Make Mine Multiversity

Multiversity Comics

Make Mine Multiversity focuses on both the current Marvel product and classic Marvel stories. Host Kevin Gregory invites fellow Multiversity Comics ( contributors to join in on the conversation, and interviews Marvel creators.

  • 3 hours 33 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity: Mutantversity Annual #1

    Welcome back to Make Mine Multiverse City: A Marvel Podcast! Each episode we’ll be looking at Marvel books, old and new! We discuss fun Marvel comics, Marvel news, Marvel history and (not so) recently ended X-men eras.

    Make Mine Multiversity was a twice-monthly podcast that premiered on the first and third Friday of every month. Now it’s a little more irregular, and on a new network.

    From the ashes, we rise!…for one more episode before crawling back into our hermit lodges. Unlike Marvel, we let our era changes cook and oh boy, did this episode cook - we recorded it back in August. I promise it’s worth the wait. The return of Baseline X, Jaina and Elias’ power ranking of every X book of the Krakoa era, never got fully wrapped. There were still a few pesky books we never considered and an entire legacy to consider. We figured it was time to rectify that, in our own special way.

    Because, of course, an extra special episode deserves an extra special length AND format. Plus an extra special guest co-host! It’s not a surprise, if you read the next paragraph, but you should still pretend anyway.

    Elias can be found writing at Jaina and Kevin are both living the good hermit life, so you can contact them by carrier pigeon. Our theme music is “Excelsior” by Carol Romo and our audio editor is Livian Saphir.

    The show is available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and other places so please subscribe! You can also listen above or download it here.

    13 November 2024, 3:52 pm
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 135: (Never) The End

    Make Mine Multiversity was a twice-monthly podcast that premiered on the first and third Friday of every month.

    You read that right. "Make Mine Multiversity" is coming to a close in its current iteration. Jaina is moving on and the podcast is going onto an extended hiatus. Stick around until the end to hear more about that. However, we've got an episode to do! What did we read? Why, "Marvel: The End" of course. A six issue mini-series about the end of the marvel universe by Jim Starlin, Al Milgrom, Christie Scheele w/ Heroic Age Studios, and Cory Petit. Supposedly. There's a lot of Thanos.

    We also talked all about the rest of the "The End" books. Here's a brief list:

    “Incredible Hulk: The End” (2002)

    “Marvel: The End” (2003)

    “Wolverine: The End” (2003-2004)

    “Punisher: The End” (2004)

    “X-Men: The End” (2004-2006) 3 minis: “Dreamers and Demons”, “Heroes and Martyrs”, “Men and X-Men”

    “Fantastic Four: The End” (2006)

    “Iron Man: The End” (2009)

    “Spider-Girl: The End!” (2010)

    “Captain America: The End” (2020)

    “Captain Marvel: The End” (2020)

    “Deadpool: The End” (2020)

    “Doctor Strange: The End” (2020)

    “Miles Morales: The End” (2020)

    “Venom: The End” (2020)

    Thank you all for sticking with us for lo all these many years. Thank you to Kevin for passing the show onto us and thank you to all the other past hosts.

    15 March 2024, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 134: Castaway in Dimension JRJR

    We're doing it folks. We've finally read one of the bugbears in the MMM canon: 'Castaway in Dimension Z' aka the first ten issues of Rick Remender's 2012 "Captain America" run. We do a recap on all things Remender, JRJR, and Cap once more before talking about this very divisive arc. Will Elias admit it's not as good as he thought it was? Will Jaina find more worth in it (and in the art?) Listen on, true believers!

    And for a bit of a fun time capsule, read Elias' review off issue #1 from our "Now That's What I Call Marvel" 2020 spectacular.

    Next time, it's time for "The End." Which end? A lot of them, apparently.

