This Exists

  • 4 hours 17 minutes
    Green Day "Wake Me Up When September Ends" (ft. Howell Dawdy)


    24 May 2023, 4:00 pm
  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    Green Day "Kill the DJ" (ft. Chayne Japal)

    It's the third week of Green May and we're oh so tired... why don't we talk about the most annoying Green Day song of all time? Well, luckily we also get to talk to Chayne Japal about our new life as DJs. 

    19 May 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 39 seconds
    Green Day "Father of All..." (ft. Zachary Lipez)

    Green May week two, we're talking about "Father of All...." what do you think comes after the ellipses???

    We're joined by our dearest friend and goodest sport Zachary Lipez. 

    Sign up for Zach's newsletter Abundant Living: https://zacharylipez.ghost.io/


    12 May 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 35 minutes
    Green Day "Redundant" (ft. John Cullen)

    It's Green May! A full month all about Green Day!

    This week we're joined by John Cullen of Blocked Party, the P.O.D. Kast, the worlds of stand-up comedy and curling, and most importantly, a fellow bevvy boy. 

    Give us money: patreon.com/155pod 


    5 May 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 24 minutes
    Avril Lavigne "Rock N Roll" (ft. Joey Coleman of the 155 Podcast)

    It's the final month of April Lavigne (or is it April La Green???) and we're joined by our bud Joey Coleman, who also has a show called the 155 Podcast as well as a world of knowledge about journalism, Ontario politics and the Greenbelt.

    Support Joey at thepublicrecord.ca and joeycoleman.ca.

    Support us at patreon.com/155pod.

    28 April 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 10 minutes
    Avril Lavigne "He Wasn't" (ft. Marit Stiles, Leader of the Ontario NDP)

    It's the month of April Lavigne... or should we say April La Green? That's right, we're still talking about the princess of pop-punk and also the environmental efforts to preserve Canada's Greenbelt.

    This week's guest is Marit Stiles, who is the leader of Ontario's NDP and possibly our first ever politician on the pod. Marit shows up around 1:55:20. But you should listen to the whole thing.

    Georgia is also back with another look at Avril's love life.

    21 April 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 15 minutes
    Avril Lavigne "Love Sux" (ft. Charlie Pinkerton from the Trillium)

    Week two of April Lavigne... or should we say April La Green? (We are talking about environmental issues as they pertain to the Greenbelt thru a lens of Avril Lavigne because of something that happened at the Junos a month ago. Do you understand?)

    This week we're joined by Charlie Pinkerton from The Trillium. Charlie shows up around 1:47:40.

    14 April 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 46 minutes
    Avril Lavigne "Here's to Never Growing Up" (ft. Ever from On 2 Ottawa)

    It's the return of April Lavigne... or should we say April La Green? That's right, this week we're joined by Ever — the wonderful activist who interrupted Avril at the Junos to draw attention to the need for urgent climate action, and the need to preserve the Greenbelt.

     Ever shows up around 2:15:23. Learn more at on2ottawa.ca

    The episode is also full of a lot of very stupid, very trivial stuff, as usual.


    10 April 2023, 2:02 pm
  • 2 hours 2 minutes
    Bomb the Music Industry! "Bike Test 1 2 3" (ft. Eric Solomon from O Pioneers!!!)

    It was Sam's Month in the Year of Our Lord 2023. We talked about Sam's songs. We ate Sam's eggs. And now Sam's Month comes to an end. 

    But first, an episode about Bomb the Music Industry! featuring Sam's friend and former bandmate Eric Solomon, from O Pioneers!!! and Night Owls merch company.

    Follow Night Owls https://twitter.com/nightowlsprint

    Give us money patreon.com/155pod


    31 March 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 16 minutes
    The Weakerthans "Confessions of a Futon-Revolutionist" (ft. Nicole Villeneuve)

    It's week 4 of Sam's Month, and Sam's pick this time is the Weakerthans. We discuss their song "Confessions of a Futon-Revolutionist."

    Our guest is the wonderful Nicole Villeneuve!!!

    Follow Nicole: https://twitter.com/nicooooole

    Give us money: patreon.com/155pod


    24 March 2023, 4:00 am
  • 2 hours 50 minutes
    Japandroids "The House That Heaven Built" (ft. Kyle Krische from That One Record and Wayfarer)

    Sam's Month. Week 3. Arm in arm. Brothers. This week we're affirming life and push moshing to Japandroids.

    This week Sam's guest is Sam's friend Kyle Krische.

    Check out Kyle's band: https://www.wayfarerband.com/

    Check out Kyle's podcast: https://www.instagram.com/thatonerecordpodcast/

    Sign up for our Patreon at patreon.com/155pod PWEEZE.


    17 March 2023, 4:00 am
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