Overcoming Financial Stress with The Saver and The Spender

Fiscal Fitness Phoenix

The Saver and The Spender is a weekly podcast about money, savings, budgeting and debt from both perspectives. We talk about how to pay off your debt, budget, talk to your kids about money and much more. More importantly we help take the stress out of money!

  • 26 minutes 16 seconds
    S2 Episode 12: Journey & Support

    In this final episode of this season of the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, we want to push you a little harder. If you’ve stuck with coach Kelsa and Coach Jill for this long, chances are something has resonated with you. We want to know, what are you going to do to achieve fiscal fitness?


    We want to hear the first step you’re committed to taking with your money. Drop us a DM on Instagram at @fiscalfitnessphx. 


    Throughout this season, your hosts and financial coaches Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel have demonstrated the three stages of becoming good with money - plan maker, goal maker, and dream maker. Now you have the awareness that those are the steps you need to take.


    But it doesn’t happen by remaining passive. Our clients are all smart, successful people. The difference is that they've taken action. In this episode, we challenge you to get invested and learn about two ways we can help you start your plan maker journey. 


    What will you do with this new knowledge and the seed that has been planted? We hope that through listening to this season you can feel the burning in your belly, the desire in your heart and that you KNOW more is possible for you. We are here to help. We want you to bring your dream into reality. To live your life on purpose. On your terms. To do the things you love. To make the impact you want to make. NOW is the time. NOW is your shot. 


    If you're ready, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/. The time to get financially strong is now.


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:11 am
  • 29 minutes 58 seconds
    S2 Episode 11: Who Do You Want To Be?

    When so many people think of budgeting, saving, and debt payoff, they often think that’s the end goal. The goal is to manage your money. But as we’ve talked about in previous episodes, your money is the tool to help you build the life you want. Your money simply makes you more of who you already are. So the key to becoming good at money is knowing who you are, what you stand for, what you value, and then putting your money to support what you are doing and want to do. 


    Who do you want to be and what role will your money play in you becoming that person?


    In this episode, financial coaches and fitness enthusiasts Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel talk about the difference between being interested and being invested. And how being invested - being fully bought into a process or a goal - is the thing that will transform everything from your commitment to fitness and the way you manage your money. 


    Time is passing regardless, so we ask: Why not have something you’re working toward...something you’re pushing yourself and growing into? Why not use the time to design a life you love?


    If you're ready to gain control of your money once and for all, to design a life you want to live, to have your money going toward the things you want out of life, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:10 am
  • 20 minutes 56 seconds
    S2 Episode 10: Becoming A Dream Maker

    If you're just joining us now, don't skip the previous episodes! Go back to Episodes 8 and 9 and make sure you understand the Plan Maker and Goal Maker steps first.


    Once you've established yourself as a Plan Maker and Goal Maker, a big sign of being a Dream Maker is that you don't feel tempted. You don't fall into comparisonitis about what others are doing with their money. If you're coach Jill, you don't feel pressured to buy a Peleton bike. 


    Dream Makers feel wealthy because they understand what wealth means to them. A Dream Maker isn’t tempted by the latest craze because their money goes to what they value - not what others value. 


    In this episode, financial coaches and fitness enthusiasts Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel talk about how to start dreaming big again and tips for working toward your dreams. 


    If you're ready to start dreaming big, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:09 am
  • 26 minutes 23 seconds
    S2 Episode 9: Becoming A Goal Maker

    If you're just joining us now, don't skip the previous episode! Go back to Episode 8 and make sure you really understand the Plan Maker step first.


    What do you want? In this episode, we want you to ask what you want so badly that you’ll do anything to get it. 


    You might want to get out of credit card debt because credit card debt is no fun. It’s not a great feeling to have money going toward debt every month. But what getting rid of that debt might mean is that you’re able to take an international trip every year. The trip is what you want. Sure you might want to pay off your debt, but the trip is the thing you desire. It’s the real goal. Your debt is the thing standing in the way. 


    Let’s use a fitness example now: When training and getting fit, you might want to lose weight. But what you’re really after are the benefits that come from taking your fitness and nutrition seriously - feeling better, having more energy, and being healthy. Those things are more important than numbers on a scale. Those are the things you actually desire. 


    It’s the same with your money. You have to figure out your real goals and those are the desires that will fuel you to make the changes you want to make. In this episode, financial coaches and fitness enthusiasts Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel talk about how goal setting and goal achievement play an important role in becoming good with your money.


    If you're ready to set some goals AND achieve them, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:08 am
  • 37 minutes 47 seconds
    S2 Episode 8: Becoming A Plan Maker

    We believe fiscal fitness is all about creating a plan for your money that you love, building the habits to work that plan, and then challenging yourself to set a goal and go after it.


    If you think about an area of your life where having a plan helps - think of meal planning, fitness training schedule, macros - it gives you peace of mind. You know what you have to do. It makes decision-making easier and faster.


    Enter the dreaded budget. Unfortunately “budgeting” as most of us know it is a flawed system. It assumes that payday is at the beginning of the month, all bills are paid immediately, and everything in life happens in a snapshot on that payday.


    This type of budgeting doesn’t work, and it’s the reason most people think they’re just “not good with money.”


    In reality, we know they just need a better system, one that helps them plan by paycheck for the things that come up in any given pay period, while still saving for the expenses that don’t show up in a monthly budget but definitely still show up. We call those the whammies. 


