Women Gone Vibrant| Ayurveda for midlife & menopause

Alexandra Epple

Women Gone Vibrant

  • 39 minutes 34 seconds
    Episode #55: The boon of setting boundaries

    Have you ever said Yes to an event you really wanted to say No to and then ended up dragging your feet there? I have.

    Do you tend to take on work although it is not really your job and you don’t get paid extra for it either?…. yep, know that one.

    Do you keep babysitting for your friend although you really wanted a day off? … I learnt not to.

    Many of us struggle setting boundaries. Yet setting boundaries skillfully is an integral part to a healthy and happy life.

    Creating mutually beneficial relationships is based on having explicit ground rules between one another. Being able to say No when we mean No, and being able to say Yes when we mean Yes will let another know where they stand and how much they can ask of you. Boundaries will protect you from burn out, resentment, anger and frustration.

    So then…I ask..…If setting boundaries is so important why do so many of us struggle to set them? And how can we learn to set them skillfully? Lael Peterson, long time therapist and coach, and I shine some light on the issue.

      What you get from tuning in:
    • What purpose do boundaries serve?
    • The negative impact of NOT setting boundaries
    • Why women have such a hard time with saying No
    • Understanding fear and how we misinterpret it
    • How we get caught on the heroine’s journey
    • 3 exercises and tools to help you set boundaries in your life



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    29 April 2019, 3:52 pm
  • 32 minutes 40 seconds
    Episode #54: Change your life by changing the way you think

    Whatever you think and feel has a vibration.

    Whatever vibration you carry is what you attract.

    You are probably familiar with the ‘law of attraction’: a law states that “like attracts like” which means whatever you think you attract.

    This is not wowoo or esoteric. Thoughts are simply energetic patterns that can manifest into reality. In other words our reality is manifested thoughts, our reality is thoughts densified.

    Taking that as our premise Kelly Mishell and I shoot shine light on how to work with thoughts and emotions to create the life you want and desire.

    What you get from tuning in:
    • How to create what you want using your mind
    • Tools to change thoughts and emotions to create a better life
    • The Shri exercise to create beauty and positivity in your life
    • Why simply making a choice is powerful in itself.
    • The trigger and perk up list …and why you want to have one
    • “The Wouldn’t it be  nice if…..”exercise



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    13 April 2019, 10:46 am
  • 47 minutes 42 seconds
    Episode #53: Holistic strategies to reverse osteoporosis

    Bone loss and bone weakening is a major concern for many women especially when getting older. The diagnoses of osteopenia and osteoporosis are dreaded ones not alone because it makes many of us feeling helpless.

    A year ago, Jackie Prete had been diagnosed with osteoporosis (bone loss) after a bike accident. This was on the heels of dealing with osteopenia (reduced bone mass) for a number of years prior to that. The numbers were very high and the doctors pressured her intently to take drugs. She refused.

    Jackie shares with us her approach on how she reversed her diagnosis using diet, lifestyle, exercise, Ayurveda and yoga; and how she dealt with the pressures from the medical community.


    What you get from tuning in:
    • The difference between building quantity vs quality bone
    • Why digestion is crucially important to healthy bones
    • Holistic strategies to navigate and potentially reverse your diagnosis
    • Jackie’s 20 min routine to keep her bones healthy and reverse bone loss
    • The role of the mind in bone loss
    • One crucial mind practice to strengthen the bones
    • The mathematical equation of osteoporosis explained
    • How to be your own best doctor




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    28 March 2019, 6:21 pm
  • 49 minutes 16 seconds
    Episode #52: Solving the pelvic floor mystery

    As if pregnancy, childbirth and menopause wasn’t enough fun for women, there are a whole set of challenges associated with our female parts.

    1 in 3 women experience some form of pelvic floor disorder. That’s a significant 33%. Think uterine and bladder prolapse, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections, yoni flatulence or rectal incontinence.

    In a study from 2007 with close to 9,000 women it was shown that …..

    • 25% of women experience rectal incontinence
    • 15% stress incontinence of the bladder
    • 29% had multiple surgeries because of pelvic floor disorders
    • 38% farting/flatus out of the yoni
    • 6% pelvic organ prolapse

    Pelvic floor disorders aren’t discussed much in our society and many women have to suffer in silence. Imagine not being able to have sex due to pain. Or having to wear diapers because of leaking. Or the deep embarrassment that comes with leaking stool.

