That Vet Life Podcast

That Vet Life Podcast

This is the show that all vets in practice need t…

  • 34 minutes 24 seconds
    Ep 215: The Art of Compassionate End-of-Life Care in Veterinary Practice, with Dr. Mary Gardner

    Episode Description

    In this episode of "So You're a Vet, Now What?" Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Lap of Love co-founder, Dr. Mary Gardner, to discuss the art of quality of life conversations with pet owners. They explore why these discussions can be challenging but ultimately rewarding, focusing on the emotional aspects and the use of clinical empathy. Tune in to gain valuable insights on navigating these sensitive conversations in veterinary medicine.

    New veterinarians may struggle with transitioning from a focus on saving lives to considering euthanasia when discussing quality of life with clients. The emotional complexity of these conversations can make it challenging to navigate the client's feelings and expectations.

    However, successfully guiding clients through these discussions and assisting them in making informed decisions can be as fulfilling as treating a medical condition or performing a successful surgery. By offering support, empathy, and guidance during these challenging conversations, veterinarians can significantly impact the well-being of both the pet and the family.

    While discussing quality of life with clients may be challenging, it presents a unique opportunity for veterinarians to provide compassionate care and support during a difficult time. Approaching these conversations with empathy, understanding, and a focus on the pet's well-being allows veterinarians to make a positive difference in the lives of their clients and their beloved pets.

    Episode Outline

    [00:02:25] Quality of life conversations.

    [00:08:34] Tough Decisions in Pet Care.

    [00:12:14] Quality of life considerations.

    [00:16:15] Caregiver burden in pet care.

    [00:19:46] The importance of communication.

    [00:22:28] Supporting clients' tough decisions.

    [00:26:34] Quality of life assessment scales.

    [00:29:11] Planning peaceful pet euthanasia.

    Episode Links

    Visit Dr. Mary Gardner‘s website:

    Visit Lap of Love:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    13 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 27 minutes 18 seconds
    Ep 214: Beyond the Controversy: Addressing the Cost of Veterinary Care, with Dr. Molly Brinkmann - Part 2

    Episode Description

    In this episode of "So You're a Vet… Now What?" Dr. Moriah McCauley continues her conversation with Dr. Molly Brinkmann about addressing the cost of veterinary care. They discuss responding to client questions about pricing and navigating social media discussions on the topic. Tune in for practical insights on handling these important conversations in the veterinary profession.

    Dr. Molly highlighted the importance of transparent conversations around the value behind the cost to clients. By providing a rationale for the expenses incurred, such as the expertise, equipment, and resources required for veterinary care, clients can better comprehend why certain procedures may be costly. This approach helps bridge the gap between the financial aspect of care and the value it brings to the health and well-being of their pets.

    The podcast also delved into the concept of clinical empathy in financial discussions with clients. Dr. Mariah stressed the need for veterinarians to use language that conveys they are on the same team as the client, working together to provide the best care for the pet. By approaching financial conversations with empathy and understanding, veterinarians can help alleviate any potential tension or discomfort that clients may feel when discussing costs.

    Dr. Molly emphasises the importance of acknowledging the significant cost of veterinary care and explaining the value behind it to clients. By fostering open dialogue, providing transparent information, and demonstrating empathy in financial discussions, veterinarians can build stronger relationships with their clients and ensure that the cost of care is understood and appreciated in the context of the value it brings to their beloved pets.

    Episode Outline

    [00:02:01] Responding to criticisms in veterinary medicine.

    [00:05:31] The cost of veterinary medicine.

    [00:09:56] Responding to online negativity.

    [00:13:28] Veterinary Costs Discussion.

    [00:15:28] Discussing veterinary cost concerns.

    [00:21:33] Acknowledging the cost of care.

    [00:24:48] Importance of veterinary professionals.

    Episode Links

    Connect with Dr. Molly Brinkmann on LinkedIn:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    6 May 2024, 8:00 am
  • 24 minutes 32 seconds
    Ep 213: Beyond the Controversy: A Rational Look at Veterinary Pricing, with Dr. Molly Brinkmann - Part 1

    Episode Description

    In this episode of "So You're a Vet… Now What?" Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Dr. Molly Brinkmann, as they discuss the current cost of veterinary health care, sparked by a recent controversial TikTok video. They delve into the implications of the video, the broader issue of rising veterinary care costs, and how the profession should address these challenges. 

