Spider-Man the Animated Series Podcast

Spider-Man the Animated Series Podcast

A podcast where two brothers delve into the critically acclaimed 90's cartoon, Spider-Man the Animated Series. Host Alex Robson and co-host/MARVEL artist, Will Robson review episodes, interview cast members, review merchandise, discuss comic book origins to animation and so much more! This is a show that celebrates this series in all its glory and packed full of nostalgia and laughs. So, sit back and let your spidey senses tingle, as with a great podcast also comes great recordability!

  • 1 hour 35 minutes
    98: Six Forgotten Warriors Review
    Our hosts return and bring you their review on, The Six Forgotten Warriors, episode. Alex and Will discuss Aunt May's 30 year old booty call, why Spider-Man is no good at hiding, and that Robbie Robertson doesn't know how a pillow works. They also chat about how this episode would have been a classic "clickbait" comic book cover with Nick Fury looking at a picture of Aunt May and referring to her as the most dangerous person in the world right now. Our hosts also talk about the latest comic book movie news and what Steven Spielberg's Harry Potter movie would have looked like. Gift Us Some Podcasting Bucks: https://linktr.ee/spidermantaspod Follow Alex everywhere @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere @RobsonInk
    15 February 2023, 12:00 am
  • 49 minutes 27 seconds
    97: The Wedding Review - Part 2
    Our hosts return for part 2 of their review of The Wedding! Alex and Will discuss the excellent animation in this episode and the impressive balance of including multiple characters in the story. Plus, they compare the bank robbery scene to Spider-Man 2 & 3, and talk about the most BALLER Kingpin line of the whole series. They also talk about what they're watching, listening to, and reading these days, which ends up leading into a very lengthy conversation about Robin Hood. Enjoy!
    6 January 2023, 7:42 am
  • 1 hour 34 minutes
    96: The Wedding Review w/ the voices of Mary Jane & Harry Osborn - Part 1
    Our hosts kick off the New Year by welcoming back on the pod the voices of Mary Jane Watson (Sara Ballantine) & Harry Osborn (Gary Imhoff) to talk about the episode, The Wedding! Sara and Gary are reunited on the pod after not seeing each other in over 7 years, but their friendship is felt immediately and it's as if no time has past at all. They sit down with Alex to discuss The Wedding episode and share their memories of recording this incredible season 5 opener. Plus, they give us so many more stories of their experiences of working on Spider-Man and are forever grateful for the continual appreciation/praise that this show still receives to this day. Alex and Will also celebrate their 5 year podcast anniversary and look ahead for all the title releases in 2023 and share their thoughts on what they are looking forward to seeing! This is just part 1 of this review and our hosts will return next time with their review for this episode, plus a whole lot more! Leave us a tip: linktr.ee/Spidermantaspod Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex everywhere: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    4 January 2023, 8:42 am
  • 1 hour 31 minutes
    95: The Prowler Review
    Our hosts our back for their final episode of 2022 and their review of, The Prowler! Alex and Will chat about the look of the Prowler, why Iceberg is one of the smoothest villains yet, and how Kingpin just loves having power over people. They also talk about the Indy 5 trailer, Avengers 5 & 6 rumours, plus tease what's to come next year for the pod! Leave us a tip: https://linktr.ee/Spidermantaspod Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex everywhere: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    6 December 2022, 3:31 pm
  • 1 hour 45 minutes
    94: Lizard King Review
    Our hosts are back for another episode and this week they review the not so great episode, titled, Lizard King! Is it as bad as they remember? Is it possibly the best episode of Spidey TAS? Listen to find out! Time codes below! Art Life 1:25 Kingpin & Smythe Scenario 9:19 Pop Culture News 21:14 Episode Review 48:54 Friendly Neighbourhood Quiz Game - 01:12:32 What Ya Doing With Ya Life? 01:15:06 Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex everywhere: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    12 October 2022, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    93: The Haunting Of Mary Jane Review
    Our hosts are back for another week and another episode review, this time they talk about the episode titled, "The Haunting of Mary Jane", and they bloody loved it! Alex and Will talk about how this episode dealt with very adult themes, was quite dark compared to other episodes, and reminds them of how amazing Gregg Berger is as the voice of Mysterio! They chat about pirate robots, if you can say the term 'Butt Pirates'? (they still don't know), how Miranda Wilson just needed to go to the hospital to solve her problems, why Mysterio throws some serious shade at Spidey, and we discover that Will has a thing for Mary Jane's purple outfit. They also have another go with accents for a Kingpin & Smythe scenario, chat about Star Wars news, plus some Sony cancellations and Keanu Reeves return to being John Constantine. Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex on YouTube: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    21 September 2022, 3:00 am
