Lifegate Women

Lifegate Church

The Lifegate Women Podcast from Lifegate Church.

  • 19 minutes 4 seconds
    Lets Talk About It Podcast - EP04 - Anger, Frustration & The 24 Hr Rule

    Are you like the many who often find themselves reeling in frustration and anger even if its behind closed doors or in your own headspace? You aren't alone and we have all been there. Maybe you find yourself most frustrated with those closest to you because its a "safe" space and you can be yourself and let down. On todays episode Lexie and Courtney work through Anger and everything that comes with it. Hopefully as you listen you can pick up one tool to assist you in being slow to anger and aid in peace and calmness!

    24 November 2023, 10:00 am
  • 20 minutes 58 seconds
    Let's Talk About It Podcast - EP03 - Living Out Your Calling

    Have you ever wondered if you are truly living out your calling? Are you trying to figure out what your calling may be? Are you overwhelmed with life and feel like your calling might be getting put on the back burner? In Episode 3 Lexie and Courtney work through some of these common thought processes and provide grace to just sit in the process of living out your calling with Jesus even when its imperfect.

    17 November 2023, 10:00 am
  • 22 minutes 2 seconds
    Let's Talk About It Podcast - EP02 - What Does Self Care Look Like For You

    It is clear that we are supposed to live out of the overflow of our lives. On the contrary though, many of us can feel that there is no overflow or even reservoir to tap into. As the saying goes, "you can't pour from an empty cup" and in this weeks podcast Lexie and Courtney give insight on what self care, resting and refilling the reservoir of our life looks like. No two people are alike so its important to figure out what works best for you.

    10 November 2023, 10:00 am
  • 20 minutes 48 seconds
    Let’s Talk About It Podcast - EP01 - Working Through The Busy

    Have you ever felt like life is just beyond busy and you can’t catch up or find your rhythm? Are you worried about what other people think so you just press on? Listen in as Lexie and Courtney bring a fresh perspective on busyness and maybe what you can do to practically adjust or just become more self aware.

    3 November 2023, 10:00 am
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