Instruction By Design

Instruction By Design

Instruction by Design, your podcast to the art of teaching, is a conversation between the instructional designers from Academic Innovation (Jinnette Senecal, Celia Coochwytewa, and Aaron Kraft) about various topics on course design, pedagogy, and educational technology. Our goal for the podcast is to explore ideas for new practices and tools for implementation in your courses.

  • 38 minutes 2 seconds
    Season 06 - Ep03: How Important Are the Numbers? A Data Literacy Dossier for Educators and Designers
    In this episode, the Manager of Collaborative Learning from ASU’s Learning Experience team (Celia Coochwytewa) and the instructional designers from ASU’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Jinnette Senecal, Aaron Kraft) explore key concepts and practical applications of data literacy for educators and designers, as highlighted in the 2022 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report, Data and Analytics Edition. We then consider professional learning pathways for developing data literacy fluency and implementation skills. Today’s HOT TOPIC is focused on a popular approach to enhancing professional/scholarly learning experiences: gamification. Resources from the episode: *Brown, A., Croft, B., Dello Stritto, M. E., Heiser, R., McCarty, S., McNally, D., Nyland, R., Quick, J., Thomas, R., & Wilks, M. (2022, February 9). Learning analytics from a systems perspective: Implications for practice. EDUCAUSE Review. *Kraft, A., Coochwytewa, C., & Senecal, J. (Hosts). Van Leusen, P. (Guest participant). (2019, August 26). Adaptive learning in higher ed: Failure is not an option. (Summer 2019 Bonus Episode 03) [Audio podcast episode]. In Instruction By Design. Arizona State University, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. *Panetta, K. (2021, August 26). A data and analytics leader's guide to data literacy. Gartner. *Raffaghelli, & Stewart, B. (2020). Centering complexity in “educators” data literacy’ to support future practices in faculty development: a systematic review of the literature. Teaching in Higher Education, 25(4), 435–455. *Ridsdale, C., Rothwell, J., Smit, M., Bliemel, M., Irvine, D., Kelley, D., Matwin, S., Wuetherick, B., & Ali-Hassan, H. (2015). Strategies and best practices for data literacy education knowledge synthesis report [Technical report]. *Tippens Reinitz, B., McCormack, M., Reeves, J., Robert, J., Arbino, N., Anderson, J., Hamman, J., Johnson, C., Kew-Fickus, O., Snyder, R., & Stevens, M. (2022). 2022 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report, Data and Analytics Edition. EDUCAUSE. Hot topic and related resources: *Shellgren, M., & Becker, S. (2022, October 12). Gamifying professional learning. The OLC Blog.
    30 January 2023, 12:00 am
  • 51 minutes 18 seconds
    Season 06 - Episode 02: IBD Redux: Podcasting Past, Present, and Pandemic
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Jinnette Senecal, Aaron Kraft) and the Manager of Collaborative Learning from ASU’s Learning Experience team (Celia Coochwytewa) are joined by special guests Steven Crawford and Ricardo Leon to reflect on the past, present, and future of podcasting in higher education. Resources from the episode: *Adams, K., Baer, U., Branscum, O. L., Bosu, S., Dissinger, D., Galvin, A., Kramer, B., Perry, L., Plotz, J., Robison, K., & Terlunen, M. (2021, September 28). It’s time for academe to take podcasting seriously. Inside Higher Ed. *Buzzsprout. (2022, July). Podcast statistics and data. Retrieved July 12, 2022 from *Drew, C. (2017). Educational podcasts: A genre analysis. E-Learning and Digital Media, 14(4), 201-211. *Edison Research. (2022, March 23). The infinite dial 2022. *Godin, S. (2019, March 20). The minimum viable audience. Seth’s Blog. Podcast recommendations from the episode: *ASU EdPlus Course Stories *Inside Higher Ed Podcasts *Instructional Designers in Offices Drinking Coffee (IDIODC) *Seth Godin’s Akimbo *Teaching in Higher Ed *The Teaching Online Podcast (TOPcast)
    19 September 2022, 12:00 am
  • 1 hour 3 minutes
    Season 06 - Episode 01: All the Rigor, Half the Time
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Aaron Kraft, Celia Coochwytewa, and Jinnette Senecal) are joined by special guest Dr. Karen J. Saewert, to consider several factors related to the design and facilitation of compressed format courses. We then explore aspects such as instructor presence, communication management, and the timely support of students who may be struggling. Resources from the episode: *Lutes, L., & Davies, R. (2013). Comparing the rigor of compressed format courses to their regular semester counterparts. Innovative Higher Education, 38(1), 19–29. *Shaw, M., Chametzy, B., Burrus, S., & Walters, K. (2013). An evaluation of student outcomes by course duration in online higher education. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 16(4), 1 – 22. *Sloan, R. (2017, November). Improving student outcomes utilizing 8-week courses: Considering its feasibility for Ivy Tech Community College. *The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, The Center for Teaching & Learning. (n.d.). Short courses / part-of-term courses: Condensing course content. *Vareberg, K., & Westerman, D. (2020). To :-) or ☺, that is the question: a study of students' initial impressions of instructors’ paralinguistic cues. Education and Information Technologies, 25(5), 4501-4516.
