Astrologically Speaking with Sheri

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  • 58 minutes 21 seconds
    JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S “KARMIC EVOLUTION’S ASTROLOGICALLY SPEAKING PODCAST which discusses how this month’s lunar cycle & America’s Pluto Return have revealed America’s shadow side energies…

    Do the results of the November 5 U.S. presidential election—which occurred during the early waxing period of November 1’s Scorpio New Moon—prove that America’s projections onto winner Donald Trump represent America’s Pluto Return, a time of the death of democracy to be followed by some kind of rebirth?

    This podcast examines the journey of America’s Pluto return, which technically began when transiting Pluto came within a degree of its natal 2nd House place at 27-degrees 33-minutes of Capricorn on May 21, 2021. This followed the January 6, 2021, storming of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., which marks the beginning of America’s transformation.

    We explore the history of the birth of America through the lens of the beginning of the Revolutionary War—fought for freedom from the tyranny of the British monarchy/king--& the U.S. Sibly chart’s July 4, 1775, Declaration of Independence.

    Along the way we discuss how this recent election has thrust a large portion of the American population into shock & disbelief of the PTSD kind. And how, given Pluto’s archetypal association with the necessity of a breakdown in order to breakthrough--or the alchemical process of death leading to rebirth—we are in the first stages of dealing with the potential death of democracy.

    We explore too Carl Jung’s definition of the Plutonian alchemical process which begins by consciously recognizing our shadow projections. Often a shocking revelation, this provokes the break down all the way through to until we reach the stage of of individuation & ultimately what Jung called “authentic personification.” That means engaging in the process of becoming--then ultimately BEING--who we really came here to be.

    This process is neither easy nor painless, as history has already proven. And it’s often change that begets more change. That is what revolutions are born from. People take the streets when their lives are personally impacted.

    As Saturn stations direct once again on November 15—the same day of the Taurus Full Moon which aligns itself with Uranus retrograde in Taurus (signifying a sudden potential change of heart) & opposes the Scorpio Sun—will we eventually recognize the need to release this shadow side energy? Or will circumstances have to get far worse as the shadow energy expands until some kind of future action is taken?

    We are in the period of the birth of America, which spanned from 1775 to 1789 during which period a war was fought, independence was gained, a Constitution written, a president inaugurated, and a justice system incorporated through the seating of a Supreme Court.

    In essence, if history is our guide, America’s Pluto return has just begun. When transiting Uranus moves into Gemini July 7, 2025, & begins to conjoin its natal place at 8-degrees 55-minutes of Gemini in the U.S. Sibly chart in 2027, history has proved the U.S. tends to enter wars. First, of course, the American Revolution; second, the American Civil War; and third, World War II. These have tended to occur as each 84-year cycle of Uranus ended and a new one began.

    This podcast reminds us all that America has shown its true face: that of indifference to the inequities inherent in its democratic system of governance. Racism, misogyny, & xenophobia are not new here. They have simply been hidden from view all this time within the mainstream of society.

    This current Pluto Return is bringing these hidden shadow energies to the forefront & revealing them for all to see. So, when a deportation crew comes for our neighbor, will we remain silent? When they come for our teachers & librarians will we remain silent? When they come for our governor or senator or representative, will we remain silent?

    And when they then come for YOUR undocumented spouse, will YOU remain silent? When they come for your Arab-American son-in-law, will you remain silent? And when they come for YOU, who will be left? And so it goes, as history repeats itself—or at least rhymes--over and over and over again.

    While initially shocking & depressing for many of us, this recent election will undoubtedly spark change--possibly through a societal revolution that leads to war, if that is the only way to effect long-term future change. That’s Pluto, my friends…

    And while that may seem to some far-fetched and to others far off, the seeds have been planted and it’s this Scorpio monthly lunar cycle that cries out to us to plant the seeds that help us recognize the TRUTH about what America has become.

    And the November 15 Taurus New Moon--since our shadows have now been revealed--will beg us to jettison our previously hidden hatreds, jealousies, & perceived need for revenge & retribution against “THEM.” Because as Walt Kelly’s character Pogo the possum revealed long ago: “We have met the enemy, and he is US.”

