Marketer-to-Marketer - #M2M


A video and audio series to help marketing teams grow through unscripted conversations between today's most influential marketing practitioners and thought leaders.

  • 32 minutes 32 seconds
    Driving Amazing Customer Experiences with Jessica Best, Douglas Burdett, Andrea Ames, and Vishal Khanna
    On this episode of Marketer-to-Marketer, Jessica Best, Douglas Burdett, Andrea Ames, and Vishal Khanna sit down to discuss customer experiences and how the marketing team can shape them for the best possible result.
    5 May 2019, 11:45 pm
  • 20 minutes 29 seconds
    Content Marketing World and Things with Joe Pulizzi, Leah Hammes, Demian Ross, and Melanie Deziel
    Have you ever sat on the Content Marketing World website, reviewing the sessions and speakers, but find yourself not sure if you should go? Maybe you are unsure how you will convince your boss that this is the event for you.
    Before our first Content Marketing World, we were unsure if the value would be there as well because it is not like any other event. It looks like it would be more about fun, than education. All the photos are orange, people are smiling and having a great time, and their keynoters are famous actors and actresses, writers, and influencers we all know. That has to be a place where “business people” go to get away from their families and work, and just have a vacation.
    However, the event is an amazing mix of education, networking, and fun. Since we started attending this event, we have been back every year and already have our tickets for 2019!
    On this episode of Marketer-to-Marketer, Joe Pulizzi, Leah Hammes, Demian Ross, and Melanie Deziel chat about their Content Marketing World experiences.
    15 January 2019, 1:31 pm
  • 43 minutes 9 seconds
    The State of Content Marketing with Andy Crestodina, Doug Kessler, Heidi Cohen, and Joe Cox
    What is the next big thing in the boundless world of content marketing? Where do we go from here?

    Marketing is moving towards interactive vs. interruptive content. Intelligence over aggression is becoming the standard for our ever more discerning customers. It can be easy to get lost in creating vanity content, but sometimes a back to the basics approach, adapted to new media, leads to increased ROI. Going beyond text in your content marketing does not mean you can lose sight of your mission: to provide the consumer with brand building material. We must adapt to the ever evolving climate while sticking to what works.

    There seem to be two camps formed in content marketing: "home run hitters", and "10% optimizers". While both will flow money to the bottom line: not all marketers are multi-faceted. Splintering of techniques will give you a myriad of content to present to your clients. While your corporate identity and compass should be cohesive, fluidity within that structure is paramount.

    As your brand grows, a community forms around your brilliance. Your clients become megaphones for content that radiates confidence. It is not the best content that wins: it is the best promoted that will take the day.

    The premier agencies have a top-down expectation of creative excellence coupled with a willingness to fail. The merging of "small concept" optimization and "big-idea" confidence will grow your business. Content marketing shaped the landscape in which we work today. What was once niche is now the mainstream, yet there are still some tried and true methods that work. Encouraging creative agility in your teams will never fail you. Build a pervasive culture of passion.

    On this episode of Marketing to Marketer, Joe Cox, Doug Kessler, Andy Crestodina, and Heidi Cohen get together at the Content Marketing World conference to discuss evolution in the industry.
    7 December 2018, 3:10 pm
  • 28 minutes 14 seconds
    Welcome to Season Two - What's Next for Video Marketing?
    This week, our team is excited to present the first episode of our hit podcast, Marketer-to-Marketer.

    Do you like vertical video? What types of content do you prefer when engaging with Live video?

    These are just some of the question and topic we cover as this panel of four dive deeper into the topic of Video Marketing.

    Our hosts include:
    Andrew Davis, Keynote Speaker and Founder of Monumental Shift,
    Britta Schellenberg, VP of Brand Marketing, Brightcove,
    Jessie O’Donnell, Influencer Relations Coordinator, TechSmith,
    and Jeff Julian, CEO / Co-founder of Enterprise Marketer

    Full Show Notes and Transcripts:
    15 November 2018, 3:59 pm
  • 18 minutes 41 seconds
    Being Known for Your Niche with Melanie Deziel and Jay Acunzo
    What happens when Content Marketing works? We are not talking about just getting subscribers, but truly being known as one of the best resources in the world for your niche.
    Everything you dreamed of will come true, right? Your business will get so many leads you will see rapid growth, you get invited to speak at industry conferences all the time, and you have more flexibility to create content the way you want. It really can be great, but there are issues.
    Sometimes the thing you are known for becomes something not to be known for anymore. Maybe it isn’t great to be known as the Direct Marketing gal anymore and you want to pivot.
    In this episode, Melanie Deziel, the Native Advertising gal, and Jay Acunzo, the Podcast guy, join the show to talk about the evolution of their brands and the ways they have included frequent pivots to ensure they are not isolated into a single bucket during their growth as content creators.


