Multiversity Manga Club

Multiversity Comics

A monthly manga book club and deep dive into Viz's Weekly Shonen Jump.

  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Episode 111: One Piece Club - Wano, Finale

    After a bit of a hiccup with our recording platform it's time for the final regular episode of “One Piece Club,” our ongoing catch-up of “One Piece," and the Multiversity Manga Club in general. We've had a great time covering ongoing Shonen Jump, various finished and/or non-Viz series, and, of course, "One Piece," and are humbled that anyone would take time out of their day to listen to us. We even "enjoyed" reviewing the Netflix Death Note for you. But enough of that -- in this month's episode we cover chapters 1033-1057, the fourth of four episodes covering Wano's third act, and the sixth Wano episode overall. To say it was a long arc is an understatement. Quite a bit happens here, but probably the main event is the secret history of the Gum-Gum Fruit and the appearance of Gear Five. And with that, we're done with the most recent completed arc. Thanks again for listening, and we may be back as future arcs conclude!

    7 April 2023, 9:00 am
  • 36 minutes 17 seconds
    Episode 110: February 2023 in Shonen Jump

    It's the first Multiversity Manga Club episode of the month, which means we're looking back at the month of February in Shonen Jump! This week we discuss the newest series "Jiangshi X," before discussing the end of two series that have been around for a bit, "High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku" and "PPPPPP." Finally we wrap things up with a bit of a news update concerning the translation of "Cipher Academy." Join us in two weeks as One Piece Club, our ongoing reread of "One Piece," finally reaches its end with the final chunk of the Wano arc, chapters 1033-1057.. As always you can tweet along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag.

    3 March 2023, 10:00 am
  • 59 minutes 46 seconds
    Episode 108: One Piece Club - Wano, Act Three (Pt. 3)

    It’s the middle of the month, so it's time for “One Piece Club,” our ongoing catch-up of “One Piece!" In this month's episode we cover chapters 1008-1032, the third of four episodes covering Wano's third act. There are lots of battles in this month's selection, and most of them are good! In this episode we speculate a bit about Zolo's past, discuss Sanji's overall character arc, and learn about some very interesting and definitely real dinosaur facts. Plus: a big announcement about the podcast! We'll be back in a month or so to finally wrap up this arc with chapters 1033-1057. As always, you can read along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag on Twitter. In the meantime Walt and Emily will be back in a few weeks to discuss February in Shonen Jump.

    17 February 2023, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 5 minutes
    Episode 108: One Piece Club - Wano, Act Three (Pt. 2)

    It’s the middle of the month, so it's time for “One Piece Club,” our ongoing catch-up of “One Piece!" In this month's episode we cover chapters 982-1007, the second of four episodes covering Wano's third act. As usual, Walt at first opines that there isn't a ton going on here but is soon proven wrong, with the battle between the Akazaya Nine and Kaido (they should have won!), the introduction of Yamato, and the return of... Oden? Bwahh? We'll be back in a month or so to cover chapters 1008-1032. As always, you can read along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag on Twitter. In the meantime Walt and Emily will be back in a few weeks to discuss January in Shonen Jump.

    20 January 2023, 10:00 am
  • 49 minutes 6 seconds
    Episode 107: 2022 in Shonen Jump

    It's the first Multiversity Manga Club episode of the month, which means we're looking back at the month of December in Shonen Jump! Well, technically we only talk about December specifically when discussing the last new series of the year, "Fabricant 100." After that, in true end-of-the-year fashion, we discuss our favorite Shonen Jump series of 2022, "Akane-Banashi." Finally we round things off with a final look at the unofficial rankings of the magazine's current series. Join us in two weeks as One Piece Club, our ongoing reread of "One Piece," continues with chapters 982-1007, the second of four episodes on Act 3 of Wano. As always you can tweet along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag.

