Radiant Astrology Podcast

Radiant Astrology Podcast

Christina Caudill, Astrologer

  • Samhain Scorpio New Moon

    Scorpio New Moon
    November 3, 2024
    5:47 AM PDT / 8:47 AM EDT
    9 degrees Scorpio

    Samhain is the traditional Gaelic festival from October 31 to November 1 which honors the harvest season before the months of darkness descend. The ancients believed these are days where the veil between worlds is the thinnest, a time to honor those who have departed, send them our prayers and ponder the great mysteries of the universe.

    That this New Moon in Scorpio on Nov 1 falls during this ancient time of honoring the dead seems poignant and pivotal. As we celebrate Halloween with jovial festivities that make light of witches, ghosts and goblins, we unconsciously are allowing an acceptance of our own mortality. Many of the great spiritual masters have said that you must die in order to live, meaning an acceptance of death can bring more aliveness and gratitude to our experience of life. 

    Scorpio season is the time when we descend into our own private shadow sanctuary. It is the realm of all that is hidden and suppressed and at this New Moon, we enter a month of exploring our secrets. When we can delve into our shadow side to understand ourselves - our shame, traumas and obsessions - we can gain clarity on what is keeping us from being truly alive. Slowly, our shadow's grip on our unconscious is weakened.

    Mars in Cancer, Mercury in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces are forming a Grand Water Trineactivating the emotional undercurrents to our impulses, thoughts and dreams. Neptune can transcend our limited worldview, but we want to be mindful of distortion and paranoia fueling our anxieties. At its best, we can be moved by higher forces to act to protect what is precious and to speak what is dear to our hearts.

    Mars in Cancer is opposing Pluto in Capricorn, both at anaretic degrees which intensifies the urgency to fight for power and control. This can be an intensely empowering aspect when it is focused on going the distance in order to achieve a monumental goal or toward a renovation project that requires intense force. However, it can be highly destructive as well, especially if compulsions and power struggles ensue.

    One of the beautiful aspects aligning on Nov 3 is Venus in Sagittarius opposing Jupiter in Gemini. Venus is answering to Jupiter and these benefic planets want to taste the rainbow of pleasure and abundance. Oppositions often involve relationships or being affected by external forces and in this case, there is the potential for an uplift from a variety (Gemini) of friends, lovers and allies that expand our sense of adventure (Sagittarius) in our relationships and pleasurable activities.


    30 October 2024, 7:23 pm
  • Pluto's final direct station in Capricorn

    Pluto, Lord of the Underworld - a place where death reigns and riches buried deep underground lie - is stationary direct at the anaretic degree 29 of Capricorn.

    The final degree of a sign intensifies the urgency to distill the experience of that archetype. As old structures disintegrate, they attempt to exert control before a metamorphosis occurs.

    Pluto empowers yet also exposes corruption. Since 2008, Plutocratic elites, autocratic leaders and capitalist greed were emboldened.

    In our own lives, our Capricorn house demanded discipline, increased responsibility and authority, yet now is a time to ask - what was all this hard work in service to? Where is the Soul in my goals and achievements? 

    November 19, Pluto re-enters Aquarius saying goodbye to Capricorn, and the other Cardinal signs, for the final time. Pluto’s transit through Aquarius through 2043 will shift the urge for power to collective movements. As a fixed sign it will require sustained efforts and powerful determination in order to affect progressive change.

    Mercury in Libra is squaring Pluto, intensifying focus. Agreements may need to be revised and assumptions exposed. This is a time for profound conversations, powerful dealings and revelations of hidden strategies. Mentally grappling with psychological material can be richly rewarding now.

    Cosmic blessings,

    12 October 2024, 5:54 pm
  • Monthly Mentorship Circle Now Open!

    For those of you who are interested in developing your astrology skills, consider joining me for the first cohort of the 6-month Monthly Mentorship Circle. An important part of the practice of astrology is observation and there is no better way to understand the expressions of the planets than to analyze their movements as they correlate to our own life experiences.

    On the first Sunday of each month starting November 3, we'll gather on zoom for 90 minutes to analyze each others' natal charts and transits. This is perfect for those who want to develop their chart reading skills, ask questions about practicing astrology professionally, or simply gain greater insight on the wisdom of the cosmos operating in your life.

    The Mentoring Circle is limited to 12 participants and includes a private online community where you can learn from one another and share your explorations and ask questions. To be eligible to join, you need to have a working understanding of astrology such as the planets, signs, houses and transits. If have questions, email me at [email protected] 

    Sign up now here or you can select the 2-pay option here.