    This has been an excellent season and we are looking forward to launching more shows in this season soon.

    25 June 2018, 12:30 pm
  • 30 minutes 24 seconds
    Using Video and Audio to Reach Your Audience with Matt Pierce and Pamela Muldoon
    Can you create a podcast with only audio and never incorporate video? Absolutely, this has been proven with the adoption of radio in the 1900s and the resurgence of audio podcasts with mobile phones.

    What about creating a video without audio? Sure! Although it would not be the norm, many people prefer to watch videos online without the audio using closed or open captions to read the content.

    And finally, do you even need audio or video in your content marketing? Nope, a blog, article, or book is a great way to reach people who like or prefer reading content.

    However, what happens when you mix the three together? Magic!

    In this episode, we will demonstrate, and Matt Pierce and Pamela Muldoon will discuss, how using video and audio together can be the approach you have been looking for with your next Content Marketing pivot.

    Full Show:
    5 June 2018, 12:22 pm
  • 21 minutes 25 seconds
    Lessons Learned From Journalism to Help Enterprise Content Marketing with Heidi Cohen and Nicole Mills
    Thankfully, many marketers have converted to the “dark side” and went into Content Marketing for large companies, to the benefit to our industry as a whole. This shift has helps us understand the relationship between sales and marketing, allowed us to dive deeper into the story, and make us aware of the need to communicate more with our customers and beyond just transactional emails.

    Heidi sums it up quite nicely by saying, “At the end of the day, it's about, what are your business goals? What are the metrics associated with it? Who's your audience? And what is the context of the landscape? Right?”

    In this episode, Heidi Cohen and Nicole Mills discuss pulling from journalism to do Content Marketing better in the enterprise.
    21 May 2018, 11:43 am
  • 21 minutes 14 seconds
    The Next Generation of Content Marketing with AJ Huisman and Scott Monty
    Have you ever sat down and watched how your children or grandchildren consume content? What is their favorite type to use for entertainment? What about education? If you are seeing what I am seeing, the results are detrimental compared to the types of content we are creating today.

    You see, text-based long-form content drives most Content Marketing efforts. This is the same type of content we used in the late 90s and early 00s when we were establishing web technologies because we were not able to do anything else at scale.

    Today, we can stream rich-media entertainment and interactive educational content all over the world, to many diverse audiences, and yet we chose to launch a blog rather than a hub for blended content.

    Then, what about the tools we use. Do you consistently fight with your IT teams to strive to get the latest and greatest CMS or CRM systems to make sure you can leverage all the new AI tools for increasing engagement? Are all your systems connected and sharing data? Likely, your IT team dictates the adoptions curve, or the heavy reliance on high-priced agencies doesn’t allow you to take advantage of the full toolset you have purchased, let alone the latest version.
    AJ nailed the problem when he asked the questions, “Are marketers educated in a way that looks forward instead of backward?” and “Are the new marketers the hybrid marketers we have heard about?”

    In this episode, Scott Monty and AJ Huisman join forces to discuss the future technologies that will disrupt Content Marketing and how marketers today can embrace the scary aspects to win.
    Scott drives to key point, “You must be able to look back to predict the future!” It is not all about knowing what technologies, tools, and tactics are the hottest, but the trajectory of the business landscape and history to see the directions and momentum they have.

    Full Show:
    23 April 2018, 12:25 pm
  • 28 minutes 30 seconds
    Re-engineering Yourself, Your Career, and Your Content with Andrea Ames and Bert Van Loon
    Is fear holding you back for being honest about the effectiveness of your content? If so, you are not alone. In this episode, Andrea Ames and Bert Van Loon walk through the history of content in their fields and how re-engineering your focus and skillset can be the best path into your marketing success.
    9 April 2018, 11:10 am
  • 30 minutes 37 seconds
    A Journey Through Native Advertising to Artificial Intelligence with Paul Roetzer and Chad Pollit
    From 2016 to today, two of the top ten buzzwords in Digitial Marketing have been Native Advertising and Artificial Intelligence. They are very important topics and will help drive the future of Digital Marketing as we know it. However, for most marketers, and those who are attempting to reach marketers with online content, these two topics are misunderstood.

