For King and Kingdom Podcast

Mynista aka Michael McFlyy

Mynista (formerly known as Synista) was radically saved and delivered from his old life of sin and running the streets in 1999. Shortly after, he recognized the call of God on his life and began using his talents to glorify Jesus. His life and music are all Christ-centered. And he is not just a rapper but a mighty vessel God is using to save souls and edify believers. Mynista works hard to bring the hope found only in Jesus to a hopeless and dying world.

  • 3 minutes 10 seconds
    Mike Sparrow [The Psalms of Myn]
    Talk yo’ faith. Replace “Mike” with your name, and make a bold confession of faith in God today! God feeds and takes care of the sparrows/birds…so you know He's got you! (Matthew 10:31 // Luke 12:6-7)
    22 June 2018, 4:49 pm
  • 1 minute 23 seconds
    Mission Statement: To Whomsoever - Wheresoever [Podcast]
    God has designed that the just - those of us in Christ - shall live by faith...not only the just over the age of 18, but all of us. That's why I purposely rap, preach, teach and contend for the Word of Faith - which is the Gospel - in this generation.
    20 February 2018, 4:39 pm
  • 1 minute 55 seconds
    Born Again a Champion [Podcast]
    We've been born again a champion. We're one with Jesus. Our victory will never pause. It will never idle. It will NEVER stop. We're ALWAYS TRIUMPHANT in Christ.  God’s mercy is inexhaustible, unbreakable and obtainable. His grace is sufficient, and His power is operative, effective and limitless. Forget the things that lie behind, and press on forward by faith in the blood of Jesus. You CAN get exactly where God has predestined YOU to be. You can get there by faith in His blood.
    30 January 2018, 9:44 pm
  • 3 minutes 47 seconds
    Mynista: Light of The World [Ft. Cory Edwards] - Free Download!
    When most people think of darkness, things like fornication, drug abuse and murder come to mind.  While these things are indeed darkness and sin, there's another form that isn't always considered.  Darkness is the absence of light, and wherever there is no revelation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, there is genuine darkness.  Jesus is the Light of the World, and every Christian has been re-created into a child of Light IN HIM!   (See Matt 5:14, John 8:12, 2 Cor 5:17)
    12 January 2016, 7:17 pm
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