    5 October 2024, 4:10 pm
  • Pisces Lunar Eclipse | Transcendence

    Pisces Lunar Eclipse
    September 17, 2024
    25 degrees Pisces / Virgo
    7:35 PM PDT / 10:34 PM EDT

    The Pisces Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse with the Moon conjunct Neptune. The element of water is amplified with themes of ripening emotions and a yearning for the numinous. We may feel overwhelmed or confused, unless we are attuned to higher spiritual truths and our own inner peace.

    During the eclipse season we often experience twists of fate. What we expect may not happen, and what we don’t expect may surprise us. Neptune has the effect of dissolving which may manifest as dissolving something we hoped for, as much as it could dissolve barriers to miracles and deliver something we had given up on or never dreamed possible.

    The sacrifice of personal desires to be in service of higher responsibilities is one theme as Saturn is co-present. It may seem impossible to put all the messiness in order, which can bring up feelings of incompetence, guilt or shame.

    Pisces wants us to surrender to the present moment, tune out the chaos and attune to the stillness within. Gratitude, atonement and compassion can be saving graces at this time.

    Mars squaring the Nodes suggests impulsive actions or aggression are activated. Mercury opposite Saturn puts pressure on the mental realm or the need for serious conversations with authority figures or elders.  

    Venus in relationship Libra can offer some ease with diplomatic relating, particularly as she is conjunct the fixed star Spica, associated with talent, art and social graces.

    As the Moon is conjoined the North Lunar Node in Aries, the effects of the Lunar Eclipse is one of growth and progress, even if it might not appear this way at first. 

    The eclipse lasts 4 hours, which means the effects will unfold over the next 4 months. The house in your natal chart where this eclipse falls will continue to offer transformative experiences over the coming months.

    For a limited time, I'm offering Eclipse Season Transformation Readings so that you can gain insight on what this eclipse season means for your personal horoscope. Visit https://www.radiantastrology.com/eclipse-transformation-readings 

    17 September 2024, 12:52 pm
  • Uranus Rx + Pluto's Last Stand in Capricorn

    September 1 is a big day in the cosmos, as two of the outer planets, Uranus and Pluto, make major moves.

    Pluto's Last Stand in Capricorn
    September 1 - November 17, 2024

    Pluto is making it's final journey through Saturn's earth sign of Capricorn before it re-enters the air sign of Aquarius for good for the next 20 years.

    Those with Capricorn placements - and on some level the other earth signs Taurus and Virgo as well - will be reminded of how they experienced the initiation of disempowerment and volcanic empowerment of Pluto since 2008.

    The Phoenix rising from the ashes is now part of their own personal mythology and this is a strength to draw from for the rest of their days. These next two and a half months can be re-assuring in some ways, but will also be a reality check that no matter how much one has overcome and accomplished, Pluto moving into new territory in 2025 and beyond means there's no re-living past glories as new ambitions begin to emerge.

    Collectively, we may see the last stand of the Capricorn shadow being revealed one final time, such as control from the patriarchy, MeToo's impact, plutocracy and the control of money and power from a shadowy elite. Pluto entered Capricorn revealing the greed that led to a world-wide financial crisis in 2008. Have we learned our lessons about the extent to which we enable wealth to determine our destiny?

    Uranus retrograde in Taurus
    September 1, 2024 - January 30, 2025

    The first few days of September will likely have an undercurrent of erratic energy which can manifest in a variety of ways, but we tend to see it most in areas having to do with technology, electricity and weather or natural events. Uranus in Taurus shifts the ground beneath our feet and rattles our sense of security and complacency.

    The recent Uranus square the Full Moon in Aquarius flipped the script on the elections in the United States. The week of the DNC was one of exhilaration and unexpected hope. The main theme of liberation and freedom rang out and was one of the most eye-opening expressions of Uranian excitement manifesting.

    Over the next several months as Uranus is retrograde, the energy of activism and hope may be less available externally and more experienced internally. Rather than ride the wave of collective exhilaration, we need to be the generators of change, freedom and liberation in our own lives. This is a time to awaken to our own truth and authenticity and to be the change we seek to create in the world.

    What are you resisting in life? Many spiritual traditions teach that when we resist life, we cause ourselves unnecessary pain. That doesn't mean we shouldn't act against injustice, however, the more we open up to life and say yes to experiences that aren't what we had in mind for ourselves, the more we can open up to the brilliance of the universe and to experiences that are beyond our wildest dreams. 

