is a very misunderstood word, especially when building our kingdoms. In today’s episode with Joel Portmann, he tackles the willingness to build up the walls of our kingdom to keep it secure. Instead of being bombarded by others demands and expectations, we are able to be responsible in who we allow through our doors. This allows us to eliminate the opinions of others by doing what we need to do within ourselves that supports us as a king.
    19 October 2018, 11:00 am
  • 15 minutes 41 seconds
    Masculine vs Feminine Energy | 006
    We are all energetically connected, which comes in both a masculine and feminine form. Joel Portmann explains in today’s podcast that one is not better than the other, but they operate very differently. As a kid, we begin to operate more from a feminine or masculine place within, but very quickly society tells us if the way in which we operate is acceptable or not.
    18 October 2018, 11:00 am
  • 16 minutes 4 seconds
    How to Master Life as a King in 4 Key Steps | 005
    Apprentice Kings need to be asking themselves every single day, “Where am I hiding?” When a man is able to see himself as a king, he no longer feels like he needs to hide from that which he fears, which is covered in today’s episode with your host, Joel Portmann. More than anything, a king that no longer hides is someone that the rest of the people in his kingdom can rely on, because he is doing the work that is necessary in order to become the hero he is by taking care of four core areas in his life.
    17 October 2018, 11:31 pm
  • 12 minutes 37 seconds
    The Most Powerful Man in the Room | 004
    The surest way to accept your birthright as a king is to take away the reason to lie. In today’s episode with Joel Portmann, the topic of seeing ourselves as kings happens when we are uncompromisingly willing to be honest with ourselves and those around us. That is when we are able to operate as the most powerful man in the room, because we no longer have anything to hide.
    17 October 2018, 2:21 am
  • 17 minutes 2 seconds
    The War Within Ourselves | 003
    If you haven’t watched it in a while, go see The Lion King and see yourself as Simba, recognizing that you have a responsibility to protect your kingdom that you were given at birth, regardless of whether or not you feel that you’re worthy of it or not. If you are not seeing yourself as a king, allow yourself to look back and see where the guilt and shame came from.
    8 October 2018, 7:00 am
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