Beyond The Dollar

Sarah Li Cain

Money is taboo. We’d rather discuss our sex lives or religious beliefs than our finances. Yet by not talking about something as powerful and important as money, we have nowhere to share our fears, insecurities, hopes and wants.

  • 30 minutes 27 seconds
    Going Back to a Full-Time Job With Candice, Chonce, and Joshua

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    In this season finale, we’re going to dig deeper into the idea of what it means to go back to a job after taking a stab at entrepreneurship. How can someone accept the fact that they’ve “failed”, how does one deal with a bruised ego, and well, is it really the end of the world? 

    And well, if you go back to a job, is it a message to the world that you suck? That you can’t make it or  there’s something wrong with you. What will people say?

    You see, these questions about your vocation, it’s more than about how you make money. It’s actually a larger question about your worth. About how ‘badass’ you are. You bucked the conventional trajectory, congrats! How cool are you that you get to dictate your own schedule, work from the beach and be your own boss!

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • What led all three to quit their 9 to 5 jobs
    • Benefits and challenges when someone strikes it on their own
    • How to tell if you need to go back to full time job, and not let your ego get in the way
    • Why you are enough, just as you are


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    1 September 2021, 10:00 am
  • 25 minutes 8 seconds
    Checking into a Mental Health Facility with Julianna Estall

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    Julianna Estall, a DCR, or designated crisis responder, comes on to talk about the time she checked herself into a mental facility (she suffers from dehabilitating mental illness at times), and how much it really cost her. We also discuss how she’s more empathetic towards others' financial situations when it comes to mental health, and why she does not regret the thousands of dollars she’s spent (and continues to speed to take care of her needs).

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • What led Julianna to calling 911 and voluntarily going to the emergency room 
    • How much spending five days, plus medication and working with a psychiatrist cost her
    • How people who can't afford health care can afford to tend to their mental health
    • Why Julianna is so thankful she is able to afford treatment


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    25 August 2021, 4:00 am
  • 17 minutes 10 seconds
    Communicating Your Financial Needs and Beyond

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    This week episode recaps last week's conversation with Maggie Germano on motherhood versus ambition. It'll to dive into the “conflict” that is parenthood and your career, why it’s more important than ever to communicate our needs, and why understanding that balance is a total myth will help you with your finances.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • Why balance or "having it all" is a total myth
    • How you can communicate your needs clearly and consistently
    • What you can do to have a support system around you
    • Why it's not cheesy to lean into the phrase "expect the unexpected" when it comes to parenthood and ambition


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    18 August 2021, 4:00 am
  • 26 minutes 7 seconds
    Ambition Versus Motherhood With Maggie Germano

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    Maggie Germano comes on the show to talk about the perceived conflict that is motherhood and ambition. She shares how she’s embrace the uncertainty as to comes to her income and business goals, emotions she’s facing, and what’s she’s not willing to give up as a mother.
    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • What Maggie did to prepare her business for her maternity leave
    • What has both surprised and drained her juggling both work and motherhood
    • Why she feels it's important to talk with support systems about needs and boundaries
    • What ambition, work and rest looks like in this iteration in her life, and how she no defines ambition differently


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    11 August 2021, 4:00 am
  • 17 minutes 46 seconds
    Consequences of Financial Stress on Our Bodies

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    This week's episode recaps Sarah's conversation with Jen Smith (episode 105) where she shares the story of being laid off at 37 weeks pregnant, and her body going into a seizure as a result of the stress. This episode dives into how your body can react when you’re dealing with high stakes financial situations like Jen did. You'll also learn some simple and practical ways you can manage stress and what to do when an unexpected financial situation happens.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • The moments lead up to and after Jen's layoff
    • Why the concept of mind body connection needs to be taken seriously
    • How to work with the body when dealing with financial stress
    • Why self-care (not the hokey stuff!) is crucial to a healthy financial life


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    4 August 2021, 4:00 am
  • 25 minutes 13 seconds
    Losing a Job at 37 Weeks Pregnant With Jen Smith

