The Daily Motivation

Lewis Howes

The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing? Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.

  • 7 minutes 16 seconds
    Molecular Biologist's Quest: Can We STOP the Aging Clock? | Dr. David Sinclair EP 687

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    "We can actually grow little brains in the dish too... And we can age them forwards, make them older... And then we reverse it." - Dr. David Sinclair

    Prepare for a journey into the cutting edge of longevity science as Lewis sits down with world-renowned geneticist and aging expert, Dr. David Sinclair. In this electrifying episode, Sinclair unveils the revolutionary concept that aging isn't just a natural process - it's a disease we can potentially cure. From the secrets of 'longevity genes' to the mind-bending ability to grow and reverse-age human brain cells in a lab, Sinclair's insights will challenge everything you thought you knew about getting older.

    But this isn't just about extending life - it's about reimagining what it means to be human. Sinclair dives deep into the ethical implications and practical possibilities of his work, offering a tantalizing glimpse into a future where age-related diseases could become a thing of the past. Whether you're a science enthusiast or simply someone who wants to live their best life for as long as possible, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover how the fountain of youth might just be hiding in your own DNA!

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    26 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 7 minutes 59 seconds
    How This Ancient BREW Can Revolutionize Your Health and Happiness | Andrew Weil EP 687

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    "Coffee isn't giving you a gift of energy. It's like it's forcing your body to give up chemically stored energy that it would normally not release all at once." - Dr. Andrew Weil

    Prepare to have your mind steeped in wisdom as Lewis sits down with renowned integrative medicine pioneer, Dr. Andrew Weil. In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Weil pours out his extensive knowledge on the surprising health benefits of tea, challenging everything you thought you knew about your daily caffeine fix. From the calming focus of L-theanine to the potential life-extending properties of green tea, you'll discover why this ancient beverage might just be the key to unlocking your best self.

    But this isn't just about swapping your latte for a cup of green tea. Dr. Weil dives deep into the hidden dangers of America's coffee addiction, revealing how this seemingly innocent habit could be sabotaging your sleep, heart health, and overall well-being. With his trademark blend of scientific insight and practical advice, Dr. Weil offers a roadmap to better health that's as simple as it is revolutionary. Don't miss this chance to transform your daily ritual and tap into centuries of wellness wisdom. Tune in now and take your first sip of greatness!

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    25 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 42 seconds

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    "I'm never surprised when I meet somebody that's successful that's positive, because of course they are, because look at the way they look at life." - Dan Martell

    In this insightful episode, renowned entrepreneur and coach Dan Martell shares his powerful perspective on shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and prosperity. Martell emphasizes the importance of focusing on the abundance that already exists in our lives, challenging listeners to consciously choose positivity and gratitude over negativity and lack.

    Martell introduces a transformative question he uses multiple times daily to reset his mindset: "How can I appreciate even more God's grace and guidance in this moment?" He explains how this simple yet profound question can instantly shift one's perspective, helping to identify the countless blessings and opportunities present in any situation. Throughout the conversation, Martell underscores the direct connection between one's mindset and their ability to achieve success, arguing that true wealth begins with a wealthy mindset. His insights offer practical strategies for anyone looking to cultivate a more abundant and prosperous outlook on life, regardless of their current circumstances.

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    24 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 7 minutes 7 seconds
    Boxing LEGEND on Visualization, Preparation, and NEVER Thinking About Losing | Canelo Alvarez EP 684

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    "In boxing, I never feel how it's like to feel that fear. I always enjoy it. My favorite day, my favorite thing is sparring days and a fight day. I just enjoy it a lot. I enjoy it. And I never have that experience to feel the fear or something." - Canelo Alvarez

    In this riveting episode, boxing superstar Canelo Alvarez offers a rare glimpse into the mindset of a champion. With disarming honesty, Alvarez reveals his unique relationship with fear - or rather, his lack thereof - in the ring. He describes his love for boxing, particularly sparring and fight days, as a source of joy rather than anxiety, challenging common perceptions about the emotional toll of high-stakes competition.

    Alvarez's approach to preparation and performance is equally fascinating. He shares his strategy of visualizing success while maintaining a remarkably relaxed attitude on fight days. Despite the immense pressure and global attention, Alvarez treats each fight as "a normal day," focusing on his training and game plan rather than external factors. His ability to compartmentalize and stay present in the moment offers valuable insights for anyone facing high-pressure situations. Through Alvarez's words, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the mental fortitude required to reach and maintain world champion status in one of the most demanding sports.

