Luka Hocevar is the owner of the nationally renowned Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance gym in Seattle and founding father of Vigor Move & Live in Slovenia, featured in Men's Health, Stack Magazine, Onnit Magazine, Entrepreneur Magazine, and on CBS. As a leading fitness and personal development coach this Vigor Life podcast is an extension of what Luka coaches every day and will provide tips, stories, motivation and inspiration to help you forge daily habits for a better body—through fitness, nutrition and mindset—build better relationships, create purpose in your career/business, increase productivity, be happier, and succeed (success comes from succession as in the "next step" - constant growth and expansion in your life). The Vigor Life podcast will help you piece together the puzzle pieces to your own extraordinary life.
I decided I wanted to start sharing principles and skillsets that build the greatest coaches and careers in the fitness industry. This is not a list from 1 to whatever. This is my personal insights, notes from other great coaches, books, things mentors shared with me, and much more. This will be an ongoing series of at least 3 episodes (if not more) as I want there to be something anyone can come back to and use as a resource to develop their skills, get a refresher (“we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught”), or direct someone to that wants to build successful coaching skills.
Developing these skills is a lifelong purpose and after 20-years of being obsessed with coaching, I can still see how much better I can get at many of the skills I share.
These episodes are for the coaches (and by the way, everyone will be in a coaching role in their life so it applies to everyone!) who want to be in the elite category. I have been fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants and invested an enormous amount of time, energy, and money, to learn from them over the decades. Most that were grateful to help, asked me for one thing in return - to pay it forward. These episodes and this podcast is a way for me to pay it forward like the greats did for me.
=> Why training in all planes of motion is a must and how to add it to every clients program
=> How to add an “assistant coach” with constraint based coaching.
=> Why everyone should do plyometrics and what to do with beginners.
=> Why you must learn how to “speak coach” and the boost it will give your business.
=> How strong is strong enough and some standards we use for clients at Vigor Ground.
=> Sometimes good movement doesn’t fix every problem, you may have to check _______.
=> 3 rules for mobility and how I categorize clients and what I do with them.
=> Why you shouldn’t be a “one tool trainer.”
=> The right mix of giving clients what they need vs. what they want.
=> The coaching habit and the 7 question framework that will help you coach your clients and team.
=> The difference between a trainer and a coach.
=> The list of mistakes coaches make that take them out of the “pro” category in my eyes.
Book: The Coaching Habit
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
I decided I wanted to start sharing principles and skillsets that build the greatest coaches and careers in the fitness industry. This is not a list from 1 to whatever. This is my personal insights, notes from other great coaches, books, things mentors shared with me, and much more. This will be an ongoing series of at least 3 episodes (if not more) as I want there to be something anyone can come back to and use as a resource to develop their skills, get a refresher (“we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught”), or direct someone to that wants to build successful coaching skills.
Developing these skills is a lifelong purpose and after 20-years of being obsessed with coaching, I can still see how much better I can get at many of the skills I share.
These episodes are for the coaches (and by the way, everyone will be in a coaching role in their life so it applies to everyone!) who want to be in the elite category. I have been fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants and invested an enormous amount of time, energy, and money, to learn from them over the decades. Most that were grateful to help, asked me for one thing in return - to pay it forward. These episodes and this podcast is a way for me to pay it forward like the greats did for me.
=> The 5 critical core emotional skills you need to be a 51%-er and develop greatness in coaching.
=> Why what you say matters a LOT and how you can’t “fix people” (and don’t say it!).
=> How being a “bucket filler” will help you improve your programming and results.
=> How to not stray away from the clients goals while giving them training they like.
=> The secret to making exercises and programs feel different when they’re really the same (you MUST learn this).
=> Why I think about Murphys Law when I’m training clients (especially groups) and how I prepare to avoid problems.
=> Should you do deload and rest weeks and your general population clients.
=> The power of “if/then” and having regressions, progressions and lateralizations ready ahead of time.
=> Why you should ask “What do WE have next” during the sessions often.
=> A tip on how I check “readiness” of clients at the beginning of a session so I can adjust it (and makes them feel special).