    13 March 2022, 12:00 am
  • 35 minutes 39 seconds
    Season 05 - Episode 04: Everything Remote and the ASU Sync
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Celia Coochwytewa, Jinnette Senecal, and Aaron Kraft) are joined by special ASU guests Katrina Fogelson, Allison Hall, Tim McKean, and Meredith Saavides to reflect on the collaborative university-wide efforts to support a rapid pivot to synchronous remote learning modalities. We then explore the practical outcomes and potential future of unsiloed collaboration for ASU’s instructional designers and related professionals. Today’s HOT TOPIC is focused on the decades-long challenge of implementing technology tools strategically and meaningfully in support of learning. Resources from the episode: *Arizona State University Office of the University Provost (n.d.). ASU Sync Live-hosted digital classes, wherever you are. *Arizona State University Office of the University Provost (n.d.). Faculty toolkit. *Hobson, L. (2021, February 11). Ali Siddiqui - Project-based learning / Instructional design journey. [Podcast episode]. In Dr. Luke Hobson. Hot topic and related resources: *Ackerman, G. (2018, June 21). What Larry Cuban said about technology is (discouragingly) still accurate. *Cuban, L. (1986). Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920. Teachers College Press.
    21 June 2021, 12:00 am
  • 40 minutes 55 seconds
    Season 05 - Episode 03: Leadership: Whose Job Is It Anyway?
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Jinnette Senecal, Celia Coochwytewa, and Aaron Kraft) explore various facets of leadership in higher education environments. We then consider the ways in which instructional designers may fulfill leadership roles or responsibilities. Today’s HOT TOPIC segment is a forward-thinking conversation about how learning management systems could be reenvisioned to maximize learner success. Resources from the episode: *Ashbaugh, M. L. & Piña, A. (2014). Improving instructional design processes through leadership-thinking and modeling. In B. Hokanson & A. Gibbons (Eds.), Design in educational technology: Design thinking, design process and the design studio (pp. 223-248). Springer. *Boundary spanning. (2020, August 31). In Wikipedia. *Brigance, S. K. (2011). Leadership in online learning in higher education: Why instructional designers for online learning should lead the way. Performance Improvement, 50(10), 43-48. *Kim, J. (2017, August 23). The liminal role of instructional designers. Inside Higher Ed. *Senecal, J., Coochwytewa, C., & Kraft, A. (Hosts). (2019, February 15). The Venn diagram of instructional design (Season 03, Episode 04) [Audio podcast episode]. In Instruction By Design. Arizona State University, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation. *Shaw, K. (2012). Leadership through instructional design in higher education. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 15(3). Hot topic: *Mintz, S. (2021, March 15). Reimagining the LMS. Inside Higher Ed.