    Listen to more Astro News You Can Us in this week’s podcast @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM which drops today November 8 at 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET! See you then, namaste…

    8 November 2024, 3:52 pm
  • 56 minutes 59 seconds
    JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking” podcast that drops today & learn how the Scorpio New Moon moves us to plant seeds that empower us to TRUST ourselves!

    First we look back at what’s been revealed to us with stark clarity this past week since Mercury in Scorpio opposed Taurus Rx in Uranus October 30. Was this aspect of sudden shocking & surprising statements the real “October surprise” leading up to this year’s U.S. presidential election? 

    We’ll discuss whether, as Mars in Cancer waxes toward its exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn November 3, the angry racist, xenophobic, & misogynist rhetoric made by a presidential candidate & his supporters will change the outcome of the November 5 U.S. presidential election. 

    This may prove true as Uranus retrograde in Taurus asks us to continue to review & re-evaluate our basic values, especially now based on what prominent people say. History often rhymes, & the current atmosphere bears close similarity to the “October surprise” from October 28, 2016, when a late in the game announcement by then FBI Director James Comey changed the direction of the November 8 election’s outcome that year.      

    In addition, this podcast compares the astrology of the GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s October 27 rally at NYC’s Madison Square Garden with the pro-Nazi rally held there on February 20, 1939, & find some not so subtle similarities. 
    Hint: This time transiting Mars in Cancer is opposing both transiting Pluto AND the U.S. natal Pluto in the Sibly chart’s 8th & 2nd Houses, respectively. Back in 1939, transiting Pluto in Cancer in the U.S.’s 8th H opposed not only its natal 2nd H position but also transiting Juno in Capricorn there, the goddess asteroid of “the wife” or partnership. Perfect scenario for pissing off those who may formerly have supported you, eh?
    We look also at how Trump’s continuing misogynist rhetoric, including the Mars opposite Pluto type recent statement that he will protect women “whether they like it or not” will spawn a “hell that no fury like a woman scorned” tsunami at the polls. This is entirely possible, now that Trump’s 3rd H progressed Scorpio Moon is less than a degree away from an exact square to his natal 12th House Leo Pluto. The simple definition? “Trouble with women!”
    Meanwhile, the question becomes whether we’ve heeded the October 2 Libra New Moon solar eclipse’s request to plant seeds that blossom into us all becoming our own best partner before seeking external ones. If so, now the Scorpio New Moon tasks us to reject Libra’s indecisiveness & instead to go deep into trusting our own inner truth. 
    What does that mean? Well, the message now at this Scorpio New Moon is to plant seeds that can blossom into a greater sense of self-empowerment. That comes through the Mercury opposite Uranus revelations of October 30 that helped spark a deeper understanding & greater consciousness that a strong sense of true inner trust brings with it freedom of choice. 
    We’re aided in this endeavor to expand our consciousness when Mercury in Scorpio trines Mars in Cancer & then enters Sagittarius November 2. The exact Mars/Pluto opposition is followed by Venus in Sagittarius’s opposition to Jupiter in Gemini November 3, which is also when Mars enters loud & proud Leo later that day.
    Venus opposite Jupiter brings up the issue of how much is too much & whether those who have more (you know, like billionaires Elon Musk & Jeff Bezos) should share more with those who do not—or at least not accuse the have nots of being lazy good for nothing loafers. You know, those who suck at the teat of government, as former President Ronald Reagan was fond of saying while promoting his austerity-oriented cuts to federal funding. 
    The Scorpio Sun’s November 4 trine to Saturn Rx in Pisces --which is slowing down now to station direct on November 15—allows us a clearer mental picture of who we are & what we do in order to develop the self-discipline necessary to accomplish our goals.
    With that in mind, this podcast explores the transits to the U.S. Sibly chart on election day, November 5, when the Moon moves that morning from fiery adventurous Sagittarius to earthy practical Capricorn as we stand at the threshold of this most important juncture in U.S. history.  
    How that will play exactly remains to be seen, but know that the “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned Mars/Pluto opposition is still very much in play. As is the square of transiting Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the U.S. 4th House of home, security, tradition, family, nurturing, compassion, memory, & habit to the U.S. Sagittarius/Gemini Ascendant/Descendant axis.
    Will Americans’ relationship with the presidential candidates be “severely tested” now, as astrologer Rob Hand describes this aspect in his book “Planets In Transit.” Or will it result in ”a serious breakdown in your relationships because of misplaced priorities in the past or because of associating with people who were wrong for you in terms of your personal goals & needs.”   
    Great question, and a good one to keep in mind as some people are still deciding who to vote for. I’ll leave everyone with this to ponder now: Is it true that wise ol’ Saturn does always know best in the end? 
    Tune in to KARMIC EVOLUTION DO COM starting today for this week’s podcast & all the Astro News You Can Use! See you then! Namaste…
    1 November 2024, 6:49 pm
  • 55 minutes 45 seconds
     JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for a new podcast that drops October 25 & reviews this month’s lunar cycle—as we head toward the November 1 Scorpio New Moon!