    1 September 2024, 6:09 pm
  • Aquarius Full Moon Square Uranus!

    There’s so much going on in the skies right now, and as the Full Moon is aligning on Aug 19, events are coming to a major turning point.


    The Sun in warm, generous Leo opposes the Moon in cool, detached Aquarius. Personal desires for fun and play may have to contend with the greater good of the group or community.

    The Sun-Mercury Rx Cazimi offers a momentary realization from rx confusion. Information is revealed of an issue from the past or a weakness in the system. Mercury rx often reveals tricksters so reset those passwords and pay attention to truths and deceptions.

    The T-square with Uranus in Taurus will bring surprises and shocking events. The erratic energy is palpable now and we’re being liberated from our complacency.

    The Fixed signs don’t easily budge, but this is a moment of shattering paradigms. Creative breakthroughs are possible now!


    Venus-Saturn can bring difficulty in relating as the flow of pleasure is blocked by duty or responsibilities. It’s a strange mix as Mars-Jupiter wants to binge on Venusian pleasures, but the presence of Saturn suggests frustrations. 

    This T-square is in Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Pisces) so being flexible and adaptable in our relationships, resources and responsibilities works in our favor.

    This can be a very creative aspect, however, as the larger picture of Jupiter square Saturn wants sustainable expansion, not just immediate satisfaction.

    I delved into the larger cycle of Jupiter-Saturn in the most recent episode of The Radiant Astrology Podcast - check it out here.

    17 August 2024, 1:33 pm
  • Mars-Uranus Unexpected Twists in Store

    Mt Etna erupting. A shock French election result. The UK Labour government reversal of fortune.

    Many of the recent major news events have been surprising and unexpected or have an erratic quality to them which correlates to the coming
     Mars-Uranus conjunction at 26 Taurus, exact July 15. The recent Neptune station retrograde at 29 Pisces also figures in the sweeping quality of these historic events, however, I sense Uranus as the catalyst for the unexpected.

    On a personal level, ever since Uranus entered Taurus in 2019, this part of our chart has felt a lot less secure and stable. Those who have Taurus personal planets know what I'm talking about, there's no room for complacency when Uranus, the Great Awakener, insists you get up to speed.

    Mars already appears to be igniting the chaotic Uranian energy and when they come together, we'll likely be in for more earthquakes and surprises. Mars in Taurus is likened to a bull, not quick to get moving but when it does get going it's determined to go the distance.

    We may have the sudden urge to break free from situations that have become stagnant and limiting. Some may even risk the sense of security for a bold urge to try something new and enlivening. Taurus is associated with pleasure and creativity, so taking action on creative breakthroughs is in the cards.

    Just a few days prior to the conjunction on July 11 is a Sun-Saturn trine which tends to suggest a harmonious relationship to Saturnian authority and discipline. However, Saturn is retrograde which often indicates reclaiming one's own personal authority and instilling self discipline rather than depending on an external sources.

    Look back to April 17-21 when Jupiter conjoined Uranus at 21 Taurus for insight into the seeds of opportunities for growth, freedom and creative change opening up in your life. 

    Jupiter is currently activating the Lunar Nodes offering expansive change. What opportunities do you now have to take action on that long-term expansive vision?

    Cosmic blessings,

    9 July 2024, 11:01 pm
  • Getting back to my podcast roots

    In today's podcast episode, I thought this Capricorn Full Moon (on my Sun/AC) would be the perfect time to 're-define' who I am and what I'm about. I share with you a new direction that I'm taking with the podcast. Well, it's actually not new... it's returning to the original intention of when I started the podcast - which was actually back in 2017!

    Instead of doing the weekly astrological weather - which so many other astrologers are doing, and many brilliantly - I'm going back to my original love of discussing astrology in depth. What that means is, looking at themes of life and the collective through the lens of astrology as well as looking at astrology techniques in depth.

    Astrology can be used in numerous ways, but the way I apply astrology is toward helping people heal. It has an amazing capacity to allow us see ourselves more clearly, and to feel seen. Astrology can help people align with a purpose, reveal our emotional patterns and explore our potential.

    I also provide a bit of a biography of who I am, which I don't think I've ever done before. So get to know me and I hope you keep listening as I have some fascinating topics in store.

    Listen to the Radiant Astrology Podcast on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify.

    Have an astrology question, topic or guest you'd like to suggest? Let me know in the Feedback Form.

