Real Rebel Podcast

Katie Buemann

The Real Rebel Podcast is for the people who push the boundaries of our society. For the people who live on the fringe. For the people who aren't afraid to question the status quo and live life as exactly who they are. Not as who they should be. These ...

  • 31 minutes 28 seconds
    The Big News

    This episode has been a long time coming. News I've been excited to share for a long while now. A creation that sits very close to my heart and what I hope will prove to serve as an anchor and connection point for you on your journey home.

    I'll leave it at that, and the rest you can learn about by tuning in. ;)

    I love your face.

    Your host,

    Katie B

    21 June 2022, 7:00 am
  • 23 minutes 9 seconds
    The Next Time You Hear From Me...

    I thought I would be able to produce this podcast every Tuesday, while also bringing forward everything else. Turns out my capacity is even lower than I thought these days. I feel you might be able to relate? Oof. 

    So, I'm putting the RRP into dormancy (a bit of a nap time) while I sink into creator mode and give my nervous system the space it needs. 

    The next time you hear from me will be when I have some new things to share with your lovely self.

    Today I riff on...

    • Diminished/selective capacity
    • What happens when our old programming is no longer running
    • Refusing to play the capitalistic game
    • Creating from a place of being
    • Slow and conscious conception and birth of creative dreams
    • Rushing and forcing the birth process
    • Leaning into trust

    If you're riding the same wavelength as me, I have a good question you can ask yourself... 

    What would it feel like and look like to live life from a state of being, and trusting that was enough? And what would I have to believe to be blocked from that becoming a reality?

    Ok, I love your face. Really. Like a lot. I have so much respect and deep gratitude for this beautiful RRP crew.

    See you soon(ish)!

    Your host,

    Katie B

    12 April 2022, 7:00 am
  • 35 minutes 43 seconds
    External Narrative vs. Internal Truth - Solo Episode

    Just to warn you, this episode is a powerful one. Nourishing... but powerful.

    Originally, according to my calendar, today was supposed to be the reveal of the changes I've been working on behind the scenes. However, the project has called for more creative space. So I'm giving it.

    In this episode, I touch on...

    - Energetic exhaustion
    - The alchemy of quiet time
    - The draining nature of certain external narratives
    - Distraction as a tool for control
    - Reconnecting to our internal truth
    - Why our creative expression is so important at this time
    - The reconnection to personal sovereignty
    - And a little update on the coming weeks

    Thank you so much for hanging in there as I traverse the messiness of this time of transition. I cannot WAIT to share what I have cooking for you.

    Lots of big warm hugs and kisses on the face.

    Your Host,

    Katie B

    1 March 2022, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 17 minutes
    My Spiritual Fairy Godmother - Lynnette Duncan from Oracle of Your Soul

    Care to join me in a conversation with my Spiritual Fairy Godmother?

    This episode marks the 4th one of transition month and it is jam-packed with so much wisdom from one of my favorite humans of all time.

    Lynnette Duncan (@oracleofyoursoul) is a Life Purpose Astrologer, Energy & Empowerment Coach, and Spiritual Strategist. She has been by my side for many a meltdown and is one of the most nurturing and grounding presences.

    We dive into so much on this episode.

    - Why we will be experiencing a deepening in self-identity
    - What spiritual beliefs keep us stuck
    - Why inner-security is a theme for 2022
    - Authenticity's role in the ascension process
    - Embodying the higher-self
    - Lynnette’s secret to manifestation
    - Being in a constant state of creation
    - The new baseline frequency
    - And so, so much more.

    I hope you enjoy this very casual chat during this very messy and casual time on the RRP.

    You can find Lynnette at the links below…

    Instagram: @oracleofyoursoul

    I love your face.

    Your host,

    Katie B

    22 February 2022, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 14 minutes
    The Mushy Middle - A Casual Chat with my Dear Friend Jac

    To be completely honest, transition month between RRP and what it is becoming has been a challenge for me. The mushy middle of metamorphosis always is.