    12 April 2021, 12:00 am
  • 48 minutes 23 seconds
    Season 05 - Episode 02: Perceptions of Quality in Online Distance Education
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Aaron Kraft, Celia Coochwytewa, and Jinnette Senecal) are joined by special guest Jessica Cole from ASU Online to explore several dimensions of quality in online distance education. We then consider aspects of quality from a variety of stakeholder perspectives. Today’s HOT TOPIC is a conversation prompted by fan request, on approaches for productively organizing content into curriculum. Transcript: Resources from the episode: *Harvey, L., & Green, D. (1993). Defining quality. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 18(1), 9-34. *Online Learning Consortium. (n.d.). Quality Framework narrative, the 5 pillars. *Sadaf, A., Martin, F., & Ahlgrim-Delzell, L. (2019). Student perceptions of the impact of Quality Matters-certified online courses on their learning and engagement. Online Learning Journal. *Sangra, A., Porto, S., & Jung, I. (2014). Diversity in expectations of quality and assessment. In Jung, I. & Gunawardena, C., (Eds.), Culture and online learning: Global perspectives and research (pp. 91-101). Stylus Publishing, LLC.
    14 February 2021, 12:00 am
  • 56 minutes 15 seconds
    Season 05 - Episode 01: Cultivating Resilience: More Than Just a Mindset
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Jinnette Senecal, Aaron Kraft, and Celia Coochwytewa) reflect on resilience in the academic environment and how to nurture it within our learners, while still maintaining instructional rigor. We then explore the role of instructional designers in this important work, as well as strategies for supporting our own personal resilience. Today’s HOT TOPIC segment is focused on assessment design, and how to actively engage students in goal-setting and self-evaluation. Transcript: Resources from the episode: *American Psychological Association. (2012). Building your resilience. American Psychological Association. *Arizona State University CareerWISE. (n.d.). Problem solving method 4-step process: Resilience. *Garrison, J. (2020, September 1). ASU finds innovative solution to parts shortage during ASU Sync installation. ASU Now. *King, D. (2020, May 29). What is resilience? Tedx Talks [Video]. YouTube. *Lipson, A., & Glickman, A. (2020, July 2). What are we learning about academic resilience? Association of American Colleges & Universities Liberal Education BLOG. *Low, R., King, S., & Foster-Boucher, C. (2019). Learning to bounce back: A scoping review about resiliency education. The Journal of Nursing Education, 58(6), 321-329. Hot topic: *Metro, M. (2020, September 9). Humane assessment shouldn’t happen only during a pandemic. Inside Higher Ed.
    8 November 2020, 12:00 am
  • 38 minutes 52 seconds
    Season 04 - Episode 06: Imposter Syndrome: It's Okay to Own Your Achievements
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Celia Coochwytewa, Aaron Kraft, and Jinnette Senecal) examine the characteristics of and implications for imposter syndrome. We then discuss some of the realities of coping with imposter syndrome, and a few strategies for managing it. Today’s HOT TOPIC segment is focused on a systematic rubric for evaluating E-Learning tools in higher education. Transcript: Resources from the episode: *Lee, K. (2018, November 8). You are not an imposter. *Munroe, R. (n.d.) Impostor syndrome. xkcd. *Parkman, A. (2016). The imposter phenomenon in higher education: incidence and impact. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 16(1), 51-60. *Revuluri, S. (2018, October 4). How to overcome imposter syndrome. The Chronicle of Higher Education. *Rose Clance, R. (1985). Imposter phenomenon (IP). *Young, V. (2020). Impostor syndrome. Hot topic and related resources: *Anstey, L., & Watson, G. (2018, September 10). A rubric for evaluating E-Learning tools in higher education. EDUCAUSE Review. *Western University. (2020). eLearning toolkit.