    We’ll trace Sun/Pluto cycle of empowerment/disempowerment in the charts of the two U.S. presidential candidates as it reached its waning square just before the Sun moved into Scorpio October 22. We discuss also if this election’s October surprise involves the word “fascist” since the revealing (Mercury’s in Scorpio now!) of a certain past president’s “fascist tendencies” at the third-quarter lunar square of the Leo Moon to the Scorpio Sun October 24.

    It pays now to remember that the Libra New Moon solar eclipse on October 2 asked us to plant seeds that could grow into a stronger sense of how to become our own best partner without the need to rely on others, especially if/when those relationships prove unsustainable and/or toxic.

    The Aries Full Moon October 17 then asked us to release any of these partnerships that no longer sustain us in healthy ways and asked us to continue to think and act independently, free from the influence of others.

    And now--as we reached the “crisis in consciousness” third-quarter lunar square October 24--& we’re eleven days from one of the most important elections in U.S. history, we’re faced with taking what we’ve learned since the Libra New Moon on October 2, which carried the them of loss & separation. Can we shed “old patterns & beliefs that no longer serve our highest good,” as renowned astrologer Dane Rudhyar described this portion of the lunar cycle? Especially as these old patterns relate to this month’s lunar cycle theme of partnership?

    In short, it’s decision time! Aiding us during this lunar cycle’s waning period Venus in Sagittarius’s square to retrograde Saturn in Pisces on October 28, as we grapple with what Rob Hand in his “Planets In Transit” book calls the necessity to “separate yourself from the illusions that run through even the best relationships & to look at what is really there.”

    Given that voting is done in secret, a nod to Scorpionic archetypal energy—it’s not a bad idea to heed Hand’s advice be “have awareness of yourself as an independent, even isolated human being, realizing that no one can get inside of you and feel what you feel.

    This may, in fact, be heightened by the Mercury in Scorpio opposition to retrograde Uranus in Taurus by October 30, followed by Mercury trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces October 31 & the November 1 Scorpio New Moon.

    The Mercury/Uranus opposition October 30 may result in revelatory “secrets” coming at us rapidly—causing shock & surprise which cause us “aha!” moments. Perhaps the October surprise period will not have ended until then with the U.S. presidential election then only seven days way, who knows?

    However, the Mercury/Neptune trine that follows on October 31 may result in a more empathic mindset; one where we feel more sympathetic toward others and “genuinely want to aid anyone who needs your help…” according to Rob Hand.

    Hence, by the time we reach the Scorpio New Moon on November 1, we’ll be ready to plant seeds that allow us to better understand how we really FEEL deep down in our bones about who we can trust. That’s because we’ll be fine-tuning the deep bonded trust we have in ourselves.

    As Polonius said in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”: “This, above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

    Don’t miss Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking podcast @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM--or any of your favorite podcast stations—which drops October 25! Namaste…

    25 October 2024, 5:46 pm
  • 59 minutes 10 seconds
     JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking” podcast which explores this powerful lunation & transiting Uranus retrograde’s conjunction to fixed star “off with his head” Algol October 17.

    This "off with your head" energy was evident both literally and metaphorically within the collective, as this podcast will explain. In addition, we look at where we're at since the October 2 Libra New Moon solar eclipse began this month's lunar cycle now that we've reached its halfway point & what to expect in terms of the upcoming November 5 U.S. presidential election.

    Don't miss this insightful look at how the astro energies have manifested thus far in the two candidates charts, and how they may still play out at this perilous time for our nation's future democracy!