    22 June 2024, 5:33 pm
  • Cancer Solstice + Capricorn Full Moon

    The Sun enters Tropical Cancer today, Thursday, June 20 at 4:51 pm EST, activating the Solstice. Cancer is the sign of comfort-seeking. Home, family, belonging, self-care, emotional needs and coziness will be the focus until July 22, so now is the time to make the most of these themes.

    Here in the Northern Hemisphere we're experiencing the Summer Solstice, the longest day, while our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are in the Winter Solstice, the longest night. At this time, the Sun stands still as it prepares to shift direction, so take some time to pause and reflect on your purpose and vitality, which the Sun represents. 

    The ancient Romans celebrated the solstice with tributes to Vesta and the Vestal virgins, goddess of the hearth, home and sacred sexuality. Around the world, people celebrated the Sun with dance, ritual and festivities to give thanks for the bounties of nature, many of which still continue in some form today.

    What makes this year's Cancer Solstice special is that the following day is a Full Moon in Capricorn, Friday, June 21 at 9:07 pm EST at 1 degree Capricorn.The Cancer-Capricorn axis calls for balance between care and responsibility. The stronger we need to be to live up to our responsibilities, the more our roots need nourishment in order to thrive.

    This will be the first of two Capricorn Full Moons in a row, the next one will be July 21 at 29 Capricorn, conjunct Pluto. So, while this summer season is one to celebrate, there are important responsibilities looming.

    This brings to mind the Daoist philosophy of wuwei, meaning effortless action, which can be especially helpful during times when duty calls. It calls for doing what is required of the moment, not pushing too hard.

    Bruce Lee described wuwei like this:

    "Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves… Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."

    I think this is the perfect philosophy to keep in mind as we balance the Cancer and Capricorn archetypes within us. I discuss Cancer season as well as Venus and Mercury in Cancer in the latest episode of The Radiant Astrology Podcast.

    Have a listen!

    20 June 2024, 12:51 pm
  • Gemini New Moon + Venus Cazimi + Square Saturn in Pisces

    The New Moon in Gemini on Thursday, June 6 at 8:37 am EST at 16 degrees begins a lunar cycle of prolific fertility as Venus is the heart of Sun, not long after her Cazimi is exact. Gemini, sign of the twins, is eager to spread the message of Venusian beauty, art, friendship, love and pleasure. However, a square from authoritative Saturn in sacred Pisces restricts the glee, reigning in distractions to serve a greater responsibility. The alchemy of temperance is a theme this lunar cycle in order to balance the dispersive air energy with the demands of constructive Saturn.

    This lunation cycle is seeding a month of busyness, distraction and overwhelm, such is the nature of the Gemini stellium which features the Moon, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. We may have no choice but to juggle numerous tasks and relationships, which, while it can be a fun and sociable time it can be a challenge to focus and accomplish our goals.

    Management guru Jim Collins famously noted, "If you have more than three priorities, you have no priorities."

    Enter Saturn, whose tough love enforces maturity, structure and efficiency. As Saturn squares the New Moon, Venus and the Sun from June 6-9, it's time to get real on our top priorities which may mean scaling back on excesses. What gives us comfort, who we spend our time with, where we spend our resources and where we aim our purpose are under pressure at this time to focus and commit.

    It's worth bearing in mind that the Full Moon of this lunar cycle will be in Capricorn on June 21, so we'll want to be sure to heed Saturn's advice of focus, work and responsibility to make the most of the potential for achievement.

    Mercury, the quick-witted ruler of Gemini is in the mix now as well until June 17. Gemini, sign of the Twins, rules doubles and multiples so while it may be next to impossible to focus on just one priority at a time, we may at least try to become more adept at multitasking two of them. This is a great time for sociability, gossip, learning and even roadtrips and we may find ourselves trying on multiple personas depending upon whom we're surrounded by.

    Jupiter has recently begun its year-long transit through Gemini where it will be until June 2025, so we're just embarking on the information expansion and overwhelm journey. It will make squares to restrictive Saturn in Pisces on several occasions, suggesting an expansion-restriction journey ahead affecting our Gemini-Pisces houses and activities. Now is the time to bring awareness of areas of potential that require optimistic hope tempered with patience and commitment for long-term progress.

    For a limited time, I'm offering Jupiter in Gemini audio readings so that you can make the most of the planet of opportunity as it transits Gemini for the coming year. Click this link to learn more.


    6 June 2024, 1:10 pm
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