    Leslie Stager shares her insight and experience as a holistic pelvic floor specialist. Pelvic floor work is not sexual, sensual, clinical or painful. It is a therapeutic approach to bring attention and healing into the private parts of our body.


    What you get from tuning in:
    • Sexy & feminine names for your vagina
    • What is pelvic floor work
    • Conditions pelvic floor work can help you heal
    • Specific dance & movement exercises to free the pelvic floor
    • Kegel exercises: helpful for not?
    • Daily self-care practices to heal your pelvic floor



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    14 March 2019, 6:13 pm
  • 55 minutes 43 seconds
    Episode #51: The 7 alchemical stages of menopause

    Menopause is a birthing process that, when embraced consciously, will help us transform into the powerful, authentic wise elders that our society needs so badly. In other words, menopause is an opportunity for women to transform into wise crones.

    Many women dread menopause. They dread the hot flashes, night sweats, gaining weight, mood swings, hormonal changes, getting old and whatever else comes with the menopausal transition. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be this way.

    With the right tools, menopause can be the doorway into wisdom, insight and intuition. Menopause is a metamorphosis and can be a wonderful unfolding process into a beautiful butterfly.

    Cathy Skipper works with the spiritual transformation of midlife using the process outlined by Carl Jung. As an aromatherapist she also works with essential oils to make the journey more graceful and easeful.

      What you get from tuning in:
    • The 7 alchemical stages of menopause
    • Strategies to work with the stages gracefully
    • Making friends with our inner masculine
    • Healing the feminine ancestral line



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    28 February 2019, 9:00 am
  • 38 minutes 44 seconds
    Episode #50: Thriving as a childless woman: How to find happiness without babies


    In the US, 1 in 5 women of childbearing age do not have children. That is a significant 20%.

    Given the historic role as women as mothers and the fact that a woman’s body is designed to create life, it is still tough for many women to swallow being childless.

    Emotions may go wild. Grief takes over. Going to blessing ways becomes an agony.

    Kathleen Woods and I talk our way from what it means to be a childless woman, to how to deal with our emotions, and arrive at plan B.

      What you get from tuning in:
    • Understanding and compassion for being a childless woman
    • how to let go of plan A and live plan B
    • How to navigate emotions that commonly arise when being childless
    • What to do with invitations to friend’s blessing ways
    • How to view the thought “If I don’t have children, I am not a real woman”
    • Ancestral DNA, karma  and the shame of being a childless woman
    • 52 nudges to arrive and live plan B




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    14 February 2019, 9:00 am
  • 53 minutes 56 seconds
    Episode #49: Unravel your sexuality, clear what trips you up

    Our sexuality, creativity, vital life force energy and the way we digest trauma are intrinsically interlinked. Krista Woroschuk and I shoot the breathe on how we can arrive in our bodies, unravel our sexuality and unleash our creative potential.

    What you get from tuning in:
    • The link between trauma, vital life force energy and sexuality
    •    5 Strategies to drop into the body to release trauma and access your sexuality and vital life force energy
    •    Debunking the myth about women becoming less sexually desirable after 40
    •    What is trauma and when are we most impressionable to it
    •    How holding on to stories prevents us from healing our emotions
    •    The relationships between emotions, sexuality and water element
    •    The women’s movement of marrying yourself



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    31 January 2019, 9:00 am
  • 38 minutes 13 seconds
    Episode #48: Proven strategies to overcome emotional eating & food addictions

    Emotional eating, eating disorders and body image issues are an inter-generational phenomena. It starts with children, spans across teenagers and young adults and can go way into old age. What is it about food that has such an attraction that so many of us use it like a drug or refrain from using it at all?

    Carolyn Ross MD shares her personal story around healing from a severe diagnosed disease and what lessons she has learnt. She now applies those lessons and her knowledge from integrative medicine with her patients who suffer from food addiction and eating disorders.

    What you get from tuning in:
    • What attracts or repels us so much about food
    • The pleasure loop
    • How Dr. Carolyn overcame chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia holistically
    • The cause and commonality in all types of food disorders
    • The link between black and white thinking and food disorders
    • Early warning signs of food disorders




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    16 January 2019, 5:05 pm
  • 44 minutes 57 seconds
    Episode #47: How to heal childhood trauma without drugs

    The Healing is the personal story of Saeeda Hafiz and a true page-turner.

    Saeeda is an African American woman who grew up in impoverished conditions and an abusive family. Her idea out of misery was to uplevel herself into the middle class.