    Also, what secret truths have been revealed since Mercury moved into Scorpio on October 13? What is the true meaning of Jupiter in Gemini's retrograde period now--to expand our ability to listen or to lie?

    And can we take advantage of Pluto's October 11 station direct in the last degree of Capricorn to provide us the chance to empower our foundational structures before he enters Aquarius for the next 19 years on November 19!

    Tune into KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM--or any of your favorite podcast stations--& learn more about what the stars and the heavens have to tell us about partnerships that no longer "feed" us in healthy ways!

    See you soon! Namaste...

    18 October 2024, 11:22 pm
  • 58 minutes 21 seconds
    JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking !” podcast to discuss this & more Astro News You Can Use!
    Jupiter’s station retrograde at 21’20” Gemini on October 9 will slow our roll a bit despite Jupiter’s natural expansive quality. That’s because it’s energy will begin to contract as it slows down even further until it stations direct again on February 4, 2025, at 11’17” Gemini.
    Meanwhile, Jupiter joins Uranus retrograde in Taurus (since September 1) as it calls us to review whether or not the future plans we’ve envisioned are actually possible to manifest in concrete form. Together, Uranus & Jupiter retrograde call us to review, rethink, reanalyze, and re=plan our future. 
    Meanwhile, the October 13 Sun/Jupiter Rx trine may temporarily provide us with an extra shot of enthusiasm because it can allow us to see the entirety of the bigger picture. We might keep this in mind when afterward our plans begin to seem to come to a halt and as Uranus Rx has already been calling us to replace idealism with realism to ensure any plan’s future success. 
    Meanwhile, Pluto’s October 11 station direct at 29’39” Capricorn symbolizes the last gasp of Pluto’s journey through Saturn-ruled Capricorn since its last transit there between 1762 and 1778. So it will be a while before this transit occurs again, lol…
    Pluto’s about empowerment. The recent set of eclipses—who’s energies are still in effect now--are about loss and separation. And the Fall lunar and solar eclipses (September 17 & October 2, respectively) call us still to break free from the past karmic habit of clinging to relationships that no longer serve us—most especially those that actually harm us…
    These themes of self-empowerment within partnerships echo throughout both eclipses as well as through the Mercury’s entrance into Scorpio October 13, the Libra Sun square Mars in Cancer & Venus opposite Uranus October 14, & the upcoming Aries New Moon on October 17. 
    Tune into KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for all this & more Astro News You Can Use when this week’s podcast drops October 11! See you then, namaste…
    13 October 2024, 7:57 pm
  • 57 minutes 42 seconds
     JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM for this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking” podcast which discusses how the recent September 17 Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse asks us to release—between now and the October 2 Libra New Moon solar eclipse--criticizing & labeling others as “imperfect.”

    And how Virgo’s shadow side—when our own self-critical nature is unconsciously projected onto others we deem “less than”—can result in inequality, blame, & the kind of harm resulting from stochastic terrorism—unless we can release such shadows as this cycle wanes between now and October 2’s Libra New Moon.

    We look at how the current monthly lunar cycle—begun at the September 2 Virgo New Moon—has progressed with the energy of these Fall 2024 eclipses & their theme of loss and separation. In addition, we explore the deeper meaning of this month’s Virgo New Moon lunar cycle as it begins to wane, and how we’re asked to jettison now any self-criticism that keeps us from being of service to ourselves in a loving accepting way—flaws and all.
    It’s only when we can accept & come to love our own imperfections that we can feel the same way about others.

    We then look where these eclipses fall in the chart of current GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump & explore how they trigger his natal T-square responsible for his past successful image building & whether this image is dissolving now.
    We discuss also whether the two recent assassination attempts—in part related to transiting Uranus in Taurus’s squares to Trump’s natal Leo Mars on July 13 and September 15—might signify the symbolic dissolution (Pisces) transformation/death/end (read: Pluto) of his political campaign rather than his literal passing.

    We look also at the Sun’s thematic entrance into peace, harmony, and equality related Libra at the September 22 fall equinox, & that day’s Venus/Pluto cardinal square accompanied by Venus’s entrance into Scorpio. Clearly issues of power, sex, money resources & joint resources (read: other peoples’ money), & trust have already made an appearance within the collective.