    1 March 2024, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 32 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 133: Never Mess With Science Majors: Spider-Verse (2014)

    Elias has found a new pastime: griping about Dan Slott on "Spider-Man." Jaina would love to show him the good Slott books she's read. Elias caved and decided he could gripe about Slott AND read a good Slott comic by revisiting 1 of 2 arcs he's actually read: the original "Spider-Verse." Folks. If you've only seen the movies, this shit will be a wild trip. Spider-Gwen! SP//dR! Silk! The worst Silk plot point ever! Spider-Woman as a pirate? And something a little...Superior.

    For those wanting Spidersman, check out "Spider-Geddon." You will be horrified but you won't be disappointed.

    Want to read along with us? Here ya go! We read "Superior Spider-Man" #32-33, "Edge of Spider-Verse" (Vol. 1) #1-5 and "Amazing Spider-Man" (2014) #7-15. For completeness's sake, they also read "Spider-Verse" #1-2, "Spider-Verse Team-Up" #1-3, and because they really wanted to roll deep "Scarlet Spiders" #1-3, "Spider Woman" (2014) #1-4, "Spider-Man 2099" (2014) #6-8, and "Free Comic Book Day: Guardians of the Galaxy" (2014) #1. Don't ask for an actual reading order. It's all kind of a mess.

    Next time, "Captain America" (2012) #1-10. Simple! Easy! You probably don't even have to read it.

    16 February 2024, 10:00 am
  • 58 minutes 46 seconds
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 132: The Hit Monkey's Paw Curls. Our 2023 Predictions REVEALED

    Last year, Jaina and Elias once again attempted to become a precog and figure out what Marvel was going to get up to in 2023. 10 items each. 11 if you count the Secret Invasion holdover. 10 chances to find out who would win and subject the other to a comic with art they think is bad, bad, bad. 

    Elias is competing to make them read "Major X," the "modern" Liefeld return to Marvel that was, uh, very, very odd. Jaina wants Elias to reevaluate his love of 'Castaway in Dimension Z,' the first arc of Rick Remender's 2012 "Captain America" run with art by John Romita Jr.

    They were shocked by how much they got right and unsurprised by how much they got wrong. But who won? Well, that would ruin the fun of listening if I told you now, wouldn't it?

    Next time, we thwip our way through the original 'Spider-verse' as the countdown to the end commences. If you want to read along, we're reading "Superior Spider-Man" #32-33, "Edge of Spider-Verse" (Vol. 1) #1-5 and "Amazing Spider-Man" (2014) #7-15. For completeness's sake, we'll also read "Spider-Verse" #1-2, "Spider-Verse Team-Up" #1-3, and if you really wanna roll deep "Scarlet Spiders" #1-3, "Spider Woman" (2014) #1-4, "Spider-Man 2099" (2014) #6-8, and "Free Comic Book Day: Guardians of the Galaxy" (2014) #1. Don't ask for a reading order. It's all kind of a mess.

    Shout off in the comment section below and get the conversation started or share them on the burning hell site formerly known as Twitter using the hashtag #MakeMineMultiversity. Maybe skeet it on BlueSky! Or toot it on Mastodon. Or do something EXTRA funky over on Tumblr. We're exploring our options.

    2 February 2024, 4:00 pm
  • 2 hours 45 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 130: MC Two

    Apparently our own snap lasted longer than anticipated (thanks winter sicknesses.) That's right folks, we're back ot talk the Phases two through four and beyond as we wrap up our time with "MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios" by Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards. How will our intrepid podcasters fair against the insidious intrusions of Ike? The wildly worrysome, patently pernicious Marvel writers program? Or Elias' own tendency to get mired, once again, in contract negotiations?! Won't someone help Jaina out, true believers?!

    Next time, 2023 is in the books and it's time to see which of those books the crew loved. It's more than you think and less than you'd expect. Unless the answer is 11 and 2/3rds, in which case, good job.

    12 January 2024, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 41 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 129: MC Who?

    After a week delay due to some personal circumstances, it's time to read the definitive (so far) book about the Marvel Cinematic Universe "MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios" by Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, and Gavin Edwards. What nuggets of wisdom will we learn? How much hot goss will there be? Will Elias ever stop talking about contract negotiations!? Strap in, true believer! You're in for one heck of a ride.

