WTFFF?! 3D Printing Podcast Volume One: 3D Print Tips | 3D Print Tools | 3D Start Point

Tom & Tracy Hazzard

This is the First 200 episodes of the WTFFF?! 3D-Printing Podcast. WTFFF?! Co-hosts Tom & Tracy Hazzard focus on the what of Fused Filament Fabrication (3D Printing), what design software to use, what printer to buy, what tools to use, what designs should you print, what new materials are out and what your business strategy should be. On the 3D Printing Podcast, they interview the who is who in 3D Print art and design along with others who can help you figure out your what. They share with you how others in the field are creating successful designs and their own how to tools and tips and strategies for integrating 3D Printing into your business, home or classroom.

  • 43 minutes 24 seconds
    Ask Us Anything – MatterHackers Event Part 1

    Today is hyper tech Tuesday as we cover the topics and questions that were asked at the live Ask Us Anything event with Lars Brubaker and Taylor Landry of MatterHackers. We split it into two part to make it more logical, today’s group is more for the new users, while part two will be for more advanced users.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    8 March 2016, 10:00 am
  • 16 minutes 18 seconds
    3D Freelance Tips

    By the year 2020, it’s expected that over 50% of the business world will be freelancers. If you think, “Oh I’ll just go out and freelance,” think again because it takes some planning to be successful. Sharing our top three freelance tips, especially if you are going to consider 3D print design freelancing.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    7 March 2016, 10:00 am
  • 14 minutes 54 seconds
    Update on What WTFFF?! Is All About

    A huge “Thank you,” to all our loyal listeners who made this major milestone possible. Giving a little update for those new to the podcast to explain what the WTFFF?! is all about!

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    4 March 2016, 10:00 am
  • 39 minutes 7 seconds
    Making 3D Printing More Accessible with Lars Brubaker of MatterHackers

    Checking back in with MatterHackers since our last episode with them, we wanted to talk more generally this time and get a feel for the other things they are working on and where their growth is. They are simplifying the user experience and really developing a plug-n-play system with updates to their MatterControl platform. With over 300% growth from last year to this year, they are definitely headed in the right direction.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    3 March 2016, 10:00 am
  • 20 minutes 21 seconds
    3D Design Theft or Fair Use

    Are the file sites on the side of the little guy? Based off what’s happened to Loubie on Thingiverse, where another company took her (and many other designers) files, printed them, and sold the product for profit on Ebay, it does not seem so.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    2 March 2016, 10:00 am
  • 16 minutes 41 seconds
    Pausing 3D Prints – Tech Tips Revealed

    Tracy’s back to try and “Out-tech Tom,” as listener Vicky Somma put it. How to manipulate your 3D printer settings and G-codes to pause a print. Not a beginner topic by any means, but valuable information for printer companies to know what customers need and that a significant amount of users are wanting specific features such as print pausing.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    1 March 2016, 10:00 am
  • 17 minutes 49 seconds
    Challenges of the 3D Print Market

    Contemplating the many challenges of the 3D print design market, such as trying to appeal to a market that doesn’t even know 3D printing exists yet, or that they need or want 3D printed products. Is it the right move to gain investors, or wait the market out a bit more to when it has truly tipped? Should we go against our own advice of market proofing first?

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    29 February 2016, 10:00 am
  • 12 minutes 9 seconds
    Are We Really Worried About Our Designs Being Stolen?

    In response to our episode with Hector from 3D Shook, Joseph, a long-time listener said he was really happy with Hector’s response to our question about being worried about his STL files being distributed unfairly or stolen essentially. Joseph said he feels that our crippling fear of people stealing our designs is hurting us and not helping the 3D printing industry either.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    27 February 2016, 10:00 am
  • 12 minutes 51 seconds
    Can You Capture Other Parts in Your 3D Prints?

    It’s Tech Tuesday, and today’s question is, “Is it possible to make a 3D print where you print part of it and put some other object of a different material into the middle of your print and keep printing over it? So you encapsulate it or capture something in your 3D print.” It brings up a lot of points of whether or not that part could be damaged or how it fits in there. or if you’re going to hurt your 3D printer if you do it. Will it get knocked? There are a lot of things to consider and we have some suggestions before you attempt it.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    23 February 2016, 10:00 am
  • 16 minutes 1 second
    Is Anyone Actually Selling Any 3D Printed Products?

    Long-time listener Eduardo Martini of Brazil recently posed yet another challenging question to us, “Is anybody actually selling anything in 3D printing? Not just giving it away, but selling?” While some designers are making money selling 3D printed products, the market and marketplaces for these designs might not be ready enough yet for you to quit your day job.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

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    22 February 2016, 10:00 am
  • 9 minutes 53 seconds
    Educational Project: Digital Sundial

    In this WTFFF?! Episode, Tom and Tracy have found a great educational project for teachers and students. There is a lot of potential here for creating it into a larger lesson plan about time, geography, and of course 3D printing and 3D design. What they are talking about is creating a digital sundial, a little ironic considering sundials are analog by nature. Mojoptix, the designer, has great videos to walk students through the creation of this free file.

    To send us a message, go to or shoot us a message at [email protected] or on our facebook or twitter! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!

      Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! Join the WTFFF?! 3D Printing movement today:
    19 February 2016, 10:00 am
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