Tips and tricks for working with 3D Printers
Hard Vs Flexible Build Plates, Troubleshooting PETG , New Printers from the “Print The Legend” companies
Anti-Polymer Zeitgeist, 3D Printing Switches, Combining Objects in Prusaslicer
Gear Bearing, Simplify3d, rabbit in the hat, Vapor polishing
Replicator/Flashforge upgrades 1, Metal Spray, Rafts, XT
Deep Mesh water marking, Annealing HTPLA, Tariffs anyone?
BVOH, Viscous Lithography, Autodesk can dump your F360 files
Impact of Updates, Printing Speeds, Shelf Curling
Understanding your own requirements, Organic supports in full contact , Greengate3D
Repeat from 2014
The hobby printer landscape, Stick Vs Release, How would you invest?, Nozzle slips
MakerBot and Flashforge, PCTG First try, Don’t Discount the build
Full Contact Support an essential requirement, PLA over time, Enclosures
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