UNspoiled! WestWorld

UNspoiled! Network

Natasha & RoShawn team up to discuss the hit HBO series, and this time Natasha is totally unspoiled!

  • 1 hour 52 minutes
    WestWorld S03E08- Crisis Theory
    It's finally time for the Season 3 finale of WestWorld, and I am feeling a multitude of ways about it.
    On the one hand, there were elements here that I really liked and found interesting. On the other hand, I was left with a sense that the season ended 2/3 of the way through the story. The one thing that saved it was the post-credits stinger, which I nearly missed until RoShawn told me it was there, and I find it odd how many crucial elements have been in stingers instead of in the actual show.
    Anyway, I'm left feeling vaguely unsatisfied, and I want to hear what you all think! Thanks for listening, everyone!
    2 August 2020, 1:00 pm
  • 1 hour 51 minutes
    WestWorld, S03E07- Passed Pawn
    Sorry I'm late, everyone!
    I can't believe that this is the penultimate episode of this season. There just seems like so much remains to be wrapped up, and I can't imagine how all that can possibly happen in the finale episode? I don't know what we're doing!
    This episode is when we find out the truth of Caleb's background and what's been done to him. Turns out, he's considered an undesirable, and he along with his old cohort Francis, have been sicced on other undesirables to take them out. It's honestly really fucked up and super efficient. Ugh.
    Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you next week with the finale!
    24 July 2020, 6:51 pm
  • 1 hour 57 minutes
    WestWorld, S03E06- Decoherence
    Hello, hosts and humans, and welcome to the next bananas episode of WestWorld!
    In this one, there's some really wild stuff happening with VR therapy and it really feels like there's something of the poetic in what's happening to William here. He's forced to face himself and the things he's done and the fuckups...and yet. He's fucking William, and he's too vain and full of his own importance to see the reality of what garbage he truly is, instead deciding that it all comes down to one thing: he's the good guy.
    Meanwhile, Charlotte is out here getting caught by Ciroc, and despite the fact that she seems to be losing faith in Dolores's plan, she still carries out one of the more brutal attacks, by crush Hector's pearl. And honestly, that shit was hard to watch. Poor fucking Maeve.
    Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!
    17 July 2020, 11:30 am
  • 2 hours 33 minutes
    WestWorld S03E05- Genre
    I can't believe that we're nearly 2/3 of the way through this season of WestWorld already! I feel like the story is just getting rolling, and the fact that this is an even shorter season than usual makes me a little nervous about the overall arc and how this is all going to be wrapped up.
    This episode is super eventful, and a great deal of the action centers around Liam and the fact that he's still not aware how very little he is in charge of the situation. Liam continues to underestimate Delores, he tries to plant seeds of doubt in Caleb's mind, and he does not understand that the people he's dealing really don't have anything left to lose.
    Thank you so much for listening, everyone, and I hope you're enjoying the show! See you next week!
    10 July 2020, 11:30 am
  • 2 hours 6 minutes
    WestWorld S03E04- The Mother Of Exiles
    Sorry I'm late, everyone! It's been a rough decade.
    This episode is one that reveals something I had suspected for a minute, which is that everyone that Delores is working with is also a Delores, and honestly I'm just so jealous and also very very concerned because humanity could not be up against a worse enemy.
    The Man In Black is back, and he's not doing so well. He's wracked with guilt over murdering his daughter, even though he seems to be unwilling to admit to himself that guilt is what he's feeling, and Charlotte is able to trap him so effectively that I can't help but be impressed.
    Thanks so much for listening, and I will see you soon with a new episode!
    4 July 2020, 11:30 am
  • 51 minutes 51 seconds
    WestWorld- S03E03- Absence Of Field
    Sooooo, you'll hear about the problem with this episode when you start listening. More like the absence of sound, amirite?
    There's so much that's lost with the first half being missing, from us looking up what "absence of field" means (it's what they call the lack of stars around a black hole), to my wild theorizing on who is inside Charlotte. Is it more Dolores? Can she do that? Also, I have a theory that Dolores winding up in Caleb's arms is no accident; I think she picked him out based on who the algorithm said was the most desperate.
    Anyway, I'm sorry about the issues this episode, and I will see you next week!
    26 June 2020, 11:30 am
  • 1 hour 46 minutes
    WestWorld, S03E02- The Winter Line
    Greetings, listeners! It's time for the next episode of WestWorld, and in this episode we find out that a lot more people are hosts than we thought. Like, a LOT a lot.
    This episode is mostly focused on Maeve and the situation she wakes up in, seemingly back in another park. However, she begins to see the cracks and gradually realizes that the whole thing is an illusion, in a much more literal way than WestWorld was, and begins to devise a way to break herself out. The only problem is that "breaking out" of the illusion lands her squarely in the lap of yet another person who can control her. It really sucks.
    Meanwhile, Bernard is out here trying to find Maeve, and stumbles across Stubbs. GUESS WHAT! He's also a host, and he's gonna be here to protect Bernard for the foreseeable future, which really does make me feel a little better.
    Thanks so much to you all for listening, and I will see you next week with a new episode!
    19 June 2020, 11:30 am
  • 2 hours 5 minutes
    WestWorld, S03E01- Parce Domine
    It's time for us to embark on coverage of the third season of this sweeping, epic, robot opera, and I have to say...I have no idea where this season is heading. Meanwhile, RoShawn is giggling to herself because she's smug as hell. (Not really but c'mon let me have this.)
    This is a helluva start to the season, kids!