=> How to use the “sprinkler method” in group and semi private coaching that will differentiate you from the rest.
=> Why you should ALWAYS leave personal problems at home when coaching.
=> My “coaching energy system” that will always have clients loving your sessions.
=> How you can always show clients progress through different means and keep them motivated (even when they’re not losing weight).
Book: Setting The Table (Danny Meyer) -
Book: The Language of Coaching (Nick Winkelman) -
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
I decided I wanted to start sharing principles and skillsets that build the greatest coaches and careers in the fitness industry. This is not a list from 1 to whatever. This is my personal insights, notes from other great coaches, books, things mentors shared with me, and much more. This will be an ongoing series of at least 3 episodes (if not more) as I want there to be something anyone can come back to and use as a resource to develop their skills, get a refresher (“we need to be reminded more than we need to be taught”), or direct someone to that wants to build successful coaching skills.
Developing these skills is a lifelong purpose and after 20-years of being obsessed with coaching, I can still see how much better I can get at many of the skills I share.
These episodes are for the coaches (and by the way, everyone will be in a coaching role in their life so it applies to everyone!) who want to be in the elite category. I have been fortunate to stand on the shoulders of giants and invested an enormous amount of time, energy, and money, to learn from them over the decades. Most that were grateful to help, asked me for one thing in return - to pay it forward. These episodes and this podcast is a way for me to pay it forward like the greats did for me.
=> What makes a great coach, the principles that will stand the test of time.
=> The anchor that you need to be a great coach. If you’ve been doing it for a while, you need this reminder.
=> The power of 3 - which 3 things you should do with every client every session.
=> What is PAF and why should you know it for every exercise you coach.
=> Why you should steal smart people’s s@*t (and never stop).
=> How videoing your own coaching sessions can be a catalyst and mirror to build the best coaching abilities.
=> The reason feedback loops are so powerful and how to make sure you’re getting better and not worse, daily.
=> What habit that we teach our clients is critical for your own coaching success.
=> What should you be doing 100% of the time on the training floor (this differentiates the good from the great).
=> The reason using jargon, abbreviations, and acronyms makes you a “smart ass” and not a great coach.
=> Why you should be practicing demonstrating exercises (yes, even if you’ve been at it for a while).
=> The superpower of communication and why you still need to get better at it (even if you’re good).
=> Do you need to give clients “more s@*t or more ice cream”?
=> Why you should be “flipping it more often” and why you shouldn’t talk about yourself in sessions.
=> Your body language may be the thing stopping you from building your book of business.
=> Don’t program exercises you can’t do, demo, or aren’t confident coaching.
=> Not too quiet, not too loud, just right (what does this mean for you as a coach).
=> Tony Robbins, David Goggins, Brene Brown, Gary Vee, Mel Robbins,…who are you emulating and how should you be as a coach.
=> The one sentence that is a big NO to say to a client (and so many coaches still do it).
=> And much more….
Book: Set Your Voice Free (Roger Love) -
How To Speak So That People Want To Listen (Julian Treasure TED Talk) -
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
I take down notes when I talk to clients or when people reach out to me asking for advice. I created this episode from the questions I get and the struggles people have when reaching a plateau, and seeing what they do that gets them in “trouble.” Most people make these training mistakes that hold back their progress.
=> Why trying to make great progress when it’s already good is the reason your results are stalling.
=> The truth about how much gains you can make in muscle and strength (even as a beginner).
=> The mistake you make that makes you think you’ve had a huge progress from week to week (this is an insight most don’t know).
=> You should be on a program, but you already know that. Structure and tracking are your missing link to gains!
=> One of the biggest training mistakes people make when trying to lose fat (this will kill your muscle gains AND you won’t get leaner).
=> When lowering calories your program should do this.
=> The best way to know your training frequency is too high (and you’re likely creating the wrong splits for yourself).
=> Abusing stimulants to mask fatigue (I used to do this often) will lead to a crash and reverse your results. Here’s why.
=> What difference types of cardio are there and which ones should YOU focus on and why.