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    23 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 7 minutes 24 seconds
    SOG EP 1641 BONUS: #1 Menopause Doctor: 5 Daily Habits to Sleep Better, Feel Healthier, and Beat Menopausal Belly Fat

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    "The happiest men in the world are married men and the unhappiest women in the world are married women." - Dr. Mary Claire Haver

    In this eye-opening episode, Dr. Mary Claire Haver delves into the complex relationship between menopause, sexual health, and divorce. With candor and expertise, she unpacks the often-overlooked challenges women face during this transitional period, shedding light on why divorce rates tend to spike around menopause. Dr. Haver presents a startling statistic: married men are among the happiest demographic, while married women are often the unhappiest, attributing this disparity to societal expectations and unequal distribution of mental and emotional labor within relationships.

    Dr. Haver doesn't shy away from discussing taboo topics, offering detailed insights into the various types of sexual dysfunction that can occur during menopause. She emphasizes the importance of open communication with healthcare providers and partners, highlighting the physical and emotional toll these issues can take on relationships. Throughout the conversation, Dr. Haver provides practical advice and medical solutions, empowering women to address these challenges head-on. Her compassionate approach and wealth of knowledge offer hope and guidance to those navigating the complex interplay of menopause, sexuality, and long-term relationships.

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    22 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 11 minutes 9 seconds
    Neuroscience and Personal Growth: Unlocking Your HIDDEN Potential | Dr. Tara Swart Bieber EP 682

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    "I woke up one morning and I thought, I never chose to be a doctor. My parents told me to be a doctor. I was told at school, I was smart. I was so smart that I didn't just do an MD, I did a PhD as well. And I said to myself that morning, if I'm so effing smart, what do I actually want to do?" - Dr. Tara Swart Bieber

    In this powerful episode, neuroscientist Dr. Tara Swart Bieber shares her personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. She reveals how she broke free from limiting beliefs about her creativity and career path, challenging listeners to question their own ingrained narratives about their abilities and potential. Dr. Swart Bieber's story of redefining herself from a doctor to a bestselling author and creative entrepreneur serves as an inspiring example of the brain's capacity for change at any age.

    Throughout the conversation, Dr. Swart Bieber weaves her expertise in neuroscience with practical advice for personal growth. She explains the physical process of learning and habit formation in the brain, using vivid metaphors to make complex concepts accessible. Her insights on neuroplasticity offer hope and practical strategies for those struggling with self-doubt or looking to acquire new skills. By sharing both her scientific knowledge and personal experiences, Dr. Swart Bieber provides a roadmap for listeners to unlock their potential, embrace lifelong learning, and challenge their own limiting beliefs.

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    21 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 7 minutes 20 seconds
    Stephan Speaks on HEALING Before Love: Why TIMING Matters in Relationships | Stephan Speaks EP 681

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    "People have to understand there is such a thing as right person, wrong time. People don't want to believe that, there are a lot of people who reject that idea, they say, oh, if it's the wrong time, it's not the right person, that's not true. You can meet that individual that you have an amazing connection with, but both parties still need growth before they can come together." - Stephan Speaks

    In this insightful episode, relationship expert Stephan Speaks delves into the complexities of timing and personal growth in romantic relationships. He challenges the popular notion that the "right person" will automatically lead to a successful relationship, emphasizing the crucial role of individual healing and readiness. Speaks explores the concept of "right person, wrong time," offering a nuanced perspective on why some potentially great connections fail to thrive.

    Speaks provides practical advice for those navigating the challenging terrain of love and personal development. He discusses the risks of entering relationships before healing from past traumas, highlighting how unresolved issues can lead to sabotage or retreating to familiar but unhealthy patterns. Throughout the conversation, Speaks emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and intentional healing, offering concrete steps like the "who hurt me" list as a starting point for personal growth. His insights provide valuable guidance for listeners seeking to build healthy, lasting relationships while prioritizing their own emotional well-being.

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    20 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 16 seconds
    Evy Poumpouras' Counterintuitive Advice: When NOT to SHARE EVERYTHING About Yourself | Evy Poumpouras EP 680

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    "There's something powerful with keeping some things about you to you. You don't have to be an open book. I know this goes against a lot of "be vulnerable, be vulnerable". I'm not telling you to be a jerk, and I'm not telling you to conceal everything about you. But what I'm telling you is you need to have a filter. People don't need to know everything about you. Keep that stuff to yourself." - Evy Poumpouras

    In this thought-provoking episode, former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras challenges the popular notion of radical vulnerability in relationships and social interactions. Drawing from her extensive experience in high-stakes situations, Poumpouras argues for a more nuanced approach to openness, emphasizing the importance of maintaining personal boundaries and discretion.