    Dr. Molly Brinkmann and Dr. Moriah McCauley stress the need for transparency in discussing veterinary service pricing, pointing out the complexities unique to veterinary medicine compared to human medicine. They discuss differences in lab work handling and the logistical challenges of providing care to animals.

    Dr. Molly explains the difficulties faced by veterinary practices in balancing staff salaries, equipment maintenance, and quality care while keeping services affordable. She attributes the recent cost increase in veterinary medicine to industry corporatization, leading to financial restructuring within practices.

    The key takeaway is that responding to criticism should involve constructive dialogue rather than attacking individuals. By engaging in positive conversations and working towards positive change, veterinarians can address concerns, educate the public, and strive to make veterinary care more accessible and affordable for all pet owners.

    Episode Outline

    [00:01:24] The cost of veterinary health care.

    [00:07:32] Response to criticism.

    [00:09:36] Veterinary healthcare costs and dialogue.

    [00:14:16] Pet healthcare spending statistics.

    [00:16:34] Rising costs in veterinary medicine.

    [00:22:02] Veterinary medicine affordability and access.

    [00:22:48] Supporting early stage vets.

    Episode Links

    Connect with Dr. Molly Brinkmann on LinkedIn:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    29 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 31 minutes 27 seconds
    Ep 212: Don't Burn the Sandwich: Tips for New Grad Vets, with Dr. Addie Reinhard

    Episode Description

    In this episode of "So You're a Vet… Now What?" Dr. Moriah McCauley and Dr. Addie Reinhard discuss handling decision fatigue and moral stress in veterinary practice to avoid burnout. They share practical steps to improve workflow and reduce the risk of burnout for new grad vets. Tune in for insights and inspiration from these passionate mentors in the field of veterinary medicine.

    Burnout signs can manifest in various ways, such as feeling exhausted, cynical, or that your work doesn't matter. These signs are crucial indicators that should not be ignored, as they can lead to serious consequences if left unaddressed. Dr. Addie Reinhard emphasizes the importance of recognizing these signs early on to prevent burnout from escalating.

    By focusing on effective time management, delegation of tasks, and confident decision-making, new grads can navigate the challenges of veterinary practice more efficiently and reduce the risk of burnout.

    Dr. Addie shares her experience of realizing that perfectionism, which served her well in getting through vet school, was not serving her as a new grad. Dr. Addie shares how overcoming perfectionism is crucial in embracing imperfections and learning from mistakes.

    For new grad vets, being flexible, seeking support, and overcoming perfectionism are essential aspects for success and well-being in the veterinary profession. By embracing these principles, veterinarians can navigate challenges, build resilience, and thrive in their careers while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

    Episode Outline

    [00:02:13] Burning the Sandwich: Tomato soup story.

    [00:03:48] Ways to prevent veterinary burnout.

    [00:08:16] Time management for new grads.

    [00:10:52] Setting a hospital routine.

    [00:16:44] Delegation as a new grad.

    [00:17:25] Learning to delegate effectively.

    [00:22:19] Recognizing signs of burnout.

    [00:25:37] Avoiding future burnout as a veterinarian.

    [00:28:15] Embracing imperfection in veterinary practice.

    Episode Links

    Check out MentorVet:

    Connect with Addie Reinhard on LinkedIn:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    22 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 31 minutes 18 seconds
    Ep 211: To Vet School and Beyond, with Garth Robillard - Part 2

    Episode Description

    In this episode of "So You're a Vet… Now What?" host Dr. Moriah McCauley continues her conversation with Garth Robillard about the fears and challenges faced by veterinary students. They discuss the vulnerability and growth that comes with acknowledging fears of burnout, financial constraints, and dealing with clients. The episode explores whether these fears stem from academia or the general veterinary profession, offering valuable insights for aspiring and current veterinarians navigating their career paths.

    Garth discusses the fear and anxiety experienced by many veterinary students as they approach graduation, including concerns about burnout, difficult clients, and financial constraints. Despite these challenges, he encourages students to acknowledge their fears and vulnerabilities, as these experiences can lead to personal growth and resilience.

    The conversation between Moriah and Garth also delves into the evolving culture within veterinary schools. They discuss the importance of creating a supportive and collaborative environment where students can learn from each other and work together. Garth highlights the benefits of problem-based learning (PBL) in fostering teamwork and communication skills among students. By collaborating to solve problems, students can deepen their understanding of veterinary medicine and gain insights from different perspectives.

