The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers.
Today, Les Brown encourages you to get off your “but.” Find your passion, stop pretending, and decide to live your dreams. No buts about it!
Source: 2021 Motivational speaker: LES BROWN - The Power To Change (FULL) - how to change your mindset
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Mel Robbins returns to the QOD Show stage to reveal about how to build your confidence by taking action and becoming more competent, and how to get out of the habit loops that are keeping you stuck, worried, and insecure.
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Keith Harrell shares the power of choosing to have a “Yes, I Can” attitude. Have a super fantastic day!
Source: Secrets of Superachievers
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Lisa Nichols kicks off the week with an encouragement to play bigger, stop procrastinating, and just jump in! There’s a calling on your life. Pick up the call.
Source: Unavailable
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Harv Eker reveals 3 ways to feel more in control of your life. Don’t wait for good things to happen; do your part to make them happen.
Source: Secrets of The Millionaire Mind in Turbulent Times
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Ed Mylett shares 5 things required to become a great leader.
Source: 68 | Ed Mylett – The Power of One More – Chris Hodges
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Brian Tracy teaches the universal law of cause and effect — how success is caused by specific ways of being, thinking, and doing. If there is something you want to accomplish, find someone who has already accomplished it and do what they did. Think the way they thought. And you’ll have what they have.
Source: The Science of Positive Focus - Part 1
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Dr. Wayne Dyer reveals the distinction between the ego and the Higher Self, encouraging you to choose kindness and being at peace rather than being right.
Source: Unavailable
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On this MLK Day, we commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his historic I Have a Dream speech.
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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Today, Werner Erhard, founder of est Seminars, discusses why “completing” your relationship with your parents is the starting point for improving your relationships with others.
Source: Werner Erhard - Parents, The Fundamental Relationship HQ (1976)
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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On today’s episode, Zig Ziglar shares a couple stories to remind you that everyone can grow, regardless of background and circumstances.
Source: Hope: The Foundation for Successful Change
Hosted by Sean Croxton
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