    We have the unsuccessful attempt by U.S. GOP House majority speaker Mike Johnson’s to pass a governmental funding continuing resolution bill tied to another that demands proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. Currently, there is no factual proof such legislation is necessary as the federal government requires only a “yes” or “no” on its voter registration form for federal elections & hardly any cases of illegals voting have surfaced through the years.

    Join us for all this astro news you can use & more, including the September 24 third-quarter monthly lunar square of the Cancer Moon to the Libra Sun, Virgo Mercury’s opposition to Pisces Neptune (an echoe of the Sun/NE opposition perfected on September 20), & the messenger god’s move into Venus-ruled Libra September 26.

    See you at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM! Namaste…
    24 September 2024, 8:23 pm
  • 58 minutes 58 seconds
    JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM when today’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking! 

    This week's podcast delves into the deeper meaning of Uranus retrograde in Taurus from September 1, 2024, until January 30, 2025, and the need to recognize future potential that’s actually possible, as opposed to an ideal that lacks practical application and thus practical manifestation.

    Like the sky god of Greek mythology who abhorred the look of his children and sought to stuff them back in their mother Gaia’s womb until she rebelled and had Saturn overthrow him through castration, we cannot stop progress. But neither can we manifest ideologies that represent “perfection” without recognizing the reality of practical roadblocks.

    This Uranus retrograde period invites us to review what’s actually obtainable in terms of the future and what is not. Ideological visions which lack a physical container will require some kind of adjustment if we wish to actually manifest our future plans.

    That this is true now becomes apparent when we recognize that the recent Virgo New Moon from September 2 asked us to plant seeds the remind us that “perfect is the enemy of the good,” and that we are “perfect in all our imperfections.” Acceptance of these facts help us tailor our expectations of making the world a “perfect” place into more reality-based future expectations.

    Meanwhile, Pluto’s return to Capricorn from September 1 to November 19 reminds us of the last dying gasp of “business as usual” in terms of corporate interests trumping the rights of individual consumers. And, since Saturn stations direct in Pisces on November 15, the period between now and then urges us to get our act together so we may move forward with reality-based plans when Pluto direct returns to Aquarius for the long term on November 19.

    Join us for all of this and more Astro News You Can Use, including a deeper dive into current transits like the Mars’ entrance into Cancer until November 3, the Sun's opposition to Saturn Rx September 6/7, Mercury's entrance into Virgo September 9, the September 10/11 first quarter monthly lunar square of the Sagittarius Moon to the Virgo Sun, & the Sun’s square to Jupiter September 12.

    We take a look also at where this current Uranus retrograde falls in the charts of Israel and Benjamin Netanyahu who’s efforts to try to win an unwinnable war—according to all of their military generals and other experts—have become like tilting at windmills, especially since it’s left a wake of dead bodies behind who might otherwise have been saved.

    Join us at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM—or any of your favorite podcast stations—for this deeper drive into Uranus retrograde and when is the infamous “October surprise” period leading up to the November 5 U.S. presidential election! See you then! Namaste…

    6 September 2024, 5:00 pm
  • 58 minutes 58 seconds
     JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S “KARMIC EVOLUTION’S ASTROLOGICALLY SPEAKING” PODCAST for a look back at how we got to this point & what to do about it now!

    This week’s podcast begins with a review of recent lunations & how their astro meanings are now clearly revealed in hindsight. AND, how this factors into Uranus’s station retrograde & Pluto retrograde’s reentrance into Capricorn September 1 as we head toward Monday’s September 2 Virgo New Moon!

    We look at all of this through the lens of U.S. Silby birth chart & the current U.S. political situation, especially as we head toward the home stretch of the upcoming November 5 U.S. presidential election during the nation’s currently ongoing Chiron configuration return.

    We explore how the wounds incurred at the inception of this nation need healing still today, as they include the lack of TRUE equality for all citizens--including first & foremost Native Americans & African Americans, women, & immigrants—despite a U.S. Declaration of Independence that declares “all men equal.”

    Despite this Declaration’s statement: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” it's clear nearly 250 years later that this hasn’t proven true for ALL.

    Though evident throughout U.S. history, it’s during the U.S. Pluto, return which began in 2022, how many are not included in the “all men” category (i.e., those mentioned above.) And how this fact has been rising to the surface of the national political scene as the nation contemplates electing its first female Black & South Asian president.