    Looking ahead to the future, Garth expresses his excitement for the opportunities and challenges in his veterinary career. He emphasizes the importance of finding meaningful mentorship and being open to learning from others. Garth's goal is to be a catalyst for positive change in veterinary medicine and contribute positively to the profession.

    Overall, the episode underscores the significance of embracing vulnerability, learning from mistakes, and fostering a culture of collaboration and growth in veterinary medicine. By recognizing weaknesses, seeking mentorship, and working together with peers, veterinary professionals can continue to evolve and thrive in their careers.

    Episode Outline

    [00:01:23] Fear of graduating veterinary school.

    [00:06:00] Encouraging positivity in the veterinary profession.

    [00:08:49] Overcoming professional challenges.

    [00:12:57] Vet school culture trends upward.

    [00:14:23] Veterinary student dynamics changing.

    [00:16:39] Veterinary school culture and teamwork.

    [00:21:38] Changing veterinary profession dynamics.

    [00:25:34] Emotional growth and development.

    [00:27:27] Changing veterinary medicine landscape.

    Episode Links

    Listen to Garth’s podcast ‘Veterinary Vibes’:

    Connect with Garth Robillard on LinkedIn:

    Follow the Veterinary Vibes podcast on Instagram:

    Discover more from Garth Robillard:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    15 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 30 minutes 4 seconds
    Ep 210: The Role of Mentorship in Veterinary Student Success, with Garth Robillard - Part 1

    Episode Description

    In this episode of "So You're a Vet... Now What?" host Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Garth Robillard, a second-year vet student and host of the Veterinary Vibes podcast. Together they discussed the significance of mentorship in bridging the gap between academia and real-world practice. Garth highlights that mentorship is often overlooked in veterinary school curriculums, requiring students to actively seek out mentorship opportunities to enhance their learning and professional development.

    Garth discussed the challenges students encounter in finding mentors and the disconnect between academic teachings and practical application. He stressed the need for mentorship to be a formalized part of the curriculum, akin to subjects like anatomy and physiology. By incorporating mentorship into the educational framework, students can gain valuable insights, guidance, and support from experienced professionals in the field.

    The conversation also delved into the value of informal mentorship, where students can seek advice and support from various sources, including peers, family members, and social media platforms like Vetstagram. This informal mentorship can provide students with diverse perspectives and help them navigate the complexities of veterinary medicine.

    Furthermore, the discussion underscored the importance of academia adapting to the evolving landscape of veterinary medicine. While traditional teachings provide a foundational knowledge base, real-life experiences and mentorship play a crucial role in applying that knowledge in practical settings. By integrating mentorship into the curriculum, students can develop a well-rounded skill set that combines theoretical knowledge with practical expertise.

    In conclusion, mentorship should be acknowledged as a fundamental component of veterinary education. By fostering mentorship relationships and creating opportunities for students to learn from experienced professionals, veterinary schools can better prepare future veterinarians for the challenges and opportunities in the field. Mentorship not only enhances clinical skills but also cultivates a supportive network that promotes growth, learning, and success in the veterinary profession.

    Stay tuned for part two of their conversation next week!

    Episode Outline

    [00:01:16] Mentorship in veterinary academia.

    [00:03:42] Building connections through podcasting.

    [00:09:33] Balancing podcasting with life commitments.

    [00:11:23] Time as a key to happiness.

    [00:13:55] Mentorship in veterinary school.

    [00:19:42] The importance of mental health.

    [00:20:24] The importance of mentorship.

    [00:26:35] Real life vs ivory tower.

    Episode Links

    Listen to Garth’s podcast, Veterinary Vibes:

    Connect with Garth Robillard on LinkedIn:

    Follow the Veterinary Vibes podcast on Instagram:

    Discover more from Garth Robillard:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    8 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 34 minutes 58 seconds
    Ep 209: Navigating Conversations with Brachycephalic Dog Owners, with Dr. Sean McCormack

    Episode Description

    In this episode of the ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Dr. Sean McCormack as they discuss being upfront and honest with clients about concerns regarding brachycephalic breeds. This refers to dog breeds with shortened heads, which often results in health issues, in particular breathing issues. 

    Dr. McCormack emphasizes the need for veterinarians to address these issues openly and transparently with clients. By acknowledging the health problems associated with brachycephalic breeds and discussing them with clients, veterinarians can build trust and establish a strong relationship with pet owners.

