Thyroid Warrior Podcast

Ebony Colina

This podcast outlines the journey to managing Hashimoto's Disease for Ebony Colina that started 10 years ago. In this podcast, you will learn about how I was able to reduce many of my symptoms through a variety of different channels. There will be both individual accounts and interviews that seek to help others determine the best strategies to become whole, happy and healthy.

  • 16 minutes 24 seconds
    Season 2. 163 The Aftermath

    This podcast episode is just the beginning of something new...

    When managing grief, conflict, chronic illness, or life in general, it can be A LOT.

    My wish for you is that you will be able to check in with your body.

    I have lived the true definition of you can't be someone else's something if you're nothing for yourself.

    Can you take some time to figure out the following questions:

    What do I want?

    What makes me feel good?

    What have I said yes to, that I should have said no to?

    How can I say yes to myself more?

    It's only up from here friends...

    20 March 2024, 3:22 am
  • 23 minutes 16 seconds
    Season 1. 165 Living Wills and Healthcare Proxies

    This week is a very important topic - living wills, advanced directives, and healthcare proxies. 

    It is critical to have a conversation about these topics, and I encourage you to choose a trusted advocate or caregiver who can make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to.

    Please don't forget to document important information that may be crucial in times of emergency or if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself:

    • Keep track of passwords, bank accounts, and contact information for renovation workers. 
    • Set up a legacy contact with Apple, enabling access to a deceased person's computer.
    • Check for updates to these documents regularly as you change passwords or as things in your life change

    These steps can ease the burden on loved ones during difficult times. We also discuss different names for advanced directives, which may vary from state to state. In some areas, they may be referred to as healthcare agents or patient advocates. The key is to ensure you have a documented process for your medical decisions such as preferences regarding organ donation, pain management, resuscitation, ventilation, feeding tubes, and palliative care.

    By documenting these preferences, individuals can ensure that their wishes are respected and followed. When in doubt, consult with a lawyer regarding these documents and make sure you carry a copy with you at all times/you have a copy in your medical record.



    12 July 2023, 9:36 am
  • 17 minutes 51 seconds
    Season 1. 164 Managing Grief

    This podcast episode is about the struggle to manage grief. We are discussing how grief has impacted my thyroid condition, and I discuss the importance of expressing oneself and seeking support during challenging times. Grief will impact us differently, but it is important to connect with people and a care team who will support you throughout the entire process.


    15 June 2023, 11:51 pm
  • 18 minutes 22 seconds
    Season 1. 163 It All Falls Down

    This series is very close to home. This text discusses the importance of advocacy and communication in healthcare, particularly when it comes to end-of-life planning and death. This series is going to highlight the importance of establishing support systems, learning how to utilize clear communication during difficult times, and why it's so important to be open to having difficult conversations around death.

    Since it is Mental Health Awareness Month, I will also be hosting a kindness and gratitude challenge from May 22nd-May 26th (2023). Sign up at


    10 May 2023, 1:58 pm
  • 20 minutes 15 seconds
    Season 1. 162. What About Lifestyle?

    When we think about our health, it can be easy to assume we don't have many options.

    However, I have been exploring different forms of treatment to support my health from Western Medicine to other modalities, including acupuncture and I must say, it's been great.

    I have recently been paying more attention to lifestyle medicine because I can't accept that prevention of disease is impossible for many of us. I also strongly believe in starting small and creating habits that will help you sustain your lifestyle.

    This episode was in part about lifestyle medicine and what is, as well as about how to make small changes (specifically diet in this case) that can help your health outcomes. 

    If you would like to learn more about lifestyle medicine, please visit the American College of Lifestyle Medicine to learn more.

    27 February 2023, 4:05 am
  • 12 minutes 12 seconds
    Season 1. 161 Reintroduction

    For those of you who may be new to the show, let me reintroduce myself.


    My name is Ebony, I have Hashimoto's Disease, I am a patient advocate, personal trainer, nutrition coach and aromatherapist.