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    Jen Smith comes on the show to talk about the time her and her colleagues experienced a massive layoff at her former job, a few weeks before she was to give birth. She shares her experience navigating healthcare insurance, how she grew her income with the help of her network, why her body reacted by going into a seizure, and what this experience taught her about her ambition and relationship to work

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • The moments lead up to and after Jen's layoff
    • How Jen navigated healthcare and income concerns
    • Why she feels she went into a seizure and had to stay in the hospital shortly before giving birth
    • What ambition, work and rest looks like in her life, and what this experience taught her about forging her own path


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    29 July 2021, 4:00 am
  • 16 minutes 3 seconds
    Managing Emotional Triggers For Impulse Shopping

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    This week's episode recaps Sarah's conversation with Alyssa Davies last week, which dives into what really might be going on when you are shopping impulsively, even if it’s not a full-fledged addiction. Plus you'll learn how to recognize your emotional triggers and how to achieve balance when it comes to your shopping habits through reflection questions.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • What might be going on when you purchase a lot of the same items
    • Why impulse shopping isn't something to be ashamed of
    • How to start recognizing emotional triggers
    • How you can start learning to spend money for your own joy


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    21 July 2021, 4:00 am
  • 25 minutes 16 seconds
    Overcoming a Shopping Addiction With Alyssa Davies

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    Alyssa shares her experience of being addicted to clothes shopping in her early 20s. She goes into how she knew it became a problem, the emotional triggers leading her to spend all that money, and what she does now to ensure she has balance and trust in her financial life.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • The real reason why Alyssa bought new outfits whenever she went out
    • How Alyssa discovered she needed to change her financial situation
    • How Alyssa's relationship to money has changed over the years
    • What Alyssa would tell her younger self about her financial journey


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    14 July 2021, 4:00 am
  • 13 minutes 13 seconds
    Spending Money Out of Love

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    This week's episode recaps a conversation with Kassandra Dasent last week, where she shared her experience flying to another country to be at her mother's deathbed before she died of COVID-19. It'll dive  into what it means to be a financial caretaker, the exact feeling Kassandra felt when she was able to drop everything to be with her mom knowing she can pay for whatever it cost, and questions you can ask to help you cultivate those same feelings yourself.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • What it means to spend money with love and no regrets
    • How you can begin to get your finances together to spend according to your values
    • Why it's important to have conversations with aging parents about money
    • What does anticipatory grief look like and work through it


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    7 July 2021, 4:00 am
  • 29 minutes 10 seconds
    Quarantine, Spending $10,000+ (USD) and Grieving Her Mother with Kassandra Dasent

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    Kassandra Dasent shares her harrowing experience flying from the U.S. to Canada smack dab in the middle of the COVID pandemic to be by her mother’s death bed. She also goes into detail exactly how much she spent, how she was able to pay for it all in cash, why she has no regrets and what this experience has really taught her.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • Why Kassandra does not regret paying for her late mom's long term care and funeral
    • What was Kassandra's mom's legacy to her and her family
    • How parents can set their kids up for financial success without money
    • How to start using money as the value you and others will receive


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    30 June 2021, 4:00 am
  • 20 minutes 55 seconds
    How To Use Money as the Final Filter

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    This episode dives deeper into the phrase “use money as the final filter”  and how last week's guest, Jason Vitug uses this to make his money decisions. A lesson learned where he regretted not so was pushing off a flight to save money, only to not be able to see his late 97-year old grandmother before she passed. You'll learn questions you can think about on how to move beyond the question of survival once you have the financial means to do so.

    What You Hear in This Episode:

    • The real reason Jason and his mother decided to save money on their flight
    • What regrets and emotions he's still dealing with from this one seemingly small decision
    • How we can start to spend money with purpose
    • What it means to talk about money beyond mere survival and the numbers
    • How using money as the filter helps to break the taboo about money


    *theme music by Donovan Dorrance

    23 June 2021, 4:00 am
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