    Dr. McCormack highlights the significance of approaching these conversations with empathy and understanding. While it is essential to educate clients about the potential health issues their brachycephalic pets may face, it is equally important to convey that veterinarians and pet owners are on the same team. By emphasizing a collaborative approach and providing support and education, veterinarians can help clients navigate the challenges associated with owning brachycephalic breeds.

    Furthermore, Dr. McCormack underscores the need for veterinarians to be supportive and non-judgmental when discussing brachycephalic health concerns with clients. By offering practical tips, sharing information about responsible breeding practices, and encouraging open dialogue, veterinarians can empower pet owners to make informed decisions about their pets' health and well-being.

    In summary, the episode highlights the importance of being upfront and honest with clients about brachycephalic breed concerns while also emphasizing collaboration, support, and education. By approaching these conversations with empathy and providing valuable information, veterinarians can foster positive relationships with clients and work together towards the betterment of brachycephalic breeds.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:00:53] Brachycephalic dog health issues.
    • [00:04:24] Breeding for exaggerated dog features.
    • [00:09:47] Breeding issues in veterinary industry.
    • [00:12:03] Responsible dog breed choices.
    • [00:16:22] Advocating for dog welfare.
    • [00:17:38] The importance of pet insurance.
    • [00:21:44] Brachycephalic dogs on social media.
    • [00:24:48] Responsible dog breeding practices.
    • [00:30:11] Social movement for change.
    • [00:32:34] Social media presence.

    Episode Links

    Dr. Sean’s website: 

    Dr. Sean’s Instagram: 

    Dr. Sean’s Twitter: 

    Dr. Sean’s Youtube: 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    1 April 2024, 8:00 am
  • 28 minutes 11 seconds
    Ep 208: Finding Joy in Veterinary Medicine, with Dr. Christine Staten

    Episode Description

    In this week’s ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ podcast, host Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Dr. Christine Staten as they discuss the significance of finding joy and purpose outside of work to boost satisfaction and fulfillment in a veterinary career. Here are key takeaways from the episode supporting this notion:

    1. Exploring Entrepreneurial Ventures: Dr. Staten shared her personal journey of delving into entrepreneurial activities outside her veterinary practice. She discussed engaging in eBay businesses, student rentals, and even owning an Airbnb property. These side ventures not only provided extra income but also served as therapeutic distractions during challenging times, such as the pandemic. By immersing herself in these activities, Dr. Staten discovered a sense of fulfillment and purpose beyond her veterinary career.
    2. Striking a Work-Life Balance: Dr. Staten stressed the importance of balancing work and personal life by consciously managing time outside of work. She highlighted the practice of time-blocking for various activities, including family time, work commitments, and personal projects. By being intentional with time allocation, individuals can find joy and satisfaction in different facets of their lives, not solely in their veterinary careers.
    3. Shifting Mindset: Dr. Staten encouraged a shift away from the prevalent narrative of burnout and negativity within the veterinary profession. She urged individuals to surround themselves with positive influences and engage in activities that bring fulfillment. By adopting a positive mindset and focusing on the rewarding aspects of both their professional and personal lives, individuals can enhance their overall satisfaction and well-being.
    4. Community Engagement: Dr. Staten highlighted the positive impact veterinarians can have on their communities. Being respected and admired within the community can instill a sense of pride and fulfillment. By actively participating in community interactions and sharing the joys of being a veterinarian, individuals can further enrich their satisfaction in their career.

    In summary, the podcast episode underscores how finding joy and purpose outside of work can significantly elevate satisfaction and fulfillment in a veterinary career. Through engaging in entrepreneurial pursuits, maintaining a work-life balance, cultivating a positive mindset, and recognizing the community impact of the profession, individuals can create a more enriching and rewarding experience in their veterinary careers.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:03:20] Entrepreneurial spirit emerging early.
    • [00:06:40] Entrepreneurial ventures in veterinary school.
    • [00:09:51] Entrepreneurial spirit as therapy.
    • [00:11:45] Accidental happiness in adulthood.
    • [00:16:32] Finding joy outside veterinary career.
    • [00:20:42] Veterinary profession misconceptions.
    • [00:23:16] Finding joy outside of work.
    • [00:24:44] Surround yourself with joy-filled people.

    Episode Links

    Dr Christine’s Instagram:

    Dr. Christine’s LinkedIn: 

    Dr. Chrstine’s Website: 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    25 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 24 minutes 47 seconds
    Ep 207: Cracking the Code of Workplace Fun in Veterinary Medicine, with Sarah Parsons

    Episode Description

    In this episode of ‘So You're a Vet… Now What?’ host Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Sarah Parsons, an experienced LVT who brings a refreshing perspective to the table. Sarah highlights the importance of cultivating a supportive and enjoyable work environment in the veterinary field.