    Through my own struggles, I have learned so much about this condition and have made it my mission to share what I have learned with all of you.

    As we move forward with the podcast, I am excited to announce that we will be taking a seasons-based approach. Each season will focus on a specific aspect of thyroid disease, from diagnosis to treatment options to self-care. I will be discussing my four step method I use to help clients in detail and I will also be enlisting the support of professionals in the field.

    I encourage all of you to take the time to get to know yourself and your own unique needs when it comes to managing thyroid disease. Together, we can support each other and thrive. Let me know your thoughts and what you want to hear more of!

    18 February 2023, 5:08 pm
  • 12 minutes 57 seconds
    160. RESToration-Find Your People

    Sometimes it can be a challenge to outgrow the things that used to make you feel safe and secure. We all know the struggle even when we're not aware of it:

    • You want to say no to going out because you just don't like it anymore
    • You've outgrown your current circle of friends, but you don't know how to say it
    • Things that used to seem really difficult are merely bumps

    Don't forget that you can change and each of us will evolve over time. It doesn't make you a bad person, but you'll have to work through what feels safe for you in terms of navigating new spaces.

    Just like you may experience difficulty when you're adjusting to a new medication or health regimen, everything around you can shift too.

    If you're interested in learning more about my free monthly aromatherapy classes, click here.

    Choose Aromatherapy classes and you will be able to book the free class.

    14 October 2022, 1:40 pm
  • 12 minutes 33 seconds
    159. RESToration Part 2 The Secret Sauce

    In this episode, we are going to talk about exploring this question:

    "Am I safe here"?

    I heard this question on a podcast from the Truth Doctor and it has revolutionized my thought process related to how I process my emotions, trauma and my condition. 

    I also spoke about ACEs or Adverse Childhood Events and I encourage you to be sure to do things that make you comfortable and safe while you explore this concept.

    For more informationon ACEs, check out:


    15 September 2022, 12:59 pm
  • 12 minutes 28 seconds
    158. RESToration Series-Why Bother?

    In this episode, we are going to go deep and talk about some real stuff. For months, it has been a challenge and I often find myself asking the question "Why Bother"? This series is going to be going in detail with this.


    • If you missed last week's episode, check out Near Country Provisions at and enter the code "Ebony" for free meat provisions.
    • Today is the last day to grab my Go Ahead, Eat the Cookie program at $197. Head to to sign up and remember to use the code podcast as the price increases to $597 after September 1st
    • Finally, if you love Strong Fitness Magazine as much as I do, grab a discount on a subscription using the code SFC3


    1 September 2022, 4:01 pm
  • 30 minutes 33 seconds
    157. Interview with Adam Gerson of Near Country Provisions

    In today's episode, we have a treat of having a different perspective on Hashimoto's Disease. As many of us know, women are at a higher risk of developing Hashimoto's Disease, but that doesn't mean that men can't develop it.

    We all develop passions for good health in different ways and today's guest, Adam Gerson, of Near Country Provisions shares how he used the information from his journey to develop a subscription-based meat delivery service in the Mid Atlantic region (DC, Maryland and Virginia) that provides nutrient dense and grass-fed meat.  They are also testing out new cuts and other items.

    You can use the code "Ebony" to provisions with your first order!

    If you have any questions at all, you can reach out to Adam at adam@nearcountry

    Visit their website:

    Check them out on social media:



    11 August 2022, 11:48 am
  • 39 minutes 37 seconds
    156. Different Approach to Wellness with Shalini Arora

    This podcast episode highlights Shalini Arora of Sunny Side of You.

    She helps busy people on the go, with no time and energy,  nurture a healthy lifestyle using principles of Natural Hygiene so that they become their best versions.

    We spoke about various ways of living a healthy lifestyle and she talks about different strategies to take care of oneself.

    You can check out her free masterclass here:


    3 August 2022, 11:38 pm
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