    In this episode of Marketer-to-Marketer, Chad Pollit, Author of the Native Advertising Manifesto, and Paul Roetzer, CEO of PR 20/20, dive deeper into these topics and give us a State of the Field for each Native Advertising and AI. The conversation does a great job and driving insights and connecting these topics together in the context of Content Marketing.

    Full Show:


    - Yeah, you got me doubled up. You got me doubled up. So we've been in this space a long time, we've dealt with lots of different companies from SNBS to enterprise companies and we've seen the evolution of marketing and digital marketing, content marketing, so on so forth. What's the hottest thing on the horizon that's here today that's going to be even bigger tomorrow?

    - It's so fascinating when I was actually, Travis Wright, we both know Travis. Travis was just talking to me about Blockchain which I still just don't comprehend. And in three years we can come back and watch this and laugh that I have no comprehension of it right now. But that's one of those things that I just don't get. And I've tried now to get into that space. I think that one's still a ways off. Like I think from a marketer perspective and really caring about it and seeing it effect our daily lives, that one's really out on the horizon. Artificial intelligence to me is the one that's kind of here now. It's where I've been spending most of my time and you and I have talked a little bit about this with your work at the Native Advertising Institute and we had launched the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Institute, so our focus there was really just trying to figure out what is going on. Because you start looking around even here at the exhibit hall, you see AI over here on Acrolinx, and you go running and see artificial intelligence now being promoted on a lot of these companies, but as the average marketer, people one, don't really know what that means, and two, even if they do, it's hard to know how intelligent the software really is becoming. Like is it still a human telling the software what to do? Or is the software actually starting to learn and get better on its own? And eight months ago or so when we launched the Institute, that was the thing I didn't know. Like we would look at 100 companies that all said they did AI, and I had no way of knowing whether they truly did or not. And now we're at the point we're trying to actually start help marketers filter through that. Figure out what is AI actually capable of doing today to make your job easier, more efficient, more productive, and where is it gonna take us in the future? That's my talk on Thursday's machine assisted narrative. It's in terms of creating and promoting content how can artificial intelligence today make your job as a marketer more efficient? Which tools do you need? What should you be looking for? So that's where we're spending the majority of time now. So we still have our core agency but most of my time's in the AI space tryin' to learn about that.

    - So would you say that for something to be truly AI, it has to have machine learning? Or is it more than that?

    - Yeah, so the basic on, AI is the umbrella. It's like the collective of technologies and processes that machines become smarter basically. So Watson is the one everybody knows or everybody's like familiar with Watson. Machine learning and deep learning are kind of the two main subsets within artificial intelligence. And the basic way to look at what is machine learning is does the software get smarter on its own? So an example would be, if you use a software to tell you when to schedule your social media shares. If there's some tools here that'll do it, say, "Hey send it at 3 p.m." Jay mentioned in his talk this morning, send it at 3 p.m. Well that's a data scientist. They just looked at a data set and said, "Okay the optimal time to send it is this." And until that data scientist or the programmer updates that rule, it will continue to be a human based rule that said when the best time is. In machine learning, the algorithms actually in real time monitor when that optimal time to share changes and what the optimal share time may be for your specific company. And it would, so today it might say 3 p.m. tomorrow it might say 1:44. That's machine learning. It's actually the machine with no human guidance getting smarter and updating what it recommends you to do. That is very rare to find in marketing software today. So there are marketing tools that are using types of artificial intelligence, very few of them are actually getting smarter on their own and thereby changing what they would guide a marketer to do. So that's the machine learning thing I thought a year ago was much further along than it really is in the marketing space. There are lots of really interesting things being done with AI and really interesting companies, but not much in the way of machine learning.

    - Gotcha. So what do you think of Salesforce's Einstein?

    - Salesforce is interesting they've made massive bets, so they I think bought about nine AI companies, couple billion dollars worth and then they mashed them together into Einstein and it's basically a layer over the core CRM product. So that's the other thing in AI's. There's no platform. There are narrowly built use cases. There's software built for narrow use cases and in Salesforce's case they try to mash these all together. Early feedback I've heard is it's really interesting it probably helps a lot with efficiency, but it's not fully baked yet and it's, like a lot of software companies it was probably announced before was truly what it's capable of doing, so I think, I wouldn't they're by no means in a beta form, but they're in very early stages of realizing AI's potential and actually integrating it into the software.

