In the Podsha: A Weekly Parsha Conversation

Sam Reinstein

In the Podsha is a discussion based Parsha podcast. Each week I will discuss two ideas with a guest educator surrounding the weeks Torah portion. They'll bring their own insights and personalities to that week. I hope it is insightful and accessible.

  • 31 minutes 20 seconds
    Parshat Mishpatim with Shlomo Pill

    For Parshat Mishpatim, I speak with Lawyer and Law professor at Emory U, Rabbi Shlomo Pill about the purpose of Mishpatim. How do these laws create the society we want? What is the purpose of these laws, and why are they after the Ten Commandments? 

    Shlomo Pill is a Professor of Law at Emory University. He Specializes in American Law and the intersection between Muslim and Jewish Law. He is the founding Director of the Institute for Jewish Muslim Action (IJMA), a policy-action group building cooperative relationships between American Jews and Muslims through educational programming, policy research, and political and legal advocacy on issues of mutual interest in American public life

    31 January 2019, 2:39 am
  • 33 minutes 34 seconds
    Parshat Yitro With Rabbi Joshua Berman

    I was honored to have on Rabbi Joshua Berman of Bar Ilan University to talk about his book Created Equal. In the conversation he discusses, the purpose of using Near Eastern texts to explain the Torah, what is going on with the Ten Commandments and how we each have a special relationship with G-d. 

    Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman is a Professor of Bible at Bar Ilan University. He is the author of various Academic books on Torah including Created Equal and Inconstancies in the Torah. You can see more of his work here: 

    23 January 2019, 2:44 am
  • 29 minutes 17 seconds
    Parshat Bo with Zahava Bauer

    For parshat Bo, I hang out with Zahava Bauer, teacher of Literature and Halakha at Torah Academy of Greater Philidelphia, about the meaning of Firstborns for the Egyptians and the Jewish people and the importance of marking time. 

    9 January 2019, 12:48 am
  • 36 minutes 1 second
    Parshat Vaera with Miriam Gedwiser

    I talk with Miriam Gedwiser, Judaic studies teacher at Ramaz upper school, about Moshe's job is a communal one, how we learn things even if we dont realize it, and why all the plagues had to happen.

    Miriam Gedwiser teaches Talmud and Tanakh at the Ramaz Upper School and is on the faculty at Drisha. She has a B.A. in the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine from the University of Chicago and a J.D. from N.Y.U. School of Law.   She also serves on the board of the Center for Modern Torah Leadership and is a consulting Editor at the Lehrhaus. 

    2 January 2019, 2:35 am
  • 35 minutes 22 seconds
    Parshat Shmot with Alvin Reinstein

    For Parshat Shmot, I chat with my dad about his Bar Mitzvah Parsha. We talk about why Moshe was chosen as a leader for the Jewish people, while going through buts of Torah along the way, and detail some of the Hero's journey Moshe goes through this week.

    Yes, my dad and I were really in smicha together, you can see more about that here:

    24 December 2018, 1:52 am
  • 33 minutes 6 seconds
    Parshat Vayechi with Roy Feldman
    For Parshat Vayechi, I chat with Roy Feldman, Rabbi at Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob in Albany, NY, about the purpose of the book of Genesis, what Joseph's brothers must have felt and some musings on the Rabbinate.
    18 December 2018, 5:19 pm
  • 39 minutes 42 seconds
    Parshat Vayigash with Eli Lebowicz
    For Parshat Vayigash, I chat with Eli, an Orthodox stand up comedian, about the nature of Yehuda's change and what Yosef knew and didn't know, while making a whole bunch of jokes throughout. See more of eli at
    13 December 2018, 5:19 am
  • 35 minutes 36 seconds
    Parshat Miketz with Dan Margulies
    In this week's Podsha I hang out with Dan Margulies, Rabbi at The Riverdale Minyan, where we talk about how Yoseph interpreted the dreams, how Yoseph could solve alot of our problems wether personally, financially or religiously, and why Yoseph did all the tricking of his brothers. Dan Margulies very recently became the Rabbi at The Riverdale Minyan in Riverdale, NY. He also writes monthly for Morthodoxy, and is a guest writer at the Lehrhaus.
    4 December 2018, 2:53 am
  • 34 minutes 30 seconds
    Parshat Vayeshev with Gershon Albert
    (Apologies for static in parts of the episode, tried to get rid of it and it is only there for parts) This week for Parshat Vayeshev, I have Gershon Albert! Gershon is the Rabbi at Beth Jacob Congregation in Oakland, and was in my class at Yeshiva University! Here we talk about what Yosef was thinking when he was telling his brother the dreams, what they actually might have meant, and who actually sold Yosef.
    28 November 2018, 3:57 am
  • 31 minutes 54 seconds
    Parshat Vayishlach with Sara Wolkenfeld
    In the Podsha is back! Thanks for being patient, I had to take a break to work on an actuarial exam and the holidays. This week I chat with Sara Wolkenfeld about all the good thing is doing, Yaakov's name change's odd formulation, and Esav's and Yaakov's intentions while meeting again. Subscribe and like to get more episodes of In the Podsha! Sara Tillinger Wolkenfeld is the Director of Education at She has taught Talmud and Jewish Law at the Drisha Institute, and served as JLIC educator and Director of Education at the Center for Jewish Life - Hillel at Princeton University. Sara has taught at The Hampton Synagogue in Westhampton Beach, NY, at United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston, TX, where she was an intern for two years, and as a Beit Midrash Fellow at S.A.R. Academy in Riverdale, NY. She lectures in synagogues and Hillels on a variety of topics, and also teaches Hilkhot Nidah to brides and engaged couples. Sara holds a BA in Judaica and Comparative Literature from the University of Pennsylvania, and has studied Talmud and Jewish Law at Midreshet Lindenbaum, Drisha, Pardes, Nishmat,and Beit Morashah. She lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and four children.
    21 November 2018, 12:49 am
  • 37 minutes 32 seconds
    Parshat Ki Tavo with Rivka Herzfeld
    In this week's Podsha, I talk to Rivka Herzfeld about being grateful for our bad history, and we let everyone know a secret about the curses promised if we don't listen. Rivka got her MA in Bible from Revel, and has taught in a variety of Jewish settings.
    28 August 2018, 2:03 am
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