    While having been successful career wise in most people’s perception, she yearned for more. A cooking class opened her eyes to more than just the normal sense of success. She started exploring natural healing methods, in particular food as medicine and yoga as a pathway to more happiness.

    Saeeda discovered that being truly happy is not only about having more money and a better career but that releasing undigested thoughts, feelings and traumas from the past are a crucial component to being joyful at the core. Yoga and her food choices led the way.


    What you get from tuning in:
    • The real life story of how Saeeda transformed her life from trauma to happiness
    • Inspiration on how food is a powerful medicine to shift you out of trauma
    • Sugar – the ally that keeps you stuck
    • Yoga as the pathway to shifting out of unhealthy relationship patterns
    • 3 top qualities for transforming bad experiences into acceptance
    • The gem of the present moment


    Purchase the book The Healing on Amazon here. It’s a great read.



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    3 January 2019, 7:24 am
  • 27 minutes 12 seconds
    Episode #46: The forgotten power of the solstice

    The winter solstice marks the shortest day and longest night of the year.  It is one of the yearly invitations to tune into the rhythms of nature. Some peoples say that at the winter solstice the moon gives birth to the sun. It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one. The dark gives way to the light.

    The word solstice is a combination of the latin word sol, which means sun. It also refers to the sun god. The second part of the word, sistere, means to stand still.  Thus, during the solstice, the sun appears to stand still in the sky as seen from the earth.

    Another way to look at it is, that the solstice celebrates the end of a gigantic six month exhale and the beginning of a massive six month inhale. And with every breath there is a bit of a pause at the end, a waiting period.

    The end of the gigantic exhale is an invitation from nature to go inward, regenerate and renew. It is a beautiful opportunity to self reflect and enjoy the beauty of darkness.

    Yet, in an effort to turn inward, society and culture gives us an outward pull. Think parties, get togethers, gift buying, celebrations. Annie and I discuss what the winter solstice means to us in general and how to deal with the outward pull of society.

      What you get from tuning in:
    • A deeper connection to the cycles of nature
    • Why you should care about the year’s massive inhale and exhale cycle
    • The Yin-Yang cycle of the year…and how it affects your choices
    • The four corners of the year
    • What questions to ask yourself on the solstice to set yourself up for a healthy and happy new year
    • Strategies on how to tackle society’s outward vs nature’s inward pull.



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    21 December 2018, 12:20 pm
  • 43 minutes 55 seconds
    Episode #45: Simple, everyday Ayurvedic cooking for a peaceful mind


    If you are like most people eating healthy and well is high on your new year’s resolution list. Is it?

    That’s not surprising. After all, good food is a foundational piece to lasting health and happiness. With bad food we feel blah, bloaty, uninspired. Who wants that? With good food we feel uplifted and inspired. I attest to it.

    Well, I hate to break the news to you, but if you want to feed yourself well, home cooked food is essential for a peaceful and harmonious mind … and a vibrant body of course. Are you cringing? Does cooking at home sound like a whole lot of work? Hold your horses and read on …

    If you are a person who eats out a lot you have very little control about what goes into your body (and mind). Restaurants typically get their ingredients from big suppliers who give a d&*% about where they source their food from. The main goal is to keep costs down so you can eat affordably. It’s likely that you eat artificial ingredients,  hormone fed beef and unorganic lettuce. Those ingredients ain’t creating ease and peace.

    When eating out, you also have no control over the emotions that go into your food. Yep that’s right? The emotions of the cook go right into your food. And having worked in restaurants, I know what a stressful environment kitchens are. How is that creating a peaceful mind for the eater? Check out my conversation with Alec Hurley on that.

    When cooking at home you have way more control over what goes into your body.

    Now, if you are anything like me you don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen. I am way into simple, easy and delicious. That’s why I talked to Kate O’Donnell who has written two Ayurvedic cookbooks. They are filled with simple recipes that take less than 30 min to prep, are  nourishing and tasty. Yahoo Kate. Well done.

    I chat with Kate about the ins and out of everyday cooking and how it impacts our minds.

    What you get from tuning in:
    • The 3 states of the mind
    • The types of food that create harmony in the mind
    • Why seasonal eating makes sense
    • The impact of cookies and holiday treats on the mind
    • Inspiration that cooking can be simple and time saving
    • How to overcome food cravings … using the fire boys



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    6 December 2018, 4:26 pm
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