Great Writers Inspire

Oxford University

PLEASE NOTE: The 'Great Writers Inspire' project has its own website which features much more extensive, diverse and updated content. Please visit From Dickens to Shakespeare, from Chaucer to Kipling and from Austen to Blake, this significant collection contains inspirational short talks freely available to the public and the education community worldwide. This series is aimed primarily at first year undergraduates but will be of interest to school students preparing for university and anyone who would like to know more about the world's great writers. The talks were produced as part of the Great Writers Inspire Project which makes a significant body of material freely available on the subject of great works of literature and their authors. Visit to see how great writers can inspire you.

  • 13 minutes 2 seconds
    What is a Classic? English Graduate Conference 2012 Panel Debate, Talk 3
    Baroness Helena Kennedy QC, draws on her experience as a trustee of the Booker Prize and as a judge for many other literary prizes to offer a response to the question, 'What is a Classic?'.
    19 July 2012, 2:13 pm
  • 6 minutes 9 seconds
    What is a Classic? English Graduate Conference 2012 Panel Debate, Talk 2
    Judith Luna, the Senior Commissioning Editor at Oxford World's Classics, draws on her practical involvement in re-launching the Oxford World's Classics series in 2008 to give a publisher's take on the question, 'What is a Classic?'.
    19 July 2012, 11:35 am
  • 19 minutes 27 seconds
    What is a Classic? English Graduate Conference 2012 Panel Debate, Talk 1
    Dr Ankhi Mukherjee, Wadham college, Oxford, speaks to the question 'What is a Classic?' by examining the residual influence of the Eurocentric literary canon in the age of world literature and emergent formations of canons and classics.
    19 July 2012, 11:13 am
  • 9 minutes 31 seconds
    Jane Austen's Manuscripts Explored
    Professor Kathyrn Sutherland from the University of Oxford talks around the manuscripts of Jane Austen, what we can learn from them about her family life but also her writing style and techniques.
    8 June 2012, 2:07 pm
  • 27 minutes 7 seconds
    The Watsons: Jane Austen Practising
    Professor Kathryn Sutherland from the University of Oxford talks about some of Jane Austen's manuscripts from the novel "The Watsons" and what we can learn about her from these.
    8 June 2012, 2:00 pm
  • 46 seconds
    Great Writers Inspire- An Introduction to the Project
    A short introductory video to the "Great Writers Inspire project.
    23 May 2012, 10:48 am
  • 48 minutes 7 seconds
    What is a Great Writer? An academic panel discusses the question.
    In this panel discussion from the Great Writers Inspire Engage Event workshop, Dr Seamus Perry, Dr Margaret Kean, Professor Peter McDonald and Dr Ankhi Mukherjee discuss what we mean when we talk about greatness in writing. Seamus Perry chooses Samuel Taylor Coleridge, inspired as he is by the 'Rime of the Ancient Mariner' and its myriad possible interpretations. Margaret Kean chooses John Milton, who used his Paradise Lost to position himself in the canon of great writers during his lifetime. Peter McDonald talks about who decides who is considered to be a great writer, suggesting literary agents, prize judges, editors, reviewers, critics, librarians, and ordinary readers. Finally, Ankhi Mukherjee discusses the greatness of V S Naipul, who was critical of the existing literary canon and so set out to create his own kind of great literature.
    15 May 2012, 4:38 pm
  • 14 minutes 1 second
    Professor Daniel Wakelin discusses the work of Chaucer and explains how he was one of the first to use everyday spoken English as a literary language in the 14th Century.
    17 April 2012, 3:16 pm
  • 15 minutes 10 seconds
    Ezra Pound
    Dr Rebecca Beasley explains why we should read Pound, someone she considers as the central figure in early 20th Century poetry movements. In this podcast, Rebecca Beasley talks about a poem that Pound published in Blast, the magazine of the vorticist movement -- which Pound joined in 1914. Vorticism was mainly a visual arts movement, founded by Percy Wyndham Lewis. Blast is available on the Modernist Journals Project website with certain usage restrictions: the poem discussed, Et Faim Sallir le Loup des Boys, is on page 22 of Blast, volume 2 (War Number). Looking up the poem's title in a search engine should bring it up easily. Because we don't want to infringe copyright, the poem is not quoted, so you might want to read it before listening.
    10 April 2012, 12:09 pm
  • 12 minutes 38 seconds
    Mary Leapor
    Dr Jennifer Batt talks about Mary Leapor, an 18th Century kitchen maid who wrote accomplished verses and won accolades from literary society.
    27 March 2012, 6:07 pm
  • 18 minutes 31 seconds
    John Milton
    Dr Anna Beer shares a few short extracts of Milton's poem Lycidas and discusses what they show about Milton's very special qualities as a writer.
    15 March 2012, 12:26 pm
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