=> Why trying to do all types of cardio together doesn’t usually get you the results you want.
=> Examples of 4 week cardio programs I’d add to strength training.
=> Why the “boring” aerobic cardio is so important to your health AND performance.
=> The biggest mistakes people make when it comes to their cardio training.
I’m excited to say I’ve now partnered with the highest quality supplements I’ve been using for years - Live Momentous. It’s hard to trust supplements today, which is why I use the most rigorously tested supplements out there. What they say is in them, is in them. It’s also the only whey isolate that hasn’t upset my girlfriend’s stomach (she has ulcerative colitis). Get my favorites here: and use promo code “LUKA15” to get 15% off any order.
Ten Thousand makes The World’s Best Men’s Training Gear And the ONLY Training Shorts You’ll EVER Need. Upgrade your training gear and get 15% off everything at
If you need to replace your energy drinks (like I did in September of 2023) with clean energy, with no caffeine, no sugar, and no crashes, check out the KetoneIQ, my go to shot to give me focus, energy, and no crashes for when I’m working, coaching, and training. Get a 6-pack free and 30% of your subscription at
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
Every once in a while I like to do an episode on program design and share insights on writing better programs. Whether you’re a coach or you’re a fitness enthusiast that wants to get better results, I share a process of how to design a program that will improve your looks, performance, help you feel better, while being able to give you longevity in the weight room (this is about the long game).
=> The questions we MUST answer first before creating a program (if you don’t do this you’ll waste your time).
=> Why what people like does matter when it comes to writing programs (it has something to do with compliance).
=> The 4 goals I bucket clients into and the Athlete For Life bucket and how I determine it.
=> The understanding of the neural-metabolic continuum and how it will help you write more effective programs.
=> My 8 primary variables of program design and how to use them as you change up programs.
=> How I progress and regress exercises and why I’ve bought ______ pieces of equipment.
=> Helping clients become savage comes along with addressing their movement limitations (or you’ll beat them up over time).
=> The 4 buckets of exercises and different program design examples to show you how to use them.
=> The myth of structural balance and should you row 3x more than you press (you’ll be surprised by this one!).
=> The value of testing and which things I test at Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance.
=> Should we REALLY change the program every 3-6 weeks?
=> Why “slow cooking” is one of the best way to get clients incredible results over time.
=> Here’s how being a lazy coach has got my clients better results.
=> How I use modifiers, different stances, and other tools to improve the results of my clients.
=> The simple breakdown of set and rep ranges to use in your programs.
=> What does “touching intensity” mean and why you shouldn’t push your general population clients too often.
I’m excited to say I’ve now partnered with the highest quality supplements I’ve been using for years - Live Momentous. It’s hard to trust supplements today, which is why I use the most rigorously tested supplements out there. What they say is in them, is in them. It’s also the only whey isolate that hasn’t upset my girlfriend’s stomach (she has ulcerative colitis). Get my favorites here: and use promo code “LUKA15” to get 15% off any order.
Ten Thousand makes The World’s Best Men’s Training Gear And the ONLY Training Shorts You’ll EVER Need. Upgrade your training gear and get 15% off everything at
If you need to replace your energy drinks (like I did in September of 2023) with clean energy, with no caffeine, no sugar, and no crashes, check out the KetoneIQ, my go to shot to give me focus, energy, and no crashes for when I’m working, coaching, and training. Get a 6-pack free and 30% of your subscription at
Vigor Ground Fitness and Business Summit 2024
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
I was so glad to finally connect with Brad at the Evolve Conference where we both spoke. We had dinner and realized we were both hoop fanatics, loved the fitness industry and were obsessed with our craft. It was is important that we did this episode and it was an absolutely packed episode of value!
Brad Dieter is a scientist and entrepreneur whose goal is to help address preventable disease. He completed his PhD and Fellowship in diabetes and metabolism where he examined how diet and exercise can affect the initiation and progression of disease. His entrepreneurial career has been focused on building businesses in the nutrition, fitness, and wellness industries from initiation to scale. He has also worked alongside NASM as a key contributor to their certifications, including the NASM-CNC, NASM-WLS, NASM-CSNC, NASM-VCS, NASM-PBC, and NASM-CWC and am presently serving on the NASM Scientific Advisory Board.