    In today’s episode, my very dear friend Jac and I riff on all things change.

    The scary steps we must take if we want to live in alignment, the last 1% of decision making being the hardest, the self-doubt that is inherent in almost all change, and the state of flow we enter once we click into and act on the truth of our inner-knowing.

    Jac has been with me throughout the entirety of this crazy ride so I thought she would be the perfect person to have on. This episode is like sitting on the couch joining us for a chat.

    We talk about…

    - The floatiness of change
    - Carving space out to fully express
    - The healing in showing up authentically
    - Why the last 1% of change is the hardest
    - Change portals
    - Going back and forth in decision making
    - Why it all comes down to inner-trust
    - The importance of community that is in the same arena
    - Why I’m making these shifts within the podcast
    - A sneak peek into the vibe of what’s to come
    - And lots of other fun and casual riffing.

    You can find Jac on Instagram @jacquelineparker

    I hope you enjoy this 3rd and final full episode of transition month as we inch closer and closer to the reveal.

    I am both terrified and very excited.

    I love your face.

    Your host,

    Katie B

    15 February 2022, 8:00 am
  • 1 hour 56 minutes
    Why Your Life is Falling Apart - The Journey of Self-Realization with Kiley Redhead

    If you’ve felt unmotivated, uninspired, untethered, apathetic, like you’ve lost all connection to your previous passions and your life is falling apart… welcome friend. You are walking alongside a mass of souls who are coming back home.

    The intention behind this episode is to support you on that journey. To help you feel a little less alone, and to bring clarity and understanding to exactly what’s going on, why it’s happening, and what might be coming up next.

    Kiley Redhead has been a mentor of mine for over 7-years and recently guided me through one of the most challenging and transformative times of my life thus far. The journey back home to myself. What she calls, the journey to self-realization.

    In this episode, we both share our experience moving through the most difficult phase of the journey to self-realization. What I lovingly refer to as, “the pressure cooker.”

    A few things we dive into on this episode…

    • What is self-realization?
    • Why do we go through it?
    • The feeling of a complete loss of passion and motivation
    • Identity loss
    • The loneliness phase
    • Shame around “failing” at life
    • Limbo land and how to get out
    • Commitment to intuitive knowings
    • No longer abandoning the self
    • The key to moving through the journey with ease

    I truly hope you find solace in this episode. Shedding away an entire lifetime of stories and ways of being is no joke. It will test you on every level and open up all of your deepest wounds. And, you signed up for this. It’s why you’re here. You wouldn’t have come if you didn’t know you could handle it.

    Just know that if your life feels like it’s falling apart, you’re not wrong, you’re not making a mistake, and you are on what will be one of the most rewarding journies of your life. The key takeaways? Trust and allow.

    You can find Kiley’s Offerings at The New School for Inspired Work.

    And everything I offer in the way of support at

    8 February 2022, 8:00 am
  • 32 minutes 34 seconds
    The Truth Stands - Trading Self-Abandonment for Being

    This one landed for me in a new way.

    We are all moving closer and closer to our core truth. To our beingness. The thing is, to get there we can go through a lot of trial and error. A lot of shedding of the old and stepping courageously (which doesn't mean without fear, but despite fear) into the new.

    This episode is all about coming home to that truth. Coming home to self. Because at the end of the day, it's the only thing that will be left standing.

    On the practical side of things - and I should get this on a t-shirt - things are changing.

    "Things are changing" - Katie B (2019 - 2022) 😜

    Yes. Yet again! Allowing myself to choose again, and again, until I find what feels aligned and true has been a huge lesson for me. One that has also required an insane amount of self-compassion and grace. Not so easy, but worth it.

    So, here we are. In this episode, I give you all the details of what went down and what's up next.

    My transition website is below where you can find links to all the things.

    I love your face. Thank you for being here. 