    Next time, well, it's not quite time to wrap up 2023 but you'll just have to listen to the episode to find out what we're doing. We may even sneak in a post credits scene or two! You don't know. You haven't listened yet.

    22 December 2023, 10:00 am
  • 37 minutes 15 seconds
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 128: Look Out for the Little Guy!

    Elias convinced Jaina that we needed to do this book. Does she regret agreeing? Only time, and this episode, will tell. What did we read? "Look Out for the Little Guy!" aka the in-universe Scott Lang memoir that was actually written in ours by Rob Kutner. Also, as if the universe decided to laugh at me (Elias,) I finally found the author's website when putting the post together. It was not the same Robert Kuttner I thought it was. Dang.

    Next time, we keep on the movie and book train as the crew reads "MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios." It was, after all, inevitable. 

    1 December 2023, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 58 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 127: Howard. The Duck. No Way to Commentate Him.

    Long awaited, ever since Jaina lost our 2022 predicitions episode, it's finally time to watch Howard the Duck! Yes, the 1986 film starring Lea Thompkins, Tim Robbins, and some other people we'd rather not name. Written by Willard Huyck and Gloria Katz, directed by Huyck and produced by George "it's like poetry, it rhymes" Lucas, it's truly something that has to be seen to be believed. Not even our well documented love of the duck's comics can save us now.

    To that end, this episode is a commentary track! Cue up the film, listen to our intro, wait for the countdown, and enjoy. We had a lot of fun making this and, honestly? Made watching this deeply uncomfortable, absolute mess of a film bearable. You can also listen to it without the film but it's a lot more awkward, which, you know, is the vibe this movie elicits.

    Shout off in the comment section below and get the conversation started or share them on the burning hell site formerly known as Twitter using the hashtag #MakeMineMultiversity. Maybe skeet it on BlueSky! Or toot it on Mastodon. Or do something EXTRA funky over on Tumblr. We're exploring our options.

    17 November 2023, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 126: The (Hick)Man is Back in Town

    HICKMAN! He's back and he's getting ultimate. So ultimate he's launching a brand new line of comics for the universe he helped crash into oblivion. We talk "Ultimate Invasion," "G.O.D.S." #1, and speculate wildly about the new, ultimate versions of Spider-Man, Black Panther, and X-Men. Oh and we also try to summarize what Hickman's been up to since "Inferno." Or Elias tries. "Decorum" is impenetrable, OK?

    Next time, we're doing something special and finally, FINALLY watching our bet movie from the start of the year Howard the Duck. Be there or be quacked.

    3 November 2023, 4:59 pm
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Make Mine Multiversity Episode 124: Jaina and Elias Meet Frankencastle

    What can we say that the words "Franken-castle" can't convey? This run is bonkers and strange with excellent art and...well, we don't know if we'd call the writing/plot GOOD but it's certainly unique. We do a dive in the career of Rick Remender at Marvel and beyond, figure out what makes the Punisher an enduring and fraught character, and yell at Disney for being spineless, corporate COWARDS with regards to white supremacist/cop usage of the logo. Of course, we also talk about "Frankencastle." This book is so strange y'all. We can't even tell you.

    Reading along? The issues are “Dark Reign: The List: Punisher” #1, “Punisher” (2009) #11-21, and "Dark Wolverine" #88-89. If you're reading on Marvel Unlimited, know that "Punisher" was renamed "Franken-Castle" for issues #17-21. Trade readers can find the whole run either in "Punisher," Vol. 3: Franken-Castle or the "Punisher by Rick Remender" omnibus. We also talk about the first ten issues of the run but there's no real need to read them.

    Next time, we're seeing if Phase 5 can't redeem itself with "Guardians of the Galaxy, Volume 3." You didn't think we'd miss the chance to talk about the Guardians again, would you? Galactus forbid.

    6 October 2023, 9:00 am
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