    In this episode, financial coaches and fitness enthusiasts Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel talk about different types of expenses, how to plan for them, how to save for what’s known, and even plan for the unknown. It’s the meat and potatoes (or chicken and cauliflower rice) of being a plan maker. 


    If you're ready to ditch the dreaded, awful budgets you’re used to, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:07 am
  • 16 minutes 29 seconds
    S2 Episode 7: Summary of our Roadmap

    There is a roadmap you follow to get results in your training. The same thing goes for your money. There’s a roadmap you can follow to get out of debt and build up your savings and it’s not as hard as you think. 


    In this episode of the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, Financial Coaches Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel talk about the three milestones you hit on the way to becoming someone who is “good with money.” You need to become a plan maker to then become a goal maker to then become a dream maker. 


    It takes planning and practice. And it starts with you gaining clarity and building new habits. It starts with you becoming a Plan Maker. 


    If you're ready to become a plan maker, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:06 am
  • 17 minutes 15 seconds
    S2 Episode 6: Practice What You Preach

    We know you are already doing great things with your fitness and nutrition. The habits you have built in your daily life around your training are going to be so helpful for you to use in your financial life as well.

    Think about the regular habits you use every day that got you to where you are.

    • You plan your nutrition.
    • You plan your training.
    • You plan your check-ins.
    • You track your metrics.
    • You set goals for yourself, both short and long-term.

    You know as long as you’re sticking to your plan, you will get the results you want. The same is true for your money. Yes, in both fitness and finance, it is that simple. Once you have the plan you simply need to execute it. 


    In this episode of the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, financial coaches and fitness enthusiasts Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel talk about how you can take all these same fitness habits and apply them to how you manage your money. 


    If you're ready to create a plan for your money, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:05 am
  • 39 minutes
    S2 Episode 5: Client Dreams Fulfilled

    When Coach Kelsa first started working with a fitness coach, she had a goal to lose 10 lbs. At that time, 10 lbs seemed like a big deal. A year into her program, she lost more than twice that amount and is now training for her first powerlifting meet. 


    As financial coaches, Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel have seen this with their clients too. A client comes to them with an immediate need or idea that feels big to them. Let’s say they want to pay off a credit card or build up their savings. But after a while, they start dreaming big and doing things like buying investment properties and completely restructuring their business so they can work less and make more money. 


    This episode is full of amazing and inspirational client stories to show you what is possible when your finances are as dialed in as your fitness. 


    If you're ready to have your money lead you to big audacious goals, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/

    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:04 am
  • 21 minutes 44 seconds
    S2 Episode 4: Here‘s What You‘re Doing

    Your fitness and your finances are tied together. Whether or not you realize it, the way you manage your money daily affects how well you can train. Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

    • You’re running around putting out fires and reacting to things because you forgot to pay a bill. 
    • You’re taking on clients you don't love, charging too little, or exchanging time for money because you don’t have a compensation package that supports your lifestyle and goals. 
    • You're not sleeping well and tired because you're stressed about money. 
    • You’re burnt out. You’re not taking vacations because you can’t afford them. Or if you do take a vacation, you work on it because you can’t afford to take the time off. 
    • Your competition expenses, coaching, training, equipment, and life, in general, are going on a credit card because you’re not putting your money toward the things you want. 

    What if you didn't have to do all these things? What if you had a plan for your money that allowed you to create the life you want to live? 


    If you're ready to see how your money can support the life you want, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:03 am
  • 29 minutes 55 seconds
    S2 Episode 3: Here‘s What You‘re Thinking

    If you’re good with your fitness but not so hot when it comes to your finances, you’re probably telling yourself a few things. You're making excuses as to why you're "not good with money." These are likely the same excuses you'd never tolerate when it comes to your own fitness or excuses you'd let a personal training client get away with. And yet you’re buying into them when it comes to your money. That’s what your hosts and financial coaches Kelsa Dickey and Jill Emanuel are going to talk about in this episode.


    Just like you can’t out-train a bad diet, you can’t out-earn a bad money management habit. You need a plan and some new habits to support you. 

    We want you to do is start seeing yourself as a strong person financially - someone who plans ahead with their money, someone who sets goals with their money, someone who knows they are going to do great things with their money, and they have the confidence to put their money behind what they care about most. 


    To learn more about how we can help you get a plan for your money that supports your fitness goal and so much more, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/.

    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:02 am
  • 32 minutes 41 seconds
    S2 Episode 2: Connect With Us

    Coach Kelsa and Coach Jill weren’t always so dialed in with their fitness and finances. Coach Kelsa for years struggled to make her fitness a priority while growing her financial coaching business. And Coach Jill, despite several injuries and surgeries through the years has been pretty great with her fitness. Her finances though were a wreck before she started financial coaching. 


    Hear their stories about the moments that sparked a change and shifted their trajectory. Learn about the line in the sand that each of them drew and the things they’ve been able to do now that their fitness and financial goals are in alignment.


    To learn more about how we can help you get a plan for your money that supports your fitness goal and so much more, join us at http://becomeaplanmaker.com/.


    To get insider info about the Fiscal Fitness Podcast, join our Podcast Launch Squad. If Instagram is your jam, make sure you follow Fiscal Fitness, Coach Kelsa, or Coach Jill.

    15 November 2021, 11:01 am
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