Brad is the co-founder and COO of Macros Inc, a company on the Inc 5000 in 2022 that has coached over 25k clients and has built a community of over 400k people.
=> 25,000+ clients later, the top 3 things that have helped them transform their health and body are ______.
=> Consistently prioritizing nutrition is one of the most difficult things for most people.
=> When life stresses come up, nutrition is the first thing that drops off (and this is how the top coaches help change that).
=> Why investing in your coaching prioritizes it as a focus and accountability supercharges it.
=> A peculiar habit that most successful clients have (that involves sharing their failures).
=> Decision making tools and problem solving are the skills that great coaches help you develop, that end up leading to long term success.
=> Prioritizing means planning is part of your habits, which is why this is my clients #1 habit.
=> How to hold your clients accountable while giving them the space to be imperfect
=> Developing REAL relationships with clients are the foundation for successful coaching (get curious and discover how they operate)
=> Being proactive with communication is KEY to a retention and a successful long term business.
=> Why clients many times think that they are a burden to you as a coach
=> An invisible strategy that helps you adapt to your clients as they evolve throughout their life (you can’t coach them the same when they’re 20,30,40+….).
=> Insights on who Marcos Inc hire and why (the 2 things you should be thinking about).
=> Shifting from coach to manager to executive, the changes of skills and focus (you can learn a lot from this!).
=> Your role on the team is not what you’re capable of doing, but what the team needs to win!
=> How our life in sports helped us develop character and value that carried over to business.
=> Is it necessary to hustle the first part of your career? (THIS is a must hear for anyone building their career in fitness).
=> What you MUST condition yourself for to be a successful entrepreneur.
=> The road less stupid and how we make better decisions for our businesses.
=> Why part of “getting smarter” involves surrounding yourself with smarter people and aggressively seeking feedback.
=> How Macros Inc generates an endless stream of leads and how you can “steal” their strategies.
=> Brad’s secret strategy to building skillsets at an accelerated rate (it only takes 15 minutes per day)
=> Luka’s learning strategy that helps him accelerate his learning.
=> BIG insights on growing and scaling a successful nutrition coaching company.
Macros Inc website:
Brad Dieter Instagram:
Vigor Ground Fitness and Business Summit 2024
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
This is an important topic that I’m revisiting since having so many conversations with my clients, both in person and online, that are still struggling with getting leaner and losing weight, and most importantly keeping it off.
=> Why having cognitive constraint is key no matter which approach you take in losing weight and getting leaner.
=> Being hungry is not a bad thing, you should try it!
=> Why tracking/self-monitoring is a must (at least at the beginning) and a number of stress free ways to apply it.
=> 3 of the biggest reasons strength training is crucial for getting lean and staying lean (non-negotiable!).
=> THIS is still the #1 habits I help clients instill that gets them phenomenal results (and it’s not what you think it is).
=> How to integrate all the foods you love (even the one’s gurus say are “bad”) and still get the best possible results.
=> Why structured programs in training and nutrition have such a higher success rate and why you should consider them.
=> There is one critical mindset component everyone has in common that gets lean and stay lean; it’s __________ .
=> No matter the program you’re one, social support and accountability are superchargers of results.
=> One of the first and most important things I discover with my clients that create the foundation for a successful body transformation.
=> Most Americans don’t eat enough fiber, here’s simple ways to add it and help your goals.
=> The truth about snacking and why it’s likely crushing your health and body transformation goals.
=> The 3 factors few people talk about, but are SO important in whether “the plan” will work for them.
=> How to break down a big goal into parts that lead to your daily nutrition in a simple, stress free, actionable way.
=> The system I use to help my clients achieve results over and over again.
Vigor Ground Fitness and Business Summit 2024
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
Another Q & A episode with some great questions that led to a split episode diving into some training concepts, systems, and explanations, along with fitness business questions on productivity, work-life balance, marketing and scaling your business and more.