    Sarah shares her wisdom on the pivotal role LVTs play in guiding new graduates through the early stages of their careers, addressing challenges like imposter syndrome and confidence-building. She emphasizes the significance of fostering a culture of mutual learning and camaraderie among team members.

    A key takeaway from this episode’s discussion is the power of incorporating fun into daily routines. Sarah illustrates how simple acts, such as playing music or sharing lighthearted moments, can alleviate stress and strengthen team dynamics. She recounts a heartwarming anecdote demonstrating how shared moments of levity can create lasting bonds among colleagues.

    The episode also explores the dynamics of bonding in high-pressure situations versus bonding through shared positive experiences. Sarah underscores the importance of everyday interactions and genuine interest in colleagues' well-being in cultivating strong relationships within the clinic.

    For new graduates seeking to integrate into their roles, Sarah's advice is clear: take initiative in creating a fun atmosphere and show genuine care for your colleagues. Whether it's through playful activities or taking time to connect on a personal level, these efforts can significantly enhance workplace satisfaction.

    In conclusion, Sarah emphasizes the value of open communication and mutual respect among team members. She encourages veterinarians and technicians alike to collaborate, seek assistance when needed, and appreciate each other's expertise.

    Episode Outline

    • 00:00:14 - Welcome and Podcast Overview
    • 00:01:27 - Sarah's Social Media Impact and Role of LVTs
    • 00:02:18 - The Journey of New Veterinary Professionals
    • 00:04:45 - Reducing Imposter Syndrome for New Grads
    • 00:05:06 - Encouraging Fun in the Workplace
    • 00:07:12 - Building Confidence in New Veterinary Staff
    • 00:09:30 - Fostering a Supportive Community
    • 00:10:07 - Simple Ways to Inject Fun into the Workday
    • 00:14:11 - Bonding Through Shared Experiences
    • 00:17:53 - Encouraging New Grads to Create Fun Moments

    Episode Links

    Sarah’s Instagram:

    Sarah’s TikTok:

    Sarah’s Website: 

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    18 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 37 minutes 52 seconds
    Ep 206: Breaking the Cycle: Overcoming Client Bashing in Veterinary Practice, with Dr. Hubert Hiemstra

    Episode Description

    In this week’s ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ podcast, Dr. Moriah McCauley is joined by Dr. Hubert Hiemstra discuss the negative effects of client bashing and highlight the importance of shifting towards a more positive and empathetic mindset.

    When veterinarians choose empathy and compassion in their interactions with clients, it can lead to more positive outcomes. Dr. Hiemstra emphasizes that treating clients with empathy and respect is not just beneficial for the clients but also for the veterinarians themselves. By approaching client interactions with understanding and compassion, veterinarians can build stronger relationships with clients, leading to better compliance, trust, and overall satisfaction.

    Moreover, choosing empathy over client bashing can also improve team morale. Dr. McCauley mentions that negative talk and attitudes can impact the morale of the veterinary team, leading to decreased productivity and strained relationships among team members. By fostering a culture of empathy and understanding within the team, veterinarians can create a more supportive and positive work environment.

    In the episode, Dr. Hiemstra shares a quote from comedian Jim Carrey, highlighting the choice between love and fear in every situation. By choosing the path of love, which in this context refers to empathy, compassion, and understanding, veterinarians can approach client interactions with a positive and open mindset. This shift in perspective can not only improve client relationships but also enhance the overall well-being and satisfaction of the veterinary team.

    Ultimately, by prioritizing empathy and compassion over client bashing, veterinarians can create a more positive and supportive environment for both themselves and their clients. This approach can lead to better communication, increased trust, and ultimately, more fulfilling and successful interactions in the veterinary practice.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:01:18] Client bashing in veterinary practice.
    • [00:04:19] The pleasure of being angry.
    • [00:07:51] The need for relationships.
    • [00:13:06] Understanding human error.
    • [00:16:15] Negative effects of client bashing.
    • [00:18:43] Nonverbal communication importance.
    • [00:22:37] Dealing with client complaints.
    • [00:28:14] Managing team offloading dynamics.
    • [00:31:36] An overarching attitude shift.
    • [00:34:33] Relationships and value in vet medicine.