    Join us for this detailed astro examination of the meaning of the currently ongoing U.S. Sibly’s Chiron return, Uranus’s current station retrograde from September 1, 2023-January 30, 2025, & Pluto’s last gasp journey through Capricorn from September 1 through November 19.
    AND a look at the September 2 Virgo Moon’s call to plant seeds that lead to establishing regular rituals to improve our health via our daily routine & how to be of service to ourselves so that we can then provide service to others.

    And how in the U.S. Sibly chart this lunation occurs in the 10th House of the wider world & reputation but opposes transiting Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 4th House, squares transiting Jupiter in Gemini in the 7th House & the Sagittarius/Gemini Ascendant/Descendant axis. We explore the themes of mother/father versus relationships, along with the tensions inherent in this lunation’s opposition to restrictive Saturn & square to expansionist Jupiter.

    Join us for all this & more “Astro News You Can Use!” @ KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM or any of your favorite podcast stations starting Friday, August 30, any time after 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m.! See you then! Namaste…

    30 August 2024, 10:19 pm
  • 59 minutes 7 seconds
    JOIN SHERI HORN HASAN @KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM FOR THIS WEEK’S PODCAST which includes a look at how we’re being asked now to release any self-aggrandizement & replace it with caring about others.
    All this & more Astro News You Can Use at Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking podcast on any of your favorite podcast stations! This podcast includes a deep dive into where this month’s lunar cycle’s Leo New Moon fell in the charts of the two U.S. presidential candidates & where this Aquarius Full Moon falls--& what this portends.
    For example, we note how GOP candidate Donald Trump has been experiencing for some time now that transiting Pluto’s been causing others to adjust how they view his potential return to the White House, & how transiting Uranus is resulting in sudden changes to his reputation out in the world.  
    Likewise, we note where the beginning of this month’s lunar cycle fell in his chart, & how to interpret this based on what he’s being asked to release now at this Aquarius Full Moon. If the word “self-aggrandizement” doesn’t say it all, then I don’t know what does, lol…
    In addition, given the current buzz about Trump’s declining mental acuity, we review how transiting Neptune has affected this from the astrological point of view. And that astrology proves that Trump has, in fact, been experiencing mental decline since May 2019. Why? Because that’s when transiting Neptune in his 7th H of partnership squared his natal 10th House Gemini Uranus--causing him to be somewhat out of touch with reality, as evidenced by his “big lie” following his 2020 presidential election loss. 
    Transiting Neptune then went on to square his nodal axis spanning his 4th to 10th Houses—the effects of which this podcast defines in greater detail. Transiting Neptune then squared his 4th House Sagittarius Moon, & finally his 10th Gemini Sun, & all of this took place between 2019 & 2023. 
    The proof is in the pudding, as they say, & it’s clear from the astrological point of view—especially since frictional Neptune aspects can often result (especially for someone in their seventies) in “confusion, illusion, & delusion”--that Trump has become more and more cognitively impaired during this time period.
    Meanwhile, we take a similar look at Kamala Harris’s chart, her sudden rise to the democratic candidacy since July 21’s Capricorn Full Moon, & her subsequent rise in popularity. We note how this Aquarius Full Moon makes positive aspects to her natal Sun & Moon, how it lands on her natal Mars/Saturn/Jupiter T-square & how transiting Uranus liberates  her now to break free from old constraints--but in accordance with her natal slow & steady wins the race astrologically-oriented personality. 
    Join us for all this and more Astro News You Can Use at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM, & we’ll see you there! Namaste…
    #karmicevolution, #astrologicallyspeaking, #astronews, #astronewsyoucanuse, #aquariusfullmoon, #aquariusfullmoonsquareuranus, #donaldtrumpchartanalysis, #kamalaharrischartanalysis, #astroanalysisofpresidentialcandidates, #kamalaharrischart, #donaldtrumptransits
    16 August 2024, 4:38 pm
  • 58 minutes 21 seconds

    First we review what went down during the balsamic period of last month’s lunar cycle, then discuss the August 4 Leo New Moon & Mercury’s station retrograde in Virgo from the lens of the upcoming American presidential election.

    Could it be that Mercury retrograde in Virgo asks us to reevaluate our attitude toward whether or not a woman can be president? Especially given that Virgo’s traditionally an archetypal sign representing, among other things, the girl next door & “the virgin” (which of course applies to females and not males in this patriarchal world we’ve been living in for so long.)

