Midwest Socialist

Midwest Socialist

Midwest Socialist is the official podcast of the Chicago chapter of Democratic Socialists of America.

  • 1 hour 47 minutes
    MWS Discusses: Lenin's 'State and Revolution' (Feat. Special Guests)
    On a very special episode, the Midwest Socialist crew is joined by Jake Flores of Pod Damn America and professor Ann Robertson from DSA SF and Red Star SF to discuss the Vladimir Lenin's seminal text 'State and Revolution.' Considered by many as one of the most important texts in leftist literature, 'State and Revolution' poses challenging considerations on how Marxists should think of the role of a socialist government, the withering away of the state, and the crucial need for a proper analysis of capitalism in order for a successful revolution. Find 'State and Revolution' Here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/ Ann's Pamphlet, 'Marxism vs. Anarchism: The Philosophical Roots of the Marx-Bakunin Conflict': https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XAhgLNa3C3rEjOLFcFwK19AoO5NlHnlO/view?usp=sharing Join DSA Here: http://dsausa.org/join Midwest Socialist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MWSocialist Red Star SF on Twitter: https://twitter.com/redstarsf Jake Flores on Twitter: https://twitter.com/feraljokes Sarah Hurd on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sarahjhurd Matt T. on Twitter: https://twitter.com/foiaforlastname
    22 April 2021, 10:20 am
  • 1 hour 8 minutes
    Austin from DSA NPC and Co-Host of Machete y Mate
    Matt talked with Austin about his experience on DSA's National Political Committee, the International Committee, his hosting experience on Machete y Mate, and a shared identity over being Puerto Rican in the diaspora. A moving yet informative conversation! Join DSA: www.dsausa.org/join Find Machete y Mate wherever you find podcasts Follow Machete y Mate: https://twitter.com/MacheteyMate Follow Austin: https://twitter.com/Gaius_Gracchus_ Follow the International Committee: https://twitter.com/DSA_Intl_Comm Follow Midwest Socialist: https://twitter.com/MWSocialist Follow Matt: https://twitter.com/foiaforlastname
    11 March 2021, 2:38 pm
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