Parenting Paused

Leslie Potter

Parenting Paused presses PAUSE on those shame inducing parenting failures. It presses PLAY on your inner wisdom and the ability to be the parent you want to be. Join Leslie Potter, mother and founder of Purejoy Parenting, as she shares her personal experiences as well as works with other moms and dads in real time to show you the step-by-step process to turn your parenting around.

  • 5 minutes 39 seconds
    Ep. 227 Overprotecting Your Child

    This week on Parenting Paused I dive deep into the topic of overprotection. It's a parenting trait that's close to my heart and one I see many struggling with. Of course, you want your children to be safe, but are you shielding them too much? Are you preventing them from experiencing their feelings and thoughts, both good and bad, to avoid discomfort?

    I share my journey of learning to sit with my discomfort and supporting my child to navigate their own experiences. Remember, it's not about rescuing them from every situation, but supporting them through it, as they learn that feelings come and go, and they are okay. See you next week on Parenting Paused! #ParentingPaused #OverprotectiveParents #EmbraceDiscomfort

    7 May 2024, 12:00 am
  • 5 minutes 50 seconds
    Ep. 226 I Need you To

    Reflecting on our role as parents, we often express our needs to our children without realizing the pressure we put on them.

    This week, try flipping the script: instead of projecting your needs onto them. Ask your kids what they need.

    Understanding their needs can shift your relationships with them, reduce stress, and promote their own love and care for themselves. #Parenting #UnderstandingNeeds #HealthyRelationships

    23 April 2024, 3:11 am
  • 5 minutes 52 seconds
    Ep. 225 What Happened to Your Mojo?

    On this episode of our Parenting Pause podcast, I share my experiences and wisdom about losing my mojo!

    I dig deep into the challenges of parenting, the unrealistic expectations we often have, and the importance of treating ourselves with kindness.

    Remember, you are not expected to be a supernatural parent, but a human one who sometimes loses your mojo.

    Listen in for insights on maintaining your self-love and care as a parent. #ParentingPausePodcast #SelfCare #ParentingRealities

    15 April 2024, 11:47 pm
  • 6 minutes
    Ep. 224 The Root of Behavior

    Join me on my latest episode of Parenting Paused where I dive deep into understanding your children's behavior. 

    I encourage you to question common advice and seek to understand the root causes of behaviors such as hitting. The goal? To parent from your internal wisdom, not just expert advice. Don't miss out on this insightful episode! #ParentingPaused #UnderstandingBehavior #ParentingWisdom

    9 April 2024, 7:08 pm
  • 5 minutes 2 seconds
    Ep. 223 My Kid Always......

    Discover the ever-changing nature of your children in this week's ParentingPause podcast.

    I delve into the challenges of getting 'stuck' in one perspective and how to broaden your vision to embrace all sides of your children's behavior.

    Just as spring brings constant change, so do your children. Tune in to explore how to navigate these changes and avoid black and white thinking. 

    1 April 2024, 2:48 pm
  • 6 minutes
    Ep. 222 If Only...

    Discover the profound preciousness in every moment of your parenting journey.

    Even when reality differs from our expectations or when challenges arise, remember that each experience has a unique, inherent value.

    It's not always about getting it 'right' or making things 'better'. Sometimes, it's about sitting in the present, acknowledging the full spectrum of human experience, and opening our hearts to find the beauty in the complex dance of parenting.

    26 March 2024, 1:30 am
  • 7 minutes 37 seconds
    Ep. 221 Seeing Through Judgement

    This week on Parenting Paused I'm delving deeper into the function of my judgments and how they serve me. What I discovered is that judgments often occur in the blink of an eye.

    After observing myself, I noticed that my judgments are like questioners, leading me back to myself. They can cover over the deeper wisdom I carry, especially as a parent.

    Instead of creating a whole story around a judgment, I suggest taking it inside, offering it kindness, and asking it a question. Then see if them as a reminder to turn back in and open your curiosity to what's happening in the present moment.

    18 March 2024, 2:09 pm
  • 6 minutes 12 seconds
    Ep. 220 Do you Really Want Honesty?

    Let's talk about honesty in parenting.

    We often strive to teach our children to be honest, but how do we react when their honesty conflicts with our comfort?

    This week in the Parenting Paused Podcast I explore how your reactions might inadvertently teach your children to tell white lies to keep you comfortable.

    Tune in as we reflect on the importance of truly hearing your children's honest expressions and consider where you might be slipping into little white lies of your own.

    Join us for this enlightening discussion! Listen here.

    11 March 2024, 2:00 pm
  • 6 minutes 30 seconds
    Ep. 219 It's All About ME

    Discover the intricate dynamics of parenting with my latest Parenting Paused podcast episode.

    I take you on a deep dive into how your reactions often say more about you than your children. Uncover the truth about how your responses to your children's behavior can be a mirror reflecting your own unresolved issues.

    This episode is all about learning to draw a line between what emotions belong to you and what belongs to your children. By doing this, you not only create healthier boundaries but also foster an environment that encourages cooperation rather than conflict.

    Join me as I unravel these insights and more, equipping you with the understanding to transform your parenting approach. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn, grow, and reflect.

    Tune in now!

    4 March 2024, 3:48 pm
  • 6 minutes 39 seconds
    Ep. 218 Moving from Worry to Wonder

    Excited to share our latest episode of 'Parenting Pause' where I dive deep into the topic of moving from worry to wonder.

    I don't know about you but when my daughter was young I found myself consumed with worry about her future. Over time what I discovered was that I wasn't worried about her, I was feeling discomfort with where she was in her journey. It was a big aha moment when I discovered that I could shift my mindset to one of "wonder" instead of "worry".

    Tune in to discover how you can transform your worries into empowering moments of wonder.

    Don't miss out on the upcoming 'Raising A Resilient Child' free summit on March 1st through 4th where I'll be discussing this topic even further. My talk is on the 4th so sign up:


    26 February 2024, 6:42 pm
  • 5 minutes 57 seconds
    Ep. 217 How is Your Foundation?

    Imagine yourself supporting your children in building their internal house, and just like any house, it's crucial to have a stable foundation. But here's the thing - to support them in building a stable house your internal foundation is equally important.

    This week on Parenting Paused I share my personal journey of discovering that my own foundation was shaky, and how that affected my parenting. I learned that instead of focusing solely on supporting my daughter in creating a strong foundation, I needed to turn inward and examine my own cracks. Only when my own foundation was strong could I provide the stability and support she needed.

    So, if you find yourself constantly triggered by your children's behavior, it may be a sign that there might be cracks in your own foundation. Take the time to reflect, inquire, and strengthen your self-awareness, self-compassion, and regulation. You'll be amazed at the impact it can have on your parenting journey.

    Listen, now.

    19 February 2024, 1:30 pm
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