    Your host,

    Katie B

    1 February 2022, 11:00 am
  • 26 minutes 11 seconds
    Casual Chat: Your Frequency is a Gift

    Hey you lovely human! This time is what I would refer to as an under-construction period for the Real Rebel Podcast.  So I'm just dropping in for a very casual chat. I share my personal experience leaning deeper into trusting my innate knowing and getting more and more comfortable with just being. I also riff on other things like sovereignty, the creative process, the importance of holding the frequency of light, how our frequency is our greatest gift and other such ramblings.

    I love your face.

    Your Host,


    Instagram: @realrebelpodcast


    Subscribe to the Rebel Email Crew 

    13 December 2021, 11:00 am
  • 21 minutes 35 seconds
    Coming Up For Air - An Update

    Hey you lovely humans. It's been a while and I was so happy to sit down and record. This is a super casual short update episode. No frills or fancy show notes right now. Just me chatting to you.

    If you want to connect or reach out you can do so at the links below...
    Instagram: @realrebelpodcast
    Instagram: @katiebuemann

    I love your face. As always.

    Your host,

    Katie B

    29 November 2021, 11:00 am
  • 37 minutes 21 seconds
    Laying the Foundation & Filling Your Cup

    In this episode, I riff on a few different things. Really it’s just a sort of catch up, hey how ya doin’, this is what I’ve been experiencing, maybe you can relate, sort of episode.

    Maybe it was the solar eclipse, maybe it’s just because it was time, but I feel I’ve landed in a place I have been en route to for a long time. A mix of sweet relief, excitement, grief, and fear of the unknown are all showing up at the same time.

    Still lots of work to do, still lots of action to take in the physical world, but I feel like a vast ocean was crossed and I’ve just landed on the shore. 

    Ah, life… you gorgeous mess.

    A few things I touch on…

    • The impact of the solar eclipse.
    • Releasing pressure on our healing timeline.
    • Creating a superhighway for the Universe.
    • How not bypass the lessons in front of you.
    • Listening to what’s loud.
    • Why we get caught in the shame cycle.
    • Reconnecting to your internal self-healer.
    • Re-establishing trust with your inner wisdom.
    • My appreciation for YOU.
    • My resistance to Human Design and how it facilitated a major shift for me.
    • Trusting the sacral chakra yes and no.
    • Why filling your cup is so crucial.
    • Some BAQ’s (Big Ass Questions).

    For the full show notes including some journal prompts click the link below.

    If you'd like to leave a rating or review (always appreciated) you can do so here

    I love your face.

    Like, a lot.

    Your Host,

    Katie B

    14 June 2021, 10:00 am
  • 41 minutes 5 seconds
    Alex Elle: Trusting Yourself Through Change

    In this episode, I talk with Alex Elle. A deeply compassionate, incredibly heartful, and wise beyond her years woman, here on this earth to help people know they’re not alone in their human experience.

    Alex is an author and writing to heal facilitator who has been soothing souls with her words for more than 5-years now. Her books and journals most recently include, After the Rain and the guided journal, In Courage. 

    Some topics we touch on…

    • Accepting the continual layers of evolvement.
    • Getting unstuck.
    • Being the Matriarchal healer.
    • Calling in/manifesting love.
    • Loving yourself first before romantic partnership.
    • Why women need to learn self-autonomy.
    • How we know we’re healing.
    • Why your healing doesn’t end with you.
    • Moving through healing with tenderness.
    • Navigating healing as a highly sensitive person.
    • Being in alignment vs. not.
    • Falling and getting back up.
    • Reparenting ourselves.
    • Managing anxiety.

    As you’ll hear in this episode, I absolutely LOVED chatting with Alex. I hope you were able to take away as much from it as I was.

    As always, lots and lots of love to you!

    Full Show Notes:


    Your Host,

    Katie B

    26 May 2021, 10:00 am
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