    Thanks for listening, and we will see you next week.
    12 June 2020, 11:30 am
  • 2 hours 3 minutes
    WestWorld, S02E10- The Passenger
    First thing's first! Please check out our sponsor, Day 11 Podcast at www.day11podcast.com and give them some love! I would like to report that on this our final episode, I finally got why they are called that. I am not proud.
    This episode was not my favorite, and I'm totally sitting here willing to hear you out if you've got some information that will help me out with deciphering this. I watched it a couple times, read some articles that supposedly broke the timelines down, RoShawn watched a video that allegedly would help us make sense of it...and yet. We still struggled throughout this whole episode (it doesn't help that RoShawn was on a bunch of medication and foggy as hell).
    I can't help but wonder if the show is falling into that trap of trying to do to much and be too clever, you know? Like they still wanted to play with time the way they did last season, but because they knew everyone was going to be looking for that, they decided to make it trickier...to the point that you need charts and graphs to make sense of it, which is frankly just not how I want to watch TV.
    And there were other issues this season, like Wyatt's plan that made no sense at Forlorn Hope. I have gotten a lot of comments and messages suggesting what that plan was about, and the fact that it seemed like everyone had a totally different (and very unsupported) theory makes me feel pretty secure in my camp, which I call "It Didn't Make Sense And They're Just Hoping You Will Be Distracted By How Ruthless Wyatt Is And Not Notice".
    Anyway, here's hoping that the next season will be a little more coherent. Thanks for listening, everyone, and I can't wait to see you again.
    23 November 2018, 12:30 pm
  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    WestWorld, S02E09- Vanishing Point
    Hey there, wonderful listeners! My apologies on being late with the episode this week, but there was a mixup and RoShawn sent me the wrong file, so I will just keep pointing fingers at her. Thank you all for your understanding, now go yell at RoShawn.
    This episode had serious ups and downs for me, and I'm still not totally sure how I feel about it. I think a lot of how I'm going to remember it will depend on the finale, and whether some of the things I didn't like wind up coming to fruition in a satisfying way.
    Mostly, though, I'm really interested in trying to piece together where in time everyone is, and especially in trying to figure out what's going on with Bernard. Is there more than one version of him walking around? I'm assuming that isn't the case but I can't be sure. And he's able to defy Ford and take the action he wants to take, without hurting Elsie. That seems like a good sign, ut I don't know what game Ford is playing, so....is it?
    Honestly this is a really complex series of events happening right now and I haven't the faintest idea how they will wrap any of it up in just one episode. I guess we shall see! Thanks for listening.
    10 November 2018, 2:40 pm
  • 1 hour 55 minutes
    WestWorld, S02E08- Kiksuya
    This here episode was a labor of love, so show your appreciation by checking out our sponsor, Day 11 Podcast at www.day11podcast.com!
    Let's sit down for a minute and talk about how this was my favorite EVER episode of WestWorld, and how I don't even want to return to the main storyline next week because I'm so invested in what's going on with Ghost Nation. I just want more of this, all the time.
    This episode has the beautiful, heart-wrenching hero's journey, impeccable acting, well written story, and awesome payoff at the end. It was just awesome, and I love it, and thanks for listening.
    2 November 2018, 1:00 pm
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