=> What are “resets” and how they can be very useful and effective in improving your joint health and your training sessions.
=> How to combine specific reset exercises with strength exercises for maximum effect.
=> Making “reset and rehab” type exercises more exciting for buy in of the client.
=> What does position => pattern => load => expression mean, and how it will change your training once you understand this.
=> Training smart doesn’t mean NOT training hard - that part is a prerequisite.
=> Is there any aesthetic benefit to training explosively and with plyometrics, I answer the question.
=> The best 3 day a week strength training program for MOST people.
=> What metrics and focus do I prescribe clients on recovery days (this is something few people do).
=> Should you be on a structured program year round? You might gasp when I answer this one!
=> The surprising answer to how to achieve work-life balance as a freelance coach.
=> Going from a in person coach to opening your own facility, the first and most important steps.
=> The top 3 tips for improving and increasing your personal training business next year.
=> What to do if you’re experiencing a decrease in your personal training business.
=> How I would set up a 1,000 square foot gym for optimal training (I did this twice in my career, both in Slovenia and in Seattle).
=> What is possible with online coaching as a secondary income stream? I break it down with real world examples of my own and my business coaching clients.
Vigor Ground Fitness and Business Summit 2024
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
It was great to have Alyssa on the podcast after having her come out to Seattle and do a workshop with myself and Joel on all things cardio. She’s a wealth of knowledge, a training geek like myself, and also an athlete that has achieved some serious goals both in strength training and endurance running.
Dr Alyssa Olenick holds a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology is a certified sports nutritionist and Crossfit Level 2 Trainer. Alyssa completed her doctoral training in exercise and human metabolism, sex differences and menstrual cycle physiology. She is currently a postdoctoral research fellow researching the areas of menopause and metabolism. As a coach she specializes in the areas endurance, strength and hybrid training. She runs her online business “Doc Lyss Fitness” and is a strength athlete, ultra-marathon runner, and all-around fitness lover who is passionate about educating people on science-based fitness to get them into the gyms and on the roads/trails — or often, doing both at the same time!
=> The biggest misconceptions when it comes to training for women, both strength and cardio.
=> Why social media advice can stall results for many women, what to pay attention to.
=> The reason lifting heavy weights is so important for women and what does “heavy” really mean.
=> The 3 most important factors for women when it comes to getting results, and taking care of your health.
=> Why “high rep, low weight” lifting many women do is not the best use of time and energy.
=> The mistakes beginners make in training, the mistakes intermediate and advanced people make in training (that stops results).
=> The science of why its critical for women to do power and plyometric movements.
=> Understanding sex differences in training: tailoring workouts for women.
=> What does intelligent cardio training look like for women, how to balance intensity and volume.
=> Zone 2 vs High-Intensity-Training: what’s best for women, and how much of it?
=> Why moderate training at high volumes is what’s stopping your results (and it’s what many women do).
=> The myth and TRUTH about women, hormones and strength.
=> What changes should you make with strength training and cardio when it comes to menopause.
=> The language and communication of coaching when it comes to deciphering misconceptions in women’s training.
=> The physiology of the menstrual cycle and how it affects energy, performance, and training.
=> Organizing strength training, cardio, and nutrition around the menstrual cycle.
=> Mastering the basics before worrying about “optimizing.”
=> What is “cycle syncing” and what happens through your cycle with respect to exercise.
=> Why taking time off training in a menstrual cycle may not be the best idea.
=> Our thoughts on the commodification of women’s menstrual cycles and how this particular trend might be causing women to move less.
Dr Alyssa Olenick website
Dr Alyssa Olenick YouTube
Dr Alyssa Olenick Podcast
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
This is another episode of our monthly program design episode where Jason Brown and I get together and answer questions and dive deep into program design, context and nuances of what work for different populations and our experience with coaching and designing programs with thousands of people in person and online. We share our best stuff to help you improve your own workouts, get better results, and stay away from nagging aches, pains, and injuries.
=> How to structure a results based program for a 30+ years old dad with a young child.
=> Jason shares a template that works for anyone wanting to build strength and muscle 2-3x a week.
