Leading Lines

Leading Lines

A podcast on creative, intentional, and effective…

  • 44 minutes 27 seconds
    Episode 115 Laura Guertin
    In this interview with Sung Jun Han, Dr. Laura Guertin talks about how her use of technology has evolved over the last 20 years. Listeners will hear examples of how technology has enabled Laura to teach even while aboard a ship doing field work and has enabled her students to learn while commuting. Starting with the course objectives and using low-bandwidth, accessible technologies can unlock so many possibilities for learning.
    6 December 2022, 1:19 pm
  • 52 minutes 44 seconds
    Ep 114 Remi Kalir
    In this interview with Derek Bruff, Remi talks about how annotation works in partnership with reading as a knowledge construction activity. With physical books, digital reading, and even on social media, people add notes to texts to wrestle with what they read and reach new audiences.  Let's explore how instructors can harness the power of annotation in formal educational contexts.
    25 October 2022, 4:02 am
  • 1 minute 44 seconds
    In this special audio note from Leading Lines producer and host Derek Bruff, Derek shares that the podcast will be winding down after a few more episodes. Thanks to all our Leading Lines producers and guests we’ve had over the years for making this podcast something special. And thanks to all you for listening. Some of Derek's favorite episodes: https://twitter.com/derekbruff/status/1557013656185245699
    24 August 2022, 5:45 pm
  • 38 minutes 28 seconds
    Episode 113 - Brianna Janssen Sánchez And Nancy Ruther
    On this episode of Leading Lines, producer and colleague Stacey Johnson brings us an interview about virtual exchanges, connecting students across cultures through technology. Stacey and our Vanderbilt colleague Chalene Helmuth, principal senior lecturer in Spanish, speak with two guests with extensive experience with virtual exchanges. Brianna Janssen Sánchez is assistant professor of practice in languages, cultures, and international studies, and coordinator of teacher education, at Southern Illinois University, and Nancy Ruther is principal and founder of Gazelle International, a non-profit that partners with higher education institutions to produce globally capable graduates. Nancy’s work at Gazelle follows almost 30 years as associate director of the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies at Yale University. In the interview, Stacey and Chalene talk to our guests about different models of virtual exchanges, the kinds of support and scaffolding to support virtual exchanges, and the impact virtual exchanges can have on both students and teachers. Links • Brianna Janssen Sánchez’s faculty page, cola.siu.edu/languages/faculty-…anssen-sanchez.php • Nancy Ruther @ Gazelle International, www.gazelle-international.org/nancy-ruth…-principal • Gazelle International, www.gazelle-international.org/ • “Assessing language learning in virtual exchange: Suggestions from the field of language assessment,” Lee & Sauro (2021), journal.unicollaboration.org/article/view/36087
    6 June 2022, 2:30 pm
  • 29 minutes 22 seconds
    Episode 112 - Jill Lassiter
    On today’s episode of Leading Lines, producer and colleague Stacey Johnson brings us an interview with Jill Lassiter, assistant professor of health sciences at James Madison University. Professor Lassiter recently wrote a Faculty Focus article on service-learning in a virtual world, including the changes she made to her service-learning projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the interview, professor Lassiter shares three principles for adapting service-learning to challenging environments, describes some of the virtual service-learning projects her students have engaged in over the last few years, and offers advice for instructors new to service-learning on getting started with technology-supported service-learning. Links •Service-Learning and Community Engagement, a Vanderbilt Center for Teaching guide: https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/guides-sub-pages/teaching-through-community-engagement/ •Faculty Profile for Dr. Lassiter - https://healthsci.jmu.edu/people/lassiter.html •Service-Learning in a Virtual World - https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/online-course-delivery-and-instruction/service-learning-in-a-virtual-world/ •Leonard, G., Lassiter, J.W., Hammill, R., & LeCrom, C.W. (2022). Service-learning and the development of interpersonal skills in pre-professional undergraduate students. Pedagogy in Health Promotion. DOI: 10.1177/23733799221074626 •Martin, T., LeCrom, C.W., & Lassiter, J.W. (2017). Hearts on our sleeves: Emotions experienced by service-learning faculty.  International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 5(1), 41-56. https://journals.sfu.ca/iarslce/index.php/journal/article/view/273 •LeCrom, C.W., Lassiter, J.W., & Pelco, L. (2016). Faculty Feel it Too: The Emotions of Teaching Through Service-Learning.  Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education, 8(2), 41-56. https://discovery.indstate.edu/jcehe/index.php/joce/article/view/294
    16 May 2022, 1:00 pm
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