  • 1 hour 25 minutes
    92: The Return Of The Green Goblin Review
    Our hosts come swinging in with their review of The Return of the Green Goblin episode and talk about how much they liked it. Alex and Will discuss the solid storyline in this episode and how well it flows as you watch it. They chat about the amazing voice performances, especially from Gary Imhoff in this episode, as well as the improved animation and the excellent inclusion of The Punisher! They also chat all Marvel & Star Wars D23 news, why Punisher loves to go over to old women's houses for a cuppa and a bit of goss, plus so much more! Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex on YouTube: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    14 September 2022, 11:39 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    91: The Vampire Queen Review
    Our hosts are back this week to review The Vampire Queen episode and Alex thinks it sucks...no pun intended. Listen as Alex and Will talk about the lazy editing, poor exposition, and hurried plot. For the first time, Alex is disappointed in this show, just like Whistler is disappointed with Blade. Our hosts also talk about Blade's non- sensical weaponry, the two scenes that save this episode, and what James Bond would sound like on a night out with his mate's in London. Plus, one of the funniest Kingpin & Smythe scenarios yet! Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex on YouTube: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    7 September 2022, 2:00 am
  • 1 hour 6 seconds
    Batman TAS Podcast Introductions & Discussions
    Our hosts have started a new podcast and selected the critically acclaimed Batman the Animated Series to review next! For this episode, our hosts discuss what Batman the Animated Series means to them and celebrate its 30th anniversary down to the day. Alex talks about how obsessed he still is with this cartoon, and Will discusses the big influence that this show has on his art style, including his recent work on Batman: Urban Legends #19! Our hosts also discuss their favourite episodes, moments, characters, storylines, vehicles, writers, toys, and so much more. They share what they have planned for the future of this podcast and what they hope to achieve. Please rate and subscribe to this new podcast whatever platform you're listening to this show! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2VeKJS8qt9Iofr3F0jTOZR?si=XY-7CaBXT-2mdq-SacXs5A Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/batman-the-animated-series-podcast/id1643408436 Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWRpYS5yc3MuY29tL2JhdG1hbnRhc3BvZC9mZWVkLnhtbA?sa=X&ved=0CAMQ9sEGahgKEwi4qpOqpPv5AhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQkwE Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BatmanTASPod/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/batmantaspod/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BatmanTASPod1 Follow Will @Robsonink everywhere Follow Alex @ChefAlexRobson everywhere
    5 September 2022, 1:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    90: The Awakening Review
    Our hosts are back and are awakened with their next episode review, which sees the return of Michael Morbius in THE AWAKENING! Alex and Will discuss the increased quality in animation for this episode, the design of Man-Bat Morbius, Kingpin's socially awkward entrance, the sexual tension between Black Cat and Spidey, plus a whole lot more. They also chat about Will's latest BIG announcements in his professional comic book career, MCU casting rumours, She-Hulk, and Warner Bros cancelling everything. Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex on YouTube: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    31 August 2022, 6:57 am
  • 1 hour 28 minutes
    89: Partners Review
    Our hosts are back and have packed their web-shooters with their review of Partners, an episode featuring a team up between Spider-Man and Black Cat, as they fight Silvermane, Scorpion, Vulture, and the Evil Robot Sex Doll Smythe. Our hosts also discuss some Sony Spider-Man movie news, some potential MCU rumoured casting, and share their thoughts on Prey, Better Call Saul finale, Black Phone, The Sandman, and Thor 4: Love & Thunder. Follow the pod on FB: www.facebook.com/STASPodcast Follow the pod on Insta: www.instagram.com/spidermantaspod Follow the pod on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SpiderManTASPod Follow Alex on YouTube: @ChefAlexRobson Follow Will everywhere: @Robsonink
    17 August 2022, 1:35 pm
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