Religious Socialism Podcast

DSA Religion and Socialism Commission

The Podcast of the Religion and Socialism Commission of the Democratic Socialists of America

  • 39 minutes 40 seconds
    Housing Justice for a Better World | with Fran Quigley
    Civil rights lawyer and long time member of Religious Socialism, Fran Quigley, joins the podcast to share experiences in eviction court, encourage those working for housing justice, and cast a vision for hope in the "pinch" of the U.S. housing system.
    3 September 2024, 7:06 pm
  • 56 minutes 26 seconds
    Socialism Nerd-Out with Tripp Fuller
    In this episode, Tripp Fuller of Homebrewed Christianity podcast joins to talk faith that's beautiful enough to be called good news, a process vision of socialism, fiction and popculture as the fullest expressions of humanity, and miscellaneous nerdiness. Join us October 17–19 in Denver for ! Use the coupon code TAKEHEARTHOBBIT for $50 off your ticket. Email us at [email protected] if you plan to come, we'd love to meet up.
    16 July 2024, 8:43 pm
  • 58 minutes 14 seconds
    Setting A Larger Table | Live Panel
    This episode is a condensed recording of a live conversation between Andrew Wilkes, Gary Dorrien, and Andrew Wilkes exploring the power of the Black Social Gospel for the Civil Rights Movement through the present struggle for liberation and equity in the U.S. and beyond.
    27 June 2024, 10:11 pm
  • 44 minutes 40 seconds
    The Uncontrolling Love of God | Jeff Wells
    Jeff Wells joins the podcast to talk with us about the new book he coedited: Preaching the Uncontrolling Love of God: Sermons, Essays, and Worship Elements from the Perspective of Open, Relational, and Process Theology. Purchase his book! To speak with Jeff or join the mailing list, contact [email protected] Join us October 17–19 in Denver for ! Use the coupon code TAKEHEARTHOBBIT for $50 off your ticket. Sign up before June 1 for reduced ticket prices. Email us at [email protected] if you plan to come, we'd love to meet up.
    20 May 2024, 7:12 pm
  • 1 hour 9 minutes
    Radical Theological Education | Tim Conder & Daniel Rhodes
    In this episode, we sit with Dr. Tim Conder and Dr. Daniel Rhodes of the Black Mountain School of Theology and Community to discuss a marxist, community-centered mode of theological research, organizing, and education. Visit their website at
    23 April 2024, 8:50 pm
  • 44 minutes 8 seconds
    Allison Duerk | A Conversation on the Life of Eugene V. Debs
    In this special episode, we visit the Debs Museum in Terre Haute, IN to speak with museum director Allison Duerk about the life and vision of the pioneering socialist Eugene V. Debs. Visit the Debs Museum and follow them on social media for events and updates.
    18 March 2024, 4:42 pm
  • 46 minutes 14 seconds
    Chuck Collins | Altar to an Erupting Sun
    In this episode, we interview activist Chuck Collins on his new novel, "Altar to an Erupting Sun." His book addresses the work of activism, the value of community, and the question of what tactics are on the table as we face the destruction of the planet. Find his book and more resources at Don't forget to join us for on October 19–21st. Use promo code HEARTGODPOD for a discounted ticket and to support this podcast. Hope to see you there!
    7 September 2023, 4:36 pm
  • 48 minutes 49 seconds
    David Bentley Hart | Bible Translation, Christian Socialism, & the Moral Obligation of Belonging
    Scholar, philosopher, and prolific author Dr. David Bentley Hart joins the podcast to discuss Bible translation as an act of resistance, the Christian sources and support for social democracy, and the moral demands of human and creaturely relations to care for one another. Don't forget to join us at Theology Beer Camp ( and use the promo code HEARTGODPOD for a discount! – Check out his New Testament translation ( – For essays on his theological and political ideas, check out "Theological Territories" ( – And per Hart's own request, check out his works of fiction like "Roland in Moonlight" (
    5 August 2023, 6:23 pm
  • 55 minutes 20 seconds
    Hindu Nationalism & the U.S. Far Right
    This episode explores the growing alliance between the U.S. and the Indian far right, the various appearances of Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism)in US public life, anti-caste discrimination, and how Hinduism and socialism can be mutually informed. For more on this topic, check out – Hindus for Human Rights @hindusforhumanrights – Sadhana Coalition of Progressive Hindus @sadhanahindus
    26 July 2023, 12:21 am
  • 38 minutes 48 seconds
    Capitalocene Q&A (with Joerg Rieger)
    A bonus episode! Two different Q&A sessions with Joerg Rieger, Felipe Maia, and Jason Moore are bundled into this extra episode connected to Joerg's new book, "Theology in the Capitalocene." Listen for some great insights on religion, ecology, and solidarity in this turbulent era of creaturely life.
    24 May 2023, 6:20 pm
  • 45 minutes 57 seconds
    Theology in the Capitalocene | Joerg Rieger, Jason Moore, Filipe Maia
    This episode is an edited version of a webinar built around Joerg Rieger's new book, Theology in the Capitalocene. He was joined by the incredible scholars Filipe Maia and Jason Moore. In the episode, we define the Capitalocene, upack the importance of class analysis for building solidarity, and close with a discussion of the intersectionality of all of these deeply related ideas. BIOS: - Joerg Rieger is a theologian, author, & speaker. He is the Distinguished Professor of Theology and the Cal Turner Chancellor’s Chair of Wesleyan Studies. He is also the founding director of the Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice. - Jason Moore is an author, editor, and professor. He is an environmental historian and historical geographer at Binghamton University, where he is professor of sociology and leads the World-Ecology Research Collective. - Filipe Maia is Assistant Professor of Theology at Boston University School of Theology where his research focuses on liberation theologies and philosophies, theology and economics, and the Christian eschatological imagination. LINKS: Joerg Rieger 
- Profile: - Website: - New Book: Jason Moore - Essays: - World-Ecology Research Network google doc sign-up: - Recent short essays: - World-Ecology Research Network: on Facebook. on Academia: Filipe Maia: - Profile: - New book:
    13 May 2023, 12:22 am
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