    Next we look at the energies inherent in the upcoming new synodic cycle when Mars meets Jupiter in Gemini & Mercury retrograde reenters Leo August 14. Will our gung ho attitude be slowed by Mercury Rx AND frustrated since Mars also squares Saturn in Pisces late on August 14/early August 15?

    And might this frustration relate to resistance (Saturn) to the motivation (Mars) to electing a female as the head of state here in the U.S.? And might such resistance prove frustrating to many who support electing the first American female head of state? As always, however, Mars/Saturn frustration is best relieved by slow, concentrated, hard work!

    Next we turn our attention to the upcoming repeat of Mercury retrograde in Leo square to Uranus in Taurus & the Leo Sun’s conjunction with Mercury retro in Leo—on August 18. We might remember this Mercury direct square to Uranus just after the July 21 Capricorn Full Moon & how the world was rocked by President Joe Biden’s sudden announcement he was dropping out of the presidential race.

    So, what will it be this time? And might it be related to the scare the world felt when the stock market took a sudden dive on August 2 (given that Venus squared Uranus that day) and then continued its downward movement as Venus quincunxed Pluto August 5 (signifying the need for an adjustment?)

    So, might the August 18 Mercury Rx/Uranus square & Leo Sun/Mercury Rx conjunction lead us to a repeat of some sort of sudden, possibly shocking announcement? Perhaps related to the announcement of an interest rate drop by U.S. Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell BEFORE the expected date in September--especially since Venus squares Jupiter August 18 too?

    Join us at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM as we explore all of these astro energies as they relate to the news, and more! Especially as we look also at the deeper meaning of the current Mercury retrograde cycle (which ends August 24) as he begins to enter the fire element for the rest of the year and beyond!

    Are we tasked to ask ourselves now—as renowned Jungian astrologer Erin Sullivan suggests in her book “Retrograde Planets, Traversing the Inner Landscape”--“How can my inspiration create my future?” Much food for thought so be sure to join us & have a listen as we take a deeper dive into all this & more ! Namaste…

    9 August 2024, 2:31 pm
  • 57 minutes 42 seconds
    We look at the astro-energies that led up to GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s attempted assassination, U.S. President Joe sudden shocking announcement, & the rise of vice president Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential nominee!

    We explore the charts of those involved & the astro events—including the Sun/Chiron square that preceded the Mars/Uranus conjunction July 15 that left both Trump & Biden wounded (both literally & figuratively.), Trump as a result of a sudden violent assassination attempt, & Biden through dwindling support, his subsequent Covid diagnosis, & decision to drop out of the U.S. presidential race.

    We examine the repercussions of the Capricorn Full Moon followed by the Mercury/Uranus square July 21 that resulted in a sudden announcement with major repercussions for the upcoming U.S. presidential election! AND which urged us to let go of the past and move toward a stronger more realistic future foundation…

    Plus, how wounded healer Chiron’s retrograde period from July 25 through December 29 represents America’s fifth Chiron return—which may prove just prove the impetus for America to elect its first woman president & help restore women’s rights to full bodily autonomy.

    (Hint: This retrograde is part of the triggering of the U.S. Sibly birth chart’s Chiron configuration that began April 18, 2022--after which the Supreme Court Dobbs decision denied women these rights on June 24, 2022--and doesn’t end until February 18, 2025!)

    Between 1776 & now—with the current approximately every 50-year Chiron configuration return--women’s rights have both benefitted and suffered. Tune in for a look at what both the U.S. Sibly & Kamala Harris’s charts tell us about her prospects & whether American women will help elect the first ever U.S. female president!

    Tune in to “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” podcast at KARMIC EVOLUTION DOT COM or any of your favorite podcast stations for more astro news you can use, including the repercussions of the Mars/Uranus conjunction, the Capricorn Full Moon & the how the synodic Sun/Pluto cycle begun on January 20, 2024 reached its culmination as the Sun entered Leo & opposed Pluto July 22/23!

    And, of course, more details about Chiron’s retrograde station July 26 as we headed toward July 27’s third quarter monthly lunar square as the lunar cycle wanes! See you there! Namaste…
    31 July 2024, 6:17 pm
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