    6 January 2023, 10:00 am
  • 40 minutes 47 seconds
    Episode 106: November 2022 in Shonen Jump

    It's the first Multiversity Manga Club episode of the month, which means we're looking back at the month of November in Shonen Jump! It's a month of new series, so we discuss the first few chapters of "The Ichinose Family's Deadly Sins," "Cipher Academy," and "Ichigoki's Under Control!!" We also briefly touch on the latest developments in "Chainsaw Man." Join us in two weeks as One Piece Club, our ongoing reread of "One Piece," continues with chapters 982-1007, the second of four episodes on Act 3 of Wano. As always you can tweet along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag.

    2 December 2022, 10:00 am
  • 1 hour 20 minutes
    Episode 105: One Piece Club - Wano, Act Three (Pt. 1)

    It’s the middle of the month, so it's time for “One Piece Club,” our ongoing catch-up of “One Piece!" In this month's episode we cover chapters 956-981, the first of <b>four</b> episodes covering Wano's third act. Is Wano perhaps too long? Well, maybe, but it's all good stuff right now. We cover more Reverie fallout, the dissolution of the Warlords of the Sea, and the traitor's reveal, but the majority of this selection is devoted to the mythical history of Kazuki Oden. We'll be back in a month or so to cover chapters 982-1007, crossing the 1000 mark. As always, you can read along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag on Twitter. In the meantime Walt and Emily will be back in a few weeks to discuss November in Shonen Jump.

    18 November 2022, 10:00 am
  • 33 minutes 9 seconds
    Episode 104: October 2022 in Shonen Jump

    It's the first Multiversity Manga Club episode of the month, which means we're looking back at the month of October in Shonen Jump! Two series, "Super Smartphone" and "Aliens Area," came to abrupt conclusions this month, and we spend a bit of time discussing the two short-lived series. Next we discuss "The Elusive Samurai" for the first time in quite a while, and how it's quite different from pretty much anything else Shonen Jump offers. Join us in two weeks as One Piece Club, our ongoing reread of "One Piece," continues with chapters 956-981, the first of <b>four episodes</b> on Act 3 of Wano. As always you can tweet along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag.

    4 November 2022, 9:00 am
  • 1 hour 21 minutes
    Episode 103: One Piece Club - Wano, Act Two

    It’s the middle of the month, so it's time for “One Piece Club,” our ongoing catch-up of “One Piece!" In this month's episode we cover chapters 925-955, covering the second act of Wano. For only thirty chapters there's a <i>lot</i> going on here, so expect quite a bit of jumping around. Also: good news for those of you who, like Zach, who love Zoro's sword bullshit, there's more of that in here. We'll be back in a month or so to cover chapters 956-981, the first of the <b>four episodes</b> it will take to cover Wano's third act. As always, you can read along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag on Twitter. In the meantime Walt and Emily will be back in a few weeks to discuss August in Shonen Jump.

    21 October 2022, 12:11 pm
  • 43 minutes 44 seconds
    Multiversity Manga Club Podcast, Episode 102: September 2022 in Shonen Jump

    It's the first Multiversity Manga Club episode of the month, which means we're looking back at the month of September in Shonen Jump! This month we talk about one new series, "Ginka & Glüna," and... briefly mention the other, "Tokyo Demon Bride Story." I mean, come on, with a name like that longtime listeners should know we probably aren't interested. We then stretch back a little bit into August to discuss the recent developments in "My Hero Academia" before finishing off by praising "Akane-Banashi." Join us in two weeks as One Piece Club, our ongoing reread of "One Piece," continues with chapters 925-955, covering the second act of Wano (for real this time). As always you can tweet along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag.

    7 October 2022, 9:00 am
  • 40 minutes 21 seconds
    Episode 101: August 2022 in Shonen Jump

    It's the first Multiversity Manga Club episode of the month, which means we're looking back at the month of August in Shonen Jump! Due to our Very Special Episode last month, we're primarily discussing two series that started in June, "Aliens Area" and "Ruri Dragon." One is very good, the other... not so much. We also talk about the final chapter of the (apparent) miniseries "Shokugeki no Sanji." Join us in two weeks as One Piece Club, our ongoing reread of "One Piece," continues with chapters 925-955, covering the second act of Wano. As always you can tweet along with us with the #OnePieceClub hashtag.

    2 September 2022, 9:00 am
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