Highway to Health Podcast

Jeremy Quinby

Jeremy Quinby has been an Integrative Health Specialist for over 20 years. In 2014 he became involved in numerous projects across the country exploring better care delivery, vetted local health networks, and the development of a health improvement system as an alternative to our current system of managing care. The Highway to Health Podcast was born out of this, an extension to his 20 year career helping individuals and families become healthier in their day to day lives. His intention, which will be more clear after listening, is to broaden the view of what we call health, to educate, and to encourage all of us to build a healthier, more connected world around ourselves.

  • 44 minutes 53 seconds
    Eva Minkoff - Five Minutes to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System

    Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with Eva Minkoff about her Ted Talk: Five Minutes to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System. Having worked in a number of different sectors of health from Nutrition, to Researcher to Health Technology, and even as a podcast host - she sees that the key to improving care relationships is finding ways to improve human relationships, and that is is something everyone involved has a role.

    In our rush to solutions, we often forget that the person we're interacting with is someone else’s son or mother or sibling with a life full of experiences we know nothing about. What matters is that we find some way connect and Eva believes there are specific questions and ways to streamline this process so we allow more time for building rapport into the limitations of appointment times, with the understanding that this is the start of what could be a long relationship for all parties involved.

    Five Minutes to Fix Our Broken Healthcare System TEDx:


    22 April 2024, 11:00 am
  • 1 hour 13 minutes
    Dr. Raymond Perrin - Treating Chronic Fatigue

    Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with Dr. Raymond Perrin, an osteopath from Manchester England who has spent the better part of his career since the late 1980’s trying to understand ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and has written about it extensively. He has detailed this in his recent book, The Perrin Technique where he explains how to use various manual therapy approaches to address the systems being challenged in those with this condition. 

    Together they discuss how they see this condition affecting people, courses of treatment and how long Covid resembles CFS and what we might be learning from it.


    Tad Wanveer H2H episodehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/highway-to-health-podcast/id1314095860?i=1000517501135

    Tad Wanveer book on glia, Brain Stars: https://shop.iahe.com/Product-List/Textbooks/Brain-Stars-Glia-Illuminating-CranioSacral-Therapy

    5 April 2024, 1:52 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Dr. Jeff Crippen - Is There A One-Size-Fits-All Diet?

    Dr. Jeff Crippen is back on the show to discuss nutrition! With so many diet options, how to you know which diet is best for you? Host Jeremy Quinby has a lot of questions for Jeff as they explore mono food diets and why they initially seems to help with a number of health challenges. Together they sort through how certain food affect inflammatory responses, autoimmune diseases, gut processing challenges and age-related disorders. They also delve into allergies, blood tests, cholesterol numbers, triglysirides, the role of fiber, the proper amount of sodium, and the best oils to switch to for optimizing our health. 

    28 February 2024, 1:30 pm
  • 1 hour 9 seconds
    Jeff Bailey - Avita Yoga: A Moving Meditation

    In our fast-paced existence most of us do not allow ourselves to just be present in our bodies, to tune in, listen listen deeply and give it the space it needs to loosen, let go, and heal. Modern yoga methods in the U.S. tend towards achievement, and because of this, limit participation based on physical ability. Jeff Bailey, the founder of Avita yoga has in many ways taken yoga back to the basics blending a more restorative approach to yoga with meditative practice that can be enjoyed by all.



    2 February 2024, 1:03 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    Denise McDonald IBCLC - Nursing and Feeding Newborns

    Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with colleague Denise McDonald, an internationally board-certified lactation consultant about the kinds of support she's able to provide new families in the early weeks with newborns.

    Together they discuss the kinds of common challenges new parents face when it comes to breastfeeding and nursing newborns and share their experience with how their unique skillsets are used to address problems that often arise. An episode full of resource for new or expecting parents.


    28 December 2023, 11:22 pm
  • 32 minutes 16 seconds
    Dr. Krista Geisler - Pediatric dentistry, tongue ties and airway restriction

    Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with Dr. Krista Geisler about treating infants with tongue ties that are interfering with their ability to suck, swallow and feed properly. Having worked in coordination with lactation support as a craniosacral therapist for the past 17 years, Jeremy also share his experiences with newborn care and support.

    Krista also shares why her practice is shifting into care for airway restriction, what she's learn from being in the mouths of so many kids and young adults and the health challenges she sees being related to breathing challenges.



    21 December 2023, 3:49 pm
  • 52 minutes 45 seconds
    Frank Davis - What's In Your Supplements?

    Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with Franks Davis, founder and CEO of Optivida. As a child, Frank had every conceivable childhood disease (mumps, measles, pneumonia) and struggled throughout childhood and adolescence with a compromised immune system –leading to a constant battle to stay healthy and enjoy all the sports he loved. In his early 40’s after dealing with hepatitis (twice), mononucleosis (twice), and pneumonia (twice), Frank ended up with chronic fatigue syndrome which incapacitated him. He became obsessed with finding a way to rebuild his depleted system and developed a line of whole food supplements that packed more nutrients without the additive synthetic fillers. He shares his process of this development and how he was able to rebuild his health and thrive into his late 70's.



    15 December 2023, 8:00 am
  • 32 minutes 57 seconds
    Minnesota Breast Milk Bank for Babies

    Host Jeremy Quinby has conversations with Director of Minnesota Breastmilk Bank, Linda Dech, Bereavement Donor Coordinator Alexis Nicklow, and donors McKenzie and Adam. Together they discuss how the breast milk donor organization was started and continues to be funded to serve the community.

    Linda takes Jeremy on a tour of the facility (see link to video in show notes) to show where milk is stored when it's collected, the pasteurization process undergoes and the testing of milk. She also explains the importance of volunteer support to get milk to area hospitals for babies in need.

    31 October 2023, 7:00 am
  • 1 hour 1 second
    Al Levin (In Memoriam Episode) - Depression and Mental Health Support, Resource and Recovery

    Al Levin, I guest of the show in season 8 of the podcast, lost his long battle with depression this past month. He spent 6 years as the host of The Depression Files podcast providing a platform for resource on depression, especially geared toward men who are taking their own lives at an alarmingly increasing rate. In this episode previously aired in 2022, Al shares his story, the kinds of support that helped him live each day better, and the challenges he faced in our current health care system. Thank you for all your effort Al Levin, you blessed us in many ways.



    19 October 2023, 3:37 pm
  • 1 hour 12 minutes
    Dr. Jeff Crippen - How To Build a Strong Immune System

    Host Jeremy Quinby invites Dr. Jeff Crippen back to the show to help us all with a game plan for improving immune function for the cold and flu season. A new strain of Covid-19 is also making a return.

    Jeremy and Jeff discuss science that has been gathered over the past 3 years in how our immune systems can protect us from Covid and RSV and what we now understand to be the top reasons for long-covid symtoms.



    6 October 2023, 3:29 pm
  • 1 hour 7 minutes
    Dr. Josh Levitt - Naturopathic Medicine; What's Old is New Again

    Host Jeremy Quinby has a conversation with Dr. Josh Levitt about Naturopathic medicine's tradition in the health maintenance, care and wellness practices.

    Having both practiced for more than 25 years in what has been in recently history known as 'alternative medicine,' they discuss how they've used herbal medicine, supplements, movement therapy and bodywork as care geared towards health improvement, not just the treatment of symptoms. Josh also explains how and why naturopathic care is considered primary care and is covered by insurance in Connecticut.

    This episode is chocked full of resource for people struggling with general health issues and depletion.


    19 September 2023, 11:11 pm
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