    - Gotcha. Very interesting.

    - [Paul] How bout you? What's the thing you're focused on?

    - Well, so I took, I felt very European this summer. I took a--

    - [Paul] Were you in Europe?

    - No, well I did spend a little bit of time in Europe, but no, I actually took a lot of time off. Spent it with my kids. In fact for over a month I didn't touch my desktop, which is where I do all of my work, so, I lied actually I think I touched it four, three or four times. But I, that's the first time I've done that in 17 years in the business.

    - [Paul] And that's from agency world--

    - Yeah.

    - [Paul] to the academic world to--

    - Yeah, yeah. Exactly. Because as you know I teach at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business and the summer is my real time off where I don't have to deal with students, and not that that's a bad thing, but I don't have to grade papers, lecture, things like that. So if I wanna take a significant amount of time off, I have to do it in the summer, so I did. Which by the way, if you haven't taken three to four weeks off in a long time, I recommend trying.

    - [Paul] Not since college.

    - So yeah, I'm still tryin' to lead the way in thought leadership when it comes to content promotion and distribution, both paid and earned. I feel like a lot of people have sort of hogged up that influence or marketing earned side, of earned content promotion through influencer marketing. So I focus most of my attention on the paid side. So earlier in the year I spent nearly a month just researching the native advertising tech landscape. And what I discovered was there's over 272 companies that are involved in native advertising, someway on the technology side.

    - [Paul] And define native advertising for me, like what do you--

    - So native advertising is content that matches the form, feel, and function of the media that surrounds it. Okay, so a good way to think about it and to get clarity around native advertising is anything in feed that looks like it's supposed to be there. It can say sponsored. So Facebook's a perfect example. You see sponsored posts there, but it's in feed and it looks just like everything else, it just annotated as sponsored.

    - So sponsored content, native advertising, same thing or are they, is there distinctions?

    - So this is a big problem in native advertising. You also have something called long-form native advertising. And the most famous example of that is Netflix's Orange is the New Black in the New York Times.

    - [Paul] I met the lady last night that wrote that article--

    - Melanie. Melanie wrote that article, she's here. So that's native advertising too.

    - So the reason I bring that up is because to your average person that Facebook ad and that entire article in the New York Times, are totally different things. But they're not. They're both sponsored, they're both in feed, in the natural feed of the website, and they're both paid for. Okay so there's really, there's four categories, there's long-form, programmatic, non-programmatic, the fourth one is social media.

    - Okay.

    - Those are not the IAB categories, those are the categories that I've come up with because I don't like the IAB's categories.

    - [Paul] Interactive Advertising?

    16 March 2018, 11:13 am
  • 20 minutes 2 seconds
    Digging Deeper into Global Content Marketing with Pam Didner and Rebecca Lieb
    As we dive deeper into the topic of Global Content Marketing, we start to run into problems that will need to be solved beyond translation and context. These problems include the software platforms you use, the strategies you deploy, the content creation workflow you select, and how you communicate during the day.

    In this episode, Pam Didner and Rebecca Lieb dive into the problems teams face with Global Content Marketing efforts and some solutions they might use to resolve them.

    Pam Didner Biography

    Pam Didner is a marketing consultant, author, and speaker, whose international book, “Global Content Marketing”, is the first to offer an accessible, comprehensive process to scale content across regions. During her tenure at Intel, she led enterprise product launches and worldwide marketing campaigns as a global integrated marketing strategist. She has been a repeat speaker, and workshop presenter at several highly regarded events around the world.

    Rebecca Lieb Biography

    Rebecca Lieb is a strategic advisor, research analyst, keynote speaker, author, and columnist. Her areas of specialization are digital marketing and media, with a concentration in content strategy, content marketing and converged media. She works with many of the world's leading brands on digital marketing innovation.

    Earlier, she was Altimeter Group's digital advertising and media analyst, where she published what remains the largest extant body of research on content marketing, content strategy, and content's role in paid, owned and earned media. Prior to that, she was vice president at Econsultancy, where she launched the company's U.S. operations and grew the business to profitability in one year.

    Rebecca was VP and editor-in-chief of The ClickZ Network for over seven years, and for part of that time also ran the redoubtable She's a frequent public speaker on topics related to digital marketing, advertising, and media.

    Full Show:
    2 March 2018, 12:00 pm
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