    Poumpouras delves into the complexities of human relationships, explaining how excessive comfort can sometimes lead to unwarranted challenges and pushback. She offers practical advice on balancing empathy and personal disclosure, particularly in professional settings. Through vivid examples, Poumpouras illustrates the difference between genuine understanding and performative empathy, encouraging listeners to be authentic in their interactions without oversharing. Her insights provide a fresh perspective on interpersonal dynamics, offering valuable strategies for navigating social and professional relationships with both empathy and self-protection.

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    19 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 8 minutes 28 seconds
    Create a VISION That Transforms Both You and the WORLD! | Shi Heng Yi EP 679

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    "The commitment now very clearly, you are creating because you want to help. - To serve, to help others, yes. - You are not creating any identity of yours in order to harm. Because I think if this is what your initial intention is, then I think the penalty will come." - Shi Heng Yi

    In this profound episode, Shaolin master Shi Heng Yi shares his wisdom on the nature of dreams, vision, and personal growth. He emphasizes the importance of having a grand vision for oneself while maintaining a sense of realism and commitment to service. Shi Heng Yi challenges listeners to think beyond material success and consider the deeper purpose of their aspirations.

    With eloquent metaphors, Shi Heng Yi likens life to a video game with various levels of spiritual and emotional growth. He warns against the emptiness of pursuing solely materialistic goals, describing it as being stuck on "level one." Instead, he encourages a shift towards deeper connections with others and a more profound understanding of life's challenges. His insights offer a compelling perspective on personal development, urging listeners to consider not just what they want to achieve, but how they can use their success to contribute meaningfully to the world around them. This episode provides a thought-provoking exploration of purpose, legacy, and the true nature of fulfillment in life.

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    18 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 15 seconds
    SOG EP 1639 BONUS: Sebastian Maniscalco OPENS UP About IMPOSTER SYNDROME, MENTAL HEALTH & His Parents' Divorce | EP 678

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    "My mom is my muse. My mom is someone, if I can get dying laughing, I'm like, 'I'll use that on stage.' That works. My mom is a good gauge of kind of what's funny. And when I call her and we get on a roll, there's nothing better than making my mother laugh." - Sebastian Maniscalco

    In this heartwarming episode, acclaimed comedian Sebastian Maniscalco opens up about the profound influence his mother has had on his career and personal life. With his signature blend of humor and vulnerability, Maniscalco reveals how his mother serves as both his muse and his litmus test for new material. He shares touching insights into their relationship, highlighting the joy he finds in making her laugh, especially in light of his parents' unexpected divorce later in life.

    Maniscalco's candid discussion about his family dynamics offers a poignant look at how success and family relationships intersect. He reflects on the challenges of navigating his parents' separation as an adult, and how it has shaped his perspective on family and the passage of time. Through his stories, Maniscalco emphasizes the importance of cherishing moments with loved ones, particularly as they age. His emotional honesty about sometimes taking his mother for granted resonates deeply, serving as a powerful reminder to listeners about the value of maintaining strong family connections amidst the demands of a successful career.

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    17 July 2024, 7:00 am
  • 6 minutes 48 seconds
    Why Being Interested in OTHERS is YOUR Secret Weapon | Robert Greene EP 677

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    "The best thing is to be able to get inside the minds of other people. If you develop that skill, the sky's the limit. Nothing will ever stop you because people are like a mystery. They wear a mask and you don't have any idea what they're thinking." - Robert Greene

    In this illuminating episode, renowned strategist and author Robert Greene shares his insights on the most crucial skill for personal and professional success: the ability to understand others deeply. Greene argues that developing profound empathy and the capacity to see the world through others' eyes is the key to unlocking limitless potential in life and business.

    Greene delves into the practical steps one can take to cultivate this skill, emphasizing the importance of shifting focus away from oneself and onto others. He challenges listeners to view each interaction as an opportunity to explore a new world, likening it to visiting an exotic culture. Through vivid metaphors and compelling examples, Greene illustrates how this shift in perspective can transform relationships, enhance persuasive abilities, and navigate complex social environments with ease. His advice offers a roadmap for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of human nature and harness that knowledge for personal growth and professional success.

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    16 July 2024, 7:00 am
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