Positively Trans Podcast

Positively Trans Podcast

Trans woman, activist, and speaker. Living a life of positivity and authenticity. Sharing stories of those within the Trans Community and spreading ideas of positivity and growth.

  • 13 minutes 59 seconds
    Episode 7: Coming Out
    Episode 7 is here and it's a bonus episode that we have put together. This week we dive into coming out. I dive into my story of coming out and some things I did to make my coming out to loved ones, friends, and co-workers easier.
    6 February 2017, 12:06 am
  • 11 minutes 23 seconds
    Episode 6: You Are Enough
    Episode 6 covers how we often think that we are not enough. However, sharing insight from Therapist and Behavior Specialist Marisa Peer she helps us understand that we are in fact enough and ways we can incorporate it in our lives. I break it all down in a summarized version that I hope many of you will make apart of your everyday lives.
    29 January 2017, 5:42 pm
  • 15 minutes 49 seconds
    Episode 5: How Hitting Rock Bottom Saved My Life
    **Quick Note: Glitch in recording b/n 8:35-8:41...just giving a heads up** Episode 5 goes into me hitting rock bottom and how it help me find my purpose in life. We have to sometimes be at our lowest to find what we are truly capable of and find our path to what we are meant to do with the time we have on this Earth. I hope this podcast resonates with a lot of you that are struggling and are at a low point, whether you are transitioning, having a hard time with your job, or whatever tough point you may be in. Just know you control your happiness and destiny. The quicker you can realize that the faster you will be able to unlock the great potential that I know is inside of you.
    8 January 2017, 3:26 pm
  • 31 minutes 24 seconds
    Episode 4: Transitioning Relationship
    This week episode we dive into my relationship and what it has been like since I transitioned. My lovely wife Casondra joins me and we dive into how I told her, common questions she gets asked by transgender individuals and their spouses. We also look at what she has been through since my transition and her journey to self discovery. As we shared on the podcast here is Casondra's Tumblr URL. Please shoot her a message with questions or just tell her how awesome she is :-) http://mywifeykyliemylifey.tumblr.com Please feel free to share or like this podcast. Sending positive vibes your way!!!
    26 December 2016, 12:56 am
  • 1 hour 10 minutes
    Episode 3: Competing as a Trans Athlete
    This week we have our special guest speaker Jillian Bearden on the podcast with us. We dive in to what her life has been like since transition, what it's like to compete as a trans athlete, her involvement with the International Olympic Committee, and why she started the Trans National Women's Cycling Team. Wonderful, informative, and inspiring. Thank you Jillian for joining us!
    11 December 2016, 11:50 pm
  • 14 minutes 45 seconds
    Episode 2: Gender Dysphoria
    Episode 2 is a brief overview of what gender dysphoria is and what it is like to experience that as a trans woman or trans man. Kylie also goes into ways to combat gender dysphoria and explains how you can't let it define you. If you are struggling with gender dysphoria please don't hesitate to reach out by emailing Kylie at [email protected] Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @realmemskylie or Instagram therealmemskylie as we are working on putting out more info each and every day. Thanks for listening!!!
    27 November 2016, 3:36 pm
  • 15 minutes 3 seconds
    Episode 1: Positively Trans Podcast
    This weeks podcasts is a quick intro to the host, her personal experience with Hormone Replacement Therapy, topics we hope to cover within the podcast, the importance of seeing a therapist and endocrinologist, as well as the importance of supporting each other.
    20 November 2016, 4:20 pm
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