    12 April 2020, 12:00 am
  • 38 minutes 58 seconds
    Season 04 - Episode 05: We DO Need Badges
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Aaron Kraft, Celia Coochwytewa, and Jinnette Senecal) examine the components and value opportunities for digital credentials. We then discuss some of the considerations necessary for establishing a digital credential system.Today’s HOT TOPIC segment is focused on how and why an instructor might consider transforming their course syllabus into an FAQ format. Transcript: Resources from the episode: *Carey, K.L., Stefaniak, J.E. (2018). An exploration of the utility of digital badging in higher education settings. Education Tech Research Development, 66(5), 1211–1229. *Diaz, V., Finkelstein, J., & Manning, S. (2015, August 5). Developing a higher education badging initiative. EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI). *Hurley, B. (2017). Open badges and alternative credentialing. International Journal on Innovations in Online Education,(1), 3. *Senecal, J. Coochwytewa, C., Kraft, A., & Crawford, S.R. (2017, June 5). Lightning Round. Instruction By Design. Podcast retrieved from *Williamson, J., & Pittinsky, M. (2016, May 23). Making credentials matter. Inside Higher Ed. Hot topic: *Loepp, E. (2019, October 2). How to turn your syllabus into an FAQ, and why you should. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
    8 March 2020, 12:00 am
  • 41 minutes 11 seconds
    Season 04 - Episode 04: Project Management for Practical People
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Jinnette Senecal, Aaron Kraft, and Celia Coochwytewa) are joined by special guest Juli McGinnis from Edson College Academic Operations to explore the foundations and functions of project management. We then discuss practical ways to get started with project management methods, tools, and techniques. Today’s HOT TOPIC segment is focused on the importance of and implications for how faculty develop pedagogical expertise. Transcript: Resources from the episode: *Cox, D. (2010). Project management skills for instructional designers. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse. *Duffy, J. (2019, December 18). The best project management software for 2020. Retrieved from *Gardner, J., Bennett, P. A., Hyatt, N., & Stoker, K. (2017). Applying project management strategies in a large curriculum conversion project in higher education. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 20(3). *Mind Tools. (n.d.). Project initiation document checklist. Retrieved from *Muslihat, D. (2018, March 9). 7 Popular project management methodologies and what they’re best suited for. Retrieved from *Project Management Institute. (n.d.). What is project management? Retrieved from Hot topic and related resources: *Flaherty, C. (2019, December 13). Required pedagogy. Retrieved from *Jaschik, S. (2010, July 13). Teaching vs. research. Retrieved from *Jenkins, A. (n.d.). Break away from teaching versus research. Stanford University Tomorrow’s Professor Postings. Retrieved from *Faller, M. B. (2016, February 9). Phelps looks to life outside the pool at ASU. ASU Now. Retrieved from
    2 February 2020, 12:00 am
  • 33 minutes 18 seconds
    Season 04 - Episode 03: Forget the Instructions Manual, Use Design Thinking Instead
    In this episode, the instructional designers from Arizona State University’s Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation (Celia Coochwytewa, Jinnette Senecal, and Aaron Kraft) describe a problem-solving methodology known as “Design Thinking”, and explore the implications for higher education. Today’s HOT TOPIC segment is focused on National Standards for Quality Online Teaching, and how these research-based standards may support the vital work that educators do every day. Transcript: Resources from the episode: *Gardner, L. (2017, September 10). Can design thinking redesign higher ed? The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from *Gilbert, C. G., Crow, M. M., & Anderson, D. (2018). Design thinking for higher education. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 16(1). Retrieved from *Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. (n.d.) Sketches and stories of design in practice. Retrieved from *Holland, B. (2016, May 31). A design thinking approach to working with Millennials. Education Week. Retrieved from *Meyer, A. (2019, October 12). Increasing accessibility with design thinking. Luther College Chips. Retrieved from *Morris, H., & Warman, G. (2015, January 12). Using design thinking in higher education. Educause Review. Retrieved from *Szczepanska, J. (2017, January 3). Design thinking origin story plus some of the people that made it all happen. Retrieved from Hot topic and related resources: *Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance, & Quality Matters. (2019). National standards for quality online teaching (3rd ed.). Retrieved from *Virtual Learning Leadership Alliance. (n.d.). National standard for quality (NSQ) online learning. Retrieved from *Senecal, J. Coochwytewa, C., Kraft, A., & Crawford, S.R. (2017, September 11). Copyright basics for educators. Instruction By Design. Podcast retrieved from
    8 December 2019, 12:00 am
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