=> Our thoughts on long term (yearly) programming and what we think REALLY matters.
=> The surprising answer to what Jason believes people 18-25 years old, and 25-30+ years old should do in their programs (that most don’t!)
=> How Jason has got the best results of his life by training less strength and more conditioning.
=> Why twice a week strength training maybe a “cheat code” for a lot of clients and something they can stick to long term.
=> Best “methods” for programming to keep clients engaged and coming back.
=> Breaking down if you have 2, 3, or 4 days a week to train - how to structure your training day.
=> Coaching and implementing nutrition, sleep and lifestyle guidance to get your clients the best results.
=> How and who to learn from on different platforms like Instagram, YouTube and podcasts.
=> The trick to seeing which programs are not based on real world results and are just “influencer workouts.”
Jason Brown website
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Vigor Life Podcast (iTunes) h
Vigor Life Podcast on Spotify
Luka Hocevar YouTube Channel
It’s always a pleasure to catch up with my friend and incredible speaker and entrepreneur Mark Fisher. We dove into what the foundations are of building a successful gym in this day and environment.
Mark and his “non-sexual life partner” Michael Keeler founded Business for Unicorns in 2016. They've since worked with many of the leading fitness studios across the US, the UK, and Australia. Past non-fitness clients include Sony Music, Sylvan Learning, Novus Surgical, and Security Scorecard.
In addition to BFU, Mark is the co-founder of Mark Fisher Fitness, one of the most unusual gyms in the fitness industry. With a reputation as the fitness home of choice for the Broadway community, MFF has made waves in the fitness industry for its unprecedented success and unique approach to culture. Living their mantra of “Ridiculous Humans, Serious Fitness,” MFF provides progressive fitness protocols in a delivery system of subversive humor, fantastical imagery, and outrageous antics.
=> How the principles of building the gym are similar to what they have been but the environment, marketplace, methods and tools have dramatically changed, here’s what you need to know.
=> What Mark has learned from owning a very unique gym that he has built in Manhattan (Mark Fisher Fitness) as well as two franchise gyms outside of NY - what are the common denominators.
=> Why marketing is a verb, and not a strong point for most coaches and gym owners - and why that must change.
=> The 3 key things you MUST do as a gym owner that are non-negotiable.
=> A simple framework for marketing action that Mark outlines that is key in getting results in building your book of business.
=> Simple really is better and we break down 5 buckets you need to implement.
=> The 3 phases people go through when opening a fitness business.
=> Why the “build it and they will come” phase is short and should NOT be your strategy.
=> Why the bigger you get the better you must get at marketing and generating clients - we break down real world examples.
=> The digital marketer space is more competitive than ever
=> Mark discusses the “ground game” of organic marketing and why it should be something fit pro’s spend more time and energy on.
=> Mark shares actionable strategies for low and no cost that any fit pro can start using now.
=> Why business partnerships (JV’s) are a great approach and here’s what biz owners do wrong developing them (and the RIGHT way to build them).
=> Developing the team to do boots on the ground marketing (Mark shares what he does at his gyms).
=> The power of communication and talking to strangers; and how coaches that do get many, many more leads.
=> The follow up sequence that Mark uses in his businesses that works!
=> What you MUST know about digital marketing in the gym business space.
=> People check you out thoroughly BEFORE they ever reach out to your gym, which is why you need THIS.
=> A unique approach on turning quality content into advertising for your business.
=> Mark shares what to do if you’re not great or don’t enjoy doing creatives and content creation.
=> Mark and Luka share specific content marketing strategies for gym owners (pick and choose).
=> What is “3 mile famous” and why that’s more important than focusing on being online famous.
=> E-mail marketing, social media, YouTube, blogs, lunch and learns, and more - what should YOU do.
=> The sales process at Mark’s gyms and how to implement this into your own fitness business.
=> Why you must have great front end offers and how to create them.
Business For Unicorns
Business For Unicorns IG
Book: The Lil Gym Book Of Marketing Secrets
Luka’s Courses and Workshops
Luka's YouTube
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