Trans Atlantic Podcast

Trans Atlantic

A conversation about transgender topics, from across the pond.

  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    Happy Valentine's Day! We got you this extra long podcast because we love you so much <3 Please note this was recorded prior to the murder of Brianna Ghey, comments relating to danger for trans people in the UK during the episode are unrelated. Help us out:
    15 February 2023, 2:22 am
  • 1 hour 23 minutes
    Enemy of the State 2022
    Our countries are fucked. Please help. We talk midterms, the NHS, shootings and stochastic terrorism, as well as pizza, because you've got to get your joy from somewhere. Support the podcast at: or, support Luxander at
    11 December 2022, 6:46 pm
  • 1 hour 4 minutes
    House of the Dragon
    Dr. Catherine and Luxander talk about something just for them, this is their overview and discussion about House of the Dragon. ASOIAF is something they're both big nerds for, so enjoy the fantrans in their natural habitat. Support the podcast at: Help Lux with their move:
    13 November 2022, 12:09 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Surgery Recovery and Dead Queens
    We talk recovery from surgeries, how hard it is, why some of us choose to do it anyway, and how this interacts with the health systems of our failed states. Speaking of failed states, life in both the USA and the UK is pretty terrifying right now for different reasons, we go into that too, in the wake of the death of Elizabeth II and the looming cost of living crises. Support the podcast on Patreon and help pay for its hosting fees at to get your name read out at the end of the show and to ask questions to the podcast that we'll answer on air!
    2 October 2022, 1:13 pm
  • 1 hour 18 minutes
    In which we finally talk about surgery, from faces to faeces and everything in between, Luxander and Dr. Catherine go under the knife and come out of it with some hot takes fresh from the emergency room. Support this podcast at One-time donations at Support Luxander at
    9 August 2022, 1:46 pm
  • 1 hour 16 minutes
    We Took UK and US Citizenship Tests
    In this episode, an American takes a British citizenship test, and a Brit takes an American civics quiz. Who will win? Will they be swapping countries? When will they finally talk about surgeries? All this and more on this exciting episode of the MKG podcast. Support the podcast at Or give a one-time donation at
    24 July 2022, 10:04 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    Bodily Autonomy
    In which Zephyr and Dr. Catherine naively attempt to make a podcast about surgeries and end up having an existential crisis about bodily autonomy and the headlong rush of the west into fascism. Support the pod by backing Catherine at Give Zephyr money while you're there at
    13 July 2022, 6:49 pm
  • 42 minutes 41 seconds
    MKG1: Rebirth
    Surprise motherfuckers! We're back and my god are we tired of this world. America. Britain. Two nations locked in a race towards fascist dystopia. Two trans people, one from each side of the Atlantic ocean, join forces to shoot the shit in the face of overwhelming odds. Give them money, if you're brave enough. Do not adjust your sets, this is the artist formerly known as the trans atlantic podcast. Our name was stolen but it's all good, we're back with a vengeance.
    1 March 2022, 3:24 pm
  • 59 seconds
    Trans Atlantic Update
    In this not-an-episode of the podcast, Lux updates you, the listener, on what's been going on and when we're coming back to bring you the good news. Oh yeah, a load of shit happened in America while we've not been talking. That's not mentioned, I just wanted to say how fucked up it is that the USA essentially has concentration camps for child refugees #fucktrump
    20 June 2018, 9:58 am
  • 1 hour 2 minutes
    25. Black Panther
    In the twenty-fifth episode of the Trans Atlantic Podcast, a conversation about trans topics from across the pond... Lux and Cat talk about Black Panther, far too late to be part of the cultural conversation around it, as well as trans day of visibility, 3D in movies, and gay X-men. Sorry for the potato quality this episode. Cat's voice was shot to shit and apparently so was her microphone. Potatoes are delicious though, so really we're doing you a favour here. Also, spoiler warning for Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok are inside. You have been warned. As always thank you to our incredible patrons for this episode. Email us a question: [email protected] Twitter: Transatlpodcast Facebook: Transatlanticpod Patreon: Transatlantic Music: Runaway by George Gadd. Go buy it on bandcamp:
    8 April 2018, 1:24 pm
  • 1 hour 1 minute
    24. Privilege
    In the twenty-fourth episode of the Trans Atlantic Podcast, a conversation about trans topics from across the pond... Lux and Cat talk about privilege, male privilege, and the conversation about privilege and trans women. Also featuring discussion about collisions with buses and an apology for being away for so long, mostly because of the whole collision with a bus thing. Did I mention I got hit by a bus? I won, for the record. They call me the bus slayer. As always thank you to our incredible patrons for this episode. Email us a question: [email protected] Twitter: Transatlpodcast Facebook: Transatlanticpod Patreon: Transatlantic Music: Runaway by George Gadd. Go buy it on bandcamp:
    16 March 2018, 11:33 pm
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