    • 00:04:19 - "I've learned over the years for myself that it's harmful. It's fun in the moment. It's a bit like gossiping or other habits."
    • 00:12:55 - "Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice. Never assume stupidity when ignorance will suffice. Never assume ignorance when forgivable error will suffice."
    • 00:16:15 - "When you are in that negative mindset of, so I've just sat behind closed doors with my colleague and client bashed this person who just came in. Now I'm in that frame of mind"
    • 00:32:29-00:32:39 - "You only have two choices, love or fear."
    • 00:35:34-00:35:44 - "But I think it's really important to take a step back, really look at why that's happening and what we can do differently"

    Show Links

    Dr. Hugh's Podcast:

    Dr. Hugh's Instagram:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    11 March 2024, 8:00 am
  • 24 minutes 58 seconds
    Ep 205: Tailoring Communication for Success, with Eric Garcia

    Episode Description

    On this episode of the ‘So You're a Vet… Now What?’ podcast, host Dr. Moriah McCauley interviews Eric Garcia, founder of Simply Done Tech Solutions. Eric, a former IT administrator turned digital marketing expert, discusses the importance of understanding the differences between cat and dog pet parents for effective client communication. 

    Cat owners and dog owners have distinct preferences when it comes to marketing and communication strategies in the veterinary field. In a podcast episode, it was highlighted that cat owners are often introverts who respond well to education, while dog owners tend to prefer promotion-driven claims.

    Cat Owners:

    • Cat owners are considered thinkers who value education and information.
    • Studies have shown that cat owners tend to have a higher level of education compared to dog owners.
    • Cat owners respond well to preventive-based claims and marketing, focusing on the importance of preventive care to prevent disease.
    • They appreciate detailed information and explanations about recommendations, wanting to understand the "why" and "how" behind the suggestions.
    • Sending health questionnaires ahead of visits can help cat owners prepare for appointments and provide detailed information about their cats' health and habits.
    • Building rapport with cat owners by asking about their cat's nickname and what their cat means to them can strengthen the veterinarian-client relationship.

    Dog Owners:

    • Dog owners are more likely to respond to promotion-driven claims in marketing.
    • They may be more receptive to superficial communication that focuses on immediate benefits or promotions.
    • Dog owners may respond well to quick recommendations and may not require as much detailed education or explanation.
    • Promotions and offers may be more appealing to dog owners, emphasizing immediate benefits or discounts.

    Understanding these differences in preferences between cat owners and dog owners can help veterinary professionals tailor their communication and marketing strategies to effectively engage and connect with their clients. By recognizing and adapting to these preferences, veterinarians can enhance client communication, build stronger relationships, and ultimately provide better care for their patients.

    Eric shares valuable insights on client communication strategies based on marketing research. Whether you're a new grad or a seasoned veterinarian, this episode offers practical tips to enhance your client interactions.

    Episode Outline

    • [00:01:26] Cat vs. Dog Pet Parents.
    • [00:07:09] Cat owners' preventive healthcare perceptions.
    • [00:08:16] Cat owners respond well to education.
    • [00:14:20] Preventive dental care for pets.
    • [00:16:47] Veterinary medicine psychology lesson.
    • [00:20:38] Cat owners' deep connection.
    • [00:21:47] Lifelong relationships with clients.


    • 00:03:08 - "And it's pretty much the area that veterinarians are honestly crap at. We can fix animals, but we can't market that."
    • 00:16:25-00:16:35 - "Introverted personalities can be extroverted as long as they have time to prepare for encounter."

    Episode Links

    Eric's website:

    Eric's Instagram:

    Mentioned in this episode:

    So You're a Vet, Now What? - The Course

    Are you a new or recent veterinary graduate? If so, Dr. Dave’s course, ‘So You’re a Vet… Now What?’ has been put together specifically for you. The course focuses on non-clinical skills. This is not as dull as it sounds. In fact, almost every career problem that people face is due to not having well-developed, non-clinical skills. These are skills like client communication, so you have great relationships with clients. Emotional intelligence, so you've got great relationships with your teammates. Effective negotiation skills, so you can get paid what you are worth. Management of imposter syndrome, so you can have confidence in your abilities. And, how to build formidable resilience, so you can handle everything that comes your way. These are not just skills. They are prerequisites vital for success and financial and emotional wellbeing. This course serves as an essential stepping stone to your success. Dr. Dave will be your mentor as you go through 12-modules, helping you transition from being a student to a fully rounded veterinary professional. Visit to learn more.

    4 March 2024, 8:00 am
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